Who would you like to see as the next permanent GM and WHY?

Fire Marshall Bill

Let me show ya somethin!!!
Ok so I looked back and didn't find this at least recently and don't believe it belongs in the Guest Host discussion as this is supposed to be in the aftermath of that.

But who would be your pick as the next GM of Raw? Obviously the guest host thing has to end sometime (hopefully sooner than later). Yes it gives Santino, Hornswaggle and the Bella twins something to do, but eventually the writers will get their act together and end it and replace them with a real GM.

A lot of people would like Shawn Michaels and they're free to discuss that. William Regal is back to wrestling so he's likely out. Vicky Guerrero is wrestling now for some odd reason so hopefully she's out as I couldn't stand her anyways.

Personally, my pick would be Ric Flair. Now this is likely not to ever happen considering his stint with TNA, but even the slightest chance of it would keep me hoping. Think of having not only his great mic work being part of every show, but also his philosiphy: "To be the man, you gotta beat the man." For me that would be perfect because I get so tired of so many run-ins happening in matches. It gets old. Now at first having him might not slow them, but then he could come in any time it happens and say if anyone interferes they're fired. Or punish people for running in other ways. Throw them in a handicap match. He could use lumberjack matches as well. I just think having a manager who's more unbiased than the previous would be a refreshing change. Not like Regal or Vicky Guerrero. It's not like you're gonna see even someone as imposing as Batista intimidate Ric Flair. In fact, with Flair's personality I'd bet he'd throw wrestlers who try to intimidate him into a match just for trying.

I want to try and keep this at least mildly realistic. Yes, Flair is unlikely now, but I feel he still has a chance if he ever leaves TNA. Vince knows he's a staple in this business and can still draw people. Maybe I'm way off base, but I can still see him as a viable option. But someone like The Rock is never going to come back to wrestling on a permanent basis, though he would be a cool GM.
I agree The Rock would be an awesome GM but meh more chance of Santino getting a WWE Title run...which that in itself would also be quit hilarious. Ric Flair as GM? I am honestly happy he is out of WWE as i was getting tired of him hanging around, but having said that his stint as RAW GM a few years ago was pretty good and made the Flair marks happy. I dont think WWE will tire of the guest GM gimmick just yet...sadly, I would like to see a former WWE Superstar come in as GM, not particularly Flair as you said his stint in TNA may have buried him beyond revival from VKM's point of view. Mybe another shock announcement like Eric Bischoff is in order? to shake things up a bit.
I must admit I've always liked William Regals character, and I know he's the GM of RAW before, and I must admit I liked him as that, I think Regal regaining the position of RAW GM would be pretty well fitting, when he's done being pro for Skip Sheffield I could totally see him doing a GM role simply because he would be stuck doing nothing or jobbing out to future talent. Either way he'd do more good in the GM position.

Another choice of a old WWE wrestler I think would fit amazingly into the GM position would have to be Roddy Piper, simply because he's amazing on the microphone, the GM needs to be a great talker, and since Ric Flair isn't available, who better than Piper? he's done it before, didn't do too shabby in that episode, and I could truly see him fitting into the role permanently, at least for a few months or a year's time before yet another GM change will commence.

A 3rd choice, Ted DiBiase, another great mic worker, and able to play the heel role very very well, and seeing as I believe most of the RAW GM's has done their job of filling in as a heel like character, Ted would fit into it perfectly, and I would absolutely mark out for him laughing after announcing matches.
I think the WWE should do an interesting turn with who the next permanent GM of Raw is: an announcer. Now before you yell and curse, NO! NOT MICHAEL COLE!

There are two guys who I think could do it in order of preference: Matt Striker and Jerry "The King" Lawler.

I'll start with the King because he's my least preferred. In order for King to be taken seriously as a GM, he'd have to turn heel again. He could be like he was as a heel with JR as the face, but he'd have to drop the "puppies" act. His skewing of what the heels were doing was great. He could pull the "I had to work my way to the top" shtick, and dislike the faces because "they're only getting a push because of the crowd." You could also use this to get him off the announcer table, where he's currently bored, and eventually drop him from the company as he gets even more bored with the WWE.

My first preference definitely is Matt Striker. Just go watch NXT, and you'll see that he is a fantastic host for the show. I'm not sure if I'd have him drop the whole teacher thing or not, as either side could work. I suppose I'd have him drop the teacher gimmick and just go flat out heel. Striker is great on the mic and wouldn't have to rely on catch phrases (Excuse Me!) to get the crowd's attention.

The only downfall of this is that the announcing would suffer even more.

Finally, my non-announcer pick (kind of) would be to bring back JBL!
I think it could be Shawn Micheals. He is only out for a little while and will probably be back soon, maybe around when they end the guest host thing. He's been commisioner before and could make the show very interesting. Maybe he could do a thing where he favors Triple H so other superstars (most likely heels) could rebel against him.
I'd love to see Abraham Washington be the permanent GM. The guy knows how to work a mic plus he's funny (30% of the time) Matt Stryker is also a good candidate too. But I rather go with Abraham Washington, plus he's the GM of FCW.
million dollar man ted dibiase. he's got one of the best gimmicks of all time and is terrific on the mic. great voice and evil laugh. plus, as the million dollar man, he could totally buy the superstars that he wants to be champion and would be entirely unphased by bribes.

he could do angles with the younger generation, talking about working their way to the top. he could do angles with his own son about being disappointed or proud in him. he could favor his son and so gain the wrath of other superstars.

and he could be just an unbiased GM and make matches that fans want to see and that make good money, because we all know that he's all about the money.

besides, as a person, i don't think he has the ego that needs him to have tons of on screen time and i doubt he'd ever feel the need to get back into the ring again, so it'd be a strict GM role and not a once-in-awhile wrestler role, like previous GMs in Vince and Regal.
I believe RAW needs a heel GM, like Bischoff was (in my opinion, the guy was perfect for the job. I believe both Regal and Vicky got inspired by his character). JBL would be the man: cocky, selfish, trying to prevent Cena, or another face wrestler, from gaining a title, creating a group like "JBL's cabinet", perhaps feuding with Smackdown's face GM Teddy (or creating an alliance with Vicky to get rid of Teddy)... and sometimes... Clothsline from hell!!!
I know... a lot of those things were already carried on by Bischoff.. but JBL could add a lot, to spice things up on RAW! Promoting new wrestlers as his "protege", .. I see The Miz and The Big Show siding with him...
I say a couple:

First pick is Billy Regal. I have a feeling after NXT, like someone above said, I think he will just go as an enhancement talent. I always like Regal and if he doesnt get the GM role, he is more than likely a candidate for the "future endeavored" list. He is a great on-air talent with a massive amount of mic skills. Always entertaining.

I also like the idea for my second pick of Matt Stryker. Good on the mic, and also, if he gets into a feud, he can always grab the trunks and wrestle too.

3rd pick would be a member of the McMahon family. Since Shane is out, and rumor has it that Vince has killed off the "Mr. McMahon" character with the loss to The Hitman, Stephanie could do the honors. Remember when she was the GM of Smackdown during the Bischoff era on Raw. She was pretty entertaining. Not to mention, I think WWE always needs a McMahon lurking somewhere. They are all evil!!! LOL!!!
my personal choice would be John Bradshaw Layfield. thats right good ole JBL. he was a master on the mic and a fantastic heel, lack of athletic ability aside. he did great with his commentary work on smackdown and i think he would be perfect as a gm. a face gm just seems weird to me. while JBL would not have to align himself with any one or help out the heels more than the faces, an asshole boss is never bad in wrestling.
I'd kinda like to see the hitman stick around and work a commissioner/GM angle. He seems like he's getting a little more comfortable on the mic and in front of a crowd again.
I agree with a few of you on Willie Regal... before when he was RAW GM he was GOLD (GOLD JERRY GOLD)... His work shutting the lights off etc was great. It is too bad he failed a drug test or whatever got him suspended. Unfortunately for everyone I think the WWE is nto tired of the Guest GM role and we will be stuck with it for loooooooooooooooooong time... which sucks.... one other person I would love to see do it is Y2J I mean Chris Jericho I think he would be an excellent GM or Leader of a show. He has been the best for a few years now in every feud and could really flourish in the role.?.?.?
My three would be Paul Heyman, JR or Jim Cornette. All three can work a mic, all three know how to work angles and all three are liked by the crowd. I'd probably go with JR simply because it's a farce that he's not on tv, is liked by the talent and has a connection with the crowd.
I would love to see JBL make a return as the GM. Great mic work, great heel. The show would be worth watching again.
I would say either Stephanie or Shane McMahon would both be good (especially if HHH goes to SmackDown in the draft)
Other than that, I would say Abe Washington. I know his segment on WWECW wasn't very popular, but he's good on the mic, plays the heel very well, and was GM of FCW before he was called up to ECW.
I'm on the Abraham Washington boat. The Abraham Washington segments were my favorite part on WWECW, despite having the same guests every week. He's great on the mic and he is the GM of FCW. I would love him to come back on RAW as GM and do his Barack Obama gimmick he had on FCW. Have all the Secret Service come out with him and all that. It would be great. When RAW gets a permanent GM, he needs to be more heelish to counter act Teddy Long's facelike, fan friendly decisions on SmackDown. It would make some great interaction between Long and Washington when SD comes to visit.
Of those on the current roster I would have to go with Regal. He's done it before and he can do it again. JBL would also make a good GM because of his cocky businessman character. The bottom line is that whoever the GM will be he has robe heel.
First of all, I will say that I would not want to see a current wrestler in the GM Role. It is just completely illogical in my opinion and while Regal was good before the failed drug test current talent as GM is just something that I have a hard time suspending disbelief for. Why not move yourself right into the World Title picture, blah, blah, etc.

Now having said that, and I know this was probably beat into the ground a few months back but I think Jesse Ventura was awesome a "guest host" and I have always enjoyed his work on the stick and on commentary. He is the host that sticks out in my mind as having the most legit influence over the show and could draw heat as a heel GM. This is probably unlikely so my next choice would be....

ARN ANDERSON! What can I say? Big draw, great on the mic, and could play a heel or face angle and be extremely over.
I dont know if anyone has said this person so im saying sorry in advance if any one else has. I think that good old Jim Ross would make the best GM for Raw. he was the voice of Raw for over 8 years and hated moving to smackdown. I feel that he would love to do the job as he he is not just a commentator, but a wrestling fan and he would make sure that the matches were the right ones and give the fans what they wanted. some amazing matches. Yes he does have health issues but as he would not be on tv every monday night so if his illness reappeared, it should not stop him working backstage and still doing what he loves. Ric Flair as he is now in TNA is not going to do it and i dont think he would do as good a job as Jim Ross
I couldn't believe when I read all of the threads that no one mentioned.........BRET HART! We saw how he interacted with the Miz and it even got praise from the Raw Ladder article this week. He doesn't have much in the tank anymore but still needs a pay check thus the GM would be a good position for him. Many people went crazy for his return, even though many of here trashed it, and I think would look LOVE to see GM Hart.
it's a long shot, it would take a major coup, but i vote for


i know it would take a lot of money and a contract buyout/release, and i know wwe is pg, but she is good with a mic, can be a heal, looks good in hd, has so many "assets" that it would be very entertaining.

i think paul heyman is also a natural candidate, but i dont' see that happening. I have always wanted to see shane mcmahon play that role. he can play confident, great on the mic, looks like a young energetic business man, can be in a suit or in street clothes. what's their not to like, i am a big shane fan
William Regal made an entertaining GM when he had a run at it before. I think he would be a no brainer after his run on NXT is done and we already know he could take the job and run with it.

I would put a vote in for JBL as well. He managed to be a fairly entertaining commentator in time and always was able to work the crowd. He'd bring a different kind of heel role to the table then Regal and he's been off TV long enough that it would be fresh.

Sadly, I just don't see the Guest Host bit ending anytime soon, though they'll eventually run out of 4th tier actors and athletes. You'll know they hit rock bottom when RAW is hosted by an NFL kicker.
no one should be GM because it has taken its course....who cares anymore....GMs havent been around forever to really make a difference so who a flying f**k.....the gimmick is stale and teddy long shouldnt be on tv anymore unless he becomes a commentator or manager...NO MORE GMS LOL
I bieleve that good ole hbk shawn michaels should be a permanant raw gm. it really hurt me to see him go. and it would thrill me to turn on raw every monday and know that Im gonna here that familiar music again. and teddy long should remain gm of smackdown. In my view hes one of the best smackdown gm's asside from stephanie mcmahon.

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