Why do some insist that they're not gay but they'd totally do stuff with Finn Balor?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I've seen comments of this nature far too often over the last year. People say stuff about Finn's body, how it makes them feel, and what they'd do. No homo, obvs.

Nothing against anyone's preferences. I'm as open-minded as anybody when it comes to sexual orientation. But this sort of talk is seriously damaging to the level of discourse surrounding Balor.

But worse than that, it diminishes each and every one of you who's in denial about who you are.

I realize that we're all fellas who enjoy posting on out-dated professional wrestling message boards. And as such, many of us aren't the most experienced, worldly, or comfortable in our own skin. And I realize that for a lot of you, watching Finn Balor has been an awakening. It's made you want things you never realized you could want. And that's okay.

Oh, you're attracted to women? You have been your whole life? Good for you. But sexuality is fluid. Why are you so quick to attach a label to it? Why are you always insisting no homo? Maybe it's some homo some of the time.

I just want us all to be honest with ourselves. You'll all be much happier once you admit what your reaction to Finn Balor really means. Remember what being in the closet did to Sidious?

Now I'm going to say at the onset that I don't want to out anyone. I trust you to be brave enough to talk about this yourself. You know who you are.

No homo.
Is there a better day to discuss this than the day of David Bowie's death?

I'm more of a Sami Zayn man myself. 2015 was the year of the dadbod after all.
Is there a better day to discuss this than the day of David Bowie's death?
I felt the same way when I was making this thread. Bowie would have wanted us to have this discussion. If only the internet were around in his prime.

I'm more of a Sami Zayn man myself. 2015 was the year of the dadbod after all.
This a great alternative perspective. I think it's wonderful that Sami's there to act as a role model and offer a counterpoint to the body dysmorphia Finn could cause among some viewers. You don't have to look like Finn Balor or Dolph Ziggler to be honest about who you are.

Thanks, Sam.
I wouldnt know Finn Balor if I saw him but by the sounds of it I am missing out
Барбоса;5382899 said:
I care nothing for Bowie. And actually, I don't think I care anymore for Balor either apart from his entrance.
"Leather jacket and speedo" entrance or "put on body paint and crawl seductively on all fours" entrance?
As in you don't care sexually for Bowie or you're so dysfunctional that you don't recognise him as our lord and saviour?
Nothing against anyone's preferences. I'm as open-minded as anybody when it comes to sexual orientation. But this sort of talk is seriously damaging to the level of discourse surrounding Balor.

Welcome to every talk of gender we've ever had, since civilization.

Are we going to have an open and honest sex talk thread? Because I'm down for that, if we are.

So, to piggyback off Coco; I find it more interesting the amounts of stuff we'd do to a woman, that I'm pretty sure we'd be revolted by to do to a man.

Take our good fuckwad, Savior Of Silence. So, SoS mentions he wants to stick a tongue in Becky Lynch's butthole. fine. Again, not the time and really denigrates her role to sexual being. But butt stuff is in now. I can't hate, we all have our own kinks, and we're now beginning to understand just how much pleasure we can get from the ass.

Now, here's the big question; how many of you would toss Becky's salad?

Yeah, ton of you?

Ok; how about Finn?

What's the difference, really? Like, if we're being completely honest, the ass is the ass. The female anatomy with the buttock is marginally different from a guys. It's a little more meat and wider hips; that's it. But if you asked the same population that would check Becky's oil, almost all of them would be revolted by the premise of sticking a tongue. Anatomically, it's the same thing. It's an asshole; the premise is about the same. And it isn't just that; even ******io you could argue that anatomically it's different. But there's a submission aspect that I'm sure people don't want with another man.

Furthermore, I find it humorous how many people won't admit to their kinks, and just embrace them. I know plenty of posters have mentioned how they want diva etc. etc. to sit on their face. Ok, fine. But then if you ask them if they have any interest in being dominated, most would be pretty hesitant. Even though the premise of Facesitting is very dominating; you have someone literally controlling your supply of breath. How much more can you be dominated.

I'm just saying y'all some repressed motherfuckers.
I'm beginning to think this thread may call for a blind taste test.

Chat roulette beat you to it, homey. Sorry man. But we could see exactly who's got a keen eye, and who maybe should really take a look at who they are, and reconsider their thoughts on sexuality

Edit; I assume blind taste test was intentional?
The floor is yours, doctor.

Sure; let's all play a little game.

Posters, let's all play "does this ass arouse you?" Answer without any preconceived notions; is this an attractive ass? Do you think this ass would cause arousal?

I'll reveal the gender after a few guesses. Keep in mind, I'm gong to find a lack of guesses just as interesting as your actual guesses

For some reason a lot of men must always make sexual innuendos when showing admiration for another human being. They can't just say, "I love Finn Balor!" No, that's why more 'gay' than saying, "I'd suck Finn Balor's dick if he let me!!"

I don't know what it is, but I too have always found it very strange. Probably emotional detachment and shit like that or something. I don't know Coco, you're the psych major IIRC, you explain it to me.
Sure; let's all play a little game.

Posters, let's all play "does this ass arouse you?" Answer without any preconceived notions; is this an attractive ass? Do you think this ass would cause arousal?

I'll reveal the gender after a few guesses. Keep in mind, I'm gong to find a lack of guesses just as interesting as your actual guesses


For some reason a lot of men must always make sexual innuendos when showing admiration for another human being. They can't just say, "I love Finn Balor!" No, that's why more 'gay' than saying, "I'd suck Finn Balor's dick if he let me!!"

I don't know what it is, but I too have always found it very strange. Probably emotional detachment and shit like that or something. I don't know Coco, you're the psych major IIRC, you explain it to me.

To be perfectly fair, he is an extremely attractive man. I showed my fiancé NXT, and she said that by far and away, Balor was her favorite. She mentioned something about carnality, and all that jazz. He just has an of sexuality that knows no borders really
Sure; let's all play a little game.

Posters, let's all play "does this ass arouse you?" Answer without any preconceived notions; is this an attractive ass? Do you think this ass would cause arousal?

I'll reveal the gender after a few guesses. Keep in mind, I'm gong to find a lack of guesses just as interesting as your actual guesses

Finn Balor might actually be a bit out of my league, if I was to get a chance I probably wouldnt blow it by sticking my tongue down his rectum straight away. Thats more of a finishing move
Apparently, we had our first "shocker of the year" moment last night on RAW, and here we have our first contender for WZF thread of the year 2016.

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