Who Would You Future Endeavor From The Roster?

So you're complaining about Gunner but want Flair to manage people who are less relevant than him??

NOBODY is less relevant than Gunner. Just by being in the WWE DiBiase and McIntyre are more relevant... Jinder Mahal is more relevant than Gunner, hell Yoshi Tatsu is more relevant than Gunner... I stepped on a piece of gum outside, you've got it, more relevant than Gunner. I would rather Ric Flair manage you, than Gunner. I am no Flair mark, by any means... don't think he's "The Greatest" by any stretch, but damn, this is beneath him.

John Cena wouldn't be as over in the Impact Zone, the place is a lot smaller than a WWE arena so of course pops won't be as big, there aren't as many people to give the amount of pops. He's doing a good job at the moment, I'd harken he's having a Shawn Michaels role (main event fueds but not for the title)

I agree, the thing that kills Hardy for me is the risk associated with him, yes he's cleaned up a bit.... but he also cleaned up in 2007... and in 2010... I don't blame him, drug addiction is not an easy thing to kick, firing him may be a bit harsh, but he should be pushed down the card (I wouldn't even have him active) and not give him any major role or responsibility until he's been at least two years clean. Hardy is eating up a lot of cash right now, and I don't think he's worth it.
Garett Bischoff
Nobody gives a toss, and he is absolutely useless to boot. Could barely get a pop coming out with Hogan, to NWO music. How pathetic is that?!?!

Beyond Garett, there's not really anyone I see as beyond any use, if you take OVW and Ring Ka King into consideration (for example, Scott Steiner seems to be doing sterling work over there).

The usual suspects of Hulk, Flair and Bischoff always come up. I think Hulk is pretty valuable in his ability to get TNA over in proper mainstream media. Nobody else on their roster could do this. Not one has the name recognition.

I find it surreal to find one of the biggest pro wrestling legends of all time - Ric Flair - trailing around behind the shitty Gunner (actually, let's cut him while we're here), practically wordlessly. Surely this can't be justifying whatever he's getting paid. I think they should try Flair behind the table, but otherwise I can't imagine what he could do. Put Flair down as a 'maybe'. TNA just seem to have hired him for the sake of having him on the books.

I have every faith in Eric Bischoff behind the scenes, running things. Just keep it behind the curtain and I'm happy.
It's to my understanding that most of TNA's roster is on a pay per appearance thing. So if they don't appear at the event or on TV, they don't get paid. With that said, why get rid of anyone? If you don't have anything for them, just don't use them.

The only person I'd really get rid of right now, not only because he's got guaranteed money, but because of the sex-tape embarrassment is Hulk Hogan. Does TNA really want to be associated with this pervert? It can't possibly give them any good media publicity.
I think IDR brought up some good points. We see these threads every so often and it always boils down to little more than who you don't like. Not that there's anything wrong with that in my view, we all do get some sort of perverse enjoyment at times when we have a chance to lay into wrestlers that we're just not all that crazy about. At the same time, however, as usual, a lot of those listed thus far are just not all that realistic.

Who I'd personally like to see go:

Gunner - To me, everything about this guy practically screams generic. He's a nice looking guy with a tan a good build and tattoos, no personality or charisma to speak of whatsoever that I've seen, nothing particularly memorable about his in-ring ability as the guy is just kind of there, his "intensity" amounts to making a few mean expressions and lightly slapping himself on both sides of his face and always comes across as nothing more than a low level flunky. I know he's not going anywhere, but he's definitely someone that's gotten attention in TNA that he doesn't have the talent to back up.

Garett Bischoff - Like IDR also said, Garett Bischoff is the poster child for nepotism in wrestling today. He's gotten a good deal of television time and is in the middle of a major storyline but he doesn't have nearly the ability to justify it. He needs a LOT of work in every relevant area and being shoved down the throats of people who can tell that he's not ready, which is damn near anyone with a functional set of eyes & ears, isn't endearing him to the TNA audience.

Anarquia - There's nothing this guy brings to the table. He's annoying to listen to, completely forgettable inside the ring and is supposed to be the charismatic one of Mexican America. He'll probably make a return at some point as TNA desperately needs tag teams, but the guy's just awful.

Hernandez - Aside from a great look, there's not much to Hernandez either. He's reckless, unskilled, can't cut a promo to save his life and just can't get it done. He's almost 40 years old and I think he's long since peaked in his career.

Robbie E - When he was signed to TNA, there was some positive buzz about the guy. However, to me, he's just yet another in a long line of guys from the indy circuit whose hype is far bigger than his abilities. There's just nothing really to talk about as far as Robbie E goes except the fact that he'd fit right in on Jersey Shore, which was the point of his character I know. He's not funny, he's not charismatic, he's not all that good inside the ring and he's a glorified jobber. I know he's not going anywhere, most likely, but he's just among my least favorite guys on the roster.

Rob Terry - From an overall perspective, possibly the worst talent on TNA's roster. He has a good look and absolutely nothing else whatsoever to contribute.

Abyss - For me, "Abyssamania" completely & 100% ruined Abyss in my eyes. He'd been terrible for a long while before this where his character was little more than an overgrown, neurotic 10 year old, but Abyss as a character is just too damaged in my view. You put him in a hardcore match, then he can give something. However, that can't make up for the other 95% of the time we see him. I will say that he can have passable matches, at times, if he's in there with someone really really good. His promos really and truly annoy me. They consist of him usually screaming at the top of his lungs into the mic or breathing so heavy that he sounds like he's on the verge of spraying his shorts or hyperventilating. I think Chris Parks could definitely use repackaging since TNA is obviously going ot keep him.

Zema Ion - I know some like him but, to me, he comes across as just another one dimensional spot monkey. There've been droves of them pass through TNA during its time and Ion is just another one. His charisma is limited to repeatedly spraying his hair with hairspray on the way down to the ring, and sometimes during the match, and he's mostly just another faceless body in the X Division. I know he's the #1 contender for the X Division Championship and all, but that's not saying much in my eyes when I look at the guy overall and remind myself that Aries has been beating him in one type of match after another since he became champ.

Who has a realistic chance of being released:

Mark Haskins - Up until the last time I saw him, which is when he botched the Shooting Star Press in a match against Austin Aries, the guy had poor man's John Morrison written all over him. He's incredibly green and needs a LOT of work in every feesible area.

Shannon Moore - Moore has said he's taking time away from wrestling, he's said to be frustrated with the state of his career in TNA and I think they'll just cut his losses soon. Losing Moore wouldn't be a big loss at all. To me, another overly hyped indy guy. If he never came back, I probably would never think of him again.

Anthony Nese - Another faceless body in the X Division. I can't even remember much of anything about the guy except for that.
I don't think anyone really needs to go. I mean, sure the Bischoff angle is annoying as shit, but send the kid to OVW to learn how to work and have Bischoff go back behind the cameras instead of in front of them. Have Flair & Gunner do something more interesting with their time (maybe an Immortal tag-team of sorts with Steiner?). Send Anarquia & Hernandez to AAA and have them work there as a big face tag-team since Hernandez was supposedly so popular there.

Everyone has a purpose, one way or another. :shrug:
NOBODY is less relevant than Gunner. Just by being in the WWE DiBiase and McIntyre are more relevant... Jinder Mahal is more relevant than Gunner, hell Yoshi Tatsu is more relevant than Gunner... I stepped on a piece of gum outside, you've got it, more relevant than Gunner. I would rather Ric Flair manage you, than Gunner. I am no Flair mark, by any means... don't think he's "The Greatest" by any stretch, but damn, this is beneath him.

I don't particularly like Gunner, but he's more relevant than McIntyre and Dibiase are at this point and just because they're in WWE is a poor excuse. He's at least on TV regularly and is getting wins, McIntyre can't catch a break and Dibiase is constantly AWOL. You essentially want Flair to do the same thing he's doing with Gunner with either McIntyre and/or Dibiase.

I agree, the thing that kills Hardy for me is the risk associated with him, yes he's cleaned up a bit.... but he also cleaned up in 2007... and in 2010... I don't blame him, drug addiction is not an easy thing to kick, firing him may be a bit harsh, but he should be pushed down the card (I wouldn't even have him active) and not give him any major role or responsibility until he's been at least two years clean. Hardy is eating up a lot of cash right now, and I don't think he's worth it.

'Oh hey Jeff you seem to be doing better, sorry we have to can you because of past problems you know how it is'

By that way of thinking Kurt Angle, Randy Orton and others should be canned as well because of past indescretions

He's in the best place at the moment, the upper mid card, he's not fueding for the title and he hasn't got it, but if they need a face to go for the title he's there. Plus he generates interest, like it or not he's one of TNA's most recognisable faces canning him would lose some of the fans he's brought in.
I don't particularly like Gunner, but he's more relevant than McIntyre and Dibiase are at this point and just because they're in WWE is a poor excuse. He's at least on TV regularly and is getting wins, McIntyre can't catch a break and Dibiase is constantly AWOL. You essentially want Flair to do the same thing he's doing with Gunner with either McIntyre and/or Dibiase.

'Oh hey Jeff you seem to be doing better, sorry we have to can you because of past problems you know how it is'

By that way of thinking Kurt Angle, Randy Orton and others should be canned as well because of past indescretions

He's in the best place at the moment, the upper mid card, he's not fueding for the title and he hasn't got it, but if they need a face to go for the title he's there. Plus he generates interest, like it or not he's one of TNA's most recognisable faces canning him would lose some of the fans he's brought in.
Randy Orton's issue where of maturity not drug related, and there hasnt been any incident with him for 3-4 years

the difference with Hardy is that this is about his 5th or 6th chance, and the whole issue is not necessarily with fans, but with public image, which brings in ad revenue and sponsorships and etc... which is where companys make most of there money.

And honestly i wouldnt want Angle on my roster either, the guys got one of the biggest egos on the planet and refuses to admit and wrongdoing ever and is just overall known to be a complete asshole, who no doubt cause all sorts of backstage issues
I don't particularly like Gunner, but he's more relevant than McIntyre and Dibiase are at this point and just because they're in WWE is a poor excuse. He's at least on TV regularly and is getting wins, McIntyre can't catch a break and Dibiase is constantly AWOL. You essentially want Flair to do the same thing he's doing with Gunner with either McIntyre and/or Dibiase.

You can say that being in the WWE is a poor excuse, but it's an extremely valid one. The worst players in MLB are more relevant than the greatest hitter in the minor leagues... The main difference is that Flair is wasting his time with Gunner... Gunner WILL NEVER be a huge star, nor will he really have that much of a career. While you never know what may happen and who might blow up, smart money bets on Gunner going the way of Luther Reigns and Nathan Jones... a nobody without a career in five years.

Sure McIntyre and DiBiase are on the bottom card right now, but they both have potential to be huge stars, they just need a little help and direction. Just imagine what would happen to Drew's career if he came out with Flair at his back.

'Oh hey Jeff you seem to be doing better, sorry we have to can you because of past problems you know how it is'

By that way of thinking Kurt Angle, Randy Orton and others should be canned as well because of past indescretions

He's in the best place at the moment, the upper mid card, he's not fueding for the title and he hasn't got it, but if they need a face to go for the title he's there. Plus he generates interest, like it or not he's one of TNA's most recognisable faces canning him would lose some of the fans he's brought in.

Like Masson said, this isn't the first time Jeff has had these problems. If it were a one time offense, that would be one thing, but Jeff Hardy habitually falls... and falls hard. Hell, even if the guy would agree to spend some time in rehab, that'd be a completely different story, but he won't... he thinks making stupid sculptures out of soda cans and writing new awful theme music is going to be what keeps him sober, and SURPRISE! it never does.

Randy Orton has never had the problems Jeff is facing, and while I do agree that Kurt is a liability too, he at least doesn't let it affect his work. Kurt Angle has never shown up to a PPV in such horrible condition... Kurt Angle has never been arrested for having so many drugs he gets slapped with "trafficking" charges.

You don't have to agree with me, this whole thread is based on who we think should be fired, not who I'm actually going to walk into the Impact Zone and release...

I personally don't think a few ratings and t-shirt sales are worth banking on Jeff at all.

The Pope - He needs to go away. I mean reeeally go away and stay away. The last angle with Devon and his two handsome sons, was ridiculous. I just honestly cant stand him.

Robbie E - My question to TNA: What happenes when Jersey Shore is forgotten? Got a new plan for this guy? No? Good. Just give him the flick now and be done with it. He can wrestle, sure. But there should be no place in wrestling for a shitty reality show rip-off gimmick. Its fucking ******ed.

Taz - I love him to death for his WWE run, but on commentary he is worse that Booker T-Bone. Having Borash and Tenay on Against All Odds really opened my eyes and ears to the potential of those two working together full-time.
So you're complaining about Gunner but want Flair to manage people who are less relevant than him??

That's exactly what I was thinking when I read that post.


I've decided to go for sensible/logical choices (correct me if I'm wrong) rather than just listing guys I don't particularly like. Who in reality, have zero chance of being released. If we were doing that, I'd be releasing the World Champion, which is clearly not going to happen.

Anarquia - If Mexican America are no longer a team/stable then I'm not really sure what use Anarquia is and what there is for him to do in TNA. I've got nothing against Anarquia but I just don't see a role for him without Mexican America.

Anthony Nese - This guy has hardly been used. He could be very talented but he's not had the chance to show it and if TNA have no plans to involve him soon, then I don't see any point in keeping him around.

Devon - Devon has lost his way since splitting from Bully Ray and hasn't managed to make his mark as a singles wrestler like his former partner. I've no doubt Devon could still be of some use, as he's experienced and over with the fans, but how you use him I'm not really sure.

Doug Williams - Doug Williams is obviously a very good technical wrestler but he's rarely featured. Williams is someone who could be used to good effect in any of the mid card divisions (X, TV or Tag) but he's not, so why keep him? I wouldn't mind seeing a tag team of him and Mark Haskins but it doesn't seem likely in the near future.

Kid Kash - I was enjoying Kid Kash's character when he was being featured against the likes of Austin Aries and Jesse Sorensen but since then he's pretty much vanished. Personally I'd like to see more of Kash, but in the current climate he might as well not be there.

Mark Haskins - He's pretty much in the same position as Nese. Brought in to TNA but hasn't been given much of a chance to show what he's got. As I mentioned earlier, I would be all for a tag team of him and Williams, but if he's not going to be featured why keep him around?

Scott Steiner - Scott Steiner is someone I enjoy seeing but I've also not missed him a whole lot while he's been gone. A Steiner promo is TV gold but I'm not sure if he's really needed in TNA. If Steiner could transition into a backstage interviewer type guy, I would do all I could to keep him, but as a wrestler there is better on TNA's roster.

Shannon Moore - Ink Inc were a decent team that I was looking forward to seeing get a shot at the Tag Team Titles, but since that ain't happening there's not that much for Shannon (apart from the odd X-Division match). Looks like he could be on his way out anyway.

Rosita - See Anarquia.

Traci Brooks - I just don't see what she brings to the table, apart from a huge set of tits. She's not even really that attractive (face wise) compared to some of the other Knockouts, she just has her big ol' titties.

Winter - I personally just don't like Winter but I also don't think she adds much to the Knockouts Division either. She's different, I'll give her that, but different in a way that you don't really want to see her on your TV.
All the Hogan/Bischoff favorites than they push down our throats:

Jessy Sorensen
Gareth Bischoff
Jeff Hardy

If you meet any TNA fans outthere the first thing they'll say to you if you ask them what they don't like about TNA right now is related to these guys. They'll say alright TNA is making good decisions right now although...and one of these names always come to the forefront. Why not give us a product that we would love at 100% so we can start telling our friends about it and finally be proud of TNA? Hogan/EB should cut the fat, realise that we will never accept these guys and move on. They did it before with Nasty Boys and all their personal friends. Business is business and I don't care if Hogan washed Garrett's diaper when he was young, he sucks, we don't care about his babyface persona. Crimson is the weakest guy with an undefeated streak ever. Gunner is a jobber in a group(Immortal) that has become pathetic. And so on. Come on, do what's right for your fans.
anthony neese
The Pope
doug williams
Eric Bischoff
Garrett Bischoff
Kid Cash
Mr Anderson
Rob Terry

Some of the name on the list i would release only because they don't really serve a purpose and are taking a roster spot from somebody else (Rob Terry,Arnaquia,Kid Cash,doug williams,anthony neese). I would also release some people only because i really don'T have anything for them right now(Hernandez,Devon,The pope,RVD) The rest would be because they really don't draw and really make too much money for the little money they make the company (Eric Bischoff,Crimson,Mr Anderson)

As for Taz, i really think i would release him only because of how bad of a job he's doing on commentary. TNA already of two guys that could take his place and do a better job then Taz for less money (Jeremy BOrash and Don West) so why would i pay a lot of money for a guy that doesn't give a shit about the product.
I would fire that fat piece of shit Samoa Joe. He has man boobs and looks like a tool. He has a stupid ass haircut. His voice sounds stupid as hell too. How did that turd ever get a job? I would also fire Ken Anderson because he is a useless scumbag with a shitty personality.
I would fire that fat piece of shit Samoa Joe. He has man boobs and looks like a tool. He has a stupid ass haircut. His voice sounds stupid as hell too. How did that turd ever get a job? I would also fire Ken Anderson because he is a useless scumbag with a shitty personality.

First of all, love the language you use in your comment. Somebody must of piss you of before you wrote this comment because i really don't see why you would write angy comments like this other wise.

Secondly, Joe has a job in TNA mostly because he'S one of the best wrestler in the business today, sure he doesn't look like a bodybuilder but the guy actually got charisma when TNa let him be himself and like i said he one of the better wrestler in the company, they would be stupid to let him go. Has for Anderson, i agree with you, they should release him mostly because his act as become stail and isn'T interesting anymore. I was so glad that he disappear from TV last november and was hoping that he got release so when he came back 2 weeks ago i couldn'T care less.

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