Who's place in WWE is bigger? Triple H's or Bret Hart's??

While Triple H put over Cena to some extent, to me he crippled Orton's career. To be honest, Cena would still be Cena without Trips. I chalk up Cena's amazing career to his feud with Edge.

Listen, I love Triple H, so don't make assumptions. But, 15 years from now, name one highlight that will be memorable from Triple H's career that WWE can show for years to come. The only highlight is the scene with Undertaker and HBK at WM28. Other than that, everything else is forgettable. Bret Hart has many highlights to showcase. Even the WM10 celebration!

Bret Hart is better in the ring. He isn't scared to take risks, unlike Triple H. Overall, Triple H's resume isn't groundbreaking. Nothing is groundbreaking or awe inspiring. Triple H sleeping with Stephanie doesn't mean that his place in WWE is bigger. Will it be in the future? Maybe, but that's because he'll run the company. But from an in-ring standpoint, Bret Hart's impact on the business will never be forgotten. Triple H?? Hardly.

When wrestlers talk about the best in-ring performers, Bret is in EVERYONES top 10.

While not being in the Top 1000 is the most ridiculous statement ever, Triple H will rarely be a top 10.

Crippled Orton's career? A guy who is a 9 time champion, has had some of the top feuds of the last several years got his career crippled during the feud that launched him to super stardom? Yea that doesn't make any sense.

I agree that Cena's feuds with Edge and Orton(ironically) are his two best feuds. But the one that really got him on the map was his feud with Triple H.

Triple H not have any memorable moments? You did mention WM 28. I'd name him firing Vince as a pretty good moment. Him smashing Foley with the KOTR crown because he didn't want to wear the ugly thing was pretty good. DX's formation as well as it's first reformation was a hell of a moment as well as him turning on DX. His Royal Rumble win as well as his returns from injury. You could argue that he is one of this generation's greatest heels but that's a different topic entirely.

Bret Hart was a technician. One of the best in his time? Definitely. Of all time? Definitely not. The man had little to no personality and while Triple H wasn't the best technician, he has plenty of personality.

I'd put Triple H in my top 10. Not necessarily technical wise, but if you base someone's impact solely on technical skills, then you have no idea what makes a superstar nor what it takes to leave an impact. Triple H has more than left his mark, he's engraved it into the foundations of the company he's about to own. Technical skills don't make the superstar nor does it define the impact that superstar leaves on a company.
While Triple H put over Cena to some extent, to me he crippled Orton's career. To be honest, Cena would still be Cena without Trips. I chalk up Cena's amazing career to his feud with Edge.

Listen, I love Triple H, so don't make assumptions. But, 15 years from now, name one highlight that will be memorable from Triple H's career that WWE can show for years to come. The only highlight is the scene with Undertaker and HBK at WM28. Other than that, everything else is forgettable. Bret Hart has many highlights to showcase. Even the WM10 celebration!

Bret Hart is better in the ring. He isn't scared to take risks, unlike Triple H. Overall, Triple H's resume isn't groundbreaking. Nothing is groundbreaking or awe inspiring. Triple H sleeping with Stephanie doesn't mean that his place in WWE is bigger. Will it be in the future? Maybe, but that's because he'll run the company. But from an in-ring standpoint, Bret Hart's impact on the business will never be forgotten. Triple H?? Hardly.

When wrestlers talk about the best in-ring performers, Bret is in EVERYONES top 10.

While not being in the Top 1000 is the most ridiculous statement ever, Triple H will rarely be a top 10.

Crippled? How the fuck? Orton became a star through HHH's evolution and then got 9 world titles, i think he did alright. As far as Cena goes, 1 year after winning his first WWE title, he made the biggest star on the roster tap out in the WM main event, which seriously legitimised him.

You are being incredibly biased. Triple H had many big moments and for the record, i have no memory of Bret's so called memorable WM10 celebration. His superior wrestling ability means little in comparison to someone who had the whole package. Bret may have edged Triple H in the technique department, but Triple H beats him in every single other way you can rate a pro-wrestler, it just isn't even close. Triple H can lay claim to being one of the top stars in a superior era, even before his relationship with Stephanie. He has also done more than just spend the last 13 years at home bitching about the WWE.

Yeah, you love Bret's wrestling skills, we get it. Understand though, that his actual influence on the business compared to HHH (whether because of Stephanie or not) is negligible.
This is a pretty dumb question, very misleading and one that is so obvious I don`t know why any of us feel forced to answer to it. Who`s place in WWE history is bigger? Jean Paul McMahon or Vince`s illegitimate son Bret the Hitman Hart? The answer is Triple H but that definitely does not make Bret Hart less important to overall wrestling history because Bret was a MILLION times better than Triple H. See, the question is not who is the better wrestler. The better entertainer. The better overall worker. The question is who has more of a history within WWE. Triple H has been there since 1995. He began dating Stephanie in 1999 when his career took off. He has held 13 titles, ass kissed his way to the top, has kissed ass over 14 years to stay front and center come each and every Wrestlemania and has been at the top of that card and every PPV card since. Bret didn`t have the luxury of marrying Stephanie or of becoming Vince`s son-in-law with more power than any other McMahon offspring. Vince believes Triple H is cutthroat enough to carry the company after he`s long gone because he was the one who came up with the idea to `screw`Bret. It was Triple H`s idea that ended up saving WWE as Vince gained enormous heat and used it to create perhaps the greatest wrestling feud ever with Steve Austin. Bret was offered, and I believe signed, a 17 year deal earlier that year which would see him working with WWE to some extent through 2014. As Bret had often been quoted as saying Vince was like a father figure to him before the Screwjob and bent over backwards for him. Vince wanted Hart to have the biggest place in WWE history. He gave him the ball after Hogan and the Hitman did a pretty damn good job. Thing is, Vince also treated wrestlers like they were farm animals. They were main event caliber for 5 years and then stuffed away in a commentary booth like Savage or put out to pasture like Hogan. Both of these massive stars still had a ton left in the tank and so did Hart in 1997. So Hart, whose role was to be downgraded while Michaels and the clique got the call the shots, decided he`d do what was best for his career and go to WCW. And Vince and the clique screwed him. Unlike Hogan, Savage, Flair, Hart, Piper, Rock, Austin and Foley who were all downgraded after only a couple years in the main event spotlight, the much less charismatic Jean Paul Levesque got to stay in the spotlight and bask in his undeserved glory for 14 + years. He and Shawn and Taker got to do what the others weren`t given the opportunity to do. Stay on top of the card and main event for two decades (Although Shawn took 4 years off and Taker has been in and out). Imagine if Hogan was given 18 years on WWE TV like Triple H. Or Savage, Flair, Hart, Piper, Rock, Austin and Foley. Imagine how much more fn amazing their careers would be. No other wrestler in WWE history has had the TV time or exposure of Triple H. It`s ludicrous. He`s only had that much TV time because who he is married to. Without marrying Stephanie, he doesn`t become an honorary McMahon. He would have no backstage control. He would get no booking power. No preferential treatment. No top of the card placements at PPVs and no unnecessary TV time. He would be phased out in 2003 or 2004 and work as a colour man like JBL or simply leave the company. Those 13 world titles would turn to 2. He wouldn`t have had a better singles career than JBL.

Anyway, what I`m saying here is that sure Triple H has a bigger place in WWE. He pretty much runs it. He will be on TV until the day he dies. He has more power than Hogan has with TNA. Triple H has his hand up Vince`s ass. He`s the buttkisser of buttkissers. How can Bret Hart contend with that? One thing I can say in Bret`s defense is that what Bret`s accomplished without resorting to petty backstage politicking in clikques or downright ass kissing is pretty impressive. As a member of one of the WWE`s best ever tag teams the Hart Foundation, Bret was one of the most important members of the WWE family from 1984 to 1997. His 6 year singles career in WWE took off in 1991 and he reached heights as champ and as company face beyond anything Triple H was ever able to reach in over double the time. More people on Earth know who Bret Hart is than Triple H. Bret Hart is more beloved both inside and outside the wrestling community. Bret Hart and his family have contributed a thousand times more to wrestling in general than Triple H could ever dream of contributing. To me it doesn`t matter who has a bigger place in WWE because that would be like asking `who has a bigger place at Thanksgiving dinner at the McMahons table: Hart or Levesque? Of course it`s Levesque when it comes to a bigger place. But for overall contributions both inside and outside WWE and making it on their own, it`s all about Bret Hart. Another thing to remember is the Hitman worked his ass off over 200 dates a year from 84 to 97. The Hitman was out there in the trenches back before there was weekly 2 or 3 hour RAWs and Smackdowns. He traveled at a torrid pace busting his ass to help make WWE what it is today. Just because it happened years before some of you were even born doesn`t mean it doesn`t count. Those 13 years of service and being rewarded with the company`s top title for his 7 years of 200 plus dates speak for itself. Triple H simply befriended Shawn, licked Vince McMahon`s ass crack the night before the Screwjob, hooked up romantically with Stephanie and was world champ in less than 4 years. He never busted his ass off or flew around America for 13 years like Bret at some torrid pace. He had complete job security by 2000 and was getting off easy for house shows after his injury in 2001. Sure, Triple H`s place in WWE is bigger but I`d argue Triple H`s place in WWE is bigger than anyone not named Vince McMahon. Still doesn`t make him one of the best 1000 wrestlers or anywhere near as loved as true legends who made it on their own talent and charisma like Hogan, Savage, Flair, Hart, Piper, Andre, Taker, Shawn Rock, Austin, Foley, Jericho, Steamboat, Henning, Benoit, Guerrero. The more important thing to realize is that their place in wrestling history in general is much bigger than that of a butt kissing power leetch who wouldn`t have accomplished one quarter of what he accomplished without marrying into the McMahon family. And wrestling history in general is much more important than the last decade of completely watered down WWE.
Somehow Bret Hart seems to be known by more non wrestling fans so maybe he'll be remembered more say in 50 years. Although Triple H achieved way more in wwe and has generally had a much longer career at the top and had a lot more big matches than Bret Hart did.

However more people just know the name Bret Hart. This might change over time though and I'm surprised it hasn't already.
It may actually be because Bret Hart was on that episode of the simpsons where he buys Mr Burns' house. Another Possibility is that not that many people actually know what Triple H stands for.
Its kind of like how everyone knows Hulk Hogan because he was the original star and Bret was another one of the originals. Its the same as how everyone only knows Wayne Gretzky and literally no other Hockey players even though there's probably been a slew of great players since. Its even kind of along the same lines of how lots of non wrestling fans still call it wwf.

This is how it is: people who are older remember Bret Hart because he was one of the first wrestling stars they knew, wheres younger people would probably know Triple H more and there are more older people in the world so it stays that Bret Hart is more recognized until the older people are dead and can't communicate anymore.

However given Triple H's close family ties with the McMahon's he'll have a bigger place in the end. Unless something goes wrong with that relationship. If that happens he'll be shunned from the wwe universe hard.
Good question.

Bret steadied the ship and kept it going after the Vince/Hogan drugs scandal, for all we know without him the WWF would have ceased to exist by the mid-90s.

Triple H is now a McMahon and will one day run the show. For that reason alone I'll probably say Triple H, but if you are looking at who contributed more in-ring to the company I'd have to go for Bret Hart.
Triple H has been there since 1995. He began dating Stephanie in 1999 when his career took off. He has held 13 titles, ass kissed his way to the top, has kissed ass over 14 years to stay front and center come each and every Wrestlemania and has been at the top of that card and every PPV card since.

Good Lord it took me a while to read through your walls of text there but I narrowed your entire pointless rant down to this: You believe with all of your being that Triple H kissed Vince's ass throughout his career while Bret Hart was screwed. That's your opinion, wrong as it may be, but it's yours.

Last time I checked John Cena has actually been on top of every ppv the last 7 years because he's the face of the company. Triple H was the face of the company, carrying the WWE on his back when Rock and Austin left for about 5 years, therefore he was on top of the card. Oh yea let's not forget about Lesnar leaving in 2004 along with Goldberg. When you're carrying a company on your back, you tend to be on top of the card. Bret is/was a great wrestler, but had ZERO personality. Triple H can wrestle pretty decent and has MASSIVE personality.

The guy was leaving for WCW and didn't want to drop the belt. When you are leaving a company, you're supposed to drop the belt so you don't take the title to the competition. Those belts aren't exactly cheap. If Bret had agreed to drop the belt like he was supposed to, he wouldn't have gotten screwed. It doesn't matter who's decision it was, Bret was being unprofessional, it had to be done. I believe that by the time the Klique finally separated, Triple H actually took the fall for it.

Bret was great during his tenure in the WWE but when you look at who's done more for WWE, it was Triple H. He's brought in the most money with high profile matches, had some of the best matches with the most intensity, and is doing things now that Bret would never have dreamed of doing. Triple H does what's best for business, Bret has never done that. He's selfish if you think about it, that's why the Montreal Screw Job was necessary.

Stop being blinded by your hatred for Triple H. Try thinking logically for a change. And use paragraphs, lots of paragraphs.
Maybe another point of reference could be who had better mainstream exposure during their prime? I certainly remember Bret getting a coveted guest role on "The Simpsons", but not much else in terms of movie roles or anything else.
Triple H had a starring role in "The Chaperone".

I rest my case.
Bret, without a doubt.

His ring accumen aside, he, along with a few others back in the 80's helped pave the way for smaller guys getting top billing at events. His IC match with The Bulldog at SummerSlam was the main event. That was unheard of then and now.

Also, like some others have said, and I think they're echoing what he said in a recent interview, Bret was the reliable workhorse who served as the go-to champion who held things together during the years when WWE was in the wilderness, looking for another mega star, whom they found in Steve Austin.
Andthat`sthebottomline: Morons with no high school diploma or attention spans always complain about the length of my arguments. These complainers obviously have no university education and can`t type or read all that fast or effectively. That`s fine, not everyone on the planet has a university education or a journalism background or typing skills. Point is, I construct solid arguments based on objectivity for a living. If they weren`t solid, I`d be fired. I would have flunked out of university passing in papers without sources or solid evidence or lines of argument.

Now onto what this dipshit describes as a`pointless`rant (like how I made a separate paragraph just for you). I argued that Triple H has a bigger place in WWE history because he married into the family. I don`t subjectively think that because I hate Triple H. Since I could care less about Triple H and wrestling today in general, I can better observe things objectively with my own eyes and ears than a bunch of subjective marks and smarks. No one on earth has a bigger place in WWE history or WWE future. Triple H is essentially 1985 Vince McMahon in the year 2013. This guy became best friends with Shawn Michaels and this clique had a lot of sway in what happened with the product. Hall, Nash and Pac left for WCW and created the attitude era with the NWO. They made wrestling cool and eventually ended up running WCW into the ground inadvertently for Vince. Trips and Shawn stayed loyal to WWE, created DX, screwed over Bret and took WWE to new levels. In the midst of an intriguing title run as the company`s top emerging heel, Triple H was elevated to world champ at about the same time that he and Stephanie began officially dating. Not just sleeping around like they were months before August 99. Officially, on the record dating. To `screw over`Stephanie would be the end of his career. Triple H could not date or sleep with another girl again as long as he lived or else be written out of WWE programming. So he used the relationship to his advantage as a way to leverage himself for life and create an artificial legacy.

Sure, Trips has a bigger place in WWE. But not because he was anything more than an average talent with average skill and average charisma. He was just in the right place, at the right time with the right connections. Had Triple H become unhappy with Stephanie and tried to dump her like he did Chyna, Vince would have `screwed`his career. He`d be working in TNA. Triple H would have had a career similar to the WWE blacklisted Jeff Jarrett. He`d be long gone, about as memorable as Marc Mero.

Triple H has a bigger place because he is the father of McMahon`s grandchildren who control the future of WWE. Without playing the politics and marrying into family, Bret Hart`s place is bigger because Bret contributed more to entertaining people. Hart is more well known around the world. He was the Cena of the 90s. You can say he was terrible on the mic or had no charisma but that`s just your opinion. And your a mark, so your opinion counts for less. Sure, Hitman was terrible in comparison to the all time legends and mic masters that existed in the 80s and 90s like Piper, Flair, Savage, Hogan, Dibiase etc. But he`s a thousand times better than the crop of crap WWE has today. Del Rio, Ziggler, Bryan, Miz these guys were nowhere near as good on the mic or entertaining as Bret Hart. Hart was brilliant on the mic in the latter part of his original stay in WWE when he was anti-American. Tons of personality. Just because Hart has little to no personality now as a 56 year old man means squat. The funny thing is when he`s on WWE TV these days he still has more personality than 85 percent of the roster. Yet, as you say, he has very little personality. WWE is definitely in a sad state.

As for your opinion, it`s not logical. Triple H has very little personality. His buddy Shawn had all the personality. Triple H didn`t make more money for WWE than Hart. Triple H was the company`s top heel during the worst era in wrestling history. The 2000s. TV ratings plummeted. Men between 18 and 35 quit watching. Children under 18 and women everywhere were target audience. Sure, WWE can sell out it`s RAWs and Smackdowns better than it could sell out in the mid 90s. But Bret Hart was responsible for building the WWE foundation. Triple H simply trampled on that and reaped the rewards of an established product. WWE was not in danger after the Attitude Era. The `screwing`of the company`s hardest working employee ever kickstarted that era. Triple H was behind that idea to `screw`Bret. But Austin, Rock, Foley and Vince carried this era. Triple H went along for the ride. When Austin and Rock left, Trips looked huge by default. But it was pretty obvious he couldn`t carry the product anywhere near as well as the others before him and that job was left to Cena. So when Bret was screwed over, fans were furious. Not just Hart fans. All fans. Many started watching WCW. But many remained to see Vince McMahon get his ass whooped and that came about because of Steve Austin. Without the Hitman as the fall man, Austin and McMahon don`t reach such levels. The best feud ever involving the biggest villain ever was kickstarted by screwing over perhaps the most beloved face ever Bret Hart. Vince`s billions are a direct result of Triple H`s seedy little plan to `screw`Bret. Compared to movies, the Screwjob would be like killing Batman or Spiderman in their respective movies and then never bringing them back to life. Vince has Bret to thank for those billions that were made from fans frothing at the mouth to see Austin kill him. Logic buddy. Bret was after Hogan perhaps the WWE`s most beloved star and fan favourite. It was that admiration for Bret that stirred up the fans in the wrestling universe and made WWE relevant. Without Vince and Trips `screwing`Bret, WWE could have just kept dying a slow death. That`s logic for you buddy. I was in grade 11 in 1997, I remember it all like it was yesterday. You can say what you want about Bret Hart but he got screwed out of a larger legacy and a bigger place in WWE by Triple H. Sure Triple H has a bigger place because of behind the scenes Nash-like behaviour. But Bret accomplished what he accomplished due to work ethic and organic fan admiration. Triple H was only slightly entertaining as a heel in feuds where he was carried by real draws like Austin, Rock, Foley, Stephanie, Vince or Shawn. Case closed.

Say what you want about Bret Hart, the fact is he`s left a better taste in the mouth of more fans both off and on these boards. Almost no one can dispute Bret as one of the best technical champs and top faces. Almost everybody realizes Bret`s one of the best. But only a small sample size of marks of the past 10 years seem to think Triple H deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as Hart. Triple H is a guy who is loved or respected by perhaps a third, at most, of fans on these boards. But I`ve read far more about those who could care less or actually hate him. The haters, or the objective among us, outnumber the whiny marks who put way too much stock in the past stagnant 10 years and way too little stock in the 10 amazing years prior. So you can say what you want Mr. Bottomline and attack my opinion or the opinions of everybody else you attacked before me, the truth is Hart is more universally respected, loved and remembered for his own accomplishments. Triple H will always be remembered as the guy who married into the family, controlled storylines and other wrestler`s fates and had his wife book him as a top card draw for over a decade. There`s logic for you numnuts.
With 4 pages of responses I'm sure I'm not mentioning anything new here, but without a question.. the answer is Triple H. I enjoy both of these wrestlers. I acknowledge and respect Bret Hart's place as one of the all time greats, not just as a technician, but in WWE history. Triple H himself I have to say is probably in my top 10 all time favorites. They both have COMPLETELY DIFFERENT styles, it's almost impossible to compare them as wrestlers. As mentioned, Bret was the technician. He went out every night, and wrestled his way up the ladder. Triple H was the intense brawler. Once he reached the main event, his matches felt like big time fights. But he could still tell stories in the ring.

At the end of the day though, Triple H has been WAY more involved in meaningful storylines, and held double the championships Bret has. Both of those are a result of the time periods they were in during their prime, but it is what it is. As much as I respect and admire Bret Hart, he's starting to sound like a whiny bitter old man, while Triple H.. in my opinion.. is slowly turning WWE around for the better and I believe will eventually take it to new heights never reached by Vince.
Andthat`sthebottomline: Morons with no high school diploma or attention spans always complain about the length of my arguments. These complainers obviously have no university education and can`t type or read all that fast or effectively. That`s fine, not everyone on the planet has a university education or a journalism background or typing skills. Point is, I construct solid arguments based on objectivity for a living. If they weren`t solid, I`d be fired. I would have flunked out of university passing in papers without sources or solid evidence or lines of argument.

I have a HS diploma, I read fairly quickly if you consider reading Gone With The Wind in less than a week fast. I'm not the fastest typer but that's irrelevant. I really hate doing this sort of posting because it takes a lot of time when I have college classes to study for but I figured I'd take a break and reply to your illogical and pointless rant. Again.

Now onto what this dipshit describes as a`pointless`rant (like how I made a separate paragraph just for you). I argued that Triple H has a bigger place in WWE history because he married into the family. I don`t subjectively think that because I hate Triple H. Since I could care less about Triple H and wrestling today in general, I can better observe things objectively with my own eyes and ears than a bunch of subjective marks and smarks. No one on earth has a bigger place in WWE history or WWE future. Triple H is essentially 1985 Vince McMahon in the year 2013. This guy became best friends with Shawn Michaels and this clique had a lot of sway in what happened with the product. Hall, Nash and Pac left for WCW and created the attitude era with the NWO. They made wrestling cool and eventually ended up running WCW into the ground inadvertently for Vince. Trips and Shawn stayed loyal to WWE, created DX, screwed over Bret and took WWE to new levels. In the midst of an intriguing title run as the company`s top emerging heel, Triple H was elevated to world champ at about the same time that he and Stephanie began officially dating. Not just sleeping around like they were months before August 99. Officially, on the record dating. To `screw over`Stephanie would be the end of his career. Triple H could not date or sleep with another girl again as long as he lived or else be written out of WWE programming. So he used the relationship to his advantage as a way to leverage himself for life and create an artificial legacy.

I'm honored that you made a separate paragraph just for me. Maybe you should read KB's thread on what killed WCW as he seems to be much better informed on the topic than yourself. Yes Triple H and his buddies had a lot of sway. Yes Hall and Nash had a lot of sway in WCW once they got there. But it wasn't until after Hogan had joined that NWO began losing its luster. One could argue that Austin actually started the Attitude Era but that's a completely different topic.

I bolded that part because it's probably the truest thing you've said yet although Bret brought it on himself by refusing to willingly drop the title. Yes it was his home, but when you are about to jump ship to another company you are supposed to drop the belt. It's common courtesy. He brought it on himself.

Of course Triple H can't actually love Stephanie can he? :rolleyes: This is a very tired argument that is completely unproven. Them dating was a storyline for the longest time when he broke onto the main event. It didn't become real til much later after he had won the belt a couple of times.

Sure, Trips has a bigger place in WWE. But not because he was anything more than an average talent with average skill and average charisma. He was just in the right place, at the right time with the right connections. Had Triple H become unhappy with Stephanie and tried to dump her like he did Chyna, Vince would have `screwed`his career. He`d be working in TNA. Triple H would have had a career similar to the WWE blacklisted Jeff Jarrett. He`d be long gone, about as memorable as Marc Mero.

See, this is what makes me think you dislike Triple H. Anyone that claims he has just average mic skills must dislike him. Triple H has very good mic skills but they didn't really get good until his run in DX. He's always had pretty good charisma that got better in DX. He's pretty talented, not Bret Hart level talent but he holds his own pretty good.

For the bold part just see above.

Triple H has a bigger place because he is the father of McMahon`s grandchildren who control the future of WWE. Without playing the politics and marrying into family, Bret Hart`s place is bigger because Bret contributed more to entertaining people. Hart is more well known around the world. He was the Cena of the 90s. You can say he was terrible on the mic or had no charisma but that`s just your opinion. And your a mark, so your opinion counts for less. Sure, Hitman was terrible in comparison to the all time legends and mic masters that existed in the 80s and 90s like Piper, Flair, Savage, Hogan, Dibiase etc. But he`s a thousand times better than the crop of crap WWE has today. Del Rio, Ziggler, Bryan, Miz these guys were nowhere near as good on the mic or entertaining as Bret Hart. Hart was brilliant on the mic in the latter part of his original stay in WWE when he was anti-American. Tons of personality. Just because Hart has little to no personality now as a 56 year old man means squat. The funny thing is when he`s on WWE TV these days he still has more personality than 85 percent of the roster. Yet, as you say, he has very little personality. WWE is definitely in a sad state.

He was the Cena of the early-mid 90's because he was all they had. HBK and Austin weren't there yet so they had to rely on Bret. Was Hart a big face at that time? Hell yes he was but only because they had nobody else. If he had stayed, he might have done well in the Attitude Era. It's something that we'll never know for sure. I think he would've gotten lost in the shuffle but he wouldn't have remained champion for much longer after Montreal because Shawn was ready to jump up. But again, we can't know for sure.

All IWC are marks in some what, shape, form, or fashion. Get over yourself.

As for your opinion, it`s not logical. Triple H has very little personality. His buddy Shawn had all the personality. Triple H didn`t make more money for WWE than Hart. Triple H was the company`s top heel during the worst era in wrestling history. The 2000s. TV ratings plummeted. Men between 18 and 35 quit watching. Children under 18 and women everywhere were target audience. Sure, WWE can sell out it`s RAWs and Smackdowns better than it could sell out in the mid 90s. But Bret Hart was responsible for building the WWE foundation. Triple H simply trampled on that and reaped the rewards of an established product. WWE was not in danger after the Attitude Era. The `screwing`of the company`s hardest working employee ever kickstarted that era. Triple H was behind that idea to `screw`Bret. But Austin, Rock, Foley and Vince carried this era. Triple H went along for the ride. When Austin and Rock left, Trips looked huge by default. But it was pretty obvious he couldn`t carry the product anywhere near as well as the others before him and that job was left to Cena. So when Bret was screwed over, fans were furious. Not just Hart fans. All fans. Many started watching WCW. But many remained to see Vince McMahon get his ass whooped and that came about because of Steve Austin. Without the Hitman as the fall man, Austin and McMahon don`t reach such levels. The best feud ever involving the biggest villain ever was kickstarted by screwing over perhaps the most beloved face ever Bret Hart. Vince`s billions are a direct result of Triple H`s seedy little plan to `screw`Bret. Compared to movies, the Screwjob would be like killing Batman or Spiderman in their respective movies and then never bringing them back to life. Vince has Bret to thank for those billions that were made from fans frothing at the mouth to see Austin kill him. Logic buddy. Bret was after Hogan perhaps the WWE`s most beloved star and fan favourite. It was that admiration for Bret that stirred up the fans in the wrestling universe and made WWE relevant. Without Vince and Trips `screwing`Bret, WWE could have just kept dying a slow death. That`s logic for you buddy. I was in grade 11 in 1997, I remember it all like it was yesterday. You can say what you want about Bret Hart but he got screwed out of a larger legacy and a bigger place in WWE by Triple H. Sure Triple H has a bigger place because of behind the scenes Nash-like behaviour. But Bret accomplished what he accomplished due to work ethic and organic fan admiration. Triple H was only slightly entertaining as a heel in feuds where he was carried by real draws like Austin, Rock, Foley, Stephanie, Vince or Shawn. Case closed.

The early to mid 90's was the worst period in WWE history. But that's because again, WWE didn't have much in the way of main eventers and WCW was taking the scene by storm. Now basically you're saying that screwing Bret was good thing for the WWE. If that's the case, then Triple H definitely has a bigger place.

Say what you want about Bret Hart, the fact is he`s left a better taste in the mouth of more fans both off and on these boards. Almost no one can dispute Bret as one of the best technical champs and top faces. Almost everybody realizes Bret`s one of the best. But only a small sample size of marks of the past 10 years seem to think Triple H deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as Hart. Triple H is a guy who is loved or respected by perhaps a third, at most, of fans on these boards. But I`ve read far more about those who could care less or actually hate him. The haters, or the objective among us, outnumber the whiny marks who put way too much stock in the past stagnant 10 years and way too little stock in the 10 amazing years prior. So you can say what you want Mr. Bottomline and attack my opinion or the opinions of everybody else you attacked before me, the truth is Hart is more universally respected, loved and remembered for his own accomplishments. Triple H will always be remembered as the guy who married into the family, controlled storylines and other wrestler`s fates and had his wife book him as a top card draw for over a decade. There`s logic for you numnuts.

Funny thing is when you think of top faces, you don't think of Bret Hart. You think of Hogan, Austin, Rock, and Cena. Bret isn't even in their level.

To the bold part: That is only true with whinny smarks such as yourself who still blame Triple H for all of the imaginary burials he's been apart of. Try practicing what you preach and be logical for a change. Triple H spent about 5 years on top doing what? Being the top heel. By the time Cena took his spot as top face and Orton as top heel, Triple H had faded into the background, only coming to the forefront when he was needed for a feud. If Stephanie and Triple H were doing all of this in Triple H's favor, then why hasn't he broken Flair's record yet? Or Bruno's? Because that would've been selfish and not what was best for business which is what Triple H has ALWAYS been about. Ask Shawn. Who took the fall for the Curtain Call fiasco when Hall and Nash left? Triple H because he knew that suspending Shawn wouldn't have been smart for business. Who made Cena a legitimate player in the main event? Triple H because he realized that Cena was the next top face. It was good for business. Why didn't Triple H beat Undertaker at either 17, 27, or 28? Because he knew that him winning would do nothing for business. He said it best, the streak is a brand, a draw. THAT my friend, is logic.
Andthat`sthebottomline you can requote everything I say and tear it to bits in your own mind with your Triple H mark reasoning. But you aren`t gonna convince the majority of us who can see that Triple H was never anything more than an average entertainer throughout the majority of his career. He`s a big deal for you but he`s not a big deal to all of us like Bret Hart was. Call it a pointless rant all you want. It`s pointless to you because you don`t agree with me. I could say your posts are pointless using the same reasoning.

Quote 1: It wasn't until after Hogan had joined that NWO began losing its luster. One could argue that Austin actually started the Attitude Era but that's a completely different topic.

Correction: The NWO didn`t start losing its luster until about the summer of 1998 with the two warring NWO factions. Hulk Hogan joining the NWO was when wrestling entertainment was reborn. One of the most important moments in wrestling ever. You could argue Austin started the Attitude Era if your whole focus was on WWE. Anyone who was watching both promotions at the time remembers that Scott Hall ushered in the Attitude Era by arriving in WCW. Before Austin`s King of the Ring speech. Hogan turning heel though was the true beginning of this Attitude era.

Quote 2: Them dating was a storyline for the longest time when he broke onto the main event. It didn't become real til much later after he had won the belt a couple of times.

So you have the inside track on the relationship of Triple H and Stephanie. I can`t prove for sure that there was something serious going on there in August 1999. But with everything that happened for Triple H at around that time, I`d say it`s pretty obvious. It wasn`t like Stephanie noticed how well Triple H was doing and decided to start dating him. Triple H kept that relationship under wraps for god knows how long because he was still officially dating his bodyguard Chyna. Trips and Steph easily could have been messing around on the side for over half a year before his big push and before things between them became official. I know that there was a period of time in all my previous relationships where things weren`t official but instead were just mainly physical.

Quote 3: See, this is what makes me think you dislike Triple H. Anyone that claims he has just average mic skills must dislike him.

Correction: For the record, I said Triple H had average charisma. I didn`t say he was average or under average on the mic. There was a time when Triple H was a fantastic heel and it was around this time when he was gold on the mic. I was a big Triple H fan from 1998 until 2002. His heel work with Austin and Rock was gold. He was a great supporting character. When he had the ****ty Stephanie character with him is when I dug his character. I got into him after Shawn left because Shawn was one of my all time favourites and after he left being a fan of Triple H seemed like the only logical thing to do. You are right though. I don`t like Triple H today. I used to love Kevin Nash too. I read the wrestlezone stories way back in 98 and 99 so I knew Nash was powerful behind the scenes and with booking. Nash was always awesome with Hall in a tag team. But when he was a singles competitor he wasn`t all that interesting. He pushed himself to the moon and it didn`t make any sense. He was a heel and a tweener. He shouldn`t have ended Goldberg`s streak. He didn`t know what was best for business because he wanted a better legacy. Triple H is the same. He was awesome when he was the supporting heel. But when the focus became all about Triple H, it soured a lot of fans including myself. Things were so much better when Triple H knew his role. Ditto in WCW with Kevin Nash.

Quote 4: He was the Cena of the early-mid 90's because he was all they had. HBK and Austin weren't there yet so they had to rely on Bret. Was Hart a big face at that time? Hell yes he was but only because they had nobody else. If he had stayed, he might have done well in the Attitude Era.

Correction: Vince had much more than Bret to work with. In 1992, WWE had just lost Warrior and Hogan albeit temporarily. WWE had Flair, Savage, Henning, Piper, Bulldog, Warrior again, Hogan again, Yokozuna, Razor Ramon, Undertaker, Diesel, Bob Backlund etc etc. In fact, it was shocking when Hitman became champ. Flair and Savage were the big two contenders and Warrior had a series of matches with Flair around that time. Razor was a real comer and Shawn Michaels wasn`t far off main eventing. Vince didn`t have to put the title on Bret. He could have left it on Savage because he was more over. Vince wanted to move in a different direction and Bret had paid his dues. No Bret didn`t stick around for the WWE Attitude era. But he did well for himself in WCW. He didn`t think he was used properly in WCW because he wasn`t immediately handed the world title. Yes, as much as I love the guy I can see he`s ignorant like that. But I thought he was used pretty well in WCW. He had great feuds with DDP, Flair, Goldberg and Sting. Classic matches with Benoit and Savage. He got to be part of the NWO. He steamrolled through all the ranks and left wrestling on top as world champ (just like he tried to do in WWE). Bret got to be part of the Attitude era just not with WWE. To be honest, WWE didn`t have a whole lot of talent after Hart left. WCW is where all the talent was. WWE boomed after his departure, but still the Hitman got to wrestle in tons of dream matches for the next two years. So don`t kid yourself on Hart`s career pretty much ending with the Screwjob. Hart accomplished quite a bit in the much more competitive ranks of WCW.

Quote 5: The early to mid 90's was the worst period in WWE history. But that's because again, WWE didn't have much in the way of main eventers and WCW was taking the scene by storm.

Yeah I`ve heard this one before over and over again from the same sort of smarks who regurgitate what all the others say. But I`ve never seen or heard any proof of this. WWE was not at it`s weakest in 1992. WWE was at its absolute worst during the entire Kevin Nash title reign. 1996 was a pretty brutal year as well. 1997 WWE had a few things going for it but until the Screwjob it wasn`t certain if WWE would still be around a year later. So, based on what I`ve seen as evidence, the worst very short period in wrestling would be from about 1994 to 1996. The worst very lengthy period in wrestling would be from about 2003 to now. Sure there`s been a lot of good in between but it`s extremely spread out. In the 90s, things were amazing besides a little lull after Survivor Series 94 till about the KOTR 96. But after WMX19, WWE has gone through a funk. The brand split, the Triple H focus, the Cena-PG era and now the CM Punk show. There`s not a whole lot to be that excited about and there doesn`t appear to be any light at the end of the tunnel. TV ratings were through the roof until 2002 and now they`re hitting all time lows. I mean if that`s not a sign that WWE is at its worst then I don`t know what is. I read today that the RAW after Rock`s title win was the most watched RAW in over a year. Yet the RAW after Punk`s SS title win in 2011 was one of the most least watched. That`s a problem when a part timer from the past comes back to win the title and brings WWE huge ratings while the company torch bearer draws the least. It`s not Punk`s fault though because he`s doing his job better than anyone else who got his big push in the past 10 years. The fault is with who is in charge of booking, Steph, and who is control of backstage politics, Trips.

Quote 6: Now basically you're saying that screwing Bret was good thing for the WWE. If that's the case, then Triple H definitely has a bigger place.

I never said in my entire argument that Hart had a bigger place. Of course screwing Bret was a good thing for the WWE! When did I say it wasn`t. You`re right, if that is the case then Trips has a bigger place. That was my argument. Triple H definitely has a bigger place. Just because I prefer Hart to Trips doesn`t mean I can`t be objective.

Quote 7: Funny thing is when you think of top faces, you don't think of Bret Hart. You think of Hogan, Austin, Rock, and Cena. Bret isn't even in their level.

Correction: When I think of faces I think of Hogan, Austin, Rock, Savage, Flair, Taker, Sting, Warrior, Goldberg, Michaels, Piper and of course Bret the Hitman Hart. I do not think of John Cena. Most 80s and 90s wrestling fans who walked away in 2003, when TV ratings tanked from 4s to 2s, don`t recognize Cena as one of the best or anywhere near this category. I get what you`re saying though. Hogan, Austin, Rock and Cena are icons. Cena`s an icon for the 2.9 rating of diehards today. Rock and Austin were for the 5.2. Hogan was in WWE and in WCW for the 5.2. Perhaps you don`t subjectively see Hart on that level but I do and so do a lot of old school wrestling fans. The Hitman was the real deal. He was the face of the company for 5 years. He didn`t have the same kind of cultural impact Rock, Austin or Hogan had but nobody else did. That`s not a knock against Hart although he would have been one of the next closest to that elite status.

Quote 8: That is only true with whinny smarks such as yourself who still blame Triple H for all of the imaginary burials he's been apart of. Try practicing what you preach and be logical for a change.

All I said was that he had control over other wrestler`s fates. I did not say he buried the careers of so many more talented wrestlers. Although there is a ton of truth in the argument that he tried to bury anybody who posed a threat to his `top heel`status. But that`s another argument for another thread. It`s not an argument I made so I don`t know why you`d bring it up unless you happened to be a humongous Triple H mark. I can`t disagree with your last point because it wasn`t part of my original argument. I will put some of the things you said into better perspective though. Triple H has won four less titles than Flair in a span of 10 years while Flair held 17 over a span of 27. No one will hold a title for 7 years again. Not even Triple H could get away with that although I`m sure Triple H considered trying to push it through the booking committee at some point. Triple H was penalized for the ìncident`, yes, but the real reason he was penalized at all was because Vince realized Austin was more deserving of a push based on fan reaction. He probably just didn`t have the balls to tell Triple H any differently. Triple H could still yet beat Taker at WM. He hasn`t yet because the Streak is gold. It`s one of the main reasons anybody cares about Wrestlemania anymore. And for your point about Cena. Triple H didn`t want to work 300 dates a year for 10 years straight so they found a robot like Cena who would. Triple H got to work less house shows and more and more just on TV while Cena broke his back carrying the company. Triple H reaps the benefits as he gets to show up and take on whoever at Wrestlemania and then go back into hibernation while Cena hits the road for 300 dates a year.
Andthat`sthebottomline you can requote everything I say and tear it to bits in your own mind with your Triple H mark reasoning. But you aren`t gonna convince the majority of us who can see that Triple H was never anything more than an average entertainer throughout the majority of his career. He`s a big deal for you but he`s not a big deal to all of us like Bret Hart was. Call it a pointless rant all you want. It`s pointless to you because you don`t agree with me. I could say your posts are pointless using the same reasoning.

ilapierre calls people marks, yet is an obvious Bret Hart mark.

You can have false nostalgia all you want, but outside of the ring, he was very unremarkable, then and now. Ratings don't always reflect the quality of the show anyway, but he was the first of the worst era ever, whether you want to admit it is your own problem. The best thing he ever did for the company is leave.

Also, Triple H didn't start dating Stephanie until 2000 after his big push but whats the point in saying it, even though you have no proof otherwise you'll continue to believe he got nowhere without screwing Stephanie. Btw, before the curtain call incident where he took the blame and the punishment, he was pencilled in to be the KotR winner for '96, yeah thats right, he was going to get Austin's push. Just saying.
tom9422: Im a Savage mark. Harts one of my favourite all time wrestlers so I suppose that makes me a Hitman mark although, unlike Savage, I do objectively criticize Hart from time to time.

Usually I dont resort to calling others marks because all wrestling fans are marks one way or the other. I suppose you cant objectively rate a wrestler whose one of your favourite or least favourite. So perhaps Im not as objective because of my dislike of Triple H just as much as some here are not objective enough when it comes to Triple Hs various flaws. For me Triple H is overrated whereas for 21 year olds out there like Andthatsthebottomline Bret Hart is overrated. Two different generations see things differently. There is a lot of truth in what we are both saying and the overall truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

As for your claim of false nostalgia I must ask how old are you? If you are younger than me maybe thats why you feel that way. I lived and breathed the product just before, during and just after Hart was the company torchbearer. He was the main event. Youre not remembering the past correctly. You are revising it. There was nothing wrong with WWE in 1992 or 1993. WWE put out an excellent Wrestlemania in 1994 kicked off with an Owen-Bret classic and main evented by Hart again. Fast forward a year later and the company was going down the shitter. Savage had left just before Survivor Series. Hart lost the title to Backlund who lost it two days later to Diesel. The Diesel era was essentially the clique era. You had Nash and Michaels headline Wrestlemania11 and that was one of the absolute worst WM cards. Brets match with Backlund should have been straight forward but was a dumb gimmick submission match. Wrestling was definitely in a mini slump for two years. Wasnt Brets fault. It was the decision to give a charisma lacking hack Nash the title for a year. Reducing Hitmans role hurt WWE overall. All those In Your Houses watered down the product. The emphasis on Jeff Jarrett, Mabel, Waylon Mercy, Bob Holly, The Godwins..no one wanted to watch these guys. The product died for me and a lot of people the moment Savage left in November 94 and Diesel became champ. Hart became champ again but that was short lived as Michaels won the belt. Things were really in the shitter when the main event at WM13 was Taker vs Sid. Maybe using your logic the best thing for WWE was for Undertaker to leave because he has proved to be one of worst title match draws ever! Whether you want to admit this is your own problem but the best thing going on in the company other than Steve Austin in 96-97 was the heel Hart Foundation led by Hart. Bret had reinvented himself and was one of the only reasons to watch WWE.

As for Triple H being the pencilled in KotR winner, I addressed that already. Triple H was most likely told by Vince that he was penalized for the MSG incident as a way to politely give Austin the push he rightfully deserved and the actual thing fans wanted. Seriously, what on earth had Triple H done by 1996 to deserve such a push? He was boring as fuck at this point. The only reason he would have been considered for that role so early on is because he had that snobby British-like character Hunter Hearst going on (and being a snobby Brit is something we all think of when we think of British royalty). Anyone with half a brain would have scrapped those plans once Austin was in the picture. Seriously, do you really believe Triple Hs MSG actions were the real reason Austin was pushed? Im sure Hunter or Shawn said something ridiculous like that to revise history decades later. But theres no way you can really believe Austin wasnt gonna headline that KOTR card with or without the MSG incident.

In 1999 I met my future girlfriend of 7 years. We were messing around half a year later in September. She had a boyfriend and I had a girlfriend so we kept things on the down low. We both werent known to be serial cheaters but we realized we had something pretty special and it was worth it so we both broke up with our significant others and started officially dating in 2000. We spent about a month or two keeping it secret so it wouldnt look so bad after just breaking up with our significant others. Besides how things started with us both having someone else when we met, thats how relationships evolve. But a lot of you on these webpages wouldnt know a whole lot about real life relationships or the opposite sex. Anyway, perhaps Triple H and Stephanie just started dating out of the blue in 2000. Truth of the matter is they started working together in 1999 at the exact same time Trips won his first world title. When he was with Chyna. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see what was probably going on right from the get go between those two. Cause we all know how fast Trips ex Chyna gets right down to business. Any guy who dates Chyna, loves easy ****s. Im sure Trips and Steph were paired together in that angle in 99 because the real life stuff was already happening. WWE does that kind of thing with real life couples. WWE also splits up couples and pairs them up with others too for shits and giggles like Bryan and AJ and then Cena and AJ when they are both in real life dating the Bella Twins who walked away from WWE just before those angles.
tom9422: Im a Savage mark. Harts one of my favourite all time wrestlers so I suppose that makes me a Hitman mark although, unlike Savage, I do objectively criticize Hart from time to time.

Usually I dont resort to calling others marks because all wrestling fans are marks one way or the other. I suppose you cant objectively rate a wrestler whose one of your favourite or least favourite. So perhaps Im not as objective because of my dislike of Triple H just as much as some here are not objective enough when it comes to Triple Hs various flaws. For me Triple H is overrated whereas for 21 year olds out there like Andthatsthebottomline Bret Hart is overrated. Two different generations see things differently. There is a lot of truth in what we are both saying and the overall truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

As for your claim of false nostalgia I must ask how old are you? If you are younger than me maybe thats why you feel that way. I lived and breathed the product just before, during and just after Hart was the company torchbearer. He was the main event. Youre not remembering the past correctly. You are revising it. There was nothing wrong with WWE in 1992 or 1993. WWE put out an excellent Wrestlemania in 1994 kicked off with an Owen-Bret classic and main evented by Hart again. Fast forward a year later and the company was going down the shitter. Savage had left just before Survivor Series. Hart lost the title to Backlund who lost it two days later to Diesel. The Diesel era was essentially the clique era. You had Nash and Michaels headline Wrestlemania11 and that was one of the absolute worst WM cards. Brets match with Backlund should have been straight forward but was a dumb gimmick submission match. Wrestling was definitely in a mini slump for two years. Wasnt Brets fault. It was the decision to give a charisma lacking hack Nash the title for a year. Reducing Hitmans role hurt WWE overall. All those In Your Houses watered down the product. The emphasis on Jeff Jarrett, Mabel, Waylon Mercy, Bob Holly, The Godwins..no one wanted to watch these guys. The product died for me and a lot of people the moment Savage left in November 94 and Diesel became champ. Hart became champ again but that was short lived as Michaels won the belt. Things were really in the shitter when the main event at WM13 was Taker vs Sid. Maybe using your logic the best thing for WWE was for Undertaker to leave because he has proved to be one of worst title match draws ever! Whether you want to admit this is your own problem but the best thing going on in the company other than Steve Austin in 96-97 was the heel Hart Foundation led by Hart. Bret had reinvented himself and was one of the only reasons to watch WWE.

As for Triple H being the pencilled in KotR winner, I addressed that already. Triple H was most likely told by Vince that he was penalized for the MSG incident as a way to politely give Austin the push he rightfully deserved and the actual thing fans wanted. Seriously, what on earth had Triple H done by 1996 to deserve such a push? He was boring as fuck at this point. The only reason he would have been considered for that role so early on is because he had that snobby British-like character Hunter Hearst going on (and being a snobby Brit is something we all think of when we think of British royalty). Anyone with half a brain would have scrapped those plans once Austin was in the picture. Seriously, do you really believe Triple Hs MSG actions were the real reason Austin was pushed? Im sure Hunter or Shawn said something ridiculous like that to revise history decades later. But theres no way you can really believe Austin wasnt gonna headline that KOTR card with or without the MSG incident.

In 1999 I met my future girlfriend of 7 years. We were messing around half a year later in September. She had a boyfriend and I had a girlfriend so we kept things on the down low. We both werent known to be serial cheaters but we realized we had something pretty special and it was worth it so we both broke up with our significant others and started officially dating in 2000. We spent about a month or two keeping it secret so it wouldnt look so bad after just breaking up with our significant others. Besides how things started with us both having someone else when we met, thats how relationships evolve. But a lot of you on these webpages wouldnt know a whole lot about real life relationships or the opposite sex. Anyway, perhaps Triple H and Stephanie just started dating out of the blue in 2000. Truth of the matter is they started working together in 1999 at the exact same time Trips won his first world title. When he was with Chyna. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see what was probably going on right from the get go between those two. Cause we all know how fast Trips ex Chyna gets right down to business. Any guy who dates Chyna, loves easy ****s. Im sure Trips and Steph were paired together in that angle in 99 because the real life stuff was already happening. WWE does that kind of thing with real life couples. WWE also splits up couples and pairs them up with others too for shits and giggles like Bryan and AJ and then Cena and AJ when they are both in real life dating the Bella Twins who walked away from WWE just before those angles.

I don't care who you like. You obviously can't look at Bret Hart objectively, the be frank, you're practically posting essays describing your love of Bret Hart.

I'm 36, although that really isn't of concern. Any kids these days can find old stuff on youtube or dailymotion and such. As you already said, Bret Hart was simply one of the best around in a bad era. You tell me i was wrong and yet you go on to tell me how shit the roster was for several years. It wasn't Undertaker who no one wanted to see in the main event, it was Sid, had they replaced him with SCSA or Shawn Michaels, it would have been fine. If Bret Hart was around 5-7 years later, or even in the 2000's, he would have gotten greatly overshadowed because of his lack of charisma. In the 80's, he just would have been one of the many people who failed to take the title off Hogan, also overshadowed once again because of his lack of charisma.

Now you're just making stuff up and speculating. You're just thinking "i don't like Triple H, so theres no way someone else actually could" which is childish. He was in line for that push, this is not something to argue, this is fact. With SCSA's talent, he probably would have gotten a big push sooner or later but that time was originally going to Hunter. Maybe you can't recognise talent, but some other people can. No one is trying to revise history except you, because you simply don't like how it sounds. Not every fact is an incorrect Triple H/Shawn Michaels conspiracy.

Not everyone is as big a fan of infidelity as you are. It's hilarious how you're trying to lecture the internet about relationships, are you one of those archaic fools who assume that they are the only ones on the internet getting laid? All sources say they got together in 2000, Triple H had been pushed and was due. It wasn't as if a current star like Tensai started screwing a McMahon and all of a sudden got a title shot. Once again, you're pointlessly speculating because you don't like how the facts sound. Your revisionism is growing annoying.
Tommyboy, you think Im posting essays for my love of Bret Hart!! Hahaha. I post essays every single time I post something on one of these threads. Im always long winded. Go read my past essays on Shawn Michales, Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper. I am a fan of almost every single wrestler ever. My dislike list is very short. What Im saying about Bret is less about how great I think he is and more about what I feel Triple H hasnt accomplished due to his inability convince a fan consensus. A lot of wrestling fans think hes one of the best while others dont think he is anywhere close. That is not the true mark of a real legend. That is what Ive been saying all along. I gave Trips tons more credit than he deserves in my arguments. Objectively, hes not truly one of the best because there are just too many wrestling fans out there who feel he isnt. Thats not because I love Bret Hart. Its an objective observation. You Triple H marks can go out of your way to have the last word on these threads or stick your fingers in your ears all you want. Its not going to change the fact that Bret Hart had more of an overall impact on wrestling by 1992 than Triple H will ever have.

As for Bret Hart being the best in the worst era, you are absolutely wrong. Hogan, Warrior, Savage, Piper, Michaels, Taker, Ramon, Diesel, Backlund, Henning, Hart, Flair in 1992 and 1993 was the BEST era before the Attitude era. The worst lull would be in 94 and 96 when Hitman was a temporary wrestler and the ball was given to the clique. The worst long running era is the PG era of 2.9 ratings with Triple H behind the wheel and John Cena on top. As for Hitman being overshadowed, thats bull. WWE had NO ONE except Shawn Michaels in the late 90s before Austin and Rock blew up. That roster was shit. Hart went to WCW and was not overshadowed. He was among 20 main event legends and held his own just fine with a ton of interest. If Hart was around in the 2000s, just who would have overshadowed him with charisma. Brock Lesnar. Triple H. Randy Orton. Hurricane Helms. Big Show. Undertaker. Seriously man who? Santino? The Boogeyman? The 2000s are the decade of charisma lacking wrestlers that the majority of the old audience had absolutely no interest in. Youre full of it. WWE has been in recessive times since Hogan left in 2003. You might not want to admit it since youve invested your life into the past 10 years of wrestling but 10 years from now when things will likely be a lot better we will all look back and be able to admit it.

You say Im speculating but Im just thinking logically and not letting Shawn and Triple H tell me what I should believe. I dont trust either because they have a track record of lying and deception. Austin was elevated over Triple H because he was oozing with charisma and the fans loved him. Speculation is what you call it, logical deduction is what I call it. Oh I cant recognize talent because Triple H is pretty much the only main event wrestler ever I dont think deserves half the praise or love he gets from some of you. Not all of you because, like I said before, Im not alone. Theres more of me than there is of you. Thats not revising anything. Thats an objective observation after scouring these boards for years. Its your revisionism that is growing annoying because HALF THE WRESTLING AUDIENCE HAS EITHER NEVER LIKED OR ONLY SOMEWHAT LIKED TRIPLE H. That is not revisionism. Its a fact you just dont want to hear. Get over it.
Tommyboy, you think Im posting essays for my love of Bret Hart!! Hahaha. I post essays every single time I post something on one of these threads. Im always long winded. Go read my past essays on Shawn Michales, Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper. I am a fan of almost every single wrestler ever. My dislike list is very short. What Im saying about Bret is less about how great I think he is and more about what I feel Triple H hasnt accomplished due to his inability convince a fan consensus. A lot of wrestling fans think hes one of the best while others dont think he is anywhere close. That is not the true mark of a real legend. That is what Ive been saying all along. I gave Trips tons more credit than he deserves in my arguments. Objectively, hes not truly one of the best because there are just too many wrestling fans out there who feel he isnt. Thats not because I love Bret Hart. Its an objective observation. You Triple H marks can go out of your way to have the last word on these threads or stick your fingers in your ears all you want. Its not going to change the fact that Bret Hart had more of an overall impact on wrestling by 1992 than Triple H will ever have.

As for Bret Hart being the best in the worst era, you are absolutely wrong. Hogan, Warrior, Savage, Piper, Michaels, Taker, Ramon, Diesel, Backlund, Henning, Hart, Flair in 1992 and 1993 was the BEST era before the Attitude era. The worst lull would be in 94 and 96 when Hitman was a temporary wrestler and the ball was given to the clique. The worst long running era is the PG era of 2.9 ratings with Triple H behind the wheel and John Cena on top. As for Hitman being overshadowed, thats bull. WWE had NO ONE except Shawn Michaels in the late 90s before Austin and Rock blew up. That roster was shit. Hart went to WCW and was not overshadowed. He was among 20 main event legends and held his own just fine with a ton of interest. If Hart was around in the 2000s, just who would have overshadowed him with charisma. Brock Lesnar. Triple H. Randy Orton. Hurricane Helms. Big Show. Undertaker. Seriously man who? Santino? The Boogeyman? The 2000s are the decade of charisma lacking wrestlers that the majority of the old audience had absolutely no interest in. Youre full of it. WWE has been in recessive times since Hogan left in 2003. You might not want to admit it since youve invested your life into the past 10 years of wrestling but 10 years from now when things will likely be a lot better we will all look back and be able to admit it.

You say Im speculating but Im just thinking logically and not letting Shawn and Triple H tell me what I should believe. I dont trust either because they have a track record of lying and deception. Austin was elevated over Triple H because he was oozing with charisma and the fans loved him. Speculation is what you call it, logical deduction is what I call it. Oh I cant recognize talent because Triple H is pretty much the only main event wrestler ever I dont think deserves half the praise or love he gets from some of you. Not all of you because, like I said before, Im not alone. Theres more of me than there is of you. Thats not revising anything. Thats an objective observation after scouring these boards for years. Its your revisionism that is growing annoying because HALF THE WRESTLING AUDIENCE HAS EITHER NEVER LIKED OR ONLY SOMEWHAT LIKED TRIPLE H. That is not revisionism. Its a fact you just dont want to hear. Get over it.

Once again, you attempt to revise history. You will hear very few people claim that Triple H isn't a great wrestler and a future legend. Only since the bitter and senile Bret Hart mentioned this for the sake of controversy did people even bother to question this. I don't think he is the best, and i'm not alone. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko were also great in-ring wrestlers but they won't be in the top 3 of anyones list because they were severely deficient in certain areas, Bret Hart is exactly the same. I'm not a Triple H mark, i just accept that he has played a big role, i also despise John Cena but i also recognise that the man is a surefire hall of famer when he retires. Tell me, other than putting over Shawn Michaels once, headlining some of the worst Manias ever and getting screwed out of the title against his will, what has he actually done? Being good in the ring is great, but you need more than that to actually leave a big mark.

93-97 was the Bret Hart era and it sucked, the ratings also reflect that. Check them, they were worse than the 2.9 ratings they get now. He was completely overshadowed in WCW, name a single significant thing he did there, oh thats right, you can't because there were none. Had he stayed, Austin, Rock, Undertaker, the McMahon's, Foley, Jericho, Angle and yes, Triple H all would have completely overshadowed him as well. Many of the same guys who stayed from the Attitude era and the new guys all would have overshadowed him. Chris Benoit was similar, and his time at the top was brief, Bret Hart is no different.

You're not thinking logically, you're doubting facts for no other reason than you just don't like Triple H and Shawn Michaels. That is nothing but pure ignorance. Triple H has always been incredibly over as both a face and heel, i don't even know why you're arguing this, all you have to do is listen to the crowds to know you're wrong. "Theres more of me than there is of you"? Maybe thats because you never step outside a forum called "Old-School Wrestling". You're the one who doesn't want to hear facts just because they conflict with your point of view.
I just don't see how these Hunter/Bret comparison threads are going to get anyone anywhere. The fact is that it comes down to a generational gap.

If we pooled only the posters who are on or approaching the wrong side of thirty, I would wager the majority of those posters would fall on the Hart side of the leger(myself included).

Conversely, if we shifted the focus to the mid-to-late 80s and 90s babies, than the vast majority will be in Triple H's back pocket.

It comes down to the fact that those who have only really experienced the bulk of Bret Hart's years via DVD and other similar means aren't ever going to fully appreciate him the way that those of us who followed throughout his era do.

But the case could be made in relation to this specific question of "Who's place in the company is bigger?" that Triple H gets an unfair leg up on the nod due to his ever-increasing backstage presence and the fact that he has become VKM's heir apparent.
I just don't see how these Hunter/Bret comparison threads are going to get anyone anywhere. The fact is that it comes down to a generational gap.

If we pooled only the posters who are on or approaching the wrong side of thirty, I would wager the majority of those posters would fall on the Hart side of the leger(myself included).

Conversely, if we shifted the focus to the mid-to-late 80s and 90s babies, than the vast majority will be in Triple H's back pocket.

It comes down to the fact that those who have only really experienced the bulk of Bret Hart's years via DVD and other similar means aren't ever going to fully appreciate him the way that those of us who followed throughout his era do.

But the case could be made in relation to this specific question of "Who's place in the company is bigger?" that Triple H gets an unfair leg up on the nod due to his ever-increasing backstage presence and the fact that he has become VKM's heir apparent.

Except unlike most, i'm not letting nostalgia cloud my judgment.

Bret never really did anything significant. It seems like a bad thing to say but its true, other than having some good matches he never left any influence or mark that was evident later, other than being the recipient of the screwjob. Triple H was one of the features of wrestlings peak era and a main eventer during that time, that alone is more significant than anything Hart did.

Also you can't say Triple H's increasing backstage presence is unfair, its not unfair that HHH aspired to have a greater role in pro-wrestling than others. Obviously not everyone would have a chance to run the company, but he just went for more. Once Bret couldn't wrestle, he couldn't do anything. Currently, he's useless to the company since he can't even come back and cut promos like Foley.

Seriously, the more i consider it, Bret Hart is probably one of the most overrated wrestlers in modern wrestling history.
I like Bret the Hitman Hart. I really do. The thing is, Bret was all about tradition, whereas Triple H was all about what’s best for business, literally. To me, Bret was an 80s Professional Wrestler stuck in the 90s and Triple H was future promoter stuck in the 90s as a Wrestler. Bret was all about being on top of the World, and Triple H was all about taking over the World. I would have to give this specific nod to Triple H here, because of one simple reason. Bret left mad and Triple H stayed and continued to the top. I’m not talking about moving on to becoming the King of Kings, but I’m talking about moving up to becoming the COO. Triple H is still giving to the WWE and Bret is simply not.

I was reading down the posts,and I totally agree with this. HHH is a company guy. He not only worked his way to multiple world titles, but he is working to the top behind the scenes to. I understand he is married to the boss' daughter, but the man seems dedicated to wrestling. I loved Bret Hart when he was on top, and he has a great legacy. I understand why he might be bitter about certain things, but he could be contributing now and he really isn't. In my opinion HHH's place is bigger.
Except unlike most, i'm not letting nostalgia cloud my judgment.

Bret never really did anything significant. It seems like a bad thing to say but its true, other than having some good matches he never left any influence or mark that was evident later, other than being the recipient of the screwjob. Triple H was one of the features of wrestlings peak era and a main eventer during that time, that alone is more significant than anything Hart did.

Also you can't say Triple H's increasing backstage presence is unfair, its not unfair that HHH aspired to have a greater role in pro-wrestling than others. Obviously not everyone would have a chance to run the company, but he just went for more. Once Bret couldn't wrestle, he couldn't do anything. Currently, he's useless to the company since he can't even come back and cut promos like Foley.

Seriously, the more i consider it, Bret Hart is probably one of the most overrated wrestlers in modern wrestling history.

Bret took the reigns at the absolute worst possible time. He had to follow in the footsteps of the greatest draw and wrestler of all time in Hulk Hogan, and also follow up on the steroid scandal. The fact that the WWE even stayed afloat during Bret's first couple reign is a testament to him. No wrestler ever had the decked stacked against them more than Hart did during his first reign with the belt. Think about it, before that all the WWE fans ever knew was Hogan and Savage. Suddenly they were gone and they had to root for some undersized Canadian like Hart.

For the previous generation all the WWE pushed were guys that were the complete opposite of Hart, then suddenly he was the man in charge. On top of that, he lost a main even of a PPV(Summerslam92) a month or so before he won his first WWE championship, so he already was booked to look weak. He had nobody left with him yet he was the one to keep the company afloat. And guess what, he did. He had to follow in Hulk freakin Hogan's footsteps, the fact that WWE didn't go out of business during that time is enough to say that he contributed more.

Look at it this way, if the WWE didn't have Bret Hart during that steroid scandal and Hogan's departure between 92-95, it is very likely that they would've gone out of business, now as good as HHH was, could you say the same for him in his prime? I don't think so, I'm sure the WWE would've been just fine with Austin and the Rock. Could you imagine the WWE in 93 and 94 without Bret Hart? He was the only person keeping them afloat globally.

Now I don't agree with Hart in regards to HHH not being a top 1000 wrestler, because obviously he is, but in terms of wrestling I don't think there is a doubt that Bret Hart meant more to the WWE than HHH ever did.
Not only did Bret have to deal with the steroid scandal, but also the sex scandal where management was accused of molesting the younger workers and extorting sex acts out of employees who wanted to move up or keep their jobs. Bret was the THE man in that era, wrestled 5 star, believable matches consistantly with all workers, and was beloved abroad. To me, HHH was as average Joe as you can get, nothing stands out. Bret was wrestling around 300 dates a year, he was the top seller in merchandise, the company depended on his believablilty and hard work. If not for him who knows where the WWF would have ended up.
Also you can't say Triple H's increasing backstage presence is unfair, its not unfair that HHH aspired to have a greater role in pro-wrestling than others. Obviously not everyone would have a chance to run the company, but he just went for more.

Come now, Let's not re-write history and completely credit Triple H's current placement to ambitious aspiration.

The fact is that he eschewed his current girlfriend to start banging his much hotter on-screen "wife" who also happened to be the boss's daughter. That lead to real life marriage and kids and got parlayed into his current position.

Bret got fucked by the Mcmahon family, Triple H on the other hand quite literally did the opposite and fucked the Mcmahon family.
Bret took the reigns at the absolute worst possible time. He had to follow in the footsteps of the greatest draw and wrestler of all time in Hulk Hogan, and also follow up on the steroid scandal. The fact that the WWE even stayed afloat during Bret's first couple reign is a testament to him. No wrestler ever had the decked stacked against them more than Hart did during his first reign with the belt. Think about it, before that all the WWE fans ever knew was Hogan and Savage. Suddenly they were gone and they had to root for some undersized Canadian like Hart.

For the previous generation all the WWE pushed were guys that were the complete opposite of Hart, then suddenly he was the man in charge. On top of that, he lost a main even of a PPV(Summerslam92) a month or so before he won his first WWE championship, so he already was booked to look weak. He had nobody left with him yet he was the one to keep the company afloat. And guess what, he did. He had to follow in Hulk freakin Hogan's footsteps, the fact that WWE didn't go out of business during that time is enough to say that he contributed more.

Look at it this way, if the WWE didn't have Bret Hart during that steroid scandal and Hogan's departure between 92-95, it is very likely that they would've gone out of business, now as good as HHH was, could you say the same for him in his prime? I don't think so, I'm sure the WWE would've been just fine with Austin and the Rock. Could you imagine the WWE in 93 and 94 without Bret Hart? He was the only person keeping them afloat globally.

Now I don't agree with Hart in regards to HHH not being a top 1000 wrestler, because obviously he is, but in terms of wrestling I don't think there is a doubt that Bret Hart meant more to the WWE than HHH ever did.

Just because the company was in a bad place and he was a highlight, doesn't mean he is objectively a great all-round talent.

Come now, Let's not re-write history and completely credit Triple H's current placement to ambitious aspiration.

The fact is that he eschewed his current girlfriend to start banging his much hotter on-screen "wife" who also happened to be the boss's daughter. That lead to real life marriage and kids and got parlayed into his current position.

Bret got fucked by the Mcmahon family, Triple H on the other hand quite literally did the opposite and fucked the Mcmahon family.

I think you're naive in thinking the only reason Triple H is where he is, is because he's with Stephanie.

He's always been a company guy and he's always been an important figure backstage, making a transition into management is only natural. Now he may not have had a chance to run the whole company if not for Steph, but to say he wouldn't be contributing if not for her is ridiculous.

Jim Ross has a high place in the company, did he fuck a McMahon? So did Paul Heyman, did he? What about Michael Hayes? Dusty Rhodes?
Going forward HHH's place will be bigger of course, but I think looking at the past they are roughly equal in terms of their legacies. Neither of them we're true superstars on a Hogan, SCSA, Rock level, but on the rung below where they could carry a company if they had to, and they did. Both are pretty darn good all around, although Bret has an edge in the wrestling department while HHH has a nice edge in the charisma/promo department.

One edge I do think Bret has is that his time on top kind've has a legendary feel to it. HHH might be hindered by the fact that he came up while the IWC was forming so we might view his time on top and those who follow(poor Cena)with a distorted view.

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