Why do so many people hate the Miz?

The short answer to the OP question is because they don't understand professional wrestling anymore.

The long answer is that the Miz is absolutely brilliant at his gimmick. His gimmick is to be a sub par wrestler that thinks he's a great wrestler, and to be a perfect old fashioned heel. They tried it as a face, but he's just not a face. He's an absolutely incredible heel.
Never should've been WWE champion. ever. But the gimmick he has going on now with Sandow, excuse me, Mizdow, is rather entertaining. Was laughing my ass of during the Survivor Series match
He isn't my favorite wrestler or anything but I don't see the hatred for him... the guy is a lot more entertaining in the ring than a lot of the roster, plays a heel great, has a face that seems to make a lot of the posters hate him, and doesn't fuck up at all on the mic/carries long promos and interview segments. I was watching a match of him vs. Punk and Del Rio at TLC a few years ago and The Miz got the shit kicked out of him, bumping all over the place. Good match.

He's also held his own with Mizdow which was hugely unexpected to get over like that. His finisher kind of sucks but he has a couple cool signatures - the clothesline in the corner, the kneeling reverse DDT into the neck breaker. He doesn't stay in the ring very long usually and sticks to getting hit himself or heel tactics. He isn't a wrestler whose segments I tune out. He's been around for years and years and taken shit for a number of things - be it WrestleMania or his reality TV background. Kind of silly considering WWE now airs reality shows. Overall I like The Miz.

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