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Who would you like to see Shawn Michaels face at WrestleMania 26?


Occasional Pre-Show
Shawn Michaels is one of the greatest superstars to ever lace up a pair of boots, but he has had so many great matches at WrestleMania with some great talent from WrestleMania 10 with Razor Ramon to WrestleMania 21 with Kurt Angle to WrestleMania 22 with Vince McMahon to WrestleMania 24 with Ric Flair to WrestleMania 25 with The Undertaker. But who is there left for him to face?

I can think of at least 4 superstars he could face. The 4 superstars I think he could have a great match with are CM Punk, John Morrison, Matt Hardy, and Rey Mysterio. I mean if not any of those 4 superstars, then who do you guys think he should face at this years WrestleMania?
Well, my first thought was Triple H. We saw them in a triple threat match at Wrestlemania XX with Chris Benoit, but the real moment we were supposed to be left with was Benoit finally living the dream of being World Heavyweight Champion after 18 long years of blood, sweat, and tears. We've also seen HBK vs. HHH at many other ppvs, but never Wrestlemania.

But now that you mention those 4 superstars, I just might reconsider. However, I'm not sure if any of the 4 superstars would have a good enough build with Shawn Michaels to have a great match with Mr. Wrestlemania. Build is just as necessary as a Wrestlemania match, especially when it comes to Shawn Michaels.

C.M. Punk? Call me crazy, but I have a feeling that these two would have horrible chemistry in the ring. The buildup with mic time for both men would be amazing, however the match itself. I don't know exactly how good it'll be. I hear that HBK is one of 4 people Punk always wanted to wrestle (besides Undertaker, John Cena, and Triple H). But it would be the first time Punk wrestled at a Wrestlemania one-on-one. As his 3 Wrestlemania appearances resulted in him competing in the Money in the Bank ladder match.

John Morrison? My favorite of the 4. He's the Intercontinental Champion and one of the hottest things going on Smackdown. Back when The Miz and John Morrison fueded with DX, we assumed that we would see Morrison go one-on-one with HBK. However, (from what I remember) we never saw it. They would definitely have one of the best matches ever!

Matt Hardy? Not sure where not came from. But, we've never seen them go one-on-one. Matt Hardy seems to be wasting away on Smackdown (where he's best at), and a move to Raw wouldn't help him. Even back to ECW would do nothing (Shelton Benjamin is the only person to get switched to ECW twice). He needs something to do, but if he's engaged in a fued by Wrestlemania, then we won't need to see Shawn Michaels vs. Matt Hardy.

Rey Mysterio? We've only seen them one-on-one once I believe. At the Eddie Guerrero Raw Special. And they had a pretty damn good match. I would be the happiest person in the world to see them go one-on-one at Wrestlemania. But, unfortunately that's too unlikely to happen.

All four of those superstars on Smackdown doesn't help. As HBK has wrestled a Smackdown star at WM 24 and 25. That's why me answer is still Triple H. We know they have great chemistry and the chance to steal the show. Their buildup would have dated all the way back to Summerslam. 8 month build? Awesome!
Well, i think Booker T will be a good one, if he leaves the TNA bussness, but a few more will be like... CM Punk, come on, he beat Jeff Hardy, The Undertaker, Why not try to put HBK to that list, also, Christian? he is leading the ECW brand so there could be a counter fight between RAW and ECW, but Booker T, CM Punk, and Christian would be my picks
I'd go with Triple H or John Morrison. So much history between HHH and HBK, but everytime it just gets better and better. Survivor Series 2008, the crowd popped big time when Morrison and Michaels stared down before the wrestled in the elimination tag team match. After that sneak peak of them going at it, everyone has been talking about them actually facing off again. Hard to say who he will face but it will be epic no doubt.
I will like 2 say cm punk or jomo i think hbk wrestling punk or jomo will b an epic match but first wwe will need 2 start a feud between them so how will they feud n in wat way will they feud the past vs present.....legend vs upcoming legend dont know but i will like 2 see that feud between punk vs hbk or jomo vs hbk.........
It would need to be someone young, a mega heel, and someone who could benefit from the run of facing and possibly beating HBK at WM.

The top two picks would go Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. Their already currently involved in a program with DX, and HBK is a feature member of this group. I think both of them could do very well in a match vs HBK at WM. It would be just the right push to get them over enough to catapult them into the main event.

CM Punk would also be in the running, as well as Ziggler, Morrison, and the Miz.

Honorable mention to Swagger and MVP
My choice would be CM Punk. I think the build for a WrestleMania match is just as important, if not more so, than the match itself. I think Punk could give Michaels a good match, but I think they have potential to build a really good feud.

Punk has proven to be a good heel. He has become very good on the mic (although too repetitive lately). He has been preaching to us for months about being straight edge. This could work naturally into a feud with HBK. Michaels may have a squeaky clean lifestyle now, but it wasn’t always that way. Punk could go into Shawn’s past and bring up all his old problems in the 90’s. He could even bring up Playgirl. Punk could cut a promo saying “the Lord may have forgiven you, but that’s not good enough for me and it shouldn’t be good enough for the fans.” I would like to see it get real personal and maybe even involve Shawn’s kids (I don’t know if he’d allow it). I could just see Punk telling Shawn’s kids not to look up to their dad. He’s a hypocrite and not a real role model. He could then give the kids his phone number and tell them if they ever need any advice to give him a call because he could set a much better example than their father. This of course would infuriate Michaels and the feud would be on.

This is similar to the feud with Hardy, but I think if Punk brings the kids into it this feud would be much better. Also HBK is much better than Hardy on the mic. I think Shawn’s mic skills are extremely underrated. He and Punk could really talk their way into an awesome feud.
There's only 3 names here that should even be considered.

1.) Triple H- a face/face confrontation for the first time in history between these two. Do I think Triple H could screw HBK again? Sure. But that would be stupid to do for a 3rd or 4th time. Maybe since HBK has given us great matches at Mania the last 6 years, he can give Triple H one too since he's more or less bored us the last few years. I'd like to see these 2 get it on one more time for nothing but respect and the chance to see them in the face/face nature.

2.) CM Punk- the biggest heel in the company right now. He won't be champion at Mania, but a win over HBK wouldn't be bad for his resume. Should HBK lose his last match? I dunno. That's for another thread I think. Creative could have something interesting in letting HBK going out with a bang but Punk possibly picking up the win.

3.) Morrison- "The next HBK" as everybody likes to call him would be a good opponent for HBK to have at Mania. This ending I see has a variety of scenarios. HBK could pick up the win and have Morrison give him a hell of a run for his money (much like HBK did against Angle at WM21) where one man "wins" but nobody walked away from that match a loser. Morrison could pick up a surprise win and have HBK talk about how much he respects Morrison and how far he's come. Morrison and HBK have had quite a paralell career as I see it. Started in the tag team thing, similar styles, Melina managed him as a singles wrestler for awhile as Sherri did HBK, there's a ton more but I'm not listing them all. This is a match I would LOVE to see in some capacity and really hope it can happen before HBK retires.

Side note with HBK/Morrison- I'm attending Bragging Rights and think this could be a damn good match since it seems fans will vote the matches, and it will be a cross-promotional PPV. I'd mtfo if I get to see this match at Bragging Rights.
Ok all tho it might be HHH n michaels at mania the #1 guy id love to see michaels face would be morrison. Think of the build up we could have for this match, one u can turn morrison heel saying hes teh best and WM is gonna be named after him and cause michaels to start with him, or morrison can be a face n michaels turn heel which is very unlikely with michaes saying that hes tired of people comparing him to jomo, or a 3rd possiblity could be jomo n michaels face and jomo calling out michaels saying he always wanted to be like hbk and would love to put on teh match of decade at mania with MR wrestlemaina. Eitehr way the 2 of them in the same match one on one at WM will be awesome. and if michaels is all about putting over the younger talent this will the be the best man to do it for....i would also like to see y2j n michaels round 2 at mania with a better finish then the last time they met at mania but we have seen jericho n hbk alot and plus he prob be fighting edge. so my pick is jomo with jomo winning and the 2 of them shaking hands having michaels pass the torch
ok, u guys r all gonna call me crazy, but wuznt it just announced that Bret Hart my come back? now, i know wut ur thinking "how is a 52 year old man gonna fare on the grandest stage of them all? i think very well... and it wud b great for all the older fans (those that are still left after the PG rating) to see 2 of their boyhood idols squaring off, 12 years later. now, obviously this wudnt b for a title, and wud break up d/x for a few months, but hey, for a HBK/Hitman at wrestlemania again, i wud do it in a heartbeat.
First of all, I don't see why he has any reason to officially retire. He gets tons of time off, barely works house shows, and is only 44 and in good shape. Flair was that age when he made his first WWF stint in the early 90s. I'd like to see him take on Punk. They could have a great promo war as well as a great match. Its gotta be somebody good enough to build a solid program with a lot of heat who can really work the crowd. HHH has been done. The other young guys aren't ready to step into that level with HBK on that stage. Morrison could be an opponent for him at WM27 after he gets established and recognized as a heavyweight champ main eventer.
ok, u guys r all gonna call me crazy, but wuznt it just announced that Bret Hart my come back? now, i know wut ur thinking "how is a 52 year old man gonna fare on the grandest stage of them all? i think very well... and it wud b great for all the older fans (those that are still left after the PG rating) to see 2 of their boyhood idols squaring off, 12 years later. now, obviously this wudnt b for a title, and wud break up d/x for a few months, but hey, for a HBK/Hitman at wrestlemania again, i wud do it in a heartbeat.

It wasn't confirmed that Bret was coming back.

Bret vs HBK would be AWESOME but if the whole Bret thing doesn't happen, I am leaning towards Morrison. Both are really talented guys and I could see it turning into one hell of an epic match between the two. That match would get Morrison over like crazy.
If the wwe could get Sting i would say him. He's in the verge of retirering so why not make it a wrestlemania of the ages. Of course with a propper build up and a great storyline.
I think it depends completely on what the purpose of the match is. Is this shawns last match? A retirement match. Is he going to put someone over.?? Is it just a match that is supposed to steal the show??? Hmm dont really know.
I would only want to see him fight HHH if it was a retirement match.
HBK vs Bret would be a dream come true.
Wouldnt be bad to see him put over some young talent like MVP or Swagger...
Call me crazy and i know it wont happen
But I would throw bags of money at The Rock!!!!
its a Dream match all of us want to see
as far as who wins, who cares
that would be my best match for mania
Anyone up for HBK/Angle part 2? :icon_wink:
There's not really anyone big and active left for Michaels to face, he's pretty much done them all now. Booker? Sting?
A while ago I read that Kevin Nash wanted to return for Shawns last year. Seeing as there's no sign of Nash returning to the WWE yet, I think Shawn might just continue for another year.
Triple H, no doubt about it.

I think that the feud they have going with Legacy right now will eventually go pear shape and at that point Triple H and Shawn Michaels will eventually end up feuding with each other. I also think that is is a very logical step to take the two men in and to be honest, I think it is all that they have. I mean after this, who are they going to feud with? Triple H could possibly go after Orton again with Legacy out of the way but who will Michaels feud with?

I think Triple H makes the most sense and I think that is who he will feud with.
All of our hopes and dreams will be shattered by the Son In Law, im just being realistic here. I think it should be Punk or Jericho but reality kicks in my head and knows better. and IT WILL NOT BE BRET HART! He had a freakin stroke and can not wrestle ever again. And I dont think bret is quite 52 lol.
i can think of 2

1.triple h
having dx end with hbk being face and hhh be heel at rwestlemania or triple h winning wwe title hbk winning the rumble would get wrestlemania at the top of wrestlemanias for the wwe title
2. rey mysterio to high flyers who give it there all at wrestlemania would be the greatist match in rey mysterios carrer and to make it better it could be a last man standing match with the return of the gruiser weight title
If this is HBK's last WM then it would have to be HHH!

I know alot of you on here think that he needs to face a young buck so that he can give them the rub, but I happen to think that if he is going out then he needs to go out having the best match possible and that would be HHH.

We don't need to see HHH be a heel again. What we need is for HBK to double cross HHH with a SCM or something and let him be a heel for a little while. This would set up their WM match perfectly and I really think that the two of them would totally tear the house down. HBK hasn't been a heel since his return, unless you count the Hogan thing, but I don't. It would be wonderful to see if HBK could pull off that kind of character again. We are in the PG era after all, so he wouldn't have to do anything that is against his beliefs. I would just love to see a HBK heel vs a HHH face. It would be wonderful.

That is all.
ok i dont think that brett hart will wrestle HBK but why does DX have to break up for example the celebrity guest host of raw gimmick will eventually disappear because IF brett decides to come back then im 99.99% sure that will be his part and over a course of time he will start screwing shawn michaels and DX out of things and make stipulations in favour of there opponents and such. then the hart dynasty start getting involved and start getting involved in DX matches and such (NOTE: brett hart is now heel) now vimce and steph are getting pissed off by the way brett is running there show so they get involved and as payback for the montreal screwjob brett makes the match DX and steph mcmahon with vince in there corner vs hart dynasty with brett in there corner where if DX loses then shawn leaves wwe but if DX win then brett will leave for good also

So WM26 my prediction DX AND steph mchman with vince VS the hart dynasty with brett hart
This is a tough but good question. There are so many people who could face HBK in what some have rumored to be his last match. From a strictly fan perspective, I would love to see Sting make the jump for the match against Shawn Michaels. I think they could tear the house down even after the peak of their careers. I don't think that will happen though.

I don't think Rey Mysterio will be picked because I think that the Rey-HBK match at Eddie's Tribute Show on Raw was probably a special enough moment that they won't want to tarnish that by having another match at WrestleMania. And The Rock's done with wrestling. I doubt that we'll ever see him back in the ring again for anything, even to shill his latest movie.

The odds-on favorites are Triple H or John Morrison. Triple H and HBK have such a storied history together that it would make sense to finally put the two in a one on one match at WrestleMania as opposed to the Triple Threat match they had at XX. And then, I'd have to go with The Shaman of Sexy, John Morrison. If the WWE would let these two have a straight-up one on one match at WrestleMania, the results would be awesome. The Past vs. The Future delivering an exhilarating match for the ages.

I could also see a scenario where they book Jericho vs. HBK at WrestleMania, even though there would be a feeling of been there, done that with the match.
First of all IF Bret Hart were to return it will not be as a wrestler,possibly GM or manager of Hart Dynasty

I'd love to see Bret be named GM and then Bret force HHH and HBK to wrestle each other at Mania. Maybe have HHH have the title and in the end Bret screw HHH instead of Shawn saying Bret wants to get even with Vince and not Shawn, and by screwing Vince's son in law that was the way. Then Bret and Shawn would side with each other against the McMahon family with Shawn holding the title one last time.
I read it was suppose to be Edge vs HBK at WM23 but Triple H got injured as he was suppose to face Cena for the title.

Why not Edge? Despite 90000 world title reigns, he as never gotten a big one on one win at a Wrestlemania.

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