NXT Season 5


Pre-Show Stalwart
Why in the world
A) Has this season been so long?
B) is it with rookies from seasons' pasts?
I do not like the redemption concept whatsoever. I, at least, want to see new rookies, not past season rejects! They didn't even pick the best past rookies they could've. Now, with Season 5's prize being a slot on season 6, I am really mad. :banghead::disappointed: I hope season 6 has, for the most part, new rookies. I hope Bateman wins, somewhat, and just goes to Raw/Smackdown. How can NXT be fixed?
Couldn't agree more! I actually forgot when it started! I stopped watching a couple of weeks ago, because it was making me sick. Why are the same guys competing on NXT for over 6 months? Go ahead and pick a damn winner! BTW, I'd pick Titus O'Neal to win. Is he even still in? I used to be a HUGE fan of NXT, but when they started carrying on with season 5, I got really annoyed!:banghead:
Nxt just needs to be revamped. Seems like it has run its course and losing viewers by the week. I myself havent seen it since it came to the internet so my opinions are vague. But maybe with this new network they could go in a whole new direction. A whole new show. Instead of 8 new rookies (or whatever they do) just have 1 or 2 and prove themselves against mid-card guys. It could be a win win.
Q. Why has Season 5 of NXT been so long?

A: Season 5 is so long because WWE is obligated to provide original televised content to several networks overseas. NXT airs on Sky Sports in the UK in ECW's old time-slot. They can't just end the season online in the US because they have to uphold their contracts with these networks. My guess is the season has been extended indefinitely as well because they didn't want to rush into Season 6.

Q: What does Season 5 have the Redemption theme?

A. My guess is that they wanted to feature some of their more experienced developmental talent and that they weren't ready for a season of new talent. Many of the talents on NXT Redemption are stalwarts in FCW and have potential to be brought up to the main roster. I don't know for sure, but I think the whole "Winner gets a spot on Season 6" might be up in the air at this point. It seems like they have dropped all the voting, redemption points, and challenges.

I wish WWE would ditch the Season aspects of NXT and just have a set stable of PROS and bring in new ROOKIES as others are either "future endeavored" or "called up" to RAW and SMACKDOWN. Make the "call-ups" part of a storyline and report the legit firings. Because at the moment "The Next Breakout Star" and winner of NXT doesn't mean too much when random rookies end up on the roster anyway.
I more than agree with you, it has gone way too long and its the same damn thing every week. Also the fact that the pros all suck too. Don't get me wrong, I like Tyson Kidd but really? Don't even get me started on Hornswoggle.:banghead: And randomly putting in Derrick Bateman really made no sense to me but I now at least know who I want to win.
I confess that I don't watch NXT anymore, but I occasionally read the results. I was reading last week's results and it's seriously like :wtf:! It's not even a competition anymore. Matt Stryker and William Regal are involved in feuds. Tyson Kidd and Yoshi Tatsu are feuding... I understand that since it's dragging on, they have to become a little more creative than just weekly challenges. But at this point, it just seems like a 7-man brand.(Young/Titus/Bateman, Stryker/Regal, Tatsu/Tyson/Hornswoggle). They'll even sometimes have non-NXT affiliated people on there, like Divas. It feels almost completely random at this point.

And I still don't know why any of them would even want to be on NXT Season 6. Wouldn't they rather move to Raw or Smackdown? If being on season 6 is a prize for the winner, I can only assume the losers will all be released.
what pisses me off about NXT is that FCW has, Some Promising looking People,but they dont seem to pick the ones that look like the can Draw and make NXT Important as it was in Season 1 & 2,best way to Revamp it Bring Season 6 with Bo Rotundo,Big E Langston,Erick Rowan,briley Peirce,Leo Kruger,and Seth Rowan, but people who actualy watch FCW and know these talent might know,but im just saying they look like they can work a Ring Well Enought and can Draw few More buck then the last 3 seasons of NXT combined
i was just wondering this the other day while on wwe.com i happened to look at NXT and see if season 6 had started yet of if season 5 was still going to see who was left on it and i see its the same fucking 3 that have been on there forever! :wtf: :banghead: :disappointed: i know they have an agreement with UK networks but come on really? do you really have to keep this season going on forever? they need to end the season and bring on season 6 with top fcw talent and pros that arent just jobbers doing nothing at the time in wwe when the season started they said the winner gets on season 6 and gets to pick their pro for the next season well what if the winner "picks" a top midcarder like kofi,dolph,swagger or a-ry? or even picks a guy like cena,punk,orton guys who are main event level stars i mean chris jericho was world heavyweight champion while a pro on season 1!
I seriously have no idea what's going on in NXT, I quit watching when it went online.. but from what i hear, they're doing feuds? I thought it was a "competition" show... why not just change the name of it and make it like a new version of Heat or Velocity, they already have Superstars.. why not just make NXT the other jobber show? NXT is pointless, it started out kind of fun.. then just got boring :(
here in australia its still on tv on fox 8 i think the shows gotten boring they will to just end the show in 2 weeks or a month times give all three contracts. there just using the show to get the lower mid carders tv time thats all. i was watching it this arvo and i thought give them all contracts put baitman and young as a tag team on smackdown or raw (doesnt really matter anyway) and give T oneil a single run at the ic title or the us title just stop the barking crap that hes doing

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