Who Will The WWE "Future Endeavor" Next?

A word on a couple of people:

Finlay - he's been a trainer in the WWE for quite a few years now, and I think (if the stories are correct) he has been taken off TV but they are using him at house shows to work with the younger guys. Similarly with Goldust.

Anyway, a list of I people who I think could be for the chop before January 2011:

The Nexus cast offs - namely Slater and Young. Otunga will get a bit longer to try and develop and ultimately drown. Gabriel Barrett and Sheffield will be fine, and I think they will give Tarver some time. In ring work is ok, but needs work - but I think his character has enough to justify that.

Shad and JTG - not that they ever worked as a tag team (although in their defence they weren't given the chance), they are drowning as singles guys. Reforming is their only chance of surviving.

Tyler Reks - who?

Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer - dispelled my theory that you can put any two nobodies in a tag team and make them kind of relevant.


Who I don't think will get fired (compared atleast to others in this thread who think they might)

Primo - irrelevant on his own, absolutely true. But his brother (Tito) is in FCW, definite chance of a tag team there.

Yoshi Tatsu/The Great Khali - left these two in because they are used as overseas draws in their respective countries.
I would have to say Chris Masters, Primo, and JTG. I mean really, what have any of them done lately? Oh yeah that's right, nothing. They have been on Superstars...but that's really it. JTG is a jobber as even Chavo's been getting wins over him. He only has a chance if they pair him back up with Shad who I didn't put on my list because I think that if e gets more TV time he could be a moderate success.
Tyler Reks - He is working at FCW. But if he doe's come back then they need to repackage his gimmick. I think the surfer gimmick doesn't really work.
The Dudebusters - They haven't really done much since they moved to Smackdown.
Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins - Unless they get a major push soon, I reckon both could be realised.
Rosa Mendes - Ever since she and Ryder broke up, there hasn't been much going for her.
I don't have the energy to split them up in terms of brands, but here are mine:

- Matt Hardy - destined to move to TNA and reunite with Jeff (going nowhere in WWE)
- Chris Masters - this guy just needs to f**k off, sorry
- Zack Ryder - painfully average, might to better in TNA
- Luke Gallows - once SES is done with, I don't see a bright future for this guy
- Khali - would probably benefit from jumping ship to TNA
- Primo - with Carlito gone, doesn't stand much of a chance
- Shad - hopeless as a singles competitor

How the bloody fuck would Khali benefit from jumping ship to TNA? They won't know how to use the guy! Hell, WWE doesn't even know how to but they're trying.

Matt Hardy is going to stay with the WWE because he wants the job security. The WWE isn't going to release one of their biggest draws just because he's "destined to reunite with Jeff". Fuck Jeff.

I'll agree with the rest of your list though. Maybe Ryder should stick around a little while longer but the others can leave. Unless they make Masters into what he was before he got busted for drugs and start the Masterlock Challenge again.

Who do I think will get fired next? No idea. Possibly Abraham Washington and Tyler Reks, I haven't seen them since ECW folded.

Also, to everybody uses the example of "What have they done lately? Nothing" as to why somebody should get fired, just remember this. What did Jack Swagger do after he was drafted to Raw? That's right, nothing. He jobbed for MONTHS. People thought he was going to get fired. And guess what, he's all of a sudden in the MITB at WM26 (most people thought he was just there to fill an empty spot) and fucking WON it. Not only that but won the WHC 2 nights later (5 if you wanna count when it aired). So JTG, Primo, or Shad may not be of use right now, but there might be something for them in the near future.
I'm not sure anyone is going anytime soon, but who knows. The reason I say that is I'm not sure if NEXUS is done yet. When NEXUS is done, they might need to make room for some of the NEXUS guys on both rosters.


Primo- As others have said, he really has nothing to do. If Carlito were still around, they could form a tag team, but he isn't. I think they have a younger brother in FCW, but I'm not sure if he's ready to come up yet and form a tag team with Primo.

Yoshi Tatsu- The guy can jump around; great. But outside of that, what does he have? A horrible costume, a garbage look and he hasn't proven he can do jackshit on the mic. I don't think he has a lot of time left in WWE.

Jillian- I really could care less about the Diva's, but her gimmick can't last forever. She has no shot at being a major contender in the Women's division, so I wouldn't be surprised to hear about her screaching her lungs out in high school gyms before long.

NEXUS Members David Otunga, Heath Slater and/or Darren Young- Without NEXUS, I'm not sure how long any of these guys can last. Young can't talk, Otunga can't wrestle, and Heath Slater looks like a 16 year old girl. Outside of NEXUS, I doubt WWE sees much of anything in any of them. I think they did in Otunga, but he has taken a backseat as of late to Sheffield and Tarver.

Possible Surprise Release: WWE always seems to have a surprise release. On Raw, I think it could be Zack Ryder. I don't hate this guy or anythign like that, but I just don't see much of a future for him, especially on Raw.


Hawkins and/or Archer- This team is going nowhere, fast. Neither guy is overly impressive in any realm of his game, so I doubt either is in for the long haul.

JTG- He's a walking gimmick, with no potential. He puts on decent 5-minute matches, but this guy needs a tag partner. Unless Cryme Tyme gets back together, I think he's going to need to start looking for employment elsewhere. Might keep him around for house shows, though. WWE seems to see more in Shad, so I doubt he'll be getting canned before JTG.

Tyler Reks-Because NO ONE cares.

Possible Surprise Release: Matt Hardy or MVP. Neither are likely to go, but both are older guys who aren't really headed toward the top. I could see WWE easily dumping either guy, if only to cut payroll. Also, neither guy could hurt the WWE in TNA.
Here's my list of what WWE could benefit from cutting:

Tarver, Young, Slater, Otunga: Granted the Nexus is hot right now with their storyline, I have a feeling come summerslam, it will hit a screeching halt. Those 4 are the weakest in terms of in ring, and mic skills, they RARELY talk and seem to be clusterfukks in the ring with their work since 'graduating' from NXT season 1.
Tatsu: I loved him on ECW, shame we don't see him enough except on Superstars, or jobber matches on Raw. I just think he's one of those flash in the pans.
Bella Twins: Honestly, what good were these girls in the first place besides paid escorts for all the guest hosts?
Primo: As much as I hate to see him go, without Carlito, his whole shtick doesn't really make much sense anymore. I really don't see him going anywhere except mid-card hell, and we don't even see him making the rounds on Superstars, even Chavo gets his time on WGN occasionally.

Others I considered- Eve, R-Truth, Khali, Kozlov, Santino

Rosa Mendes-honey, the exercising thing would've been good if Simon Dean was still around. But we don't even see you fighting well in the ring at all. You were better as Ryder's arm candy and Phoenix's obsessed fan.
Shad&JTG-They were WAY better as Cryme Tyme. Sucks they split them up in the first place. Especially if you're gonna have JTG on a losing streak now.
Hornswoggle-Sorry, as funny as he is, the guy is not worth anything in terms of wrestling skill and credibilty, especially if you want to make him keep getting RIDICULOUS wins over people that would have some shred of talent if they weren't jobbing to this person.
Dudebusters- okay, this could just be me, but I've not really seen anything in these guys since they started. I even thought maybe having them try one on one would be good. But sadly, no.
Tyler Reks- Okay...:wtf: where is this guy? Its like he's M.I.A. ever since the airplane incident where he had that freak out. I'm sure he wouldn't be missed if cut.
Finlay- as much as I've liked some of his work, he's getting up there in age and think he'd be better back to what he did before as a trainer for women's talent.

Others I put on my consideration list- Vickie Guerrero (sorry, but despite the crowd heat she gets, one can only take so much of 'EXCUSE ME' and the cougar storylines all the time. There's gotta be more out there for her than those...)
I don't believe primo is going anywhere I think they're hanging on for him until his cousin orlando colon is pulled to the main roster starting a tag team maybe managed by rosa mendes

I'm really big on chris masters I think turning him heel again and making him back to unstoppable where no one was able to break the masterlock would be good for him..he fits the look of a champ..give him one of the divas who can't wrestle as a valet

Cryme tyme?? Put them back together! They were pretty well over with the crowd and I enjoyed their matches
Here's my list of what WWE could benefit from cutting:

Tarver, Young, Slater, Otunga: Granted the Nexus is hot right now with their storyline, I have a feeling come summerslam, it will hit a screeching halt. Those 4 are the weakest in terms of in ring, and mic skills, they RARELY talk and seem to be clusterfukks in the ring with their work since 'graduating' from NXT season 1.
Tatsu: I loved him on ECW, shame we don't see him enough except on Superstars, or jobber matches on Raw. I just think he's one of those flash in the pans.
Bella Twins: Honestly, what good were these girls in the first place besides paid escorts for all the guest hosts?
Primo: As much as I hate to see him go, without Carlito, his whole shtick doesn't really make much sense anymore. I really don't see him going anywhere except mid-card hell, and we don't even see him making the rounds on Superstars, even Chavo gets his time on WGN occasionally.

Others I considered- Eve, R-Truth, Khali, Kozlov, Santino

Rosa Mendes-honey, the exercising thing would've been good if Simon Dean was still around. But we don't even see you fighting well in the ring at all. You were better as Ryder's arm candy and Phoenix's obsessed fan.
Shad&JTG-They were WAY better as Cryme Tyme. Sucks they split them up in the first place. Especially if you're gonna have JTG on a losing streak now.
Hornswoggle-Sorry, as funny as he is, the guy is not worth anything in terms of wrestling skill and credibilty, especially if you want to make him keep getting RIDICULOUS wins over people that would have some shred of talent if they weren't jobbing to this person.
Dudebusters- okay, this could just be me, but I've not really seen anything in these guys since they started. I even thought maybe having them try one on one would be good. But sadly, no.
Tyler Reks- Okay...:wtf: where is this guy? Its like he's M.I.A. ever since the airplane incident where he had that freak out. I'm sure he wouldn't be missed if cut.
Finlay- as much as I've liked some of his work, he's getting up there in age and think he'd be better back to what he did before as a trainer for women's talent.

Others I put on my consideration list- Vickie Guerrero (sorry, but despite the crowd heat she gets, one can only take so much of 'EXCUSE ME' and the cougar storylines all the time. There's gotta be more out there for her than those...)

All these plus I wish Chavo and Regal would be out, as well. They are both well past their prime and should be cut.
The title speaks for itself. I am so sick of seeing certain people in the WWE...her is a list

1. Santino
2. Mark Henry
3. The great Khali
4. and finally Bret Hart!!

God all of these guys suck in the ring..ok Bret had his time and he came back for a little bit which is cool but Wtf is her still doing here..he had his stupid match with Vince which was a horrible horrible match..and now they are putting him in more matches...he needs to go home...now Mark henry i jus can't watch him anymore HE DOESNT DO ANYTHING...just punches and his WORLDS STRONGEST SLAM...which sucks...Santino might have a chance if he got a new gimmick but its to late for that...and well Khali..do i really need to say it...

so what do you guys think am i right or what?
I hope WWE doesn't release Yoshi as I really like him and he seems to get a reaction every time he's in the ring. And I really don't see them firing because of the chop, it was a mistake made by him or whoever plans out the matches, and I don't think they'd be that harsh with that rule. But hope they put Yoshi on SD! or at least give him a push or something to make him stay relevant. Everytime he comes out he either gets a decent pop or gets the fans attention while he's competing. The problem is we don't see him on a consistent basis, we only see him every other week if we're lucky. This makes the "casual" fans forget who he is. Even if they put him in lower card matches or a short feud, I think he will get more popular similar to the way Evan Bourne did. Just my opinion though.

However to the question at hand...

I think the next to go will probably be Primo. I tried really hard to like him as I'm a fan of Carlito, but I just couldn't picture him as anything but Carlito Jr. He is completely uninteresting in every aspect imo. He has no personality and isn't that good in the ring, especially since he's instantly compared to Carlito, who may not be the best in the ring but is capable of putting on entertaining matches when he feels like it. Out of anyone on the roster, I think Primo has the least upside to him, he is going to go nowhere and should just be let go.
I'm not sure about Yoshi quite yet. He could be that one guy that could get away with using the chop just this time. I don't know if it's changed over the time he's been with the WWE, but I know he doesn't fluently speak English, and it could just be that he didn't get the memo. I don't know if they ever really held an official meeting about the ban, or just relied on the backstage word-of-mouth to get the message around. I don't see Yoshi being cut in the next string of firings.

Rosa Mendes: She jumps rope...and that's about it. .
Shad: The big man is nothing without his tag team partner, and their split just completely fell flat. If they don't reunite, he's gone.
Primo: Carlito's gone...why keep him around. He's a lame jobber, and he's not a Guerrero, so they can actually get rid of him.
The Belle Twins: The guest host concept is coming to a slow death, and without the hosts, the twins are just left with nothing to do...

I did have Finlay on this list, but I remembered that he does have a lot of responsibility backstage training. So, he probably won't go, but he's all but done with television as far as I'm concerned. I don't think they'll necessarily "future endeavor" the Great Kahli, but he really needs to go. He can't work in the ring, he's body is breaking down, and if he wants to have any chance at a life with his family, he needs to pack up shop now. He got into the business way too late, and if he had worked when he was young, it probably would have made a huge difference. I'm not sure what his condition is (relating him to Andre) but I know the medical industry is leaps and bounds farther than when Andre died. But still, Kahli needs to retire and be done. The more he works, the shorter his life becomes.
Khali- I get it he appeals to the Indian market, but he's godawful. They can find someone else to represent the Indian people, someone who can walk right, someone who can put on a decent match, I mean, Khali is quite possibly the worst wrestler that I've ever seen.
Tyler Reks- I forgot all about him. Not until I saw Rox's B-Team sig did I even remember his existence. He had nothing going for him, so they tried turning him heel, and that was an epic fail. Unless they somehow repackage him, I see nothing in his future except for a pink slip.
Hornswoggle- He doesn't even appear on TV that much anymore, so fuck it.
The title speaks for itself. I am so sick of seeing certain people in the WWE...her is a list

1. Santino
2. Mark Henry
3. The great Khali
4. and finally Bret Hart!!

God all of these guys suck in the ring..ok Bret had his time and he came back for a little bit which is cool but Wtf is her still doing here..he had his stupid match with Vince which was a horrible horrible match..and now they are putting him in more matches...he needs to go home...now Mark henry i jus can't watch him anymore HE DOESNT DO ANYTHING...just punches and his WORLDS STRONGEST SLAM...which sucks...Santino might have a chance if he got a new gimmick but its to late for that...and well Khali..do i really need to say it...

so what do you guys think am i right or what?

You would fire Santino?? Just because they don't let him display his full arsenal and have turned him into a comedy wrestler (it's debatable if he's the best one of all the times!) doesn't mean he should be fired. He is one of the high points of RAW every week with his undeniable awesome humor and, when he isn't there, it truly does feel like something from RAW is missing...Oh, and one more thing...BEWARE THE COBRA!!!
My picks for future endeavor land:

1) The Dudebusters: this tag team is an absolute waste of two individuals. Since WWE long ago unified the tag titles, this is not one of those teams who will ever be in contention for them. By the way, when were they last seen as a tag team anyway.

2) Ezekiel Jackson: torn quad, no use for him since ECW was dismantled, can't really build a solid angle for him to come back to.

3) Tyler Reks: is he still there?

4) Jillian Hall: no use for her and what will WWE do if and when Melina comes back?

I think a lot of people that have been mentioned in previous posts will accept other jobs in the company. Guys like Regal, Goldust, Chavo, etc. will become backstage agents. A lot of other guys (like Luke Gallows) will end up being repackaged once their current angles are finished. Trust me, Luke Gallows is one "Fake Diesel" away from having a career similar to a guy that he once dressed up as.
I dont see how any of you said Alicia Fox, that is just mind numbing...Who should be released......Its unfortunate for any to be released but I'll give it a try...

The Bella Twins- they are awful in the ring....the fans dont care about them, I dont care for them.....whats the point? they are only useful if there are womens tag titles, and since there arent any of those.......see ya lol

Mark Henry- he's getting older and has nothing o prove....that damn red outfit is killin me softly lol

by the way none of The Nexus will be fired....they ARE HEADLINING SUMMERSLAM.....after you never know but I doubt it....Otunga could be a main eventer if he learns how to wrestle.....Wade Barrett will undoubtedly have a bright future....Skip has loads of potential.....as does Tarver.....Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater and maybe Darren Young could form a tag team since they dont stick out as much.... back on topic

The Great Khali- need I say more

Yoshi Tatsu- I have never liked this guy the moment he debuted against Shelton.....I dont see anything in his future.....hes not even entertaining at least Tajiri was entertaining in skits and could wrestle 100 times better than Yoshi.....they should shorten his name to just Yoshi and give him a makeover gimmick

Chavo Guerrero- I understand he is a role player, but for how long until we get sick of him....I will always hav respect for Chavo but he should become a backstage agent

Finlay- i hope he doesnt come back, they should just take his picture down if hes an agent now

Chris Masters- solid in the ring but thats about it

Hawkins & Archer- they need to spice up their in ring work or be gone

Shad- if he isnt named Undertakers attacker, he should be gone...hes had plenty of time to develop

JTG- they could use the stealing gimmick with him I guess....i honestly dont care for him tbh

MVP- had so much potential.....we hardly knew ye

also for Primo, he shouldnt be released at all, he is a solid tag worker and they should bring up his cousin to form a tag team....for some reason I see potential in Primo.....he could be a sharp dresser with ladies on his arms....just something I could see him doing
If I had to choose who would be leaving next in the WWE I would choose either Primo or Tyler Reks.

And yes, these guys really should leave, especially Tyler Reks. Primo is alright on Superstars, but if WWE wants to save money they can get rid of him. I cannot even begin to think of him ever holding a championship title or becoming a big name. No way! WWE could definitely benefit from releasing him. As for Tyler Reks we all know he has not been on tv since before ECW even ended! He cannot wrestle well and he will never make it in the business anyway so just release him!

Although I really Like Finlay, I suppose he could go work backstage full time. He is getting old. He can still compete with the younger guys but for his own health he should just give it up now.

Another guy that could go would be Goldust. What is he doing? Nothing! He is doing absolutely nothing besides jobbing. He is better than promos than at wrestling and we haven't seen him do a promo in a long time. WWE should get rid of him Now!

Last but not least, WWE could do fine without Mark Henry, The Great Khali, and Shad. Mark henry was at one time a decent wrestler and I enjoyed watching his fueds. When he was on ECW I enjoyed seeing him fight Matt Hardy, Finlay, Tommy Dreamer, and Christian. Now he has no fueds and he always loses matches. Plus, he is a face now. He is much better as a heel. As for The Great Khali, he is now a face and makes no sense whatsoever. He loses alot and many times he is in the lower mid-card. Why is he still hanging around? And Shad, he needs to go. I've never been a Huge fan of Shad, but I did like Cryme Time when he was with JTG. When he turned heel I had mixed feelings about it. I figured him and JTG could win some singles titles, or atleast JTG. The bad side of my feelings was that we would lose another tag team in the tag division. We needed (and possibly still need) more tag teams. Anyway, Shad has accomplished absolutely NOTHING! He is rarely on television and he is not as good without JTG. Shad can just go home now. JTG can stay since he entertains me in the ring.

So these are the main men who could (or should) leave the WWE
-Tyler Reks
-Mark Henry
-The Great Khali
-and someone I forgot to mention, Hornswoggle. He cannot wrestle and has not been on tv lately. I have always hated that guy
Well the big reason Finlay can still conceivably go even at his age is the fact that A) He wrestled for a long time in Europe before he came to WCW in '94 and B)Unlike older guys like Taker and such, Finlay never had any major injuries to cut his career short.

And I'd keep Goldust because he's very good at giving the young guys the rub with an established star that's required to start getting over with the crowd. Would Batista and Randy Orton have become as huge as they are if they weren't associated with Evolution? Would Drew McIntyre be as hated as he is if he hadn't feuded with Matt Hardy and John Morrison and Kofi Kingston? Would Kane still be with the company if he hadn't been repackaged from Yankem and the fake Diesel to Undertaker's brother? Would MVP have been as over as he is if he had never feuded with Chris Benoit?
Here are mine:
Goldust-It is painful for me to put goldust in this list but it has to be what has he done since being on raw?

Chris Jericho-I believe that Chris jericho's days are numbed with all the backstage heat he has gotten I see him leaving the company in the not to distant future


1) Goldust still gets a GREAT pop when he comes out, the crowd loves him, and as we saw the other night he DEFINITELY still has it.

2) JERICHO??? really?? are you serious? no. WWE will not fire Jericho. he is still a HUGE draw. and being that his show is done for a bit, and he plans on taking SOME time off in a bit, look for a big Jericho angle to start up soon (maybe Cena turn heel, take out Jericho? just saying..). But it dont matter whats going on backstage, been plenty of heat on guys before and they still stayed. HBK in the 90's, Jeff Hardy when he came back to WWE.. just to name a couple.

after watching RAW im going to say.. the members of Nexus, minus Wade of course. and if they give him a little character, then Tarver. he has the look, and i really liked his finishing Power Slam. these guys will have the same fate of The Spirit Squad. (there's only one left.)
I'm really big on chris masters I think turning him heel again and making him back to unstoppable where no one was able to break the masterlock would be good for him..he fits the look of a champ..give him one of the divas who can't wrestle as a valet

They already tried that with Eve. I'm with you though, I'd like Masters to stick around. He has that je ne sais quoi that reminds me of the big guys from when I was a kid.

I've seen Reks and Finlay mentioned in just about every post. It's worth noting that the two fought each other in a dark match for the June 22nd Smackdown/NXT taping in Manchester, NH. Proof that they're both actually doing something. I agree though, how is Reks relevant in any other way? I think Finlay is probably focusing primarily on his backstage role but is on the active roster due to dark match participation, something he probably loves as a way to stay in touch with the crowd.
Next to go?

Smackdown -

Finlay - The guy is in his 50's and can barely wrestle anymore. Has no role in WWE.

finlay can still wrestle his ass off so i have no idea where your got that idea but as for having no role in E anymore i completely agree but i dont see them releasing finlay as he trains a lot of the superstars and is already doing a lot of backstage work im suprised he's even listed on the SD! roster anymore he only works house shows if even that i think the last match he has had in the last idk months has been a loss at a house show to dos caras jr


who do I see being handed their future endeavored slip would probly be Big Zeke i mean the stupid half of the universe already probly forgot he existed and the other half could care less about him he was stale in the ring anyway

i can also see Shad as he is balding pretty badly now he has a nasty gap in his teeth so that takes away any cute charm he could ever have he's not exactly ripped anymore plus he is also a bore in the ring i mean cryme time split and now he has been demoted down to fcw he already wrestled in ovw for years so he's probly going going gone

i can only hope they release Khali cause he hasnt even really wrestled anyone yet since arriving a few years back lol :p no but seriously he is the worst in ring worker he is obviously in so much pain constantly i just feel sorry for the guy i doubt he will even live that much longer as im assuming he has a similar disease to andre the giants (please do correct me if im wrong i have never been nor will i be a doctor of any sort) but his matches are getting even shorter to the point where he stands on the ring apron for the most part ive seen several tag matches where he has simply not even tagged in once cause he just cant move at all he needs to just retire and live out his remaining years in peace with his wife who is probly terrified of him

N(e)XT is michael Tarver and Skip sheffield as they are both pretty bland in the ring and dont seem to have any crowd following whatsoever and if everyone from NXT stays on the main roster than NXT will loose its credibility with only one person winning so yeah

i can even see them releasing david otunga cause the only thing he has going for him are his looks his mic work is decent but any joblo from a crappy tv show can talk in front of a camera it takes more than that to make it in the WWE but than again look at miz he worked his ass off and his matches are now watchable he's getting pushed to the main event so if otunga goes that route more power to him he might actually gain my respect like miz did but unless that happens its back to the ghetto you go (next friday reference lol)

i can also see jillian getting fired cause she is getting kinda of flab ab-ed her voice looks like surgery gone bad and no one likes her shes decent in the ring (for a wwe diva) and thats about it so i see her going bye bye

i dunno about yoshi tatsu as everyone heard about the no chopping rule but he has done it every week since in every match he's had lol so i dunno i really dont want him to get released in fact i think WWE needs more culture but yeap

thats it for raw

for smackdown

i see vance archer getting released as he still hasnt gotten over and he doesnt even have a decent finisher anymore since he cant use the chokeslam cause of bigshokanetaker and he is too creepy looking to be a good guy

same with curt hawkins his in ring work is so bland his promo work is also so bland and his ring attire is even more bland :disappointed: i see him going nowhere fast

i also see tyler reks getting released i dunno why though he didnt seem to be too bad in the ring i dunno i saw him like twice on ecw but he's been on the main roster since and i NEVER see him or hear about him so he must have pissed off someone im suprised he's still here

also i think they need to release hornswoggle he has absolutely no use it seems even the kiddy fans are tired of him and do you blame him he cant talk (kayfabe) cant wrestle he's literally too small to be an actual contender for anything he's useless

also from nxt 2 i really dont see lucky cannon eli cottonwood or titus o neil going anywhere as they are all boring as macaroni with no cheese butter or milk

so lets have that feedback
IMO, the next to go are:

Primo (they don't even show him on Raw anymore, I only see him on Superstars nowadays. He really isn't doing anything; he doesnt belong in the WWE)

Yoshi Tatsu (he hasn't done anything since ECW, he is just taking up space)

Chris Masters (Besides the "dancing pecks", he hasn't done anything worth while)

Shad (his "MY TIME!" never came...and it never will...)

Tyler Reks (?) (I tought he had already been released...I didnt know he was still in the WWE)

Hornswoggle (I see no one has mentioned him yet...he's still there, isnt he?...well anyway... I dont think Hornswoggle needs an explanaition on why he should be released...)
Hornswoggle (I see no one has mentioned him yet...he's still there, isnt he?...well anyway... I dont think Hornswoggle needs an explanation on why he should be released...)

actually, someone just a few posts before you said Hornswoggle.. haha. but yeah.. iunno, the DX thing was actually kinda funny, even better when they included Cena (actually gave Cena some enjoyable Promo's) but unless they find something new for him, then i dont see him lasting much longer either.. unless Kane or 'Taker start up the Ministry again, and have the little bastard in it. HAHA. black hair with a Taker Symbol on his forehead.

EDIT: after posting this, i went and made the Sig just to see what it looked like.. HAHA!
who do I see being handed their future endeavored slip would probly be Big Zeke i mean the stupid half of the universe already probly forgot he existed and the other half could care less about him he was stale in the ring anyway

Whoa whoa whoa easy there. Lol wwe has a huge lack of big men right now. Zeke imo could be used as a huge ME if used right. He's powerful and DOMINATING! Watch his matches with christain for the ecw championship...they'll win you over.

Who I think will get the boot? Shad and jtg pretty soon. They're useless now that they're not together. Others, the dudebusters. I know a lot of you are behind these guys but I don't see it... they have little skill. Rosa mendez...do I need to explain, and tyler reks.
i agree with you Hamler. i happen to have liked Big Zeke's matches with christian, and was really glad he was the Final ECW champ. he reminds me of Ahmed Johnson from the 90's.
dont think they'll release him yet, or they would have done it already.
There are too many people that could "possibly" get the axe, so to speak. But a few names on here, I dont think so. Jericho? He will quit before gettin fired, Festus? Isnt he in a major faction of the WWE right now? And Jillian Hall???? I get that most of you dont like her, but she can WRESTLE, better than most of the current WWE divas, she is good at selling the Bellas in a match, and her gimmick gets SOOOOOO MUCH of a crowd reaction, which to me means a great heel. Throw the title on her and you could have great/interesting storylines. Some that should/could get let go= Any of the Next members on Raw, a few are good, most ehhhh, and sadly, I bet they released Mickie James and the other group with her, to make room for these men. Lets fire them, and rehire Mickie James!!!! ;)

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