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Who would you like to see Shawn Michaels face at WrestleMania 26?

Edge never got a BIG One on One win at Mania? You mean beating Mick Foley at Wrestlemania in a Hardcore Match wasn't a BIG One on One win.

OK, now that I got that off my chest, the guy that I would like to see Shawn face at Mania, if this indeed is his last one, is new WWE Signee Bryan Danielson. It would be great, because they can build it up as Student vs Teacher. Apprentice vs Master. To top that off, you have two of the best workers in the world, so this match will be very special, very entertaining.

Just my two cents, so go ahead and start slamming me for choosing a guy that isn't in WWE yet.
ok, u guys r all gonna call me crazy, but wuznt it just announced that Bret Hart my come back? now, i know wut ur thinking "how is a 52 year old man gonna fare on the grandest stage of them all? i think very well... and it wud b great for all the older fans (those that are still left after the PG rating) to see 2 of their boyhood idols squaring off, 12 years later. now, obviously this wudnt b for a title, and wud break up d/x for a few months, but hey, for a HBK/Hitman at wrestlemania again, i wud do it in a heartbeat.

There is absolutely no way we will see a Bret Hart/HBK match. First off, Bret retired because of concussion problems thanks to Goldberg's botched kick. The stroke he had a number of years ago has somewhat limited his mobility. There is no way Bret could ever go back in the ring.
dnt slaughter me too badly, this is my first post bt jst here me out. wat if either wwe or world championship becomes vacant at no way out (or wateva its goin to be called), due to some controvertial ending causing the title to be vacated. following nite on raw, the guy tht got stripped of the title will b pissed nd want it bk claiming he deserves it most, etc etc blah blah. bt then out comes shawn michaels, sayin if ne1 deserves tht title, its Mr.Wrestlemania. a match is made tht nite on raw. during the match out comes the like of morrison, cm punk, triple h, miz, ziggler, mysterio, etc(only one person at first to break up the match, then all hell breaks lose). they all want the title nd think they deserve it, out comes Vinnie Mac and says if u think u deserve the title, then prove it. nd announces a tournement at wrestlemania to see who is truly deserving of the title.
i think wud b a gd opportunity to hav sum matches weve bin wanting 2 see 4 a while, nd also potentially giv extra strengh to a first time champ who has beat like 3 or 4 upper midcarders on the grandest stage.
i hope i explained it the way it made sense in my head lol.ur thoughts?
Way too early to tell. Anything can happen between now and Mania. DX could split, they could stay together and cancel each other out of the title picture.

I'd like to see Michaels face a number of different guys.

John Morrison - But that will NOT happen.

Ziggler - But again it won't happen.

I'd kill to see Shawn Michaels Vs. Christian - now this would be an amazing match.......but - It Won't happen.

Of course the DREAM Re-Match against Bret, but it should remain a Dream.

Shelton Benjamin, Mysterio, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger all would be great choices but are highly doubtful.

I think the most logical choices are Orton, Dibiase, Rhodes, Triple H, or Cena.

We could see a tag match or a Fatal 4-Way or 6-Pack Challenge.

I guess it all depends who wins the Rumble and if DX is still feuding with Legacy or not. I can easily see Michaels and Triple H facing each other as a result of a Royal Rumble incident.

Seeing as CM Punk is my logical pick to win the Rumble this year, along with Jericho. Since they both have never won one before.

How about this WM card:

Cody Rhodes vs. Dibiase

Triple H vs. Michaels vs Orton (WWE Title)

CM Punk vs Batista

Taker vs. Jericho (World Title)

MITB Ladder Match - John Morrison vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler vs Christian vs Shelton Benjamin vs Evan Bourne
I know he's just recently left WWE but I wouldn't be against Jeff Hardy going one-on-one with HBK. They were saying back when he left that it would only be a matter of time before he returns. They both have just an amazing arsenal of moves. The build up wouldn't be bad, they both have good mic skills. I wouldn't want this for Shawn's last match at Wrestlemania.
But then again the thread does say WM 26 so that doesn't have to be his last match.
I gotta say I would love to see a wrestlemania re-match between Jericho and HBK, their match was amazing at WM19. but there are alot of people I would like to see him face, CM PUNK, John Morrison (if he drops the *** routine), The MIZ (those promo's would be amazing), Matt Hardy (any one who thinks he's no good doesn't know the first thing about wrestling),DiBiase would be nice, though I'm going for him vs. Orton, Deffinatly not Swagger his timing in the ring is still way to off, he could even make HBK look bad, and that's hard to do.... Bryan Danielson? that could be good BUT nix the whole student vs. teacher thing, he trained AT HBK's school, but HBK wasn't the trainer LOL....I hope he meshes well without being a spot monkey, and PLEASE alter your look! the maroon tights and shaggy hair are foul looking..... TYSON KID would be simply amazing, with the Hart tie-in it would be amazing, and the guy has been working since the late 90's so he is FAR from green:)
Well I got some names i would like but i would also like to respond to some of the names thrown out

Bret Hart-Cant Wrestle any more so aint gonna happen

Sting-Doubt it since hes retiring after BFG

Kurt Angle-He is sittin pretty happy at tna right now

Booker T-Same thing as kurt

Nash-Wouldnt want to see this match. Nash should really go back to manager/agent/on air persona. His wrestling is really getting lower. With all the knee sugery i would be it would so im not dissing him or anything. Maybe have Nash make a appearance at a going away thing like they did for ric. Imagine if they did a similar thing where triple h brought out Nash,Hall,Waltman,Danielson,Jannety,Flair,and more. That would be epic!

Now onto my choices

Triple H-Would be a great match but would have to have building starting asap. The reason their old matchs were so good back in 02-04 were you actually believed these two hated each other. These two tore each other apart. They competed in every kind of match you could name. Now that they are buddy buddy,its not the same type of set up. It wouldnt be the crazy passion filled,violent matchs we saw before. It would be more of like what you saw between ric and shawn which is great but just when you have the HHH-HBK fued to live up to,it falls short. But if they were to somehow pull it off,then awesome!

Tyson Kidd-It would be awesome to see this match. Kidd is growing into his own and with bret talking about being a on air character this could be billed as canada's revenge. I think they could really put on a excellent match and really do amazing things in that ring.

Morrison-Now storywise i dont like the idea but match wise of course. Morrison really is a future shawn micheals type guy and so it would be a awesome match. Just dont see how they could build up to it

Danielson-This is the one that would be my very top choice. Obviously Danielson can put on a show as can HBK. And how awesome would it be to have HBKs final match be him passing the tourch to his trainee? Like what tna is doing with sting and aj but even more special. It would really help Bryan get that rub where he will be a remaining talent most likely. I think it could be a epic match that would really put a huge good final mark on HBKs whole career.

Chris Jericho-Awesome matchs in the past and it would be a awesome match now

Edge-Havnt faced off to much before

Christian-It would be a excellent match

Now if it was any name possible(with or not with wwe,etc) then a few that come to mind is

Jamie noble-the man can put on a excellent match. Honestly has better wrestling skills then most the roster. But he is another guy who is there to put over others like Kane,Haas and more.

Teddy Hart-Similar situation to Tyson but with a actual Hart family member instead of a friend of the Harts

Aj Styles-It would be epic for sure
Some good ideas here. I would only give a damn about HBK if there could be a revenge moment with Bret. Bret could manage John Morrison and help him keep focus. I could care less about Booker T, but Lance Storm as the guest ref would be sweet.

Does Matt Hardy have the endurance to fight HBK? Has Matt ever had an iron man match before? If he can't contain Swagger, how can he headline 'Mania? Or is it just all crap booking by creative? Jericho/Michaels sounds fine, but I thought they already played that fued to extreme. Big Show sure needs a 'Mania makeover - how about him?

Morrison seems like the most natural choice because they have so much in common. Doesn't guarantee that Nitro's (sorry!) career will last as long, but he sure has alot of 'Heartbreak Kid' qualities.
I seen some interesting choices here, and some really dumb ones! DUMB ONES R:

Jericho: They fueded all last year just about. They had 3-4 matches, move on.
Triple H: I cant count how many one on one matches they have already had, had a mania triple threat match for the title, they even had a hell in the cell match so move on.
Morrison: Although he would be a new opponent to michaels, Morrison is very sloppy in the ring, partially because he tries to many acrobatic manuevers. Michaels isnt sloppy in the ring usually so their in ring chemistry wouldnt mesh.
Tyson Kidd: Along with Ziggler isnt established enough to beat Michaels at mania at least, maybe some other ppv. MY CHOICES would be,

Umaga: resign this freak of nature, umaga was awesome, enough said.
CM Punk: I think these 2 could have a good match, punk is really improving.
King Booker: I think that could be awesome to, only if they can resign him and keep him away from triple hater and batista.
Jeff hardy: That would be a nice matchup.
Christian: Awesome moveset, in great shape, unlike edge. Maybe this could finally be the push christian needs. This list is a list of people he's never faced and would be something new and exciting.
Here are my top three choices.

If Shawn were to retire after Wrestlemania 26 I would go with Triple H. What better way would there be to go out then to wrestle your best friend for the last time. I wouldn't have just a normal match though. I would make it a 60 Minute Ironman Match. I really miss those and these two were good at them. It would be an instant classic that would go to sudden death where HHH would just barely win and retire his friend.

Y2J - He could come back and stir some major shit. He could just be like " You retired Ric Flair. You just want to create another moment to forget about that. You want to go out on top. Well I'll put you out....at the bottom. You're worthless.....you hypocrite......." Basically stir up their old feud but don't do it too long past Wrestlemania as that would just be unfair for them to go through all that again unless they can create some new magic.

CM Punk - You could pit Michaels religious views vs Punk's straight edge views. I'm not saying make Michaels be like the holiest of holy people. Don't make him into a priest. But instead of just taking Punk's crap for everything Punk says he could say " I am a man of the Lord. Everything I have done in my life the Lord has forgiven me for . " Or some B/S like that.
It depends on certain factors

Is Shawn retiring at WM26?
Does Bret make an on air return?
Is DX still together?

Personally I would love to see DX continue their role of bringing up the future. Have Bret return as Raw's GM and trade Kofi & Primo to Smackdown for The Hary Dynasty They could set up Hart Dynasty vs DX at Wrestlemania with Bret as the guest enforcer.

Triple H turning on Shawn is played out I would have Shawn turn heel around Summerslam leading to a few months feud with Triple H. HBK would win the title from Cena around Survivor Series. Morrison with a win at The Rumble. John Morrison would say how he always looked up to Shawn and set up a past vs present match at Wrestlemania 27 with a heel Michaels vs Morrison for the title where Morrison wins his first title and retires Michaels
I doubt that 26 will see Shawns last match if reports on Taker's health are to be believed... far more likely Shawn would soldier on till 27...

In that case, I think it will be Danielson, purely cos of the student/teacher relationship and they will want Danielson over strong off the bat... I can see a Triple Threat this year with DX and Danielson v The Hart Legacy... Bret in the corner of the Harts of course and Danielson "screwing" Shawn, putting him out for a bit... while Danielson and Trips feud... When Shawn returns, he and Danielson go to WM27 in a retirement match...
I would actually like to see Shawn Michaels in the Money In The Bank Match. He doesn’t have to necessarily win it, but being in the match could be exciting. Picture a Moon-Sault off the tallest ladder onto 7 other Stars. If he does win it, can anyone picture him cashing in on the same night against WWE Champion, Triple H or World Champion, Undertaker?? That would make for a memorable Mania, wouldn’t it??
If WM 26 turns out to be Shawn's last match, which has been rumoured, then his opponent should be none other than Triple H or a face Jericho. Shawn should get roughly the same type of match Flair did for his retirement.

If Shawn decides to stay a while longer, I'm actually really excited about CM Punk. In the last few months I've really started to enjoy him even more, and I think he and Shawn could have some great matches.
Triple H.

It would be perfect. The two of them, in both wrestling and real life terms, are the best of friends. They formed one of the greatest groups in wrestling history, they're two of the best wrestlers of all time and they can have really good matches together. If Shawn is going to get a send-off that he rightly deserves, who better than your best friend to face.

If Shawn announces that WrestleMania XXVI is his final match in advance, a lot of people could fight for the right to face him and be the man who was "Shawn Michaels' final opponent". That's where people like Jericho, Morrison, Swagger and even CM Punk could get involved in the storyline, as they are try and become that man. Shawn then wouldn't have to worry about "keeping his career alive". He can just go out there, have one last incredible match and leave with his head held high. No titles or "if you lose, you must retire" rulings, just two men having an epic match. Shawn could even win this match and end his career with a high-profile victory.

Now, back to my choice Triple H. Since he was the man who faced Shawn in his first match back, why not have Triple H be the man who faces Shawn in his last match? Because their best friends in real life and in storyline terms, they could make it a real emotional affair, have it could be built-up in an emotional way so that everyone is going to want to buy the PPV just see this match. No Triple H heel turns etc, just him and Shawn, in Shawns' last match. Simple.
It depends on certain factors

Is Shawn retiring at WM26?
Does Bret make an on air return?
Is DX still together?

Personally I would love to see DX continue their role of bringing up the future. Have Bret return as Raw's GM and trade Kofi & Primo to Smackdown for The Hary Dynasty They could set up Hart Dynasty vs DX at Wrestlemania with Bret as the guest enforcer.

Triple H turning on Shawn is played out I would have Shawn turn heel around Summerslam leading to a few months feud with Triple H. HBK would win the title from Cena around Survivor Series. Morrison with a win at The Rumble. John Morrison would say how he always looked up to Shawn and set up a past vs present match at Wrestlemania 27 with a heel Michaels vs Morrison for the title where Morrison wins his first title and retires Michaels

I agree one hundred per cent here, aside from your avatar, you should change it...it's mine :p

Seriously though I see Shawn in another high profile match at Mania that doesn't involve the belt. The like of v Flair and v Taker. I would like to see HBK v HHH but as both guys just remaining face, sort of a match out of respect for each other to settle finally who the better man is. That I would love to see.
dey shud of had him fight undertaker at wm 26 if dey knew he was goin to retire regardless of wm25 bein the 25th anniversary but i wud hav him face triple h but not in a heel vs face shit but like triple h challenges shawn to c if he can beat him at wrestlemania and shawn wins and dey hav a classic match
Odds are its gonna be HHH but no title no if you loose stipulations its gonna be just a singles match thats it and probly HHH will win and we will all send HBK off like we did to Ric Flair last year
I have a few ideas. I would love to see hbk face Booker T, but hes in tna. Same with Sting, but he's also in TNA. For me i would feel cheated with him facing triple H. They already had a classic at wrestlemania together. In all honosty i would love the Rock to come back and face him. That would make the most sense because most of the rest of the main eventers had a classic with hbk at Wrestlemania. Well at least the ones that matter. Maybe have orton face him at wm. He's the only one left.
In todays WWE roster?

Not many.

I would say either

Randy Orton - Bring back the Legend Killer
C M Punk
Ted Dibiase
Cody Rhodes

The guys I would really love to see face Michaels would be

The Rock

Unlikely, but not impossible...
HBK doens't NEED to face HHH!

I think, given the current crisis WWE is in with no real fresh main event stars, the best thing he and Vince could do, is to have him fight and lose to a younger wrestler and give him the "Superstar Rub", that only a few wrestlers in WWE can truly hand out in this day n age.

My pick would be JOHN MORRISON!

The guy is talented as HELL, needs a liiiitle help on the mic, but otherwise, is ALOT like HBK, when he was Morrisons age!

With a nice and slow build up, starting at Survivor Series perhaps, those two could have a killer bout, that would also make sense story wise!
I'm actually gonna suggest a DX tag team match at Mania which to my knowledge has never been done. Their opponents, the Hart Dynasty. We all want to see HBK vs Bret in some capacity and since Bret is in no condition to wrestle, this would still allow him and Michaels to have one last wrestlemania staredown.
I have a couple of ideas. One is more realistic then the other.

HBK vs The Rock - To my knowledge this never happend. I think that a match like this would only be good for Mania. If done right, it could be as epic as Rock vs Hogan a few years back.

HBK vs Sting - This would be the biggest Mania match of all time. Even if it were a one time only for Sting. I know it will probably not happen. But it would kick some ass if it did.
Im thinking that if and I mean IF Cena goes to smackdown I see Shawn Michaels vs. HHH and Undertaker vs. Cena right now for WM26 maybe its just me but I would watch that.

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