Why So Much Hate?


Occasional Pre-Show
David Otunga....A Man who generates a pretty much universal response whenever his name is mentioned, hatred...my question to you is this, why????

The guy has barely been in WWE properly for a year since the debut of the Nexus, he has a different physique, an actual gimmick which is generating lots of heat. He has a superb different bowtie each week and who doesnt like coffee???

But seriously, the guy isnt the best wrestler in the world, but then who is when they first start? do you even need to be these days? Hes not the best on the mic, but hes better than John Morrison was and lets just see how long it takes for people on here to clamour for him to come back now that good ole JR put on his Twitter that he should.

Other notable heels who started off being hated and rose above the hate are as follows:
  • Vickie Guerrero
  • The Rock
  • loads of others

So my point is, when you look at the fact there are few places for people to hone their skills like in the days when Jericho etc went from promotion to promotion and made themselves stars before going to WWE, why are we not cutting these guys more of a break? Dont write them off before theyve even started. LOVE DAVID "FUTURE HALL OF FAMER" OTUNGA!!! Ok so mayve hes not a future HOF'er but hell this doesnt just apply to him, remember when Ziggler was in the Spirit Squad? Remember when Cody was the crap one from Legacy?? Remember when YOU wrote off (enter wrestler who had a crap gimmick then became super awesome) and then started a thread 3 months later saying he should take the title off Punk because Punk is over rated and stuff???

yeah...u get my idea.
The guy doesn't really have much going for him. Being tied to Johnny Ace as his "legal counsel" makes him get the same reaction as him, just "X-Pac-Get-the-fuck-off-my-TV-screen" type heat. He's hasn't really done anything to stand out, neither has Michael Micgillicutty (If I spelled that right). He just needs to improve on the mic and in the ring, have a little more charisma. I can see him have a flare SOMETIMES but it's only every now and again.
and that is exactly my point, that flare is there sometimes, have you never watched Raw and thought "Wow The Rock/Austin/Cena/Hogan/McMahon is off his game tonight"?? It takes years of practice and experience to be able to go out in front of a live crowd and find that spark the majority of the time. They dont realistically have anywhere else to go to hone their craft as TNA is seen as poison in the eyes of McMahon and ROH isnt big enough to take the big stars even for a short period of time.

So, let them go out, let them be god awful, dont write them off, just try and see the potential. Again, Vickie is the perfect example of this, she had the "get off my screen" heat, now she is probably the most effective manager in the business today.
I agree as well. People need to stop judging wrestlers because they're bigger than others. I dont always agree with Batista but one thing he said that was so true was that when he was in the ring, people actually believed he could kick someones ass. I'm not saying every wrestler has to be jacked but why should someone be punished for going the extra mile to actually look like a killer in the ring. I'm not saying they should just drop the WWE title on him because hes big but it would be silly not to properly utilize someone with his kind of celebrity.
The hatred is due to a few things:

1) The man appears to have ZERO athletic ability. He wrestles as if he has two left feet. If he didn't have an incredible physique, then he never would have gotten a second look by the WWE ... well he probably would have because ...

2) He is married to Jennifer Hudson. The connection gave the WWE a lot of additional mainstream attention when he was brought to the main roster last year.

So basically, this guy got ahead due to two traits that most internet wrestling fans despise. He's a bodybuilder without a wrestling background ... AND he has outside celebrity appeal.

That said, I actually enjoy the way they're currently using him because we aren't forced to watch him wrestle too much. I might be one of the few people on this board that looks past his terrible line delivery -- perhaps because I believe most wrestlers have the same flaw.

I even appreciated his match on Monday Night Raw. Most saw it as a wasted segment, but I saw it as more of a reward for Otunga. He is from Chicago, and it was probably a big deal for him to wrestle at the Rosemont Horizon.

On a side note, I was at the Horizon on Monday night, and while walking to my car, I saw Otunga drive past me. I was pretty confident it was him that I saw through the window ... I was even more confident it was him as the car drove past and the license plate read "A List" (Seriously...) My buddy swears he also saw Jennifer Hudson driving the car ahead of him, but I can't confirm that.
People hate just to hate because their lives are miserable. Otunga sucks but I bet you would love to be seen on TV every week. Vicki took a part time gig to support her family and turned it into a full time gig. Does anyone remember HHH in WCW talk about gawd awful. Otunga is playing his role perfectly as a lacky better than John Morrison as Johnny Nitro being Bischoffs lacky. It takes a lot for a guy to read the part in the script that calls for Big Show to knock him out go through it sell it better than the guy who won Tough Enough selling the stunner, but people continue to hate and bring up who's his baby momma. The guy obviously has potential or they would have released him by now. Here's the script play your part. You forget the Nexus angle him and Barrett bickering for control and he came off looking good. His character now comes off as the guy who will sue you for anything don't we live in a litigious society easy enough for him to get heat like fucking duuuuuuuuh! People hate lawyers, you have a law degree BINGO! There's your gimmick.

Smarks say Vicki has get the fuck off the screen heat but have all the love for Eddie which is highly hypocritical if you want the mother of his children who's putting their kids through college to get the fuck off tv for your selfishness but still chant Eddies name. She took nothing and made it into something so the smarks have to hate. Not because she's not good at her role because she received an opportunity and has taken it to the max.

John Cena wait wait there's a different thread just for him not going to even go there.
Is it his fault that he is the father of Jennifer Hudsons child? No, is it his fault that he has a dream and is using Vince's obsession with the mainstream media to further that dream? Yes. Would you do the same in his position? Damn straight you would!!!

Its not like he has been rocketed to the title, hell he has been buried beyond belief!!! Considering he is an active wrestler, when was the last time he actually won a match?? He has a worse Win/Loss Record than Santino!!! But what he does is get people cheering whoever is beating the crap out of whos beating him and bringing the WWE some extra attention, isnt that what the Superstars are meant to do?

With this in mind, imagine if he does a Mark Henry and in 10years time he finds a cracking gimmick which shoots him to the top. Then WWE will have David Otunga, WWE Champion, lining up on the carpet with Grammy Award Winning Singer Jennifer Hudson, that has a nice ring to it from the company perspective...
Unfortunately, hating has become something of a signature feature in regards to the IWC. It doesn't apply to every internet wrestling fan of course, but it does to a large number of them and, as a result, we all get labeled.

I can understand someone not being into what's going on with Otunga. If you don't like how a wrestler is being used or what he brings to the table, that's perfectly natural. At times, however, I do think that people take their hate of Otunga too far. It's almost as if they take it as some sort of personal insult if he shows up on their television screen and it's just not reasonable.

I'm not really a fan of the guy. He's not all that much inside the ring and his past use in WWE doesn't really inspire a lot of desire to see him. At the same time, however, I do think he's doing a good job in his current role. He's doing a good job as Johnny Ace's stooge, he's able to effectively portray himself with the kind of smugness that your average person might expect from a graduate of Harvard Law School.

No one is saying that Otunga is going to be one of the all time greats, but I do think he's someone that garners some unreasonable hate at times.
Is it his fault that he is the father of Jennifer Hudsons child?

Well, yes.....I kind of figured that was his fault, no?:shrug:

I don't see any more hate for Otunga than for other characters who could be termed "different" from run-of-the-mill wrestlers and performers. Otunga's character is a more understated, less hysterical version of Clarence Mason, except that Otunga has to back up his legal stuff by occasionally getting in the ring. That's to his credit.

Truthfully, I don't believe he'll ever be an accomplished wrestler; he doesn't have the athleticism to bring it off. But for what he does, he's okay. No need for any hate.
People hate just to hate because their lives are miserable. Otunga sucks but I bet you would love to be seen on TV every week. Vicki took a part time gig to support her family and turned it into a full time gig. Does anyone remember HHH in WCW talk about gawd awful. Otunga is playing his role perfectly as a lacky better than John Morrison as Johnny Nitro being Bischoffs lacky. It takes a lot for a guy to read the part in the script that calls for Big Show to knock him out go through it sell it better than the guy who won Tough Enough selling the stunner, but people continue to hate and bring up who's his baby momma. The guy obviously has potential or they would have released him by now. Here's the script play your part. You forget the Nexus angle him and Barrett bickering for control and he came off looking good. His character now comes off as the guy who will sue you for anything don't we live in a litigious society easy enough for him to get heat like fucking duuuuuuuuh! People hate lawyers, you have a law degree BINGO! There's your gimmick.

Smarks say Vicki has get the fuck off the screen heat but have all the love for Eddie which is highly hypocritical if you want the mother of his children who's putting their kids through college to get the fuck off tv for your selfishness but still chant Eddies name. She took nothing and made it into something so the smarks have to hate. Not because she's not good at her role because she received an opportunity and has taken it to the max.

John Cena wait wait there's a different thread just for him not going to even go there.

That was a glorious reply, especially the part talking about Vickie. She's a really good manager and she knows how to get legit heat without having to resort to insulting the town their touring, or doing much else. She just has to say "EXCUSE ME!" and there you go; heat. :worship:
The reason I have been one of the avid haters of Otunga last year was the over usage of him when it was basically CRYSTAL CLEAR the guy was greener then Misawa's tights. It's not even like with JBL - where even though the guy can't wrestler for shit, he can at least talk on the mic and make his feud that much more important. Otunga doesn't even succeed in mic skills. They haven't done much with him this year, which is a damn blessing. But last year? He was pretty much the guy that would've taken over Nexus if Wade Barrett got hurt or exiled. The fact he was only getting the attention due to his physique and who he's married to doesn't help. People don't feel he has done enough to show his credibility as an over all wrestler. At this current moment, I don't give a shit about him. But last year? Couldn't stand he was being used at the capacity he was due to him being greener then a power ranger.
I feel that the "hate" that's there for Otunga will eventually be transferred to another wrestler. It's something that the IWC does, find a collective 'enemy' and attack.

I've seen it with Cena, Punk, Ryder, Ziggler, Zeke, and Otunga.

By reading other threads and post I think Brodus Clay is next...
I hate David Otunga because he's really bad at his job. He's not the worst there's ever been in the ring, but his mic skills suck, he's got an annoying personality, and he has no flavor to him, at all. He's as stale as the storyline he's been placed in.

Sorry for being so blunt, but that's why I hate David Otunga.
Just echoing what pretty much everyone said. At this point in his career, Otunga is not very good on the mic or in the ring. A lot of wrestlers, even champions, don't have both skills, but I think all of the good ones can either do both really well, or do one really well and the other well enough. Right now, Otunga can't do either very well but still has a pretty big role as the stooge of the main guy in charge. I think people want to rebel against that because they don't feel (perhaps justifiably so) he hasn't done anything to merit this role. But the OP has a good point that almost no one comes into the business with great skills already in place. He should be allowed some time to work on his skills. Personally, I don't see him ever being very good in the ring, despite his physique, as some others have said. The athletic ability just doesn't seem to be there. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't be given a chance. Until he does improve in at least one of those areas though,he's going to continue to get the heat for it.

The other reason is of course his marraige. I think a lot of people view it as him riding the coattails of his wife to success, as if that's the only reason he's in WWE. While I'm sure it's ONE of the reasons, I doubt it's the only one. But people are always going to feel he doesn't deserve his fame because he didn't do anything himself to garner it, he married into it.

I'm not a huge fan of his, but the role he's in now is fine. He deserves some time to see if he can improve his game, I'm just not sure he can.
Unfortunately, hating has become something of a signature feature in regards to the IWC. It doesn't apply to every internet wrestling fan of course, but it does to a large number of them and, as a result, we all get labeled.

I can understand someone not being into what's going on with Otunga. If you don't like how a wrestler is being used or what he brings to the table, that's perfectly natural. At times, however, I do think that people take their hate of Otunga too far. It's almost as if they take it as some sort of personal insult if he shows up on their television screen and it's just not reasonable.

I'm not really a fan of the guy. He's not all that much inside the ring and his past use in WWE doesn't really inspire a lot of desire to see him. At the same time, however, I do think he's doing a good job in his current role. He's doing a good job as Johnny Ace's stooge, he's able to effectively portray himself with the kind of smugness that your average person might expect from a graduate of Harvard Law School.

No one is saying that Otunga is going to be one of the all time greats, but I do think he's someone that garners some unreasonable hate at times.

Totally agree.
He's playing his part to the best of his ability. He's not the greatest actor which inhibits his mic ability and he's not the greatest wrestler but who was great after a year? Seriously we gotta cut the guy some slack. He's a guy that is searching for his niche and may have come up with it. I think who he is now would have been great back in the days of IRS, Big Bossman and others where he would have been given this Harvard thing with a courtroom gimmick and a finisher named after a legal term.
The reality is, all of that is still very possible.
Once Otunga gets his skills up he could very well be a valuable asset to the company.
And this is coming from a person who really could care less for him. But i'm not going to hate just to hate.
People who hate just to hate and whine and complain just to do it are causing the IWC to be very generalized and i'm kinda sick of that. I think the TRUE IWC are people who care about the product and are passionate about the business and will be around whether its in a phase of success or on a downward slope. I think that people who are serious fans give their opinions of things and say whats on they're minds but the people who create forums for no other reason but to say hateful and spiteful things, who don't really invest in the product but have all kinds of tidbits on how they would change it are giving TRUE members of the IWC a bad name.
I think real fans are going to have their issues about things and voice their opinions but I think that people who are hating just to hate need somewhere else to be. And I honestly wish there was a way to separate true fans from these people.
Just sayin
As much as I don't see anything in David Otunga, you have to admit he's playing the part of smug Harvard-reared lackey of one out-of-touch ass-kissing lackey of a megalomaniac quite nicely. Nothing that would blow anyone out of the water, but you have to realize the gimmick doesn't lend itself to rabble-rousing oratory.
I think he has potential with the new Harvard lawyer gimmick and outfit. Hopefully they play that up, as the E needs more characters and gimmicks. He's already got a great look, so pairing that with a great gimmick and he can get over, even if he's still green in the ring.
David Otunga doesn't generate hate, that's giving him too much credit. He generates apathy and the rolling of eyes. He reminds me of a really crappy version of Sean Morley's character when he was...I don't even remember...was he Bischoff's assistant?

Otunga just wastes TV time. He's as useless as a TV personality as he is as a wrestler and entertainer.
I can see why he might get hate, however I don't think he should. When he was with nexus he proved he could wrestle, I think maybe if he got back into the ring a bit more that might help. His new gimmick doesn't make me hate him, it makes me laugh actually with his little bow ties and the fact he's always carrying around a flask full of coffee.
You could start an identical thread about a lot of wrestlers, though. It's not so much direct hatred on Otunga or anyone else for that matter. Sure, you'll have a few of the younger ones dislike him because he's a heel, but that hatred isn't so much a result of talent analysis.

For me it just kind of pisses me off to see him in the role he's in. He doesn't really participate in any of his own feuds or forward any other ones being built. His wrestling talent is definitely lackluster (that's being generous), and his character is wading in purgatory. He's not really a jobber, he's not really after any titles... he pretty much shows up.

I don't know if anyone else has a bone to pick with Otunga's lack of ambition, but I'll admit it's a million times better then getting emails from Raw's Anonymous Legal Counsel...
David Otunga....A Man who generates a pretty much universal response whenever his name is mentioned, hatred...my question to you is this, why????

The guy has barely been in WWE properly for a year since the debut of the Nexus, he has a different physique, an actual gimmick which is generating lots of heat. He has a superb different bowtie each week and who doesnt like coffee???

But seriously, the guy isnt the best wrestler in the world, but then who is when they first start? do you even need to be these days? Hes not the best on the mic, but hes better than John Morrison was and lets just see how long it takes for people on here to clamour for him to come back now that good ole JR put on his Twitter that he should.

Other notable heels who started off being hated and rose above the hate are as follows:
  • Vickie Guerrero
  • The Rock
  • loads of others

So my point is, when you look at the fact there are few places for people to hone their skills like in the days when Jericho etc went from promotion to promotion and made themselves stars before going to WWE, why are we not cutting these guys more of a break? Dont write them off before theyve even started. LOVE DAVID "FUTURE HALL OF FAMER" OTUNGA!!! Ok so mayve hes not a future HOF'er but hell this doesnt just apply to him, remember when Ziggler was in the Spirit Squad? Remember when Cody was the crap one from Legacy?? Remember when YOU wrote off (enter wrestler who had a crap gimmick then became super awesome) and then started a thread 3 months later saying he should take the title off Punk because Punk is over rated and stuff???

yeah...u get my idea.
i'm not familiar with that name?
I don't see why its so wrong for fans to have the feelings they choose to about a certain performer. Certainly, I don't champion the sometimes irrational hate or mob mentality that springs about amongst the IWC or any internet community. Hating just because the next 10 people do. I do, however, encourage voicing your unhappiness when you can say your piece in a constructive and coherent manner.

And I am gonna say it right now. I don't care how hard someone works or whether or not their taking advantage of ownership's stupidity. Yes, good for them. But that ain't gonna stop me from voicing my opinion. If your ass is bad at your job that I happen to be a consumer of, then its well within my right to voice my opinion. Not saying this pertains to David Otunga. I just mean this in general.

I do applaud Otunga's rise to WWE Superstar from his humble beginnings as a "suitor" for Tiffany "New York" Pollard, which I wouldn't be surprised if it were something he won't ever live down with a segment of the audience.
I don't really care for the whole lawyer gimmick. A wrestling lawyer just sounds too 80s. Still I don't think he deserves that much scorn. He's just workin' with the crap the writers gave him.
I'm kind of indifferent to him. Not really a fan or a hater. IMO he found a nice little role for himself as Johnny Ace lawyer/stooge and he plays it well.

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