Who would you cut from the entire TNA roster?

I never really got the point of these threads. Even if you aren't using them, isn't it still worth it to have as many wrestlers as possible? Doesn't seem like it's a big issue keeping a few extra guys. I'll go through your list for the heck of it though.

Amazing Red - Probably the worst talker on the entire roster and is too small to be taken serious.

How do you know he's the worst talker when he never talks? He isn't that bad, and certainly is useful for spotfests and stuff. Leads the company in "TNA" chants as well.

Brutus Magnus - He sounds robotic on the mic and he's too big for the X Division and there's no room for him near the top.

Meh, he's alright. I actually think he's pretty good on the mic. Useful lower midcarder.

Consequences Creed - Can't talk and looks like a indy jobber. Plus for a high flyer he's not very entertaining.

The Apollo Creed gimmick was good at one time. I need more of him in jeans and no shirt. Keep him.

Jay Lethal - His wannabe gimmick has ran its course and before the gimmick he was bland and boring anyway.

Lethal is hilarious. I love the Savage gimmick, since it is so ridiculous.

Jesse Neal - Looks like a CAW gone wrong and there's no room for him.

Ya, he's quite useless, but he's a marine. Would you release a marine?

Kiyoshi - Can't even speak English.

Seems rather racist on your part.

Orlando Jordan - It's BS that he has clean wins over Pope and Joe. He should be fired and TNA should forget those travesties ever happened.

When did he beat Joe? Don't remember. May as well keep him since he just won that tourney. Wait, that was the Pope. They look the same. Hell, you can keep him as a stunt double.

Rob Terry - Just a big useless musclehead.

He has the best look in the company. I'm convinced he has the potential to be at least Batista.

Shark Boy - Waste of space.

Shouldn't release him until after they try out a big Stone Cold v. Shark Boy feud.

Suicide/Kaz - Suicide is the worst gimmick in wrestling history and Kaz just being himself was boring. He should be fired either way.

Most closely agree with you on this one. Kaz should go home and fuck Traci. I don't really need to see him on my TV.
There are a few more I'd like to add now

Homicide - The guy has no potential and is less and less useful the bigger TNA gets. Plus he's asked for his release a few times. Just let him go to the indys cause its where he belongs.

Dr. Stevie - He was good for getting his ass kicked back in the day. He's useless now.

Tomko - He's not a good talker and not very impressive in the ring. Other than a bodyguard role he's useless.

The Nasty Boys - Did anyone ever like them to begin with? Knobbs looks like he's gonna die after just talking for a few seconds and Sags was always the worse of the 2 back in the day. They serve no purpose in TNA. Let 3D beat em at Lockdown or whatever and then get them the hell out.

Sean Morely - Just a glorified jobber in WWE and past his prime now. Completely useless to TNA.

And now for a few I'm indifferent about

Raven - Love him to death. The guy is amazing on the mic and could be a great manager but he's past his prime in the ring. Let him manage somebody and help the younger guys with the mic skills. If not then might aswell release him.

Rhino - He's still fairly young and he's a decent promo cutter. He's good to help put some young talent over but not much else.

Eric Young - He just seems kinda pointless to me. He's average on the mic and average in the ring. He has a very bland look. He's not bad at anything but he's so bland and boring that I can't see him ever helping TNA as they get bigger. He has "channel surfing" written all over him whenever he gets TV time.
Jeff Hardy: A waste of space that is simply a screw up, a no-show, and an arrest waiting to happen.

A screw up? Yeah, but a waste of space? He was the biggest star in all of wrestling last year. For that reason alone he's worth the risk. If he's serious this time he could be a bigger draw than anybody on the roster and be the John Cena of TNA. If he screws up and no shows again then they can always get rid of him. He's definately worth the chance tho cause there's more upside to him than anybody on the entire roster if it works out.
Who do you think TNA should cut?

I think they should cut guys that can't talk and don't look like they belong in a mainstream company.

Amazing Red - Probably the worst talker on the entire roster and is too small to be taken serious.

Brutus Magnus - He sounds robotic on the mic and he's too big for the X Division and there's no room for him near the top.

Consequences Creed - Can't talk and looks like a indy jobber. Plus for a high flyer he's not very entertaining.

Jay Lethal - His wannabe gimmick has ran its course and before the gimmick he was bland and boring anyway.

Jesse Neal - Looks like a CAW gone wrong and there's no room for him.

Kiyoshi - Can't even speak English.

Orlando Jordan - It's BS that he has clean wins over Pope and Joe. He should be fired and TNA should forget those travesties ever happened.

Rob Terry - Just a big useless musclehead.

Shark Boy - Waste of space.

Suicide/Kaz - Suicide is the worst gimmick in wrestling history and Kaz just being himself was boring. He should be fired either way.

There are probably some more but those are the first batch of cuts I would make.

Amazing Red - I dont personally like him but he's good in ring. People like him. I would guess kids would like him. TNA's Rey mysterio as i've said many time before.

Magnus- Pure opposite view in my opinion. I think he's a great leader. Good on the mic. and decent in ring. Either way if he's a lil on the bland side thats no grounds to completely wipe him off the face of the earth. British invasion in my eyes are a successfl stable that will be around for a while.

Creed- Any shot TNA had of making a wrestler out of creed was wasted. The biggest waste here is the name. THat would have been a nice name to promote as your champion.

Jay lethal- disagree completely he's grewat in teh ring and without the black machismo gimmick he HAS nothing. I thing black machismo is a good gimmick cheesey or not but cheesey isnt always bad.

Jesse Neal- i agree but TNA could use him as a jobber.. make everyone else look good while giving him a low sort of credibility. Example. Have him plough through amazing red. grab x divison, and have a good feud with daniels.

Kiyoshi- a shame. I think he's a great wrestler. The fact that the guy doesnt speak english isnt fair and thats narrow mindedness. I'm sure he speaks some english and if not get him a manager. Its a shame we dont have any more asian based wrestler. They added a certain flair. I miss tajiri. Kiyoshis original gimmick would have flown if he stuck with it. Great muta part 2.

Orlando jordan- i dont feel his win was bullshit. What i like about TNA is that they dont have this bullshit setup where a person will clearly win. It adds a sense of realism. If you looked within the match, jordan injured popes leg, pulled off a hurtful move and he won cuz of it. Next time, pope kicked his ass. Pope shouldnt win all the time (i luv pope)

Rob terry- "just a big useless musclehead." so is batista, and look how far he's come.

Sharkboy- get rid of that idiot.

Suicide/kaz - i never liked kaz but as suicide, again, cheesey or not, its entertaining to some. Personally i didnt like the video game tie in but otherwise suicide is acceptable

Now MY person cuts would be
Sean morley - can't wrestle TNA style. Too slow, too boring, hes not a name people care about. I think the pornstar gimmick is played out.

Team 3d- they arent doing shit. they have no credibility to me any more. they dont hold the belts for any long period of time. they are too fat and too old. They dont even spend much time in TNA they are always off in japan

Dr stevie- does nothing get him out

Bubba the negative attention sponge- uhhh wheres JB?

(response to above) - raven could be used for mic skills. remember serotonin where he mentored a group including kaz? thats was teh only time kaz was any interesting. if anything TNA should keep him aorund JUST because he's good on teh mic. Make him a manager of a new small group.
Sean Morely- His gimmick is a movie producer. THIS IS WRESTLING NOT MOVIES
Rob Terry- The Walking Steroid. No gimmick whatsoever
Jay Lethal- A Randy Savage wannabe
Consequenses Creed- Throws up in the ring and is a shitty high-flyer.
I have many more I just can't think of them right now
Going off the roster on the website, if I were to pick... 5 guys to take out:

Hernandez - Can't stand anything about him. Don't wanna explain here.

Jesse Neal - CAW gone wrong etc. etc.

Rob Terry - Worthless steroid monkey

Sean Morley - Unless they give him a complete gimmick overhaul, everyone's gonna hate him

Tomko - Another guy I can't stand. I look at this guy and just want to kill him.

And let's just add in Shark Boy. He hasn't been on tv in who knows how long, but he still does house shows and it's pointless. It was kinda funny when they revamped him as a Stone Cold ripoff, but it's really lame that they're still doing it. I'm guessing the original guy quit or wanted to be a normal wrestler but they thought the character was worth keeping around so they gave it to someone that can't do shit. I mean, I remember Shark Boy doing good flippy stuff back in the day.


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