Better Gimmick: Undertaker or Sting

Who had the better gimmick?

  • Undertaker

  • Sting

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No other character epitomizes the wonder, the excitement, and the majesty of the WWE quite like the Undertaker. For almost 20 years the Deadman has unleashed a trail of bodies, built up a PHENOMenal fanbase, and given us as many memorable moments befitting a Hall of Fame-bound Superstar as any.

Now you might ask me, wonder? What wonder has the Undertaker brought? If you've ever witnessed one of his entrances, whether on television or live, you might understand what I mean. His bell tolls, the flames rise, the eerie theme plays, his opponent cowers and the Phenom makes his way to the ring all the while there is a steady roar coming from the fans. You wonder what is the Deadman going to do once he enters that ring.

For me, his entrance is entirely enough. His in-ring ability through the years from the time he debuted at Survivor Series in November of 1990 to the present has, at least, in my opinion been consistent.

Sure, he doesn't do the Last Ride as often as some fans would like but, the man is 43-years old and being a pro wrestler for 25 years takes a toll on the body. It's a wonder he hasn't retired already. His move set isn't the question here. It's the myth of the Undertaker, his legend.

Excitement? Does anyone remember the Steel Cage match between Diesel and Bret Hart when the Undertaker burst up through the ring and dragged Diesel down costing him the match in 1996? Wasn't that exciting?

The famous Hell in a Cell match with Mankind? The inception of the Ministry of Darkness? The destruction of Kane at Wrestlemania 20?

Yes, he is a man of few words, but I believe his actions speak louder than any words can say. Any storyline Calaway is involved in, the anticipation and excitement has to build up.

Did anyone expect him to bury Paul Bearer at the Great American Bash (I kind of did) in 2004?

His pyro, special effects, and all around presence bring forth the majesty of both his character and the WWE.

We know the Undertaker is not from Death Valley. He can't make lightning bolts shoot from his hands. He can't rise from the dead. An urn can't control him. However, his mythos and dedication to his character and what he does makes the Undertaker one of the most beloved characters and gimmicks of all time.

Mark Calaway is a Hall of Famer already in my book and he's not even my favorite wrestler, all time.

Can anyone think of a better gimmick who has accomplished more than the Undertaker? Give me someone I can fear, love, grab my head in disbelief at what I just saw, or boo at the absolute perversion of something or someone completely wholesome and I might accept defeat.

I can't think of anyone, can you?
I know plenty of people too who know who Sting are and get this he isn't known for those Best Buy ads like Hogan is now, Sting is still known for what he can do in the ring. They know if from the Sufer gimmick to the Crow gimmick. If you care to look in the past Sting did get some spots on Tv and he was in the movie and i can't believe i am saying this is the same breath as STing but remember Ready To Rumble (God i think i threw up in my mouth a little bit) that movie might have been complete shit but Sting has been in movies my friend some better then that piece of monkey shit movie. Also Sting didn't just point the bat, don't remember "ITS SHOWTIME FOLKS". Sting is just as famous as Hulk as i keep saying HE DID IT WITHOUT VINCE'S MONEY Also Sting has been top guy in I think 2 companies TNA and WCW. Sting is better then Hulk, Sting is better then the Undertaker plain and simple. big as Hulk Hogan? Sting? No. Sting has never been the face of any company like Hogan was. Hell, Sting has never been at the level of Undertaker in any company either. Undertaker has the better gimmick hands down. A gimmick that showed up in 1990, before I was born and a gimmick that is still going stong today. Sting has never truly stuck to one gimmick outside of his crow gimmick. Sting is very respected but will never earn the respect the Undertaker has got from just about every wrestler. Sting has never really made it big outside of WCW. Even in WCW he was in Hogan's Shaddow. Undertaker has been a dominant force in a major company for around 20 years which is more than I can say for Sting. Undertaker has the better gimmick here.
I also think Sting is better than Hulk Hogan but we are arguing about who is more famous not who is better, dumbass. Now, I am tired of arguing with you about this. Does the title say, Sting or Hogan? No it says Better Gimmick:Sting or Undertaker. So, what is your argument? That you are complete shit. Everybody on here knows Hogan is more famous, plain and simple. So quit flaming my thread, go make your own sorry ass thread about Sting or Hogan and I will continue the debate there. By the way, you are the one who mentioned Sting pointing the bat, not me. You said he could get a huge reaction without talking and just pointing the bat. I think, "It's showtime folks is talking."


Now, I will back up the Undertaker's gimmick has that undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. If Sting was ever in WWE, I am 99.9% sure he wouldn't go 18-0 at Wrestlemania.

Oh my God you stupid piece of shit i never said that Sting was more famous then Hogan i said Sting is just as famous AS Hulk Hogan. Sting doesn't not have to do stupid fucking Best Buy ads because he can still move in the ring don't believe me i think his Bound for Glory matcha against AJ Styles is way fucking better then Undertaker's matches with Shawn at Wrestle Mania. Also Hulk had to do all of his fucking poses to get a crowd reaction with the stuipd ear, to whatever else he does and when he starts an interview he has to say Hulkamanicas or anything let me tell you something mean gean to get crowd reactions Sting just had to say its Showtime Folks and Sting will always get the same reaction from the fans every fucking time. My arguement is that if Sting would ever come to the WWE (that complete fucked up world where you can get Double DQ for using foul language) he would end the streak. In fact with TNA's Wrestle Mania (Bound for Glory) Sting did have a little streak going of his own but guess what he did what was right and let Aj Styles the Pride of TNA beat him which was what Sting's way of passing the torch is he done with wrestling i think not but you can't be sure with Sting because he will do what he wants.
The Undertaker is the greatest gimmick of all time and its longlevity just proves my point. Everything about the gimmick right from the entrance music, to the attire and to the moves is just perfect. Few people could have thought that such a gimmick would have made such an impact in the world of wrestling but it ha ended up as the greatest gimmick ever.

That being said I don't think that Undertaker has ever drawn as big a reaction in his career as Sting was drawing in 1997. He was as over as any wrestler has ever been, and he did that without even wrestling in a single match up till Starrcade 1997.

All things considered though, the Undertaker's gimmick is better. Sting's gimmick worked only for one storyline and there is no guarantee that it would have worked equally well in a different scenario. His gimmick prior to that was nothing special, he was just a babyface much in the mould of Hogan and Warrior. Undertaker was great even as the American Badass and cut some amazing promos during that time. Undertaker's deadman gimmick has worked well in all scenarios: as a heel, as a face, as a champion and as a legend. Sting's legendary "Crow" gimmick only worked when he was a face chasing the title.

Undertaker wins, hands down.
I loved the concept of the sting crow gimmick, however I believe he was too charismatic to pull it off. Sure, it certainly brought him up to date from the dated eighties surfer look, however the crow gimmick should be a dark brooding gimmick that doesn't speak much, essentially like the Undertaker. But he wasn't the phenom, as soon as Sting opened his mouth, he ruined the whole mystique of being in the shadows!

The undertaker had it right, choosing words wisely, and using intimidation tactics and so on. Someone less talkative would have been far better in the crow gimmick.
I think the comparisons that are always made between these two are ridiculous. That's my first point.

If I had to pick one, I'd go with Sting. I've simply never been that into 'Taker. I never liked his gimmick when I was young and I've not really been particular bothered about it since. Before everyone starts throwing hate at me as though I've admitted to raping a child, I'm not saying he's shit, I'm just saying he's never been for me. There was a period around I think '99 when I became slightly more interested in 'Taker because he became more dark and a lot less of a cartoon. But other than that, gimmick-wise I could take him or leave him.
Sting on the other hand is my favourite wrestler of all time. So you could say this was an easy choice for me no matter who he was up against. I imagine we're supposed to be comparing his black and white gimmick and not the surfer one, as that would in no way relate to 'Taker. I've never marked out for anything like I did for that whole Crow version of Sting. I don't know why, but I just connected with it big time. The imagery of it, the tension of it. There was just something that immediately took me away. To hold a crowd in your hands week after week without needing to say a word is an exceptional talent I think. Sting has always been underrated on the mic and I think that's largely because he never spoke for such a long time. People assume he can't speak at all. The point is, he didn't need to. I've loved every incarnation of Sting (except Wolfpac Sting) but I've never loved a version of him more than I loved the black and white Sting in the rafters. To me, Sting made those days the most entertaining in wrestling history. I have no choice but to opt for him.
Why are these 2 classed as similar? Because they wear black coats?

But if you are just looking at the better gimmick, it has to the The Undertaker.

While Sting introducing the Crow gimmick was indeed revelutionary in the business, and did make him more over than almost anyone else has even been (to remain so over without actually wrestling is phenomenal), but the Undertaker gimmick is probably the most successful gimmick of all time.

Mark Callaway has consistently been one of the most over wrestlers on the roster for over 20 years now, and has remained in the upper card the entire time. EVERYONE knows The Undertaker, he is like an institution. The main reason why I believe that this gimmick is better than that of Sting is because it has proven successful in so many different eras (albeit in slightly different variations) over so many years.

From the early 90s, through the "New Generation" where over-the-top cheesy gimmicks such as Doink and Papa Shango were used, the Attitude era (where he became a more satanic version of the character to fit with the times), and through to the PG era (where he has become more child-friendly again). The Phenom has remained at the forefront of the WWE through all that time. I know, I know, he became the American Bad Ass for a while, but that wasn't due to the failure of the Dead Man gimmick, it was simply trying something different.

Sting hunting the nWo was something special, and was a HUGE success. However, since that time I cannot really remember Sting standing out. He is just the "Icon" now, and all he does is hit people with a bat, with a look that has barely been updated since 1997. Nothing has changed, and even his entrance cannot compete with the Takers- which is the most iconic in history. The spectacle of Undertaker making his way to the ring is awesome, and his matches can become secondary just because of how epic the entrance is.

The whole Undertaker character is synonomous with wrestling, Sting is good but a rip-off of The Crow. It was awesome for a time, but Undertaker's is the best gimmick of all time, no doubt about it. The way he moved in the ring, the entrance, the music, the attire, the iconic finishing manouvres. The only right answer in this thread is Undertaker
As a Sting's fan, I would have to say the Undertaker. The Undertaker's gimmick was longer, meanwhile Sting has two different gimmicks throughout his career. Both were awesome. I loved his surfer dude gimmick in the late 1980s to 1996. Back then Sting had the coolest haircut in wrestling. in 1996, he started his crow gimmick. It was cool and unique for its time, but it ran its course when the NWO collapsed. The Undertaker gimmick worked back in the 1990s and it works today. It has a longer staying power. As far as wrestling wise, I would say it's a toss-up. By the way, don't hate on Sting because he never worked for the WWE. He is still an ICON in this business and was one of the greatest in his prime. I would say that he is a better wrestler than Hulk Hogan, but that's another topic. Sting is a better wrestler, but Hogan is bigger name due to his mainstream appeal.
I believe that this question is based on the age of the person responding. Undertaker has been a big star for a long time and has had feuds with a lot of great wrestlers in the biggest organization in the world. But the farther you go back, you can make a definite case that Taker was more famous for his feuds with guys who really weren't at the top of the business. Since the fall of WCW, the edge here without question has to go to the Undertaker. I also believe that despite his age has been the most continuous period of Undertaker remaining in the World Title picture. To me though, Sting and Hogan are the biggest names from the 90's. Sting is the main reason that the NWO worked, the main reason that Hogan's heel turn worked. The whole story at Bash at the Beach and the mystery man was centered around Sting. Knowing what we do now, we realize that Sting was originally the man to turn too but it all worked out for the better. While I didn't like the crow gimmick either. It freaking worked, people watched WCW to see what he would do next and THEY became the biggest company in the world. So to answer the question, newer wrestling fans I believe are more likely to say Undertaker due to his recent success and Stings departure to TNA but for the people that saw them both being pushed at the same time, you know that Undertaker was not drawing on even close to the same level as Sting. Undertaker's first real title run occurred during the time that Sting and WCW were dominating the WWF in the ratings. Look it up.

Undertaker's gimmick is a thing of legend in wrestling. While Sting's gimmick is good, Undertaker's is in a whole other league. 'Taker is the most recognizable superstar in all of wrestling, aside from maybe Hulk Hogan. The Deadman gimmick is the best gimmick in all of wrestling history. The second those bells toll, you know who it is. It's 'Taker. That gimmick is what made him an icon, the stoic and cold stare, the emotionless, unforgiving face, it is all a part of the Deadman gimmick. The Deadman gimmick wins it, easily.

To coincide with all that, 'Taker is also a better performer. While Sting is certainly a legend as well, 'Taker defies all the odds. He is a large man, yet he moves like a cruiserweight. 'Taker is also far superior to Sting when it comes being recognized for 1 single gimmick. When I see Sting, sure I think of the Crow, but sometimes Surfer Sting pops in too. With 'Taker, it's nearly always the Deadman. I mean, he had the American Badass/Big Evil gimmick, but even then people still called him the Deadman. He was still recognized for his old gimmick.
Easy answer here, Undertaker.

Taker plays the role of a dead guy (kayfabe of course)! The fact that he has made the gimmick last and work is impressive. Sting is no doubt a legend, but his gimmick I don't think compares to the Deadman. Taker whole gimmick is awe inspiring and he just draws you in with the whole work. From the bell tolls, the smoke, and the chill it sends up and down your spine when he slowly makes his way to the ring. They say Taker has you beat before he enters the ring and that really works into how great his gimmick is.

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