Who will be the next 'Big Thing/Future' in the WWE?

In the near term it's definitely Edge, and I am happy to see that WWE is recognizing it as they have given him an amazing run in the past year.

The foundation of the future though should be Randy Orton. He's a great wrestler and is now beginning to enter his prime. Of course, I think he needs to step up his game backstage, as I've heard there have been some problems there, and this motorcycle accident he's just had showed to me his lack of foresight or care for his return. Those things need to change or he won't reach his full potential.

And then of course you've got guys like Morrison, CM Punk, Kennedy, and Shelton Benjamin.

I'm happy to see that they're giving CM Punk a chance and that Kennedy was to be given a chance before he got injured. Now, they need to have Shelton win MITB next year, as he deserves it more than anyone.

I'm just happy WWE is finally wising up and they're beginning to see that if Cena is the future, we don't want any part of it!
Well speaking of the New Breed, if they would just allow him to do ANYTHING, Elijah Burke could be the future. This guy really has it all..the look, charisma, mic skills, ring skills. What's not to like? And still WWE "has nothing for him" even on ECW!!!!

But as it stands, the future big name guys are MVP and of course MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. KEEEEEENNNNNNNNEEEEEEDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYY.....................................................
Definately John Morrison hes got the looks, the moves, the fans, and the mic skills..cant really ask for more

Evan Bourne this little guy is amazing even ignorant fans appreciate his incredible athleticism, if he can work on his promos a bit he can become a HUGE superstar

C.M. Punk is carrying the belt well which is always a good trait to have if you plan on going far, this paired up with his entertaining match style could add up to making punk the mainstay of the company in the future

Of course you cant leave out DiBiase, This guy is impressive, just the way he carries himself makes you think hes been around for a long time, He is very good at being heel, He seriously makes me forget hes only been around for a few weeks.

The Kendrick, Ive been pretty high on this guy for a long time, Im glad he is finally getting a push as a singles competitor, His In ring ability is far ahead of 90% of the WWE roster and His mic skills are surprising, I could see him going really far really fast

The bottom line is that the majority of talented guys the WWE has are smaller in stature, faster more athletic guys...similar to TNA

IF the WWE brought back the cruiserweight title they would have a whole new side to their company and they would be able to utilize there new talent more effectively.

You know alot of threads like this keep poppin up. But if you ever noyice that in the WWE the really big stars come in pairs. Someone once mentioned that. For example Hulk Hogan/Ultimate Warrior, Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart,The Rock/Steve Austin, John Cena/Batista. Those guys were all really big names in the WWF/WWE. With that being said the next two guys to come in a pair would be Mr.Kennedy/MVP.

Mr.Kennedy: We all know that if Taker hadn't have gotten hurt then he would not have lost the brief case. I for one cant wait to see him with The World Heavyweight Championship on his waist as i can't stand CM Punk. I

MVP: I look at him and all i see is The Rock. I don't knoew why but i just do. Not much has to be said about MVP as to me he is the best person on the Mic at this time, great wrestling skills, good looks, he deserves to be pushed more than Kennedy in my opinion as he hasn't screwed up as many times as Jeff or Kennedy.

To me we that want to see MVP and Mr.Kennedy get thier push are just going to have to wait. As Vince doesn't want to relive the cena/batista bout(having them shoved down are throats and eventually booing the hell out of them) By wrestlemania 25 if they don't be in the mainevent then im moving over to TNA as WWE is just wasting time.
IDK if Kennedy or MVP are ready to ME Mania 25 yet. It's the 25 year anniv. of Wrestlemania. I think by Mania 27 they will be main eventers Maybe 26 for MVP. Right now I think the future is: Orton,Morrison,MVP,Kennedy,Punk,DiBiase.
I think if Kennedy can sort out his personal troubles, he can be the next huge name in wrestling. He is already over with the crowd, he's charasmatic, has great mic skills and is very talented inside the ring. I can see him winning becoming world champion by Wrestlemania 26
While MVP began his career pretty late I still see him as the future of the WWE. He has been the most consistent up and comer in the ring and on the mic this year which is a lot more than you could say about Mr Kennedy who's had a pretty shit year to be honest.

People have been praising Kennedy for ages but his progress has been pretty stationery since the injury he had that forced him to relinquish MITB. He screwed up his big McMahon's son push, and he needs to start progressing or else he'll be an upper-midcarder for the rest of his career.

MVP on the other hand had a great feud with Matt Hardy and is now embroiled in what could be a great feud with Jeff. He is, in my opinion, a feud or two away from a main event push against the likes of Taker and HHH. I'd much rather see MVP pushed than Kennedy.

I see Rhodes, Di Biase and Morrison as more of the long term future guys. Morrison in particular has improved loads from his days as IC champ on Raw and is great on the mic.
First person that spring's to mind is Jeff Hardy, If he can keep off the dope, He will be the next person to step into the main event, And he will be there for year's to come, Jeff has the fan-base, the "rock star" charisma, and the look, But if there is one place he could improve, It would his wrestling, It seemed that when he was on RAW he would make at least one screw up, It think he needs to add a few more move to his list as well, Punching and kicking is all very well, But MOST of the best wrestler's have more than 6 move's (not including finisher's).

People say that MVP is the next Rock, But i beg to differ, Ken has as much, If not more, Charisma than the rock, He can get the crowd going by just reaching for the Microphone, He's not as funny but i think that's down to writing.

But more importantly, Ken is good, If not great, in the ring, He has Three finishing move's he can call on, Everyone love's the face wash kick in the corner, and he doesn't seem to fuck up much, Again the only things for Ken to lose out on are, His steriod's and injury.

Well everything said about Mr.Kennedy could be said here, but he doesn't invoke the reaction that Ken does, He's is a better talker than Ken, But hasn't got as much charisma.

However MVP remind's me of benoit in the ring(all except the kick's), as he is a great ring techniction, But MVP doesn't have a finisher to call his own, and until he has I dont think he make M/E any time soon, But he WILL be there in a year or two.
I'm not shure we have seen the "future" of the WWE yet. Guys like Stone Cold, The Rock, Hogan, and even Cena were all hugely over with the fans and I dont no if any of the current stars can ever reach their level. Out of all the guys there are 3 that could be the future if they pick their game up.

1. Jeff Hardy-The guys gets the loudest or second loudest pop each night. Its obvious the fans love him and even when facing men like Snitsky and others he can consistently get the fans going. Hardy is a decent wrestler and is vastly improving in the ring and on the mic. This could have been his year if it wasnt for the screw up. Hardy has the chance to be the "future" if he gets his act together.

2. MVP-This guy plays the typical "better than you" heel, yet his cockyness seems very real(good or bad). He has the certain charisma and mic skills that make you hate him and if he can bring up his game in the wrestling department(since his mic skills are great) MVP could be a future top heel.

3. John Morrison-Morrison is a very gifted athlete. He is solid in the ring and his "unique" style is very entertaining. He is solid in the ring but and his mic skills are improving vastly. The only problem with MOrrison is that sometimes the fans dont respond to him like they should(he doesnt get boo'd as much as he should). Morrison's gimmick change has helped him and he should be the future if he can solidly get 100% over with the fans(like MVP & Hardy).
I think that there are too many good talents to just pinpoint it to one superstar. On one hand you have John Morrison who is a very gited athlete. He has the looks, and all the necessary skills to make it huge in the WWE. Then of course you have Kennedy. Who by all means should be big player if he can stay healthy. Then there is MVP who is solid at what he does. He's got it all. The only thing slowing him down is his age.

Overall if I had to pick, it would be Randy Orton. He will be the number one heel for a long time. He, like the rest has all the tools to become a great superstar. He's already a 1 time WHC title holder, a 2 time WWE Champ, 1 time Intercontinental champon, and 1 time tag team champion. This, mind you is all before he even hits thirty years of age. Randy hasn't even entered his prime yet. I'm looking forward to some good things coming from him...as long as he can stay healthy.
Actually there are several, it seems to me anyway.

Mr. Kennedy may be down and out right now due to injury, but he's definitely my first pick.

Next is John Morrison, who I've never seen evolve into such a phenomenal wrestler with great all around abilities on the ring and the mic.

Finally, Evan Bourne. The guy is already a truly phenomenal wrestler, and his wrestling ALONE has already started to put him over the crowd. He doesn't even have a character, and I think he's spoken five words on the microphone before, but thats it.
Right now though, Bourne's exciting wrestling style is enough. Give him a character at the right time, and in a few years he will definitely be a big thing, especially when it comes to little high flyers.
Shelton Benjamin has potential, he was misused by WWE for a pretty long time, but with his current push could be an uppercard opportunity for the gold standard; oh yeah, this gold standard gimmick needs to go in my opinion.

John Morrison has been looking good on ECW for a while and I think it would be good for WWE to move him to a more capable brand, Smackdown would be idea. We've seen him take risks, and his charisma is undoubtedly good enough for him to be a star.

Mr. Kennedy also has potential, he seems a little injury prone to me, but he could make it big in WWE, again he is charismatic and could quite easily be a main-eventer.
Obviously Jeff Hardy, the guy has all the tools to be the next big thing. First off he's over like no other midcarder in the WWE, one could argue that he's the most over superstar on Smackdown. Secondly he shifts large amounts of merchandise, a major factor for a main eventer. Thirdly he has bucketloads of charisma. One could argue that he's unreliable, a spot monkey and has crappy mic skills, but the three major aspects that I just mentioned completely negate his faults.

Also unlike Mr. Kennedy he isn't injury prone despite wrestling a riskier style. And unlike Shelton Benjamin or John Morrison, he is actually over. Another plus for the guy is that he's relatively young, unlike Mr. Kennedy who is on par with Cena's age, and MVP who happens to be older than Cena.
Well i know someone who could be big eventually but right now hes still in developmental programs but he has athletic ability and potential as well as enough brains to not allow the wwe to beat him up. his stage name is jeff star and i believe he could be good eventually
i think its safe to say there is no future for wrestlers and the company itself seeing as how there are alot of wrestlers being fired and how the company loses ratings by the masses. Yup, WWE is dead and everyone should start lookin for new jobs.
The future is bright but sometimes guys get lost and screwed over ... perfect example is Carlito. Im pretty sure carlito was on top of a list like this 3 years ago but since then hes been ruined. The future in my eyes are bright for Kennedy (but if the WWE arent careful he can become the next carlito) MVP, Hardyz, Umaga, Dibiase&Rhodes, cryme tyme, Santino (maybe not in the wrestling department but he will always have a big part in the entertainment side of the show)
Isn't this the same--or very close to it--as the threads that asks "who will be the next big thing", and "what underused wrestler would you like to see pushed"?

To answer the question though, I don't think you can ever consider one person to be the future. No one is good on their own, they need good opponents who also make things interesting.

Also, in terms of who is considered "the future" or "the next big thing" or the most remembered wrestlers, history has shown it often falls on those who are the most charismatic on the microphone. Sure, wrestling talent is good too, but you can be the most gifted technical wrestler but if you are boring to watch and listen to, you will not likely be considered one of the all-time greats. Probably the most popular wrestlers who put folks in seats are those who are good on the mic. And I'm sure there will be some disagreement and I'm not saying that I necessarily am fans of these guys (in fact some of them I'm not), but you can't argue that they put folks in seats: Hogan, Austin, the Rock, Cena, HBK. Strangely enough, you could argue that hogan, austin, and cena may not have even been talented enough on their own, but because of their mic and promo work were able to help carry the company significantly.

I can think of maybe 3 exceptions who may be considered "big things" but who are not talented on the mic or hardly ever use it: Bret Hart put folks in seats but his mic work was the same every time. And sorry HHH, you are talented and put people in seats, but you are not nearly as good at doing promos as you seem to think you are. his promos are about as varied as bret hart's were. And of course, the undertaker is huge but (thankfully) doesn't use the mic much anymore.

So anyway, history has shown that "the future" of the WWE, if you can give that title to just one person, will likely be someone who is great at promos and makes people want to watch him. Having talent is also a plus. I'd also add that besides being good on the mic, being able to be funny and amusing to watch also helps a lot (e.g., the rock, kurt angle, maybe HBK)

Personally, I'd like to see MVP, kennedy, elijah burke, or morrison. I know they have been mentioned already, but of the current roster, they certainly have the mic capabilities and seem very talented. They have the potential, but i guess only time will tell if they get the push they will need to take things to the next level.
I think its Morrison Jeff Hardy and Mr. Kennedy. Morrison has the whole package he has great mic skills and is a good wrestler. Hardy has been improving with both his mic skills and his wrestling ability. If he can keep it together he could be the future. Mr. Kennedy is awesome on the mic and is a good wrestler. If he can stay healthy hell be up there.
Sadly, Triple H will be the future of the WWE. He wont piss off, ever :(

I just read his interview and he bashes the guys who say they have been here 5 years and doing the same stuff. If I remember correctly, Triple Nose has been doing the same act since 1999/2000? Same moveset and everything!

But I expect Randy Orton, Edge and Cena to carry the WWE for the next 10 years or so.
Sadly, Triple H will be the future of the WWE. He wont piss off, ever :(

I just read his interview and he bashes the guys who say they have been here 5 years and doing the same stuff. If I remember correctly, Triple Nose has been doing the same act since 1999/2000? Same moveset and everything!

But I expect Randy Orton, Edge and Cena to carry the WWE for the next 10 years or so.

The above in bold, I 100% agree with. Randy Orton is one of those guys who whether he is heel or face he gets a pop from the crowd, Edge is one of the best heels I've ever seen and John Cena could well be the face of the company for years to come.

John Morrison and Mr. Kennedy both have ALOT! of potential too.
The above in bold, I 100% agree with. Randy Orton is one of those guys who whether he is heel or face he gets a pop from the crowd, Edge is one of the best heels I've ever seen and John Cena could well be the face of the company for years to come.

John Morrison and Mr. Kennedy both have ALOT! of potential too.

Cena will have to change his gimmick, he will be WAY to old to play it at that point and there is a chance in 10 years that the music and everything will have changed twice, society is changing about every five years at this point and truth to tell Cena is already outdated. His fan base will have outgrown him.

The person that will carry the WWE into 2020 is undecided at this point.
John Morrison without a doubt. I see so much potential in him. People have dubbed him "the new HBK". While I don't specificially agree with that, I think he has what it takes. He ticks all the boxes, and fans seem to relate to him. He even has his own fan club on these boards. He will be WWE champion one day, and I think people will like that. A few people I've spoke to said they'd see it as him achieving his 'boyhood dream' so to speak. And I'd agree with this. He just seems the type to win, and for the audience to love him.

As well as Morrison, I'm going to go back to Kennedy, who I go back to all the time in threads like this. I think the way he's going is great. He's not being pushed straight on to the main event scene, but merely pushed between mid card, being slowly eleviated onto that stage. One day he will make a great champion. I've said it from the start about him, and some of his matches have proved I was right. He can put on a great match and it's not him being pushed to that either.

Chris Jericho is pretty much on the main scene already, but still I feel compelled to write about him. He's been big on the WWE scene before, and, dare I say it? He may even be better this time around. He's a great heel. He's one of my favourite wrestlers in reality. But in kayfabe, I don't hate many as much as I hate him. The way he came out after beating HBK, still covered in his blood and saying he'd ended his career was one of the best things I've seen in WWE for a while. I was literally shouting for him to get off my TV.

Jeff Hardy I just can't see it happening with. I like him. But too much seems to get in the way. He's on his last strike. A possible broken neck, many critics, personal problems. I just feel there's too much against him for him to ever make a proper go of being the champion. He'll either leave soon, or stay mid card for quite a while.
Honestly, it depends on so many factors you can't quantify it. I can guarantee you NO ONE thought, one of the Rockers, Rocky Maivia, the Ringmaster and Hunter Hearst Helmsley were the future of the WWF.

It depends on angles, matches and chemistry with EACH OTHER. You can have all the talent in the world, but until you work with just that right person you are going nowhere unless you are another Ric Flair and there are no more of those right now.

Shawn vs. Bret, Austin vs. The Rock, Triple H has DX and even around the world the Von Erichs needed the Freebirds and Hogan needed Piper.

Cena vs Batista??? Triple H vs. Khali???? Come on those are snooze fests. Morrison could be the future, but only in the right program at the right time and currently creative is so busy showving Cena down people's throats that they are actually not doing the next level stuff the future needs.
The future of WWE is a difficult one to predict, the fact is there are so many guys who could be called the future and their is a near guarantee that many of them wont be, as said in the post above mine by a Mr-excitement it doesnt matter how talented you are you need your big break, you need a good character that fans can connect with.

As far as Batista and Cena being snoozefests I gotta disagree, they may be to you and thats fair enough but to many fans out there Cena vs Batista is what they've been wanting to see for years, its the Rock vs Austin of their generation and I respect that.

Their is only one man who I would risk calling the future of WWE and that is MVP, Summerslam helped prove that he went over Jeff Hardy for fucks sake. Add to that the talent this man has and the mic skills he posseses, not to mention the ability to make people love or hate him and your onto a winner. Personally I think he will be a World Champion one day and the top star of a company.
Thats true, MVP has been really impressive in the last few weeks against Jeff Hardy, I noticed just how comfortable he looks on the mic, How he ripped the microphone off of Eve and spoke straight into the camera, I thaught that was a really good promo.

One for the future that i'm tipping is Ricky Ortiz. Granted he's only had three matches and not done much in either of them, but I'm comming round to liking the guy. Its just the man himself has got a lot of charisma, especially in his backstage skits, I find them hilarious, how he's always talking about merchandise and being undefeated, when he's not even all that established, its an entertaining angle I think.
I'm definatley gonna be watching him closely, see how he develops.

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