Should WWE have a season?

With it being said in the most polite way it could be, this is just a stupid idea.

First and foremost, there's a little something called "ring rust". It's not just another fake word that's thrown around for the enjoyment of the fans, like "Icon" or "Hall of Famer". It's real.

And if you take off a solid month, or longer.. everyone will lose the ability to gel within the ring. Sure, you can have guys who get injured and return to television and they're fine. But the biggest question is, how long does it take them to get back in ring condition? And furthermore, how many MORE injuries would occur if you were to give guys the time off to let their body's heal, only to return and take that first big bump that could hurt even worse than if they were going year round?

You see more injuries in other Professional Sports than you do in Pro Wrestling, yet the contact is pretty much still physical. While any other theory can be used on why.. I've always thought that it's because there is a big layoff in which those athletes aren't being hit in the same manner as they are during their sport's season.
From a fan persepctive there would be no great loss if they had a month off between Xmas and New Yrs.

As for time on storylines, don't put all the blame on creative. Blame the fans/the new generation of wrestlers too, People these days in general have no patience and want everything yesterday, and if something runs for more than a few months they get bored with it and start moaning.
As much as I look forward to RAW & SmackDown every week, it would probably be for the best to have the show take a break every now and then. Having wrestling on all year long does put a damper on a lot of things like storylines, wrestlers bodies & families, and the overall excitement.

I can't tell you how many PPV's I've regretted purchasing and perhaps making wrestling seasonal like sports would help create a bigger build for each show and cut down on repetitiveness. How many times do we have to see the same matches headlining shows?

The one big downside I see in this change is getting rid of the 'filler' PPV's would eliminate opportunties for a lot of the talent to get ahead. We might be stuck seeing Triple H & Cena main event every single usual, and have no time for anyone else to share the limelight...this is kind of a catch-22.
A freakin good point & I know where youre coming from with this,but no,not unless all belts didnt get handed over TilL the end of the season,which I admit would make for a very LonG year,& more meaningless PPVs...
A sport like wrestling CoulD but doesnt really need to end just cause summers here.
.I think the superstars would thank you more for a day off instead .A guy like Batista has to be in intensive care to get a break.As most Forumers favour this multi brand WWE.maybe it would help the superstars if the wrestlers were given a roster to appear on & were ONLY allowed .to appear ,,ON that chosen roster.,no Special umpteeN appearances on the other two brands in the same week,milking the same storyline till the NexT PPV.
Having said that,the current situation makes my idea seam more like an ExtremE than a suggestion-Doh!
WWE is not at the moment a company in dire need of money. Hell Vince is a Billionairre and although finance is a important aspect it wouldn't hurt WWE would it if they had just a few million dollars of loss and gave the wrestlers some time off and give the creative some time to actually think of some good storylines rather than to rush them and spoil the overall product.

You can't expect him to throw away money. If you got a free $5,000 right now, it would be easy for everyone else to spend your money for you. He built it up, has people watching, he deserves the benefits.

Well ok, instead of having it as a season, just have 3 months worth with no house shows. I know the bulk of a wrestler's paycheck comes from house shows, so during those 3 months have a set fee that they would get paid.

But basically, give them say December off like that, where they only have to do RAW, SD! or ECW. Heck, tape the month's worth in the first week and give them the rest of the time off. Then, middle of the year have another month like that, and then another later in the year. Perhaps have that final month spread out into 2 week slots, so maybe one after WrestleMania to let the wrestlers heal up and get stronger after the demanding schedule that WrestleMania provides.

Tweak it a bit. The two weeks of Christmas and New Years, you alternate a week off of RAW house shows, then the next week you eliminate the SD! house shows. That's a week off for both sides around Christmas, without them completely tanking programming. Still get the weekly shows, with just 2 less house shows per week.
WWE should not have an offseason imo. The so called “true fans” will wait it out but the casual fans are also being catered to. The casual fan doesn't watch every week as is but still watches sometimes yet may lose complete interest without wrestling constantly being on as an option. The other portion is likely to watch no matter if their is a break or not but they may be unhappy with what they see after waiting so long for somethin that may not match what they envision. That happens anyway but the extra time off can intensify that.

WWE spends a lot on wrestler salaries, crew salaries advertising, pyro, travel, music, transporting equipment, renting arenas, and so on. They may make a lot but they also clearly spend a lot and I'm not sure that anyone here knows the actual figures on revenue compared to what is spent. So while we know that WWE is a highly successful company I'm not sure if losing millions (even though a certain portion isn't being spent with the time off so it could even out a bit) is something that WWE would find favorable.

I know that they make enough that they could technically “afford” to lose out on a few million especially if not spending it during an off period but it still seems like there are just as many cons as pros. Giving specific wrestlers (and always making sure that it applies to everyone at various times) a few weeks off even if they’re not suffering from a major injury could help. I know that if everyone is off at once it prevents the notion of specific wrestlers being out of the loop since all would be but still I don’t think that it’s in WWE’s best interest to have everyone off at the same time.

I do think that the no house show thing would be a decent idea.

3 months was just a suggestion. I mean every sport takes time off and it doesn't hit them that hard financially.

While I recognize the similarity that you are trying to explain the difference shouldn't go unnoticed imo. With sports teams get eliminated from contention, then there are playoffs, then one champion. Then the offseason is used as more than just a break but also to recruit new players, get rid of some, and so on. In other words, as you know, the off season has a defined purpose that is absolutely necessary. Weather also plays a factor with certain sports.

With wrestling there would still be some things to accomplish in an "offseason" such as the suggested opportunity for the writers to feel less rushed for a bit but the extra time off also gives extra time for the storylines to possibly be leaked which can lead to what I mentioned about anticipation that may end up leading to disappointment.

Anyone who thinks that their way of how things should be with storylines is the only right way is delusional so it's not like WWE can please every fan with each storyilne but regardless of it's mistakes WWE does want to please it's fans overall and giving them a set period for those fans to build themselves up for possibly nothing could be a turnoff. I don't think that WWE would be screwed by any means but it would possibly annoy some of the fans that they want to please and at least some might stop watching, not enough to make a dent, but I'm guessing that WWE wants to keep and gain fans. Sadly it comes at the expense of the health of some wrestlers but I guess it is what it is.
I don't think it would be good to give them that time off for so long. Maybe a week off or so once in a while. If they are off the air too long die hard fans could turn on TNA who would most likely set up big matches being the only show on at the time and possibly sky rocket it to a level closer to WWE.
^^^That's another good reason. I am not too sure that Vince thinks of TNA as a threat as it stands now but knowing that they'd have a few months WWE free to establish themselves without WWE as an option might be something that would change his mind. It's probably not a risk that he'd want to take.

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