Andthat`sthebottomline: Morons with no high school diploma or attention spans always complain about the length of my arguments. These complainers obviously have no university education and can`t type or read all that fast or effectively. That`s fine, not everyone on the planet has a university education or a journalism background or typing skills. Point is, I construct solid arguments based on objectivity for a living. If they weren`t solid, I`d be fired. I would have flunked out of university passing in papers without sources or solid evidence or lines of argument.
I have a HS diploma, I read fairly quickly if you consider reading Gone With The Wind in less than a week fast. I'm not the fastest typer but that's irrelevant. I really hate doing this sort of posting because it takes a lot of time when I have college classes to study for but I figured I'd take a break and reply to your illogical and pointless rant. Again.
Now onto what this dipshit describes as a`pointless`rant (like how I made a separate paragraph just for you). I argued that Triple H has a bigger place in WWE history because he married into the family. I don`t subjectively think that because I hate Triple H. Since I could care less about Triple H and wrestling today in general, I can better observe things objectively with my own eyes and ears than a bunch of subjective marks and smarks. No one on earth has a bigger place in WWE history or WWE future. Triple H is essentially 1985 Vince McMahon in the year 2013. This guy became best friends with Shawn Michaels and this clique had a lot of sway in what happened with the product. Hall, Nash and Pac left for WCW and created the attitude era with the NWO. They made wrestling cool and eventually ended up running WCW into the ground inadvertently for Vince. Trips and Shawn stayed loyal to WWE, created DX, screwed over Bret and took WWE to new levels. In the midst of an intriguing title run as the company`s top emerging heel, Triple H was elevated to world champ at about the same time that he and Stephanie began officially dating. Not just sleeping around like they were months before August 99. Officially, on the record dating. To `screw over`Stephanie would be the end of his career. Triple H could not date or sleep with another girl again as long as he lived or else be written out of WWE programming. So he used the relationship to his advantage as a way to leverage himself for life and create an artificial legacy.
I'm honored that you made a separate paragraph just for me. Maybe you should read KB's thread on what killed WCW as he seems to be much better informed on the topic than yourself. Yes Triple H and his buddies had a lot of sway. Yes Hall and Nash had a lot of sway in WCW once they got there. But it wasn't until after Hogan had joined that NWO began losing its luster. One could argue that Austin actually started the Attitude Era but that's a completely different topic.
I bolded that part because it's probably the truest thing you've said yet although Bret brought it on himself by refusing to willingly drop the title. Yes it was his home, but when you are about to jump ship to another company you are supposed to drop the belt. It's common courtesy. He brought it on himself.
Of course Triple H can't actually love Stephanie can he?

This is a very tired argument that is completely unproven. Them dating was a storyline for the longest time when he broke onto the main event. It didn't become real til much later after he had won the belt a couple of times.
Sure, Trips has a bigger place in WWE. But not because he was anything more than an average talent with average skill and average charisma. He was just in the right place, at the right time with the right connections. Had Triple H become unhappy with Stephanie and tried to dump her like he did Chyna, Vince would have `screwed`his career. He`d be working in TNA. Triple H would have had a career similar to the WWE blacklisted Jeff Jarrett. He`d be long gone, about as memorable as Marc Mero.
See, this is what makes me think you dislike Triple H. Anyone that claims he has just average mic skills must dislike him. Triple H has very good mic skills but they didn't really get good until his run in DX. He's always had pretty good charisma that got better in DX. He's pretty talented, not Bret Hart level talent but he holds his own pretty good.
For the bold part just see above.
Triple H has a bigger place because he is the father of McMahon`s grandchildren who control the future of WWE. Without playing the politics and marrying into family, Bret Hart`s place is bigger because Bret contributed more to entertaining people. Hart is more well known around the world. He was the Cena of the 90s. You can say he was terrible on the mic or had no charisma but that`s just your opinion. And your a mark, so your opinion counts for less. Sure, Hitman was terrible in comparison to the all time legends and mic masters that existed in the 80s and 90s like Piper, Flair, Savage, Hogan, Dibiase etc. But he`s a thousand times better than the crop of crap WWE has today. Del Rio, Ziggler, Bryan, Miz these guys were nowhere near as good on the mic or entertaining as Bret Hart. Hart was brilliant on the mic in the latter part of his original stay in WWE when he was anti-American. Tons of personality. Just because Hart has little to no personality now as a 56 year old man means squat. The funny thing is when he`s on WWE TV these days he still has more personality than 85 percent of the roster. Yet, as you say, he has very little personality. WWE is definitely in a sad state.
He was the Cena of the early-mid 90's because he was all they had. HBK and Austin weren't there yet so they had to rely on Bret. Was Hart a big face at that time? Hell yes he was but only because they had nobody else. If he had stayed, he might have done well in the Attitude Era. It's something that we'll never know for sure. I think he would've gotten lost in the shuffle but he wouldn't have remained champion for much longer after Montreal because Shawn was ready to jump up. But again, we can't know for sure.
All IWC are marks in some what, shape, form, or fashion. Get over yourself.
As for your opinion, it`s not logical. Triple H has very little personality. His buddy Shawn had all the personality. Triple H didn`t make more money for WWE than Hart. Triple H was the company`s top heel during the worst era in wrestling history. The 2000s. TV ratings plummeted. Men between 18 and 35 quit watching. Children under 18 and women everywhere were target audience. Sure, WWE can sell out it`s RAWs and Smackdowns better than it could sell out in the mid 90s. But Bret Hart was responsible for building the WWE foundation. Triple H simply trampled on that and reaped the rewards of an established product. WWE was not in danger after the Attitude Era. The `screwing`of the company`s hardest working employee ever kickstarted that era. Triple H was behind that idea to `screw`Bret. But Austin, Rock, Foley and Vince carried this era. Triple H went along for the ride. When Austin and Rock left, Trips looked huge by default. But it was pretty obvious he couldn`t carry the product anywhere near as well as the others before him and that job was left to Cena. So when Bret was screwed over, fans were furious. Not just Hart fans. All fans. Many started watching WCW. But many remained to see Vince McMahon get his ass whooped and that came about because of Steve Austin. Without the Hitman as the fall man, Austin and McMahon don`t reach such levels. The best feud ever involving the biggest villain ever was kickstarted by screwing over perhaps the most beloved face ever Bret Hart. Vince`s billions are a direct result of Triple H`s seedy little plan to `screw`Bret. Compared to movies, the Screwjob would be like killing Batman or Spiderman in their respective movies and then never bringing them back to life. Vince has Bret to thank for those billions that were made from fans frothing at the mouth to see Austin kill him. Logic buddy. Bret was after Hogan perhaps the WWE`s most beloved star and fan favourite. It was that admiration for Bret that stirred up the fans in the wrestling universe and made WWE relevant. Without Vince and Trips `screwing`Bret, WWE could have just kept dying a slow death. That`s logic for you buddy. I was in grade 11 in 1997, I remember it all like it was yesterday. You can say what you want about Bret Hart but he got screwed out of a larger legacy and a bigger place in WWE by Triple H. Sure Triple H has a bigger place because of behind the scenes Nash-like behaviour. But Bret accomplished what he accomplished due to work ethic and organic fan admiration. Triple H was only slightly entertaining as a heel in feuds where he was carried by real draws like Austin, Rock, Foley, Stephanie, Vince or Shawn. Case closed.
The early to mid 90's was the worst period in WWE history. But that's because again, WWE didn't have much in the way of main eventers and WCW was taking the scene by storm. Now basically you're saying that screwing Bret was good thing for the WWE. If that's the case, then Triple H definitely has a bigger place.
Say what you want about Bret Hart, the fact is he`s left a better taste in the mouth of more fans both off and on these boards. Almost no one can dispute Bret as one of the best technical champs and top faces. Almost everybody realizes Bret`s one of the best. But only a small sample size of marks of the past 10 years seem to think Triple H deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as Hart. Triple H is a guy who is loved or respected by perhaps a third, at most, of fans on these boards. But I`ve read far more about those who could care less or actually hate him. The haters, or the objective among us, outnumber the whiny marks who put way too much stock in the past stagnant 10 years and way too little stock in the 10 amazing years prior. So you can say what you want Mr. Bottomline and attack my opinion or the opinions of everybody else you attacked before me, the truth is Hart is more universally respected, loved and remembered for his own accomplishments. Triple H will always be remembered as the guy who married into the family, controlled storylines and other wrestler`s fates and had his wife book him as a top card draw for over a decade. There`s logic for you numnuts.
Funny thing is when you think of top faces, you don't think of Bret Hart. You think of Hogan, Austin, Rock, and Cena. Bret isn't even in their level.
To the bold part: That is only true with whinny smarks such as yourself who still blame Triple H for all of the imaginary burials he's been apart of. Try practicing what you preach and be logical for a change. Triple H spent about 5 years on top doing what? Being the top heel. By the time Cena took his spot as top face and Orton as top heel, Triple H had faded into the background, only coming to the forefront when he was needed for a feud. If Stephanie and Triple H were doing all of this in Triple H's favor, then why hasn't he broken Flair's record yet? Or Bruno's? Because that would've been selfish and not what was best for business which is what Triple H has ALWAYS been about. Ask Shawn. Who took the fall for the Curtain Call fiasco when Hall and Nash left? Triple H because he knew that suspending Shawn wouldn't have been smart for business. Who made Cena a legitimate player in the main event? Triple H because he realized that Cena was the next top face. It was good for business. Why didn't Triple H beat Undertaker at either 17, 27, or 28? Because he knew that him winning would do nothing for business. He said it best, the streak is a brand, a draw. THAT my friend, is logic.