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Triple H or Shawn Michaels - Who's Better?

Shawn Michaels without a doubt, for me he is better in the ring, has better charisma and has made you care about his character and have an interest in what he does and achieves.

Triple H is good but I think HBK has more varied wrestling ability and I can watch Michaels matches over and over again... I find this more difficult to do with Triple H matches.

For me after Bret Hart then HBK is the 2nd best wrestler I have ever seen.
In-ring skills: HBK. HHH can put on a good match & all, but when it comes to HBK he puts on a great match, When he's in the ring its just amazing, & you just sit there enjoying & wanting more. & he's always been great at that, Even after HHH faced hbk @ SS, he said it amazed him how hbk was still just as good as he was before he left 5 years earlier.

Mic Skills: IMO Triple hhh. he's great on the mic. hbk he used to be real good especially when he was a heel. but now he's not no more as he used too be, & HHH just knows how pull the crowd in with emotion

Entertainment: HBK 110%. He has always been great when it comes to entertainment, he keeps you interested in the match & just has the great chemistry. even in matches that he lost he would still look like a winner & steal the show, a prime example of that would be Wrestlemania 10. & also Wrestlemania 14 when he wrestled SCSA with a broken back.

So overall IMO HBK takes this one without a doubt.
Triple H is a 13-time world champion. That puts him the same breath as Ric Flair and Jerry Lawler as one of the most prolific champions in history.

I don't think the number of championships has anything to do with who's better. It comes down to chance and the circumstances of the booking and creative team at the time. Not to mention HBK was retired for four years from 1998-2002, a time when the world title was bounced around pretty frequently. As for Jerry Lawler, he's had over 50 world titles, so he's way ahead of Flair's officially recognized 18 in that department. But does anyone think Lawler was better than Flair? Of course not. He wrestled in the Southern territories where there were more world titles and they changed hands much more often.

I think it's obvious Shawn is miles ahead of HHH, as good as HHH is, but comparing title reigns is not the logical way to make that decision.
My Word this is a good thread!

For me folks its TRIPLE H!

Although my conclusion to this outcome is quite contradicting...

in ring ability: i would say HBK. Like many, ive never seen a bad Shawn Michaels match EVER, even in his jobber days on Superstars tv show etc he entertained me to the max. Triple H holds the ability of working the crowd better, (I dont mean creating heat, i mean keeping them involved in every punch/move) turning the momentum at the right moment from the heel to the face and when to hit the big signature moves (knee-to-face smash, running high knee, spinebuster). But, with Shawn indeed being 'Mr Wrestlemania' and add the matches with Jericho, Bret, Austin, Taker and HHH himself, he takes this accolade. But then again, if i were to visit my collection of matches i would pick a HHH match over a HBK match.

Most memorable in ring ability example:

HBK vs 'Taker HIAC
HHH vs Austin 3 stages of hell

Finishing move: HBK has the better finisher because of the impact of the sweet chin as it can come at any moment, The pedigree is abit more static and you can see it comin, bit more predictable.

Heel: Triple H wins the better heel category. The heel heat he generated in 2000 was unreal, the same goes in his Evolution days too. From sept 2002-mid 2005 Triple H WAS Monday night RAW!!

Face: HBK wins this category. His title run in 96' was indeed 'the boyhood dream' and he played the underdog role mostly in his defences in this year, and his comeback title win in 2002 was the biggest crowd reaction ive heard for a title win (through the tv anyway).

Theme music: Triple H has had many themes, but using his current 'The Game' theme as the example, it gets me as a viewer pumped up for a match better than 'sexy boy' fyi Sherri version was the best!!!

Group leader: Triple H wins! probably because he's lead more stables with his own version of DX(post manai 14), McMahon-helmsely faction and Evolution (two man power trip and 'New' D-X i'd say were both leaders) HBK the leader of orig D-X was the top guy in the company at the time, and clearly was years ahead of HHH in terms of in ring ability and mic skills, even his 'look' was much better than a podgy HHH. He was also funnier that Trips at that time.

Mic Skills: i could easily say a tie between the two but HBK just pips this one. I think there is more emotion in a HBK promo. mite be because of circumstance i.e. retirement matches, genuine heat with Bret, but he jus comes across more as a man who ad-libs his promos, whereas Triple H is abit more robotic and rehearsed.

Student of the game (pun): Triple H is the man i would choose as the one who always wanted to be a wrestler, i know he's pro body-building also and could of easily went in that direction but you can see how much being in the ring means to him. And over his career how his ring work has changed, how his physique has changed to compinsate, always trying to better himself and not become stale as a performer.

Title reigns: dont think title amounts matter imo (although Flair's 16 shouldnt be topped jus because he's ric flair), 16times champ also means 16times loser! if you take a step back and understand what the person being champion's job is then neither man need the strap. They're big enough draws as they are. Titles in Triple's era did change more often. there is more to it than giving the belt to someone because its there turn say, its more to do with ppv buyrates and merchandise sales and gate receipts than creating shock tv. times change, and back in HBK original active wrestler run it was the norm to keep the belt for many months and when he returned, he didnt need it, also i think champs represent the company and must attend house shows, from what ive read HBK didnt do many house shows upon his return so that could be the reason.

Entertainment value: HBk's matches have entertained me more because you know your about to watch a 5 star match soon as he steps through the curtain, HHH's feuds have kept more interested though, as a heel, he is just the best there is.

i dont think anything is obvious when it comes to comparing these two legends. its all a matter of opinion and how you watch a wrestling match. If you're looking for a match to put on a kick back to then its the entertainment factor of a match you are after and then you're gonna choose HBK because of his 5* match ability, if you look at a wrestling match and break it down into stages of heat creating, timing, routine, storytelling and impact then choose a Triple H match.

Triple H wins for me because of his ring general skills, the above mentioned storytelling etc and his impact of being the main superstar on RAW for many years and the head of the best factions, the best heel in the business and a rather entertaining face. Both came in at the bottom of the ladder and worked there way up, not jus because a booker chose them to but because of crowd reaction and natural ability. Anyone who says Triple H is where he is because of 'kissing-@sses' need a quick history lesson, and i would say HBK has kissed Vince @ss more and even admitting to doing "anything" for Vince. HHH was already on his way up the company before him and Steph started courting, it was the best move for business to have them become the heel faction they were and his in ring ability did the rest!
HBK, hands down. Winning or losing, shawn will put on a performance, that's why he won match of the year for 7 or 8 times on a row. He's a top 5 all time greats IMO.
hands down HBK everyone wants to talk about HHH mic skills everyone must forget about how fire on the mic HBK was through the 90's, match quality HBK by alot and thats not a knock on HHH more then its a praise on HBK the list would go on and on of great matches. Then you take into account the hiatus and to come back and go another 8 years and create another whole new fan base and perform at the same high level I have to give it to HBK. HHH is great but HBK is an innovator being young and seeing him in casket matches, ladder matches, hell in a cell, winning the royal rumble 2x, WM12 Iron man match, him coming back an winning the elimination chamber, both matches with taker.

And the one thing I will always respect HBK for (not that HHH doesnt do this) but even when he was a mega star he never let it get to his head in the ring like other mega stars did whether he was in NYC or LA, or North Dakota or Iowa HBK always put on a great show for the fans. And it says something that HBK has always been WWF/E as well his legacy is like no other
HBK by far. It is seriously a joke even comparing the 2. HHH was a complete and utter failure in the WWE at the beginning. What spiked him to the top? When he met Vince's daughter and continues at the top because of her.
HBK for sure. In the ring, he was just golden, HHH even in his best year couldn't hold a candle to HBK at really any time. On the mic they were both entertaining but again HBK was simply better and generally more funnier and entertaining. Remember the Hulk Hogan parody in 2005? Man, he was fantastic.
Why bother writting a long post, we all know their qualities but the best his HBK by far. Always puts on the best match on the show. HHH buried too many people to stay over himself. HBK definetly.
hbk he had it all and something that he did that hhh would never consider doing he put over young guys the best example i can think of is his match with shelton benjamin even though hbk won he actually brought out the best of shelton that is what i think that makes him better and also ring skills
In the ring I easily give the edge to Shawn. But, Triple H is definitely no slouch!!

On the mic truly is close... HBK has had memorable promo moments... But I think Trips might overall be better on the mic. Just barely though.

If you ask who has had the better CAREER... I'd say Triple H. All the World Titles, more than double the amount HBK won. Numerous mid-card/tag team Titles... King Of The Ring... MOVIES... The guy married the boss's daughter. He was the leader of 2 of the BIGGEST factions ever, DX and Evolution. PLUS, he has a spot within the company- I was going to say after he retires, but he already has a front office position! Also, HBK might be known as Mr. Wrestlemania but for argument's sake, Triple H has won more times at WM overall and has won more Title matches at the big show too.

But if the question is just, who is better....?? I would say HBK, because as far as having the total package AND performing on a level all on his own, in the ring....

Shawn Michaels is better than Triple H!
I don't really get the whole "lets put it in 3 categories" thing, but Shawn Michaels is a more accomplished pro wrestler than Triple H. It all comes down to style, and Michaels has always had a way of expressing his personality and athleticism that connects with fans in a natural way. From the way he takes bumps, his coordination in the ring, his entrance his look his feuds everything, Michaels is a complete natural. Triple H is very good, but he comes across as manufactured. His matches are more mechanical, he always looks aaaaangry, he growwls when he talks, he comes out to Motorhead, its pretty much "look at me, I'm a badass". It wasn't always the case, in DX Triple H was at his best. He has a great sense of humor and a lot of fire and both were on display with DX, especially during their big babyface run in 1998. But as Hunter Hearst Helmsley, and now "The Game" et tal, it feels forced and only connects with the crowd because it is shoved down their throats. HBK, on the other hand, has really always just been the Heartbreak Kid, even his later more mature years.
The entertainment category should be renamed to NON wrestling entertainment. HBK's matches are just so much better than Triple H's. Triple H hasn't even had one absolute 5 star classic whereas Michaels has had numerous. Triple H was never the same after he fucked up his quad unfortunately and that's why I think he's overrated as a wrestler by many here. Promo's, Trips obviously wins this one and I really can't believe people are calling it a tie.
These are my 1 and 2 favorites ever respectively. Im gonna go with HBK though hands down. Both are great, but Shawn possesed qualities that put him on a whole other level. While accomplishments account for something, its not like comparing two atheletes accomplishments in a "real" sport. Wrestling is predetermined afterall. So I believe they matter only to a certain degree. No character has ever come close to HBK when it comes to making his fans/followers emotionally invested in his character. He is beloved where I would say most I liked or admired. Skill wise I say very few have come close. Skill shouldnt just mean how many moves you know or how well you sell. Thats not what wrestling is about. Thats only a fraction of the big picture. Skill in my opinion, should truly encompasses everything. From mic work, to selling, to moveset, to story telling, etc..... Overall when is comes to HBk there is none better. Maybe its just me, but when another wrestler I lkiked loses or has lost a match I might be pissed or annoyed. With Shawn I would be all that and sad as well. Thats the emotional investment factor. His story telling not by promos, which were good, but between the ropes truly set him apart from the rest. It only helped that he was a gifted wrestler as well. I have never watched an HBk match were I wasnt entertained. Heck I was entertained when he wrestled Kahli. lol. I wont waste any more time going into specifics, most of you have already. Shawn Michaels is my choice, but in no way is that a bad thing for Triple H. Both are great.
In Ring ability:
HBK wins by a mile, I can't stand to see half of Triple H's matches unless if he is versing someone like Taker, or HBK. I don't know anyone in the world who wants to sit through the HHH/Oron Fiaste again.

Mic Skills:
Apart from HBK's work in DX I haven't really liked his promo's. HHH on the other hand is fantastic on the mic, HHH was fantastic in both Evolution and DX and is great in all of his non stable promo's aswell.

HPK for sure, all of his matches have you hanging at the edge of your seat waiting for who will win. HHH on the other hand will just make you change the channel everytime you watch.
WOW awesome post even though ive often thought of this sense hbk's absence during his back injury/ drug problem.


Mic Skills: A toss up really as mentioned before hbk as a heel (og dx) OWNAGE! HHH "My Time" era wow however i think both are sub par as faces but trips has the very, very,very slight edge (due to Shawn's religious beliefs and not wanted to say/do certain things.........

Entertainment: Better matches or promos this is the judgment call to me as being hbk was my idol as a kid he gets my vote here but hhh isnt far off hes had is fair share of "holy shit" moments too mankind through cell, saying hes gonna make the rock his bitch in ic tittle ladder mach (remember that one!) Sooooo even in different points of view and skills the sole thing that separates these two is the fact that Shawn brought up HHH in the 90's under his wing and showing him the path. Face it no HBK= no hhh, new age outlaws, x-pac, (the one time he was seriously over) batista, or rko. Simple HBK made HHH!
Shawn Michaels could very well be the greatest all around professional wrestler in the history of the business. He literally had it all.

Triple H was entertaining...but not nearly as entertaining at Shawn Michaels. It's not even close.

Shawn Michaels had the arsenal, the charisma, the agility, the personality, literally everything...

Triple H is just another "big" guy who's mean and angry and sometimes uses a sledgehammer which gets a good pop out of the crowd. His moves are infinitely worse. His wrestling attire is worse. His personality is either tied or worse. And he certainly didn't have much agility or charisma. He's just a very average wrestler...where Shawn Michaels set the bar for everybody forever.
When you are talking about “Who is best” like this thread undoubtedly is, then you have to take on board the fact that all judgements made are completely subjective. Some people may say Shawn Michaels but I am definitely a person who falls on the side of the fence with Triple H.

I guess it was all down to fortune that I even knew about Triple H. The first ever piece of WWE programming I ever watched on my own was a Sunday Night Heat. AT that point, Triple H was the WWF Champion and was feuding with Mick Foley, I believe. I guess it was around the time of the Royal Rumble in 2000. Just by the way he presented himself as the Champion, I was utterly impressed.

Now, many people would suggest that if it was just fortune that led me to this discovery, then I would have forgotten my adoration for Triple H. However, I have never found a wrestler who comes off as well as Triple H and that includes absolutely everyone. From Hulk Hogan to The Rock, I have to believe that Triple H was better than everyone. That comes with being the biggest mark of a competitor. Since 2000, I have seen almost every Triple H match that has been broadcast on TV and I have never been disappointed once.

So when it comes to a decision on who was better between both of these great wrestlers, I have to give that distinction to Triple H. People may call me ignorant to what Shwan Michaels has done in the business but my decision comes down to this. Who have I had more fun watching over the years? That answer, is Triple H by far.
Shawn Michaels wins in ring clearly. Even with his injury he put on less poor matches then Triple H did for a year or so after his first major leg injury. Credit where credit's due thought, Hunter has had some barn-stormers as well, but HBK has been of a higher quality for a longer period of time.
HBK gets promos for me too. He was crap back in the AWA but had learnt to master it by the time he became WWF Champ back in 96 and has been top draw on all but a few occassions since. Triple H has been great for years but I still remember his saying-uh...uh-uh...after-uh...every-uh word-uh stage that went for about 6 to 7 months and was so bad even the other wrestlers made fun of it. Coupled with HBK being the more obnoxious (and thus entertaining IMO during the original DX) and I give it to HBK.
HBK enterainment win too. Both have been good but HBK has entertained me to a higher standard over a lot longer time period.
Levesque is a generic wrestler. Even during his prime, he was an average wrestler at best while Hickenbottom is one of the greatest wrestler of all time.

Michaels is also the better mic worker.
This is all down to opinion, really. And in my opinion I think it's Shawn Michaels in terms of who is 'better'. I always have found HBK to be the more entertaining as far as the in ring stuff is concerned, although Triple H is also very good. Shawn also possess a natural charisma which draws me in, even though I don't think he's necessarily one of the greatest talkers of all time, he is and was entertaing on the mic during his prime. Triple H is excellent but Shawn is that bit better to me...
Something like this all comes down to what certain peoples aspect of "better" is and also what you like to watch and why you watch wrestling in general.

Charisma: for Shawn gets this one. Whenever his music played or he came out and put on his classic matches it was just something that made me and others admire that! Hunter has charisma just in another form. He has the muscle bound like charisma that makes you appreciate his size

Mic skills: on this I would vote about 55%-Shawn and 45%-Hunter. Before the Christ saving days when Shawn was the guy that everyone loved to hate there was absolutely no one in my mind who could touch him on that mic! We even got to see little pieces of it when he had his feud with Cena in 07 and Jericho in 08. Again Hunter gets his props because when he wants to his mic skills are top notch as well

Ring Work: this is where I believe I can speak for most of us original guys that Shawn if not the best in ring worker is definitely cemented his name into the top 5 with some of he greats such as Ric Flair and the Hitman Bret Hart. For the past 6 or 7 years correct me if I'm wrong he has won the PWI match of the year

Overall for me the Showstopper is just that.. The Showstopper. For me he is the only reason I was able to stay with wrestling for so many years. I always knew that when I ordered a pay per view and his name was on the card that I was atleast guaranteed one 5 star match! Hunter is a great in his own right by when it comes to putting him against Shawn in his own words " Hunter can't touch him"
Shawn Michaels easily

Id venture and say, if nothing that HBK did prior to his return in 2002 never existed id still say 2002-2010 HBK is better than all Hunter did

When looking it at from a talent perspective, HBK is one of the best talkers in the world, he had that ability by just talking to make his feuds good, Hunters feuds were as only good as the other guy was.

The same will go for wrestling, Hunter could not put up a good wrestling match against Jericho at WM18, yet HBK did that a few years later with one of the best matches in Jerichos career.

Charisma, wrestling ability, and mic skills i feel HBK is ahead of Hunter in every way, the only thing Hunter ever really had was a great build at one time, he really looked jacked in 2001 when he came back, but really so does Rob Terry and yea :blush:
I have to go with Triple H here. HBK has pretty much done it all, but Triple H *has* done it all (and more). Both are great entertainers, but when it comes to carrying a lengthy feud (which is often what it's all about), Triple H wins hands down. Triple H deserves just as much credit as The Rock for carrying the feud for as long as they did. HBK has just as many accolades and has pulled off just as many top draw matches, but he doesn't quite have the acting ability and the ability to carry long feuds that Triple H has (heel or face). HBK is the better peformer, but Triple H is the better actor.
As respectable as Triple H is, this is not even close for me. Shawn Michaels takes this hands down. Michaels has accomplished more, done it first and was able to do more out of his prime, then Triple H did while he was in his prime. Or close to it.

He's had more memorable matches. Better title runs and had bitter feuds that I personally enjoyed more. He's better technically, solid enough on the mic. Overall, it's just not close for me.

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