Why a season premiere?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So whats the point of next week being the Season premiere? IMO it makes it more like just another tv show and less of a sport. It may not be real but its still considered a sport right? And wouldnt there have to be a season finale before a season premiere to happen? And i understand it makes it easier for dvd releases, but why not make it every 20 episodes is a season just not announce it?
Yea I don't get it either. A season premiere? i was under the impression that a season needs to end before a season can premiere. Raw had its season premiere and that was 901 episodes ago lol. But seriously this seems like just a cheap way to build up a Raw episode and maybe simplify there DVD releases.
I guess with it being the first episode since the official start of Autumn? That's my best guess, otherwise I have no idea.
it probably has something to do with the USA Network wanting all of their shows to have season premiers. can help with advertising. I really doubt the WWE had anything to do with selecting a season premier date. If they did, it would have been the night after a major, or even minor PPV.
RAW has always had season premieres. Im pretty sure its right around the start of Football season. RAW has been running some 17+ years, so in TV land thats like 17 seasons, but they run non stop which is why the have so many "episodes".
The only reason they are calling it a season premiere is because it's the start of the fall TV season. That is the only reason. Everyone in these forums, I beg of you, stop making threads for every little piece of shit thing that happens in wrestling. It's not only pathetic, but it means that everyone who does it has no life other than wrestling. I would say more in this little rant, but I'm better than all the people in here anyway, so i will save my breath.
LMAO @ dude above me who is better than all of us yet also wastes his precious time commenting on threads about little pieces of shit that happens in wrestling.

Anyways, yes I could only shake my head when I heard they're having a season premiere for a show that is on every single week every year. But since WWE insists on constantly comparing themselves to Cheers, Friends, Frasier and Seinfeld, they would have to have seasons as well I guess. These comparisons are the dumbest things I've ever heard and if they want to do it I think it should be against soap operas since that's much more in the same league. But then they would be on the losing end with this ridiculous episode count war now won't they.
So whats the point of next week being the Season premiere? IMO it makes it more like just another tv show and less of a sport. It may not be real but its still considered a sport right? And wouldnt there have to be a season finale before a season premiere to happen? And i understand it makes it easier for dvd releases, but why not make it every 20 episodes is a season just not announce it?

No...its not a sport...its a tv show....to be precise a "wrestling-themed" tv show with characters, storylines, scripts, and episodes just like any other tv show...its not considered a sport nor has it EVER been...its "sports entertainment"...that is why it has season premieres and such...
I'm not exactly sure why they did it. I suppose, one way to look at it could be sort of a "new beginning" for Raw to some degree with all the shows being strong. Ultimately, however, I don't think it really means anything.

Next Monday night, if I'm not mistaken, is the season premiere of Monday Night Football, so the WWE will probably want to put on as strong of a show next week as they can.
Good Post. Makes WWE look more like an entertainment type show instead of a sports aspect incorporated with entertainment. But i am type hype about the Raw Roulette!
So whats the point of next week being the Season premiere? IMO it makes it more like just another tv show and less of a sport. It may not be real but its still considered a sport right? And wouldnt there have to be a season finale before a season premiere to happen? And i understand it makes it easier for dvd releases, but why not make it every 20 episodes is a season just not announce it?
No, it's not a sport at all. At best it's Sports Entertainment. No one except perhaps children who's parents keep the truth from them a la Santa Claus think it's real. Even the WWE acknowledges its simply entertainment with no real competition.

20 episodes wouldn't even get you to WrestleMania. A proper "season" of WWE, much like it's done in their video games, would actually be a year long. From the day after WM–the next WM (which would be their "finale" by the way).
I'm guessing they're calling it a season premiere because it's the first episode in Autumn, but that's just my guess so I could be wrong. Anyway can I just say that WWE has never been considered a sport.
The only reason they are calling it a season premiere is because it's the start of the fall TV season. That is the only reason. Everyone in these forums, I beg of you, stop making threads for every little piece of shit thing that happens in wrestling. It's not only pathetic, but it means that everyone who does it has no life other than wrestling. I would say more in this little rant, but I'm better than all the people in here anyway, so i will save my breath.

Dude, this is the second time you've tried to give someone shit for starting threads that you don't think are worthy. Yet at the same time, you've gone on mini-rants telling all of us just how smart and better you are. The fact that you're wasting your time answering these in your words, "every little piece of shit thing that happens" thread, shows that your not better or as smart as you think you are.

On topic. I'm assuming that it's called the season premiere is that the Fall TV season has just started and they're joining the crowd. Mind you a premiere is only for shows that have repeats during the summer or a brand new one. Kind of weird really.

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