Why do you all hate Triple H?


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I want to get to the bottom of this. There seems to be a lot of negativity about HHH in the IWC and i'd like to know why. So give me your answers.

HHH has been great television in recent months, particularly his promo on Monday Night Raw this week. Triple H has transformed the development programme into a bigger success than it has been since 2002, producing stars such as The Shield, The Wyatts, Big E and Sami Zayn. All of these guys have massive potential and i could list names for quite some time but thats for another thread. Triple H has also been great at making Vince see that big isn't always best, which has led to Daniel Bryan being pushed into the spot he is (Bryan is an incredible worker and i will mark out like shit if he wins the WWE title at 'Mania).

Triple H really isn't this shoveling bearing ruler you make him out to be and look at the company's future since Triple H took more responsibility backstage, their stock says it all. The future looks bright with Triple H in charge, it really does.

I believe that had the internet been as developed as it is today back in the 90's that you guys wouldn't be happy and would complain about Vince McMahon just as much as Triple H.

So anyways give me your thoughts?
I don't hate HHH, but his cushy spot of wrestling 2 matches a year at the two biggest ppvs is ridiculous considering his position and the character built around that job.

HHH is on TV too much to be a part timer, but doesn't work enough to be a full timer, despite that he is always in a high profile feud. When it comes time for him to actually wrestle, we get four 20 minute promos saying the exact same thing. Then he takes a card spot and a potential match up from guys that are trying to solidify their place or rise to the next level. Hunter is a hall of fame who is made. So either wrestle or don't, but this half in half out crap is more damaging than it is helpful.

Look at the situation right now, if he puts Bryan over, it is because he was backed into a corner by the fans, if he doesn't, he is burying the most over guy on roster to stroke his own ego. Now people are talking about what if he leaves with the title, could be harmless speculation, but the truth is, no one would be surprised if he grabbed one more title run. That says a lot.
I've never had a problem with Triple H, and I have no problem with him wrestling a handful of matches a year. There are guys who have earned the right to limit their in-ring careers and still be in top matches. Guys like Triple H, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, and to a lesser extent, Rob Van Dam, have earned that distinction. I have a problem when guys like Brock Lesnar and Batista get the same treatment, without being in that class of competitor.
Replace instances of the name "John Cena" with "Triple H" in most Cena-hate posts and you'll get the general idea why. People hate Triple H because he beat all their favourite guys who they felt "deserved it more." The IWC have a nack for passionately hating the top guy at all times nowadays. Imagine if, 13 years ago, people were bitching about how Austin has been champ for too long and is holding people down and burying talent etc etc.

Also there's the fact he's married to Stephanie McMahon and, like middle-aged sub-urban women in hair salons, the IWC love to bitch and gossip.
I actually don't have a real problem with Trips. However I can see other people's arguments too. I mean the fact that he has been revealed as a Top WWE Executive both behind the scenes and on T.V. makes it seem bad when he is in high profile matches 2-3 times a year.

I mean the guy is still a top notch wrestler, but that can rub people the wrong way. However I actually like the storyline being played out now, where he feels like he has something to prove to Orton, Batista, Steph with his match with Daniel Bryan. His Ego could be crushed with a loss or Stronger with a Win. Imagine the Heat Triple H would get if he won the World Title.
I don't hate Triple H but he is overrated. Both the WWE and Triple H himself hype him up as being on the same level as HBK. Take the Undertaker feud for instance, there was no need to do two back to back matches between them but since HBK had two back to back matches with Taker, he decided he had to too and the cell match wasn't all that great. His match against Booker T at WM19 was frustrating too. Apart from this he's ok.

People just like to pick on him since he is married to Stephanie.
He's a heel, we're supposed to hate him. XD

Seriously though I didn't like Authority onscreen HHH until quite recently when he fully embraced being the main heel of the story. Like I said he's the heel, we're supposed to hate him, but I wasn't liking him for the wrong reasons. I thought it really sucked that he made the WWE champion seem like his lapdog, who to this day despite being the WWE World Heavyweight Champ, Orton still at best feels like the #2 or lower heel of the company.

In general I'm not a fan of non-wrestlers getting the most screen/air time, which in many cases HHH did. Maybe it's just me but if you're not there to fight then please get off the mic and out of the ring since however your storyline ends involves some out of the ring crap that doesn't interest me. And for a long while there HHH had that untouchable high office feeling that annoys me since he's was essentially a villain that the good guys can't fight. Vince got rid of that feeling pretty quickly since he would keep on taking stunners plus all the other beatings(bedpan anyone? :p) Austin gave him, but instead DB would just stand there quietly taking whatever HHH was saying.

And of course I didn't like the half-ass tweener role he played during the whole unification thing. That was just boring and really seemed unnatural for the top villain to start playing nice with Cena

Current onscreen HHH I like though. He's been pushed too far, he's POed, he's sick of all the crap everyone gives him and now he's ready to kick some ass and backup whatever he says in the ring like the top heel should.

Here's looking forward to a great WM match. :)
I actually have no problem wit Triple H. A matter of fact HHH is in my top 8 favorite wrestlers. I always thought people were way to quick to bash him, and I think his reputation of burying people is a load of crap. Triple H has put people over throughout his career plenty of times. I think all the hate started because of his dominance with evolution. From 2002 to 2005 Evolution dominated the majority of Raw and its PPV's. The whole Evolution thing may have went too long and i think that lead to a lot of the Triple H hate. Triple H beat a lot of people for the world title in that span, as he went on to win it five times. However I don't think he ever used backstage connections to bury people. Ever sense beating Booker T at WM19, which seems to be one of the examples people always bring up in the triple H argument, he dropped the belt to Benoit at WM20, dropped the belt to Batista at WM21, lost to John Cena at WM22, and then lost in a triple threat at WM24 that Randy Orton won. I could go on and on defending Triple H and that he doesn't bury everyone, but I'll save that for another time. Anyways to sum my opinion up. I have no hate for HHH and find a lot of the hate for him to be unjustified.
I have always been a Triple H fan, but one thing I highly criticize is putting himself in the Summer of Punk angle to the extent that he did. I am not sure if it was completely his idea or not but I think it screwed a lot of things up. He should have put punk over clean in 2011.
Most don't HATE Trips... we just don't TRUST him to do the right thing when it comes to business... he has buried too many guys needlessly. forget Punk in 11, Jericho in 02, Booker in 03 are your starters... there was no reason for him to win at 18 or 19 other than his own ego and power saying he could.

As the "final say" he'd be worse in most people's eyes... if he's willing to job to Bryan fair play at Mania this year that's something but that he has to also "have the stip" sums him up...

I have met Triple H in 99 while staying with my aunt (who was his personal shopper), he was courteous, friendly and on the scale of it, pretty giving... no autograph, but he told me why and I agreed... so I always have a soft spot for the guy... BUT this was when Chyna was in the car outside the store, before Steph and being a McMahon etc... It's possible he is still the same guy but logic says not...

Do I trust him to run WWE without Vince, hell no... I want Shane in there and Taker for good measure... but the reality is he has done more good in charge than he has harm, NXT gets him a pass the XFL, WBF and No Holds Barred didn't get for his father in law...

As a worker/talent he is truly the only other guy than Hogan who could literally write his own story, with the access to Vince to do so... if he wrote it that he's a legend not a 4/10 - we all would in the same shoes... but from where I sit part of it is that Trips genuinely believes he is top 5 of all time and WANTS to prove as such... sadly the moment he boned Steph he could never be that... but he's happy, got 3 kids, a wife we all envy and the keys to the kingdom? Is he Prince Humperdink or Joffrey? Maybe... but he might just end up King Arthur in terms of wrestling....
Me hate Trips never.. Triple H is one of the few stars,that deserve to write his own ticket. I absolutely have no problem with him wrestling only a handful of matches a year. I wish i could meet him,but that will never happen.. I do trust him to do whats best for the business..

Wrestling wise he is super smart,knows the craft and knows what talent looks like.. He has brought back the tag team division,which has been basically DOA up until,recently.. He may not necessarily know the inside business the inner workings of the WWE,but im sure Vince is teaching him at a fast rate.. If something tragic happened to Vince,im sure Shane,Taker,most definitely steph and Linda with others would help him..

I trust Triple H to do what is best for business. He is the guy,to take WWE into the new era! It will go leaps and bounds with him eventually in charge
I don't hate Triple H, I just think he's a criminally overrated talent whose career is built 90% on politics. I've never been blown away by anything he's done. 20 years in the big leagues and a supposed "all time great", yet I can't think of anything he's been involved in that would rival Bret/Davey in 1992, Michaels/Undertaker in 2009, or even Cena/Punk in 2011. The best Triple H match I've seen was his third WM match with 'Taker, but that relied on a huge stip, massive hype, and the help of arguably the two best ever.

Triple H has has some very good matches, but never a great one. He wasn't the star Austin, Rock or Hogan were. He wasn't the worker Shawn, Bret or Edge were. He was involved in perhaps the two worst WrestleMania main events of all time (at 18 and 25, with two awesome workers, no less). Cena and Punk had one crack each at Lesnar and both turned in a classic; Triple H booked himself three matches with Lesnar and all were garbage (ask the eerily silent crowd).

It's hard for me to see where Triple H's supposed "greatness" lies. He isn't anywhere near the "all time" conversation in my opinion - he's good, but that's it. Maybe top 150 all time.
As far as I am concerned, Triple H has to be the best two-way superstar ever... at least for guys that I have seen. What do a mean by two-way superstar? I can't think of anymore I love to hate more than Triple H when he is a heel... when fans are supposed to hate him. The CHARACTER of Triple H can be such an @$$hole when he wants to be, so easy to hate. On the other side, when he is a face, hes incredibly easy to get behind (at least for me). I was actually just thinking about all this a couple nights ago. I'd love to meet Paul and tell him what I just wrote. I think he does an absolutely fantastic job of playing his character.
Don't hate HHH, hate the wwe mentality. It's the same reason people complain about Cena - why is he used the way he is. Why does Hunter need a Mania match? He is an exec, leave the matches to someone else. I heard both him and Steph get paid as execs and as performers. Why? That's the issue - they are always in the middle of everything. I get that they are trying to be the evil boss but why does it need to be Hunter vs Bryan? How about picking someone to represent HHH and let them have the match. Does Hunter need the payday that badly? Does he really need another Mania match? They could be using themselves to try and push new talent instead of taking the thunder for themselves. That's why people are sick of HHH.
Envy and jealousy. HHH is who they wished their favourites would be. Someone who stayed in the business instead of pursuing other interests. Someone who cared more about the business than the average wrestlers.
Don't hate HHH, hate the wwe mentality. It's the same reason people complain about Cena - why is he used the way he is. Why does Hunter need a Mania match? He is an exec, leave the matches to someone else. I heard both him and Steph get paid as execs and as performers. Why? That's the issue - they are always in the middle of everything. I get that they are trying to be the evil boss but why does it need to be Hunter vs Bryan? How about picking someone to represent HHH and let them have the match. Does Hunter need the payday that badly? Does he really need another Mania match? They could be using themselves to try and push new talent instead of taking the thunder for themselves. That's why people are sick of HHH.

Good idea, but who would you choose to representing? It's so easy to say this is wrong we need to fix it, but what about concrete ideas.
I don't hate Triple H and I appreciate the fact he has a ton of passion in the business where as others have pursuit other interests (like The Rock), Triple H has always made it clear that lives and breathes Wrestling.

That said as passionate as he is with the industry he is just as involved politically and has been ever since he started in the WWE and is involved even to the point where others are buried or de-pushed. Now being involved in politics is not a bad thing as what Kevin Nash said (paraphrasing) that when you are passionate about the industry of course you would want to be involved backstage more.

So Triple H being involved in politics is expected though it does come with the extra baggage of a couple of things I personally do not like like how his influenced has undermined Chris Jericho and how Triple H keeps prioritize pushing his buddies.
Most of the hate comes from his 2002-2004 reign of terror where he seemingly always had the world title and only feuded with his buddies and also stemmed from some of the booking decisions that were made about him during that time.

My personal opinion is that I am pretty neutral on the guy. I've never hated him to the point that some do, but I've also never been his biggest fan. I really think he's one of those wrestlers that always try to have an epic match but it never (or hardly never) comes off as such and he probably thinks he is better than he is. To say he got where he is because he married into the Mcmahon family is pushing the envelope a little. He already held the world title before marrying Steph and was a destined main eventer. Yes nowadays I feel it helped him as far as his authority within WWE, but to say his success as a performer comes from that is absurd.

He has had some classic matches as well such as the unsanctioned match with HBK in 2002, his hell in a cell matches with Undertaker and Batista, his street fight with Cactus Jack, and his 3 stages of hell match with stone cold. But he also had some stinkers with Kevin Nash, Goldberg, Orton, Scott Steiner etc. which ironically all come from around the 2002-2004 period which is where he gets his most criticism. That and his love fest with HBK over the years I can understand though.

To get to the point of the question, I don't hate Triple H personally and think that some of the negatives like his run i mentioned above outweigh his positives in peoples minds.
You hear all the stories about what people think of him, whether theyre true or not it gives you a perception of him. I remember reading jerichos book where hhh offers to help him out when he first began and y2j calls for directions and hhh and his cronies laugh their ass off when he asks for help. Also when pat Patterson did his critique of the company in 03-05 he stated hhh was being featured heavily when they should build more stars. I think also in 2000 hhh was already working in creative and he was trying to hold down angle for being "not big enough" to be world champion and brisco or Patterson put hhh in his place .
I have always liked Triple H since he first came in and he ended up being my second favorite after HBK. I really don't give a damn if Bryan gets in the ME at WM or not. Imo, Triple H winning the title would probably make him the greatest heel of all time because of the heat he will draw. Can you imagine? I can because I will be laughing my ass off if he does. :lmao:
He's shit in the ring. Hasn't worked a good match since he was Hunter Hearst Helmsley. He moves around the ring like a robot and all his moves show way too much light. For instance his spinebuster looks like he's standing behind an invisible man who is giving someone a spinebuster. His high knee never connects and using a sledgehammer is pointless if you are going to cover it up with your hand. He was carried in most of his so called "best matches" which were all poor man's versions of great matches other people had.

Because of him most people confuse being a heel with straight up just trolling the audience (see dude above me). I'm not a big Bret fan but he said it best when he said 4/10.
I don't hate HHH, but his cushy spot of wrestling 2 matches a year at the two biggest ppvs is ridiculous considering his position and the character built around that job.

HHH is on TV too much to be a part timer, but doesn't work enough to be a full timer, despite that he is always in a high profile feud. When it comes time for him to actually wrestle, we get four 20 minute promos saying the exact same thing. Then he takes a card spot and a potential match up from guys that are trying to solidify their place or rise to the next level. Hunter is a hall of fame who is made. So either wrestle or don't, but this half in half out crap is more damaging than it is helpful.

Look at the situation right now, if he puts Bryan over, it is because he was backed into a corner by the fans, if he doesn't, he is burying the most over guy on roster to stroke his own ego. Now people are talking about what if he leaves with the title, could be harmless speculation, but the truth is, no one would be surprised if he grabbed one more title run. That says a lot.

But Vince McMahon used to be on TV all the time, especially during the Attitude Era, and he wrestled one or two matches a year usually (such as the Cage Match against Austin at SVDM). Yet Triple H, who is virtually playing the Mr McMahon role, is criticised for it.
I don't hate him but don't like him. He is douchey enough to walk out of Wrestlemania as the champ. I am not at all comfortable with the Bryan vs HHH match at WM.

Very few people come out of a feud with Hunter and look good. He doesn't always do what best for business. Also IMO he is highly overrated. I can look back and and remember great matches with Hart, Austin, Rock, Hogan(vs Warrior smartasses)HBK and even the Undertaker but can't remember a single HHH match being anything special.
Believe it or not HHH is actually my favourite wrestler of all time. Even back in '99 and 2000 when all my friends were cheering for The Rock and Austin I preferred HHH. There're a few recurring reasons people tend to fall back on when asked why they dislike him, primarily of which is that he married into the family. Regardless, he was already a 3 time champion before they even dated.

People seem to have this misconception that he always wins on the big stage but it simply isn't true. He tapped out to Benoit at Mania 20, put Batista over at Mania 21 and tapped out again to Cena at Mania 22. Sure you could look back at his dominant run in 2003 and claim that he buried everyone but quite frankly, very few, if any of the guys he retained the title against that year were even genuine main event caliber at that point in time (Nash, Steiner, Jericho, Booker etc).

And for those claiming that he's never had a spectacular match. Re-watch HHH v Stone Cold from No Way Out 2001. It was given 4 3/4 stars by Meltzer and had everything.
I don't Hate HHH to be honest I do love him. Without his feud with Daniel Bryan or his Authority power there wouldn't be a YES movement or Daniel Bryan wouldn't have reached this great heights.

:lol:I do remember his great matches with Jericho, Shawn michaels, THe undertaker at WM and many more. I still wonder most of'em hate him. His gimmick THE GAME suits him so well that he is a game changer. I didn't hear much more BOOS when he changed the stipulation at WM30 instead i heard Cheers for him.

Even in the DX HHH was the fun part while Shawn helds most of his time in aknowledging and agreeing to HHH. How can they forget his feud with Vince involving the DX and then the Spirit Squad. That was a Hilarious WWE season that anyone would never want to forget.

the bottomline line is HHH is doing the best for business and so I like him and love him. Lets not give a DAMN about the haters

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