Who's Better? Ep. 3: Triple H vs Shawn Michaels


Dark Match Winner
Three episodes in one day... making progress...

This time we have:


Triple H



Shawn Michaels

Like the HBK vs 'Taker one (Episode 2) I'm going with Shawn Michaels. He's a legend. He's going into the Hall of Fame this year. And he puts on 5 star matches. HHH about 3-4 stars. He sells better. He's just the better one out of the pair.

Now I leave this discussion to you guys.
Shawn has him beaten in pretty much every way. Better on the mic, better technical wrestler, better flyer, better seller, more innovative. The only thing HHH is better at is brawling and burying people.
I think HBK is better. I like HHH, but I feel that HBK is just the better wrestler. I think HHH is a better draw though in my opinion. He is not the most technical wrestler or the best on the mic, but he is still pretty entertaining. HBK can put on a classic any day though and that is why I give it to him.
I would say it's a very difficult comparison. I disagree that Shawn was better on the Mic, as HHH is very strong when doing a promo. I will say HHH to play devils advocate a bit. HHH is a legend already, the guys a beast in the ring and in his evolutin days he was absolutely brilliant. It's all about the Game!
Shawn has him beaten in pretty much every way. Better on the mic, better technical wrestler, better flyer, better seller, more innovative. The only thing HHH is better at is brawling and burying people.

I must agree with you on this however I think HHH has a slight edge on the Mic. He has more experiencing being a heel and a face, while shawn for much of his career was just a face. That gives HHH a bit more division when delivering a promo as ether a face or a heel. I just don't buy an HBK heel promo. While I would say HBK is the overall better as the face I just feel HHH has a slight edge on the Mic, He brings more intensity, especially as a heel.

Over all though, yeah I would say Micheals is the better athlete and overall better performer.

There both solid workers and they bring out the best in eachother when working together because there such great talent and even better friends which makes an HBK and HHH clash feel exciting because you know your going to get a great match up with some great in ring storytelling, they bring out the best in each other
HBK without a doubt. I loved Triple H when I was younger, but it seems that most of his success from 2002 onward was because of his personal ties to the McMahons. Is he good? Yes. Was he deserving of bring a world champion? Yes. But HBK achieved just as much success, if not more, than Triple H did and he had A LOT more going against him. He was tiny by WWF standards when we won the world title in 96, he even admits that he was an asshole who was almost impossible to get along with (Triple H even was in the doghouse fir a time just because of his association with HBK), and he had a pretty bad drug problem, yet he was so good that he still got pushed to the top of the card. The only thing Triple H had to overcome to get to the top was his association with HBK.

Winner: HBK hands down
The Best of Friends they are, but HHH does not come close to HBK in anything that partains to wrestling. Now back in 1996, I was a wrestling fan and don't care what happened backstage. People can say what they wanna say, But Shawn worked his tail off for the business, and is getting his just reward with that Hall Of Fame induction. As far as HHH, I would've had more respect for his career if he didn't use his relation to the Boss's daughter to get ahead. HHH basically politic his way to the top, and lost many friends and respect because of it. HHH is a good wrestler, but his career is not as credible as HBK's. No disrespect HHH Fans. But It's just my opinion.
Just like the Taker Vs. Michaels, i am going to have to say Michaels.

Michaels had great talent, and he always made me jump out of my seat saying "OMG!!" for instance, i remember Wrestlemania 22 where he fought VKM, and jumped off that extremely tall ladder on to the bloodied and bruised McMahon! Shawn also had great mic skills. Triple H had great moments too, but his matches to me were always the same (like john cena), take on someone for the first 5 minutes, get beat up for 10, and then coming back and winning the match. he was too predictable. with Shawn, anything could and would happen :worship:
Is that all u marks can talk about?? Always with the same crap about how HHH buries ppl and all this and that...I wonder, how many of u have been backstage for the last 10 years?? U "wrestling experts" should actually answer the question with some knowledge and not post the same rant over and over again...but I digress..

Now to answer the question...to me they are both pretty equal in everything except Shawn was a better in ring worker than HHH...then again, imo he's the greatest in ring performer of all time..but both were great on the mic, as a heel or face, both worked great storylines, had great charisma, and both started arguably the greatest wrestling stable ever, and both were innovators..but again, Shawn is head and shoulders above everyone else when it comes to in ring performance...
HBK hands down.HBK is on his own level.Even the Undertaker isnt at that level.Undertaker is close but HBK is still on a higher level.Nuff said.
God this is hard..the two best ever. I have to go with HBK on wrestling ability alone, even Trips would say Shawn is a better wrestler....but as for every thing else they are pretty equal.
Someone earlier said that HBK wasn't a good heel, I wonder if that person has only started watching wrestling since Shawn found god coz pre that HBK was the best heel ever!!! He wasnt evil but he was a smarmy obnoxious guy, with an attitude that both Jericho and Miz try to emulate. I find HBKs mic work as a heel better than as a fce.
HHH however is as good as a face or a heel, he has amazing comical timing.
Everyone says Trips is where he is because he married Steph, what a crock of shite, no one knows what would have happened if he stayed with Chyna, end of day, Mcmahon poached HHH from WCW, and he earned his way back from the curtain call situation, he was The Game before he married Steph and he would hve been just as big without her, IMO.
Now they are both hot as all hell, HBK until his eyes went a bit screwy was the sexiest man EVER, and Trips quite hot, but as HHH gets older he gets even hotter, so now I would say they are a tie in the hotness department!!

So all in all a very close competition and IMO the only wrestler inc Taker who can come close to Shawn Michaels
This shouldn't even be a discussion. Triple H is the Game, he is that damn good, and he is a 13 time world champion. No doubt about it. But he is not Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels is the second greatest superstar of all time. He's easily the best ring worker of all time, and I've never seen a bad match out of him. He was the first Grand Slam Champion, and he's had the MATCH OF THE YEAR 11 FUCKING TIMES!!!! What is that, nearly half of his entire career?

Triple H, while being a better heel than Shawn, certainly isn't a better wrestler, and he will always be flanking Shawn. Just slightly in his shadow. He'll never reach Shawn's legendary status.
Who just said Shawn was a face for most of his career? Seriously the man played a perfect heel back in the '90s. He was cocky, arrogant, and self-centered... And the fans hated him. He made an entire country hate him (Before Montreal). That's not easy to do.

Seriously, never mind his later DX stuff, the man is a great heel.
No matter how big a Triple H fan I'll ever become, Shawn Michaels is the only right choice in this.

Shawn Michaels is the better in-ring performer, one of, if not the greatest in-ring performer of all time. As well as he was absolutely great on the microphone, being able to work the crowd both as a face as well as a heel.

Triple H is a great talent, however he doesn't quite match up to Shawn Michaels in more or less anything. And that's definitely not something that could be considered a hit towards Triple H's abilities, however it simply means that Shawn Michaels is an overall better wrestler, all around he's one of the greatest to ever enter the squared circle.

Simply, the answer should be Shawn Michaels, hands down.
While I do think that Shawn is the more talented out of the two, Triple H has achieved more in the WWE. He has been winning world titles for like 11 years, he was the best and main heel WWE for 6 years, he has put many guy over over the years, and he is a 13 time world champ.

puts on 4-5 star matches,
is more innovative,
has better mic skills,
is less predictable


Puts on 3-4 star matches and I love/loved his gimmicks. His cold emotionless heel gimmick was awsome in his Evolution days, his epic King Of Kings gimmick and The Game.
Triple H is a BADASS and looks alot tougher than HBK and is very strong on the mic and is a good seller and is a better heel than HBK and is probly more of a draw than HBK.


Is epic in every way and can put a EPIC match from time to time, is more innovative and is very good on the mic. HBK is less predictable and more innovative, also sells very well and is probly the most over wrestler with the smark fans ever.

I would say HBK but only just.
Wow, I'm not normally a person to post in a thread like this where the answers are almost the same but, I would have to go Shawn Michaels as well. They might be just as big as names as each other but that's where the closeness ends. Wrestling wise, Shawn wins hands down, (just going along with the common trend.) He has put on more 5 star matches then HHH will likely ever do, His Mic skills are better and Shawns style of selling is more interesting. Toss all that in with the fact that HHH still hasn't really learned how to control the crowd like Michaels can do, HBK Is a sure fired winner.
I agree with most of you guys, but I honestly think HHH has better Mic Skills. The guy is just Golden on the mic.
For me when it comes to in ring work Shawn is untouchable as a performer, he is also more charismatic than Triple H and the better face by a long way, whether it is as the whitbread face in 96 or the veteran warrior of his second run.

His feud with Jericho tops anything Triple H has done IMO, the emotion was so raw and HBK's promos during this were some of the realest I have ever seen. Shawn was also a guy that didn't need the belt to be the main event, Triple H for me is defined by being the champion, when the belt is not involved he is less interesting.

To Triple H's credit he was a great heel in his prime, very strong on the mic and in 2000 he was undoubtedly the best performer in the industry and had one of the best years ever both storyline-wise and match-wise, the consistency of his match quality that year stands up to anyone from HBK in 96 to Randy Savage and Ric Flair in 89.

I think those that didn't think HBK was as good a heel though must have missed a lot of his pre-comeback run. His early heel days were classic arrogant young prick stuff, but in 97 his rock star heel who pushed the envelope with what would later become DX took the business to another level and opened the gates for the next generation of heels, he was an absolute lightning rod.

As a draw Triple H gets the nod but HBK got the belt in 96 when he was asked to captain a ship whose main crew members had sailed off to another vessel. Vince always credits him with keeping WWF afloat and I have no doubt had he not been hurt for the entire Attitude era he'd have drawn huge.

Overall Triple H is very good and despite the backstage stuff that taints his legacy for many, he is still among the legends, just not on that elite level of HBK.
This one is good, becuse it is basically asking did the student surpass the mentor, as Triple H would have been nothing had it not been for Shawn Micheals.
But getting on the point, this i hard to say, are we talking face or heel, becuse face shawn throws it in the bag, Triple H just does not have the look of hey im here to save u from the bad guy, and is very bland on the mic as a face, but if you put him on the mic as a heel, there is none better than the cerebral assassin.
So, if we are looking at face runs, i think shawn has it in the bag, but if we are looking at heel trips, then Triple H is the winner, becuse he is simply that d*mn good
Both are equal, but im going to have to go with Shawn Michaels in this. He broke the mold in being small and running with a big title. He also innovated the Ladder Match and became the first ever grand slam winner in WWF. A lot of the young guys you see owe a lot to HBK. Triple H is damn good and he has been seen as this generation's version of Ric Flair (complete with multiple title reigns.) and is regarded as a future hall of famer. But in my opinion, HBK is the man.

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