Who will be the next 'Big Thing/Future' in the WWE?

A really tough question this, at different points in the past few months, and with the way the wwe have pushed diferent people, 'the next big thing' has been hard to judge. I think until his suspension, they were clearly going for Jeff Hardy. The guy is probably the most over person in the company, and the fact hes had wins over all the top guys meant the company were putting him on the fast track to the top. The suspensions have undoubtedly hindred him, but the good run hes had on his return indicates to me hat the WWE have some faith in him.
CM Punk needs a heel turn to get over. Somebody said recently that he's in danger of turning 'into Mat Hardy' and i completley agree. He needs to use his aweosme mic skills more, and get a solid programme going against the top stars on raw and smackdown and not be jobbed over when he takes them on. A good programme with HBK or Y2J would do him the world of good.
As for MVP, the guy has future main eventer written all over him. I think a good title programme with the next face champ on smackdown, or possibly a LONG stint as the ECW champion would finally take him to the next level.
I just saw Matt Sydal on ecw for the first time(or Evan Bourne as they call him) and man they let him go all out! If they continue to let him use that style he can become big. Then again he's not a big guy so that can hold him back. I hope they don't bury him.
I agree about Sydal/Bourne...My initial reaction to seeing him was that he reminded me of the best parts of Chris Benoit, mixed in with some Rey Mysterio...If the WWE allows him to showcase his talent, and doesn't automatically not push him because of his smaller size, I think he could certainly get to the IC/US title level, at the minimum. He probably will never be big enough to be a real World level champion, but I didn't see any reason to believe he couldn't become a big WWE name in the next few years.
Come on the next big thing has to be Jeff Hardy, This guy pushes himself to the limits he is the only wrestler now who takes bigger risks. I would clearly state he deserves to win the title. After the match with HHH he proved he can play with the big dogs, Also i agree cm punk can be the next big thing. Perhaps it may be we just have to wait and see..
Well I pretty much agree with the consensus of Kennedy Kennedy, MVP, Cody Rhodes, etc...So I'm going to go and pick someone who I don't think has been mentioned, and if he has, then I must have missed him somewhere. But I'm going with Paul Burchill. He was great in OVW, and I like what they are doing with him right now. I think he could really propel into the IC Title scene soon and slowly work his way up to main event status.
The Next Big Thing in WWE is someone who has not been called up yet. There is this guy down in Florida named Tyrone Jones and he could be a big deal in my opinion. He has everything going for him, Size, strength, charisma and in ring ability. He wrestles a variety of different styles, it is as if booker t monty brown and brock lesnar were all mixed into one. This guy could definately be a mega star. Also, another guy currently in developmental in Jake Hager he is a former Defensive Tackle and Heavyweight amateur wrestler from the university of Oklahoma and is 51-0 in the FCW. When he is called up he could make a substaintial impact and perhaps become the next goldberg.

In terms of people who are already on the wwe roster i think Mr. Kennedy could become a big name as well and MVP could be the next great heel.
I agree with the majority of the room kennedy and MVP have star stamped on there forehead. Now the hardys, please. i love watching jeff do his thing but the only way a wrestler his size is ever gonna get over is if he has charisma, and he aint got. If this was TNA or ROH then he would be a mutiple champ(maybe) same goes 4 matt. don't believe me look @ HBK, he's the only believeable lightheavyweight that has held a top spot for year, over a decade. yea jeffs over but so was jericho and look where he is hasn't smelled a me since last year and he has charisma so that shows u how big WWE is on lil guys. jeff may win a main title but will never be the next big thing. ted jr. see him in a top spot, cody and kofi maybe if they can show something cuz they dnt fit the wwe mold either. But who knows mayb wwe will start giving small guys a break. but they have to be entertaining
Contenders for the next big thing in WWE in my opinion are obviously CM Punk, and also Lance Cade, Ted Dibiase Junior, and Ron Killings.
Ron Killings is expected to be pushed quickly into the Smackdown main event scene, this on making his WWE television second debut. He is an exciting wrestler and would make a great WWE Champion. Lets just hope that the prick known as Triple H doesnt prevent him from getting that title. Ron is a million times better the wrestler that Triple H is and ever was.
Id say Kennedy at the current time is the main up and comer. He has the mic skills and a great in ring character. However its uncertain as to whether he will remain a heel as his popularity is such that he would get a strong fan reaction from a proper face turn.

Jeff Hardy certainly has the skills but as to whether he can steer clear of the third strike is dubious and I cant see the company making such a firm bet on him with that risk hanging over his head.

I also believe that stars such as Cade and Cody Rhodes will be big in the future. But of course it is all slightly irrelevant as I cant remember the last time WWE used talent to its full potential and with Cena, Edge and HHH pretty much certain to be around for years to come it could be a while before we see a change of scene.
I think one of the next best things will be Domino. I can see him being the HBK to Dueces marty Jannety. After watching smackdown Yesterday I saw just how popular he can be with the crowd. The match against Mr Kennedy Was his make or break match and i think he did well. When he yelled that noise and The fans yelled it back i realised just how much he could be over. All he needs is a new Gimmick as i dont like the Greaser look. I can really see him Becoming a major heel in the next two years or so.
With Ted dibiase i dont know just yet, Maybe his character will be over but i really cant see why people are rambling on about him. He has only had two matches and one of them was against useless Jobbers. Only time will tell.
1. John Morrison - This guy has the look, mic skills, and wrestling ability to make it big. He and The Miz are the only thing keeping the tag team division alive.

2. Ted DiBiase Jr - His debut was impressive. His mic skills are already great and he has his own punch line already. He certainly has the look and he already won a championship in his first match. WWE needs to let him showcase his wrestling ability more though. He's only been in two matches and barely did anything.

3. Mr. Kennedy - Like others have said, he has the full package. WWE seems determined to make him a star some day but every push he received has blown up in his face.

4. MVP - He reminds me so much of The Rock, especially after joining the commentators on the last Smackdown. The only problem with him is his age. He's already 34 and hasn't really done much to certify himself as a future main eventer. He also needs a much better finisher.

5. Lance Cade - He has Shawn Michaels backing him up so I think he'll be a future main eventer. He's decent in the ring, but he needs to build his character and show more of his mic skills.
in the next 5 years i think the following people will be in the title picture:

1. HHH because his head is so far up vinces ass that he'll still be at the top.
2. John Morrison because he reminds me of a young shawn michaels. not just in looks, but a bit with his gimick aswell and his moves.
3. Jeff Hardy because wwe seem 2 be giving him a push. it got slowed down because of hi drug abuse or watever it was but it'll still happen in 5 years time.
4. MVP its a no brainer, hes good in the ring and on the mic.
5. Kennedy another no brainer.
6. CM Punk soo obvious because hes young and hes champ now.
7. Matt Hardy maybe.
8. Shelton Benjamin if wwe finally give him the push he deserves and thats a big if.
We've already seen him get to the top. CM Punk. I don't care what any of his haters have to say. The guy has it all. He has fantastic mic skills, the WWE just needs to give him promo time, and he has fantastic in ring skills. 'Nuff said, but from upcoming WWE stars right now, I'd have to go with either Cody Rhodes or MVP
Mr Kennedy is the next big thing in the WWE. Its plain and simple. The guy has all the tools in the world to make it big. By next year, I am hoping he wins the WWE championship on Smackdown. Think about it, the Wrestlemania 25 main event for Smackdown should be a face vs heel match between Mr Kennedy(face) and Triple H(heel) for the WWE title. Kennedy should win this match cleanly. In my opinion, this is the perfect way to launch Kennedy into something really big. The similiar thing happened to Batista and look where he is now.

Kennedy can cut a great promo and can put on a pretty darn good match. Along with M.V.P, I see these two as the next John Cena and Batista. Kennedy has the unique look of a star and is getting more over as a face with each passing week. I was suprised on this past week on Smackdown when he faced Umaga, Kennedy got a huge pop which is amazing as he hasn't been a face for very long.

Kennedy's character is just great. He can play a face or a heel as his character is a "loudmouth" which can easily be cheered or booed by the fans. The whole thing when he enters the ring and speaks on the mic that lowers from the ceiling before his matches is just memorable and entertaining. The fans enjoy screaming out "Mrrrrrrr Kennedyyyyyy" with him. The great thing about Kennedy is that he hasn't won many titles(minus the short U.S title reign) to get recognized. He has earned respect through his matches and promos, so I truly believe thats the reason why the WWE hasn't really given him a long and proper title run of any sort. To put it simply, Mr Kennedy will make it big in the WWE, mark my words.
The next big thing in the wwe? simple.

1.MVP: Plenty of tv-time, good promo's, decent wrestling ability but the only thing he's lacking right now is a good feud

2.CM Punk: Altough people dont think he's a worthy WHC-Champion he has made monday nights more fun to watch.And i'm sure if his character turns heel we will see a lot of good things of cm punk

3.John Morrison: The reason why morrison hasn't made a name for himself yet is because he lacks good heel heat but that's partly wwe creative's fault for not giving him enough promo time.When he receives his single's push i'm absolutely sure morrison will be an outstanding entertainer
Though I agree wholeheartedly that the two best primed for "the next big thing" are Morrison and Kennedy...with a third being MVP....there are other things to discuss as well:

1. I think in the next year or two, we'll see DiBiase and Rhodes as upper midcarders. These two are very impressive for being so green.

2. Five years from now, we won't have potentially Michaels, Undertaker, HHH, Mysterio, JBL, Regal, and maybe some others. Naturally, we'll have to fill those roles. The best suited to take the place of Michaels is Morrison. In terms of being a "locker room leader" like the Undertaker, I feel that place is going to Cena. HHH may very well be eclipsed by Edge (and I hope so). Evan Bourne, to me, is the next Rey Mysterio.
I'm going to have an in depth look at the credentials of Mr Kennedy since winning MITB at Wrestlemania 23: PPV by PPV.

Wrestlemania 23: Wins MITB, Kennedy IS the future of WWE.
Backlash: Not on the card. Makes small appearance.
Judgement Day: Not on card. (Injury)
One Night Stand: Not on card. (Injury)
Vengeance- Night Of Champions: Not on card.
The Great American Bash: Not on card.
SummerSlam: Pinned by Umaga in a triple threat match
Unforgiven: Not on the card. (Suspended)
No Mercy: Wins a bonus 6 man tag match made on the night.
Cyber Sunday: Wins a bonus match against Jeff Hardy made on the night after a Hardy error.
Survivor Series: Is pinned by Triple H and eliminated in the traditional Survivor Series match.
Armageddon: Loses cleanly to Shawn Michaels.
Royal Rumble: Has a good showing of 13 minutes and 32 seconds before being eliminated by Batista.
No Way Out: Unsuccessfully tries to end Ric Flair's career, taps out the figure four cleanly.
Wrestlemania XXIV: Loses the MITB Ladder Match.
Backlash: Not on card. (Filming movie role)
Judgement Day: Not on card.
One Night Stand: Not on card.
Night Of Champions: Not on card.
The Great American Bash: Not on card. (Loses dark match to Umaga in a squash) Is NOT the future of WWE

In short, Since his huge win at WM 23 on PPV he has: won 2, lost 6, and failed to appear on 11 cards. In a more telling statistic, the only two matches he won were announced on the night. Therefore he hasn't won a big PPV match that has been properly built up, since WM 23.

I personally believe that Kennedy should be a main eventer, but with a record like that, he has no right to be one. I'm holding out for a WM XXV big win, but he's gonna have to be on every PPV from now till then to even have a chance of obtaining one. Since he won't be feuding with Edge anytime soon, he seems to be stuck where he is, and has only gone backwards since his first huge push way over a year ago.

Therefor, unless he is booked properly, he will not be the next big thing in WWE.
i think that the next big thing will definately be R-Truth. why? cause i believe that TNA made him bigger by putting the NWA world title on him and that title has hella prestige and a very very wide value of names to hold it. he's come a long way from the days of K-Kwik and now that hes got a real gimmick, he just might be the next big thing in WWE today.
1.Mr. Kennedy: Is this really even an option. The guy has everything you need to be a success in the WWE. He has Mic skills that are amazing, plus he is pretty good in the ring. He went from being a heel, to a tweener, to a babyface. As i have said before he will be the next Stone Cold

2.MVP: The same as Kennedy. In my opinion no one in the WWE at this time can touch him when its time to get on the Mic. His words just come out so frequently. He also reminds me of a guy called Dwayne"The Rock''Johnson.

3.John Morrison: I wouldn't put him in the MVP/Kennedy league but the guy is talented. He is decent on the Mic and his wrestling skills are simply amazing. Like a young Shawn Michaels.
I don't want to go on yet another Mr. Kennedy shill, so I'll just summarize him with one word; "Future"!


Other guys who have the goods to become a part of the new generation of main eventers are John Morrison, a guy with infinite wrestling skills, a great look, charisma and although his Morrison gimmick may be a bit dry for the most, I like it. And don't forget MVP, although he has completely lost his edge after dropping the US Championship. This man is a dream on the mic, and his matches with *sigh* Benoit belong in the top tier of 2007 matches. After a face turn, this guy will become "Da Man."

Other guys who have a fair chance to get to the top are Ted DiBiase, Jr. This man has charisma. And although I don't think putting him in a tag team was the best way to debut him. He should have built himself up a bit as a singles star first. With the way Rhodes & DiBiase have been booked recently, it's easy to forget how good DiBiase is.

I guess his chance has all but disappeared, but I've always been a staunch support of Carlito. This guy has the brashness, the moveset and the mic skills (his voice sounds weird, but it works) I remember back in 2006, in the Elimination Chamber match, he teamed up with Chris Masters to beat up on Cena and dominate. For one shining moment, I thought Carlito was gonna do it. He didn't though. And ever since, he's been put in random feuds and jobbed left and right. This guy is a valuable card for WWE, and I think it's about damn time the guy gets the push he deserves. However, what with his backstage trouble with WWE, that may not happen at all.

Lastly, I'd want to make a case for Elijah Burke. This guy is a mic natural (not like that Nic Nemeth guy...) and has wrestling skills most of all three rosters could only dream of. Too bad he's been booked to job in recent times though, and I actually haven't seen him on ECW for quite a while. I heard something about a gimmick change, so I really hope that means the guy is due for a push. However, I don't think he's gonna accomplish anything more in ECW, so transferring him to another brand could help get his momentum going again.
Mr. Kennedy.
This guy is excellent on the microphone. I always love the loudmouths, and Kennedy is the best of them all. He has great in ring skills, overall great charisma, and a good look. Though, I think his outfits could change..

I love his spotlight promo. So do the fans. He can play a lovable babyface or a heel that everyone just hates.. My dad is the world's biggest mark. No joke. And, he hated Kennedy.. He had no clue why I liked him. When he brought the spotlight promo back, my dad was like, "Oh my God! This guy is awesome!" Then he talked to me forever about he could be the next big thing, even thought that is what I had been telling him for months.. Anyway.. In a round-a-bout sort of way, I'm saying that Mistah Ken-nah-day is the Next Big Thing...

Morrison is getting a lot bigger in the business, he deffinately has the potential to go extremely far, but I actually think Mr. Kennedy is going to be the 'next big thing' before Morrison gets there. He's getting more and more over with the fans, I like how he stops in the middle of yelling his name now and the crowd keeps going so he just smiles. It's things like that that get people further in the WWE, great mic skills, being over with the crowd, etc. And he's starting to get into more interesting matches as time goes on, so we'll see.
The next big thing in the WWE is right before your eyes every tuesday night.

I'm referring to none other than John Morrison. The reasons are quite simple too. John Morrison has the looks, charisma, abilities and mic skills to step into the main event, and it's just a matter of time before it happens.

Morrison has another thing going for him besides his already mentioned looks, charisma, abilities and mic skills too. He's a home grown WWE boy that's been with the company far longer than your average fan knows. He was a contender on Tough Enough which aired on MTV several years ago, and even then he could pull off a standing shooting star press.

This question is just too simple. The next big thing is already here, and his name IS John Morrison...
Remember the New Breed? They were proclaimed to be the future of sports entertainment. Look how all of them turned out. :lmao: But I was just thinking about them, and then I thought "Who is the future of the WWE at the moment?"

I think that the future of the WWE is one of these 2 men:

Shelton Benjamin: This guy is a very talented and athletic wrestler, and he is starting to get the push he deserves. WWE need togive this guy a manager though, as he isn't great on the mic. IMO, his promo ability is the only thing holding him back.

Evan Bourne: This guy is a good wrestler. He hs a wide range of moves and can excite the crowd with his fast moving offense. His SSP is absolutely beautiful. He has the potential to make it to the main event level. If Rey could do it, why can't he?
I think John Morrison is deffinately the future. Great mic skills, he's getting more and more over with the crowd, face it, he looks good. He's an amazing wrestler, can do a lot of high flying and some difficult moves... He can really go far.
What I'd rather see is Jeff Hardy improve his wrestling because we all know what helps him most of the time is his high flying ability. If he could improve his moves on the floor, he'd be set. Not so great on the mic, but I'm sure a good storyline could get him more involved and skilled with that. We'll see what happens.

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