Who would you like to see Shawn Michaels face at WrestleMania 26?

Being realistic I would go for CM Punk. With HBK's new Christian lifestyle and DX Attitude clashing once in awhile I can picture Punk's promo's attacking HBK and getting a ton of heat.
Being realistic I would go for CM Punk. With HBK's new Christian lifestyle and DX Attitude clashing once in awhile I can picture Punk's promo's attacking HBK and getting a ton of heat.

I would love that, but Cm Punk is in the dog house right now
I don't know if they will let him have a classic with Shawn at WM
but that would be perfect
Morrison would be a good choice here. Like a passing of the torch thing or something. Morrison has plenty of talent and the HBK rub win or lose would propel him to the top of the WWE and it could be a match of the year candidate for sure.
I personally don't think that WM will be HBK's final match, so I'd wouldn't mind seeing a Taker vs HBK rematch. They put on a great match at WM 25, but I think they could top it easily at 26.

The only other match I'd be excited about would be Hart Dynasty vs DX - this one pretty much sells itself. Especally if you had Bret Hart at ringside with Dynasty and Bret played the heel role, keeping DX as faces. He could revert back to the 97 Hart Foundation era Bret and just put endless amounts of shit on America and the American fans, blaming them for all of his life problems.

HBK vs Morrison will be a great match when it happens, but I think its a little too soon for Morrison.
Honestly, I would like to see him face The Rock. But that is never going to happen. As long as the current WWE roster goes I think John Morrison would be a perfect opponent for him. Morrison has been compared to HBK for a while now and he's been around long enough to hold his own working with HBK. Plus wrestling HBK at Wrestlemania might just give Morrison that extra push that he needs to go from the midcard to the main event.
I honestly think that the best choice wud be morrison... i mean, he seems to be this generations version... the FND is the new HBK... this wud only b to FINALLY put jomo in the world title picture and have HBK put him overr
but i think since this may be michaels last WM, i thikn he shud b taking on someone who hes never fought 1 on 1 at WM...HHH!!! it duznt have 2 b for a title, it wud just b a great match...

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