Who's Someone In WWE That Got Over That You Never Understood


Brilliant Idiot
I'm not talking about someone like John Cena, because it's pretty obviously why he got over. Girls like him, and he's built to be superhero-ish and kids love him.

I'm talking about someone that just had an interaction with the fans that was legit and you simply never understood the reason.

Someone that comes to mind for me was Too Cool. I guess I understand why some people were into it, but I just hated the team. I just... can't comprehend it to this day.
i never understood why "foley is god" mick foley is considered so great and why everyone loves him. but then again i always liked the wrestlers that brought more than getting thrown through the table to the match.
Crap I'm a fan of both Hurricane Helms & Too Cool...but I digress. For me I never got why MVP was so over for a little while. He just looked odd to me with the nose-strip, the garish tights & such.
To me I would say Gillberg! It was kinda funny but was just horrible also. Aside from thaT I say Eugene is up there too. I never liked dudes gimmick but he was over. There's really too many to name.:dj:
Can someone explain Randy Orton's face persona? Yeah, I know. It's a modern "Stone Cold." But, here's the thing. "Stone Cold" was a prick. The only reason "Stone Cold" got over to the extent that he did was because he was fighting against a machine that was headed by an even bigger, more antagonistic prick than himself. This gave Austin the "everyman" appeal.

Orton doesn't have that appeal. In fact, he still acts, entirely, as the exact same selfish prick that he's always been. And, to be honest, the chants of "Punt, Punt, Punt" just before nailing Chris Jericho disgusted me, both as a wrestling fan, and as someone who tries to pretend that people are inherently good.
Matt Hardy
He's gotten over huge with the crowd and is always compared to Christian which I believe is an insult. The guy has achieved very very little in his carreer. It took him 10 years to win a major title and when he did, it wasn't that good of a reign. I don't see anything special in him. His best move is a diving elbow drop from the second rope. And now he's ranting on twitter and YouTube because he's not being treated right by the WWE. I wouldn't blame them for not giving him a push. They've tried giving him some storylines to work with like the Edge feud, or the ECW Championship reign. But he never clicked with me. His greatest acheivement was beating his brother Jeff at Wrestlemania 25 which was a huge upset IMO. I don't understand what anybody has ever seen in him or why he ever got over with the crowd and the IWC.
Mr. kennedy/Anderson

I'm not too sure if he's "Super over" with the crowd, But I've never really understood his hype. He had pretty good mic skills, and was decent in the ring, but people to this day make him out to be some kind of Wrestling god.....but I guess to each his own.

Just a random thought, I don't consider any wrestler to be "Overrated", because that statement basically rule's out every body Else's opinion except mine. That's why I always give people the chance to prove me wrong about a certain wrestler, I try not to be stuck up about it.
Definitely has to be Randy Orton, I do not understand his appeal at all. Either as a face or a heel he is boring and just plain dickish. Nothing changes about him from heel to face either he is just a douchebag. I have no understanding what so ever of why people actually like him.
I have to say Randy Orton for sure. With his current gimmick, I have no idea why the crowd began to cheer him so much to the point that they turned him face. He gets one of , if no the loudest pop on the night lately and it makes no sense to me. Right now the man portrays a psychotic man whose always on edge who can and will snap at any moment. I don't understand how that gets you cheered when you are kicking people's heads off.
One name that comes to mind is Scott Steiner. I think the only reason he was over was because he was always beating up HHH when he was in Evolution. I mean this guy had maybe 6 good moves, im sure people will disagree with me but o well
This isn't going to win me any friends here, but it's Kofi Kingston for me...

Nothing about him interests me at all. He's decent in the ring, but I don't rate his mic skills and I don't care much for his entrance music. I really don't understand the appeal of Kofi, but perhaps those of you who like him can debate this with me? I feel that WWE gave him a chance to shine against Orton, but he really failed to seize the moment, for whatever reason.
One name that comes to mind is Scott Steiner. I think the only reason he was over was because he was always beating up HHH when he was in Evolution. I mean this guy had maybe 6 good moves, im sure people will disagree with me but o well

Ever heard of the Steiners Brothers? Ever watch him in WCW? If you're going to limit Steiner's career to his brief time in post-Alliance WWE, then it's no wonder you're in the dark.

My vote for this topic is easy... Roddy Piper. Now he was perfectly fine as a heel, but I never understood how he got over as a face. I was always annoyed any time he showed up on my TV. It felt like people cheered this guy just because they knew he was a legend, but he did nothing I ever saw that I thought merited a reaction.
This isn't going to win me any friends here, but it's Kofi Kingston for me...

Nothing about him interests me at all. He's decent in the ring, but I don't rate his mic skills and I don't care much for his entrance music. I really don't understand the appeal of Kofi, but perhaps those of you who like him can debate this with me? I feel that WWE gave him a chance to shine against Orton, but he really failed to seize the moment, for whatever reason.

you've won my friendship,
kofi is super over because the kids love him, what i dont get are all the people here that are super high on him.. sure he's entertaing and can do flips (and who doesnt love flips) but to me he's just another mid carder

the other person i would like to add to the list is R Truth, i really dont get what the big deal is with him, IMO he is just as averge as chavo or chris masters and anytime he cuts a promo i want to vomit, i guess we all have that one wrestler we cant stand
i would have to say jericho , cena , edge , evan bourne , mark henry , great khali , etc etc etc

randy orton doesnt have to say a word and the fans understand him

You have genuinely pissed me off with half of those, but I won't even get started ranting in here. Man, you really made me mad. Just thought I would share that with you.

I would have to agree with Kofi Kingston. I know that will not be the most popular answer, but what does the guy bring. He was just another gimmick with short build up promos coming to ECW. Nothing stood out about this guy. He came in, did a few kicks, Boom Drop, Trouble in Paradise and he was all of a sudden a favorite. Don't get me wrong, he really is a great wrestler. He does however have a fan base that came from nothing.
I like Randy Orton cause he is a prick, but the wrestler I can't really stand is Sheamus he is just a big guy who isn't the best in the ring and Kofi Kingston is entertaining to watch but is going to be a mid carder cause he is not that great on the mic
i can't understand why the great khali is over...the guy is horendous in the ring he can't move he can't sell the guy is a joke but he's over as hell..i cannot and will not ever understand this guy...

someone before mentioned scott stiener in his relation to the wwe...the guy had a HUGE career in tag teams and in wcw...as for now i think stiener is over cuz he's literally out of his mind and watching his never ending battle with the english language is a true sight to behold
i would have to say jericho , cena , edge , evan bourne , mark henry , great khali , etc etc etc

randy orton doesnt have to say a word and the fans understand him

Well seeing how Ace Sleeper won't rant about your idiotic post, I will.

Are you new to the wrestling world? Did you tune into RAW and saw Orton for the first time during his Viper stage? He wasn't always the man he is now. He used to talk, people used to hate him. Orton hasn't always been so well put together.

Jericho has had 3 times the career that Orton has had.

Orton held the IC title once, Jericho..9 times
Tag team title, Orton 1 Jericho 5
World/WWE title Orton 7 Jericho 6 but I think the REAL fans will agree with me when I say that Jericho was winning World titles when they were hard to win, yea in the WWF.
Randy Orton hasn't held half of the titles that Jericho has held. Orton is at about 9 Jericho is at 22. Don't disrespect THE God of wrestling.

Now I'll tell you about Edge.

IC title, 5 times
Tag Title, 13 fucking times
World/WWE, 9 times. If you add up all of Orton's titles, IC Tag and World/WWE, you have the same amount of Edge's World/WWE titles alone.
And again, all of Orton's past titles don't equal to half of Edge's past titles.

Hell I'll even tell you about John Cena, not that Im the guys biggest fan, but Ill give credit where it is due.

Never held the IC but Ill sub for the US which he held 3 times
Tag Team 2 times
World/WWE 9 times

Say what you want about the rest but Orton deserves less accolades then these three men.

But to answer your question, well with a question, why is Lawler so over? He is a terrible announcer. I know it's important to have a regular announcer and a retired wrestler announcer, but Lawler is so off subject and all he talks about is out ring stuff instead of give play by plays like Striker. Cole is a great announcer, his gimmick aside, he makes me want to listen and watch the match unlike Lawler who I wish had a mute setting for only him.
For me it has to be jeff hardy other than doin some jumpy twisy flips I don't think he's talneted at all no personality whatsoever. And bein pg era why try to push a drug addict emo. I mean what's pg about a pill poppin coke head.
wow, so many to name...I think I'll make a top 10 list. (and try not to piss anyone off)... I will provide a brief explanation for all.

10.) MVP/Ahmed Johnson - both big black guys with nose strips, MVP at least had personality, Ahmed not so much plus the fans loved him

9.) John Morrison - Until recently he hasn't shown me much in the ring and his personality is bland unless he's paired in a team

8..) Ron Simmons - Career heel starts saying "Damn" and the crowd loves him?

7.) Gillberg - stupid gimmick... nuff said

6.) The Bushwackers - if these two had of licked my head while walking down to the ring... I would've snapped

5.) Bret Hart - Great wrestler, but when you get on the mic, I change the channel

4.) Al Snow - Was never really an integral part of ECW brings Head around and the crowd loves him to the point of iconic status why?

3.) Matt Hardy - Wrestlings #1 douche...blog about that Ahole!!

2.) Ultimate Warrior - 1 move ...sounds like he has marbles in his mouth...fans dug him...Yes we were dumb in the 80s

1.) Val Venis - Hi, I stole a career heels gimmick and made it into a face, ladies go nuts even though I look like a mole and I sound like I smoked 4 packs of smokes today, but hey, I got over with the crowd.... why? No freaking idea
Matt Hardy is definitely on the top of my list. He was great as a member of the Hardy Boyz, but as a singles wrestler he was never anything special. He has made a career living off his younger brothers success in my opinion. He has some talent there's no doubt about that. I just don't see how he became as popular as he was.
Pardon if I garner a bit of heat for this one but Eddie Guerrero..

In his later days. I mean his whole gimmick was..I Lie, I cheat and I steal. and people went ape shit for it. Why would anybody cheer for a man who lies cheats and steals is beyond me.Yet people boo an honest man like Chris Jericho hahaha. I have great respect for the man as a performer His gimmick however got a great reaction which I never understood.

Another Is Ortons face turn. It was just so spontaneous and unexpected that I never really understood why he was all of a sudden getting cheered instead of booed.

Another is Eugene. Like wtf?

Lastly is Jeff Hardy. He was a glorified stunt monkey who was terrible on the mic. Yet Kids loved him..why? Because he wears stupid face paint? Or is it exactly because he was a glorified stunt monkey? Who knows.
Gota be WADE BARRET..WTF?,,is nexus a group or is it led by this dude..and if not why let him kick people out or use them to get HIM title shots..why doesnt nexus kick the hell outa him and or fire him?...by the way..this could all be solved by a visit from BARRON VON RASCHKE!
Pardon if I garner a bit of heat for this one but Eddie Guerrero..

In his later days. I mean his whole gimmick was..I Lie, I cheat and I steal. and people went ape shit for it. Why would anybody cheer for a man who lies cheats and steals is beyond me.Yet people boo an honest man like Chris Jericho hahaha. I have great respect for the man as a performer His gimmick however got a great reaction which I never understood.

Ok Eddie Guerrero did lie, cheat, and Steal but it was the way he did it that made people cheer for him. He was a face that got other people DQ for doing nothing by throwing a chair at him. Eddie was extremely entertaining.




So many kids (especially here) just want the Miz to cream all over their face. This guy is nothing special whatsoever. I understand he's getting this push because he "works hard" and "mcamahon loves him" but PLEASE? His name sucks, his in-ring ability is hardly "improving" his obsessers just say that to hide the fact that he is boring in the ring and can't tell a story, his look is terrible (the haircut, seriously? the size as well...), his mic skills are overrated. People OBSESS over his mic skills. Give me a break. This guy is just flat out 100% boring and yet he's getting pushed to the main event.

I did enjoy his match with Morrison and Daniel Bryan but the other 2 did carry the match at times.

I really think when people post here ranting about how great the Miz is they forget about CM Punk. CM Punk is basically what people say the Miz is only he actually IS what they say whereas the Miz just has blindless hype.

I do not look forward to this guys future. He is going to be a WWE Champion. Vince has fucking lost his mind.
I gota go with the Miz, people have fell in love with this guy. I think he is a decent superstar but he sucks in the ring, his promos are good but you gota be able to have charisma in the ring too. This is a WRESTLING business and if you gonna be the face of the company like so many jizz fans on here you gota be able to put on great matches.

I think guys have fell in love with his character, but deep down they gota know his matches are not that good. He doesn't have that get out of your seat moveset, you know something you look forward too in a match. All he has is that clothesline that he does when he lands between the ropes and his finisher and both of them are just ok.

I like the Miz ok but i just don't understand why people on his dick so hard. That's why i call him the jizz because guys on this site cum at the mention of his name.

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