Who's The Greatest: Stable?

Who's The Greatest?

  • The Beautiful People

  • Triple X

  • 3 Live Kru

  • L.A.X.

  • Team Canada

  • Main Event Mafia

  • World Elite

  • Serotonin

  • Other (Please Specify)

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
For the few that actually post in all these, sorry for the delay...

This entry into Who's The Greatest is all about stables, something TNA ha s a long history with. I'm only listing 8, but there's definitely more, so I expect a lot of "Other" votes...

We all know, and love, The Beautiful People, consisting of the Barbie dolls of the Knockout Division, so they get first mention. Their matches are not always the greatest, but Angelina did hold the gold, and they were in line to be the inaugural Tag Champs. Their entrance alone gets a bigger pop (pun maybe intended) than almost anyone on the roster.

In the early days of TNA, there were stables like Triple X and 3 Live Kru, both capturing the tag titles, and involving themselves in some of the most memorable feuds in TNA history. There was also a few mentions of Team Canada in the tag team thread, but I always felt they fit here better, because they were definitely more than just a tag team. They had a little bit of everything, and are among the best heels, and most recognizable, in the history of TNA. L.A.X. was also a stable, to a limited extent, with Konnan, Salinas, and Hector Guerrero all joining at various times. No one can deny their impact on the company, as noted by their number of votes for Greatest Tag team alone.

More recently, we've had the Main Event Mafia headline show after show, pay-per-view after pay-per-view. They would hold all of the titles at different times, and lasted almost a year to the day, taking on basically everyone on the roster. On a smaller scale, there's World Elite. Eric Young captured the Legends Title and renamed it, and the British Invasion are reigning tag champs. They're much younger than the MEM, and who knows when they'll end.

On a personal note, and for only that reason, I was always a big fan of Serotonin. Under Raven's tutelage, Kaz, Matt Shane, and Johnny Devine were great in the ring, and finally boosted themselves into being relevant. They never garnered much success, but it was all a pretty big storyline at the time.

My vote here goes to the Main Event Mafia. They caught a lot of shit when they started, but they still managed to put over a lot of younger guys, and split up at exactly the right time. Their roster was also pretty incredible, no matter how old they were. Nash is still decent in the ring, even if he has slowed, and Steiner is showing he still has it. Angle and Joe could never be questioned.
Can't fathom how MEM doesn't take the cake among the listed choices, with Team Canada running a close second.

Though Team Canada were integral to the start of televised TNA, the Main Event Mafia really stood apart from the aforementioned choices in that they were the single largest entity TNA ever assembled in a stable. I don't mean numbers, either – I mean in terms of being the "greatest collection of World Champions", as they so aptly put it themselves.

Would we even be talking about the main event potential in Matt Morgan if not for his great feud with MEM/Angle?
The Beautiful People would get my vote if this was just for diva stables, that is not the case though so my vote goes to the Main Event Mafia. Easily. They get my vote because they were so dominant and seemed unbeatable for a whole year. The Main Event Mafia kept my attention on TNA for an entire year and I was one of the few who did not want to see them split up. I'm not saying I want Steiner to form a new one, I would rather see the same group still together.... although they could replace Booker with somebody since he is gone now.... However, I'd like to see any TNA stable outdo all the things that the Main Event Mafia did from October 2008 to October 2009. I do not see that happening anytime soon.
The Beautiful People would get my vote if this was just for diva stables, that is not the case though so my vote goes to the Main Event Mafia.

I had to include them. They are, by far, the most popular stable in TNA history, and possibly of the last decade (since the fall of DX). They get segments every week, even with Angelina gone, and there's no denying their impact on the division. Love held the singles title, and either Sky/Madison or Sky/Love were set to win the tag belts.
I would definitely have to pic Triple X. They were an integral part to TNA's early success. When Triple X had the tag team championships, you would never know who you were fighting until the bell rang, as all three men were essentially the champions. They also had three runs as a team, in 2002-03, 04, and 07-08. They always entertained me, and if memory serves me well, they also had a very entertaining Six Sides of Steel match. Ah yes, that's right, it was with America's Most Wanted, and what a match it was. Who could really forget that awesome move by Elix Skipper in that match?
I will have to say World Elite. At first i was not a fan of theres but when Eric Young was made the leader i marked out. There is just something about a dominating heel force that can get the crowd to chant "USA USA USA" over and over again that makes them great. I think that they currently are the best stable and will be the best stable in TNA,and in any wrestling promotion for a good long time to come.
As a matter of interest, how much more do you plan on doing. Just thinking of what's left, that's all.

The Beautiful People: They're hot. All well and good. And Angelina held the womens title. But Velvet, well Madison, didn't do anything. Sure they bossed the women's division, but that's not much to shout about. They're easily the best women's stable,as a matter of being the only one.A good stable. The best in TNA's history. Nah.

Triple X: Chris Daniels and Low Ki were awesome, and Skipper was good at spots. Their match against AMW in the cage is legendary, if not only for the spots, such as the famous Skipper hurracanra from the top. One of the greatest spots ever. Actually, this was a great feud. One of the best. They were a good tag team originally, winning the title on a few occasions. But the thing that will go against them is that when they came back, they did nothing. They reunited at Victory Road 2007, and were gone by The end of the year. Tarnished their resume. I think so.

3 Live Kru:
I liked them. Maybe it's just because I'm a mark for the Truth. Actually that is why. They were powerful, funny and entertaining. But to call them the best stable ever is steep.

Team Canada: I liked Team Canada. They were hated by so many people. Scott D'amore played a great role as manager. Bobby Roode was a talented wrestler, Petey Williams was captain and the only one that had a possibility of singles gold, and A1 was the muscle.Eric Young was the outcast that they sort of "put up with". It was the perfect combination. I actually think they have a good shout in this.

I think that these are the best stable. Konnan was a brilliant manager, and they were really hated. I mean despised. When Konnan left, they just lost a little bit. They were still good faces, and Hector was a good manager, but he was no Konnan. And militant Latino street thugs don't bode well for faces. It's odd. They've had quite a lot of members as well. Salinas was there for a while, and she had huge tits, so she was decent. Apollo and Machete were both members, but are overshadowed by the awesomeness of Hernandez.

Main Event Mafia: A good stable, they held the titles, yada yada yada. I'm not voting them because I hated them for the wrong reasons. I hated them because they were so boring they put me to sleep. Are they the best stable in TNA's history? Probably. My favourite? Not a chance. What was the worst thing about this satble. They fucked up my favourite wrestler, Samoa Joe.

World Elite:
They're pretty decent, but it's too early to justifably say they are the greatest ever stable.

Serotonin: Really. They were short Lived, and shit to be honest. The only thing they ever accomplished was hitting each other with kendo sticks and pushing Kaz.

I have to go with LAX. Not only are they the best tag team, but they take the gong for stable aswell.

Honorable mentions:

Planet Jarrett: I'm surprised this didn't come up, as they were a huge stable that acted as Jarrett's lackeys. And boy was it stacked, featuring AMW, Team Canada, Monty Brown, Scott Steiner and Abyss. A dominataing stable.

The Christian Coallition:
Christian Cage, AJ Styles, and Tomko. They werea decent stable, the main players on Impact for a while. Should have gotten a nod over Serotonin.

The Angle Alliance:
Take away Cage, and put in the better Kurt Angle and his milf of a wife Karen, and you have these. They dominated Imact for a time, even holding the tag titles and world heavyweight title. A good stable, and a possibility for best.

Diamonds in the rough:
Okay, my pre 2005 knowledge is hazy, but they were a decent stable. Better than serotonin. Actually, maybe not.
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I had to include them. They are, by far, the most popular stable in TNA history, and possibly of the last decade (since the fall of DX). They get segments every week, even with Angelina gone, and there's no denying their impact on the division. Love held the singles title, and either Sky/Madison or Sky/Love were set to win the tag belts.

Not arguing their Impact (lol) on the division at all, 100% true. It's just that they could not earn my vote when going up against all the male stables. Even the Beautiful People get overshadowed by groups like the Main Event Mafia or World Elite because fewer people care about the idea of a female stable.
My vote actually goes for Team Canada with XXX coming in a close second. Even though they had a couple year run, I thought they could have been kept together a tad bit longer.

I also enjoyed Sports Entertainment Xtreme during TNA's early days. Too many members and not enough direction though to win this vote.
I'm going for Team Canada. Mainly because I never think of LAX as a stable. I think of them as a tag team with a manager. possibly that's because I didnt see much of their early work (while Konnan could wrestle) and I never saw Apollo or Machete to anything other than push Konnan around in his wheelchair. Serotonin were completely unsuccessful at winning anything. I missed the boat on The Kru and XXX, and it wouldnt be fair for me to vote for them on the basis of matches I've never seen. World Elite are too young to be considered the greatest. And while it's hard to argue against what the MEM did in TNA, and what they were, I dont think it'll be a huge thing in their careers in the same way that Team Canada was for Williams, Young, and Roode until they found another nische in the company (or got fired, in Williams' case). Also I'm a Petey Williams mark so I'm not going to vote against him
My choice is Triple-X. They owned early TNA in so many ways, and put on some hellacious matches. The Main Event Mafia were a powerful stable and all, but generally speaking, I felt they never lived up to their own hype.
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