Who will be the next 'Big Thing/Future' in the WWE?

WWE is jammed packed with future greats

Mr. Kennedy- People say he is the next Stone Cold Steve Austin, but in all truths, he is more of the next Rock. Hes great on the mic, good in the ring, is already branching into movies, and of course Cocky. The fans love him, or hate him. I just hope the injuries don't pile up too quickly.

MVP- This guy reaks of charisma. Hes good in the ring, and has many of the same qualities that Mr. Kennedy have. These two as rivals would be great. These two as partners would also be good. He is also similar to the Rock.

Shelton Benjamin- Hes good in the ring, but I don't think he will ever make it to the top. He will always be a great Midcarder, Tag team partner, or partner of a top tiered wrestler.

CM Punk- He will always be growing in the WWE. Another example of a smaller wrestler who will make it huge

Randy Orton- Already one of the greats. He is who I see the top Wrestler in the WWE in a few years. Hes already accomplished a lot, yet has so much room to grow.

Evan Bourne- He kinda reminds me of RVD. He will be over with the fans for as long as he keeps hitting the high moves. Hopefully he works on the Promos.

Priceless/DH Smith/TJ Wilson/ - These four will hopefully start a great run and carry on their lines of the great wrestling families.

Carlito/Santino- Both great wrestlers, each with a pair of Midcard title wins. Both excellenton the Mic, and both good in the Ring. I can see some titles coming their ways.
Although Kennedy is obviously on track for big things, I think Lance Cade will also be doing something big soon. Recent events make me think this is inevitable. His partner gets canned, but he stays. Then, they put him in alliance with Jericho during one of the biggest feuds is WWE right now, with Shawn Michaels. I've yet to see anything great from him, but they seem determined to do something with him.
I see four men that stand out in my mind that are going to be big in the coming years. Those are MVP, Mr. Kennedy, Ted Debiase & Cody Rhodes. Most noteably MVP and Kennedy. These two superstars have the mic skills, charisma, personality&attitude to become very big with the fans, maybe not right away or even in the next year, but i expect to see at least one of these men holding the WWE or WHC in the next probably 3-5 years. MVP plays the cocky heel extremely well, and Kennedy could easily be a top face.

In the more distant future I see Cody Rhodes and Ted Debiase leading the company. They are still very young, so they have lots of time to develop. Right now I see a young Randy Orton in both of them, more clearly Debiase. They are both developing nicely and have already main evented raw, which is at least something. They're getting mic time and learning how to work a crowd. Theyre also both 2nd generation superstars. This certainly helps them get further up in the business, which isnt always a good thing, but for these guys it is because they have the talent to back it up. I believe within the next 10 years Rhodes and Debiase will be main eventing many pay per views.
hmm i was thinking jeff hardy but he is getting old and im still unsure if he can stay off drugs so im gonna go with kenedy or morrison. both have great mic skills and awsome in ring ability and i think they could both be great
Dibiase looks very good and we'll see how he develops. I don't like Cody Rhodes at all though. He's very blah. No personality, all basic type moves. Nothing special. I mean a plain ddt as a finisher? What is this 1988? I hope to see him improve. I think alot of these young guys come up do simple arm drags and backslides and that's it. No personality and no interesting moves. Not too exciting. That's what makes Evan Bourne so refreshing. He sucks on the mic but is a hell of an athlete and has some sweet moves. More of these guys need to be creative. I like Kennedy. Think he will be a main eventer soon enough but I hate his finisher. MVP does nothing for me but I can see people being high on him.
I think everybody is forgetting about the hardys I've seen jeff's name a few times but not matt. Everbody loves him and on ECW right now he's main eventing so i wouldnt be surprised if he ends up being one of the top competitors for being "the 1"

The way i see it in the fututre here is how its gonna be:

Main Event:
-Matt Hardy
-Jeff Hardy (he was getting HUGE pop and people absolutely LOVED him back when he was getting his push)
-CM Punk
-Orton has a ton of years left
-Cena does to
-Batista might still be around
-Lance Cade
-Maybe Shelton or Elijah or even kendrick hell it could be Kozlov

-Kofi will probably be what jeff is right now
-Rhodes will be up there to
(I'm probably forgetting a few but these are mostly who will be wwe's top people)

If WWE plays their cards right and pushes everyone right and has some good gimmicks They are gonna have one hell of a good roster in the future and alot of potential title holders

For the "The 1" if he can stay out of trouble I'm going with jeff hardy
I always thught it would be Mr. Kennedy, then again I think he's the shit so I'm opinionated. He has the moveset and he's gold on the mic. The only problem is the drugs and injuries that are holding him back. He's basically Jeff Hardy. I don't know why people say MVP. The only thing I like about him is his charisma. In a few years though maybe he'll be up there with the likes of Cena, Jericho, and Batista. Kennedy if he isn't doing stupid stuff like steriods and isn't sidelined because of injuries I think he'll be goin places
First off, John Cena still has a lot of years ahead of him and he will be in the top spot carrying the company for quite a while. Secondly, there is really no one else one the roster who can step up and be a mega star. I like Mr. Kennedy hes just no where near as talented as say Austin or the rock. MVP is a good heel but his in ring is bland and dull. Simply Priceless are Simply shit, and they are used as simply filler every week on raw and they make me simply change the channel when i watch. They are both generic and boring, there is nothing special about either of them. Shelton benjamin has the charisma of a dirty napkin(but can do some sick moves) and Jeff Hardy had his chance and blew it. CM Punk is solid but not truly exceptional. He will always be number 2 or 3 and never THE top babyface. Evan Bourne will probably get over in the future becuz of his high flying moves but he wont be a top main eventer. Maybe someone who gets called up from developmental will make a serious impact but until then it is the Cena era and the company will be on his shoulders.
Folks, the idea of Kennedy becoming the "Next Mega Star" is passed. It's over. Give it up. His window is closed, and I doubt he'll break through it.

The answer to this question is Ted DiBiase Jr. He has the look, the skill, the charisma, the legacy, the genes, and the rub. Everything he needs to be an uber success. He is also coming in at the right time - he's in a tag team angle that appears to be developing slowly, and should be very long-term. There are so many possibilities with him in the 2nd Generation Superstars, and having them eventually work with Randy Orton, as is being teased, will put him over the top. Rhodes and Manu will be big, but DiBiase will be HUGE.
I got a few names.
1. The Brian Kendrick - love the new attitude and even the stupid dance he does! If WWE book him right he could be a huge star.

2. Ezekiel Jackson - He has the look, we just need to fing out if he can get it done in the ring. IMO he could be the next Diesel.

3. MVP - Let me start off by saying that he is not The Rock, and never will be. However he is good to watch and if he stays out of trouble he will be champion soon.
You thinking it's going to be HBK/Diesel all over again?

Yes, he has brighter future than Kennedy. yes, it sounds bold, but Kevin Nash is the most injury prone wrestler I've seen, yet he's wrestled more matches in the past year than Kennedy, and hes 50. Kennedys got talent, but it may never show.
This changes everyday, but right now my picks woud be:

-Ted DiBiase Jr: as many of you've said, he has the whole package: good mat skills, good mic skills, the looks, the family name, the connections. I'm really high on this guy, hopefully he can develop himself into a great heel.

-Evan Bourne:HOLY SHIT!hahaha. No, seriously: GREAT wrestling skills, I wish he could start to talk a little bit... not the next rey mysterio, more like a new and improved Jeff hardy without the drug problems (apparently)

-Kelly Kelly: WHAAAAAAAAATTTT???? hahaha, yeah, you've read it just fine.
i mean, she's what, 21? if she keeps improving like lately, she could do some greats things in the future. She has a GREAT look, everyday she gets more confidence on the mike (for those who doesnt follow house shows results: Kelly now makes Audience segments like Maria used to do the kisscams on RAW.

-Kofi: great athleticism, good charisma, not so much story telling.but definitely a big star in the making
I'm gonna say it's Evan Bourne. He's been in the WWE less than a year and he's already battled with some top names and along side top names. It's only a matter of time before he's move off of ECW and onto a top brand.

I also think Koslov has a bright future ahead of him.
It's not going to be Kennedy. He is so overated by the internet community it's sickening. The dude sucks. Everything about him sucks. The only people that actually react to him are internet message board types. The actual wrestling crowds give him the reaction of, well, silence. That really kills his "next big thing" potential.

It's not going to be Jeff Hardy. He's got "next big thing" potential all over him, but I don't think he'll be around long enough to realize it. I'm not saying he's going to flunk another drug test, because I doubt Vince will test him again anytime soon, but I'm talking about some kind of serious injury that ends his career. He takes waaaay too many risks, and one of the huge Swanton Bombs off of something big is going to break his neck or back. Then he'll have to retire.

I doubt it'll be MVP. He's pretty good, but he's also pretty bland. I don't see him being able to carry the company as a top champion.

I doubt it'll be either of Priceless or Manu. They are a stable, and they seemingly always will be one. That makes it hard for any one of them to be the "next big thing". The are also extremely overated by the internet community. The only reason they are any sort of over is their last names. If you took their upbringing away, Manu would just be some fat, ugly heel (see Rikishi or Umaga. Where are those dudes again?) and Priceless would be Jindrak and O'Haire (and they're SOOO over... right).

I doubt it'll be Evan Bourne, see Jeff Hardy, without the risk of drug problems.

So I guess that means the "next big thing" will be...


We'll be stuck watching the same 5 or 10 craptastic retreads pass the belt back and forth between them for the next ten years while every guy who has "next big thing" potential gets frustrated and quits and goes to TNA or MMA...
i would of said mvp at like armageddon last year. but i have changed my mind to

hardcore kennedy. why?
because he is great on the mic, has decent in-ring skills and yet hasn't done much wrong ( i said much ok). he has had some pretty good matches. to naem a few, like gainst the undertaker,matt hardy cant remember much more . but he is probably in the top five for best on the mic. i can see a future for him. i can see 3 world title reigns in the next 2 years.
i would of said mvp at like armageddon last year. but i have changed my mind to

hardcore kennedy.

I'm asuming you mean Mr Kennedy. What has Kennedy done lately? They've given up on Kennedy, ok? He's not the future anymore.

because he is great on the mic, has decent in-ring skills and yet hasn't done much wrong ( i said much ok).

Well he is great on the mic, I can't argue with that. His in-ring skills are not that great, plus his finisher is crap. He needs a new finisher. And that one little charge doesn't really mean much.

he has had some pretty good matches. to naem a few, like gainst the undertaker,matt hardy cant remember much more .

He wrestled Matt Hardy? Cause I can't remember that at all. The only matches I remember are the Last Ride and First Blood matches with Taker, and to be honest I didn't think they were that good. And also, you can't remember any more because there isn't anything else to remember.

but he is probably in the top five for best on the mic. i can see a future for him. i can see 3 world title reigns in the next 2 years

Well I said hes good on the mic. 3 world title reigns in 2 years? Yeah right. He'll be lucky if he gets a mid card title. Whenever he's about to catch a break, he gets injured or suspended. He's not the future anymore.
I'm asuming you mean Mr Kennedy. What has Kennedy done lately? They've given up on Kennedy, ok? He's not the future anymore..

yes i did mean mr.kennedy. ha ha

Well he is great on the mic, I can't argue with that. His in-ring skills are not that great, plus his finisher is crap. He needs a new finisher. And that one little charge doesn't really mean much..
well his finisher is kinda shit , he stole it from me tho. and i didn't say the charge meant much i meant he wont effect him

He wrestled Matt Hardy? Cause I can't remember that at all. The only matches I remember are the Last Ride and First Blood matches with Taker, and to be honest I didn't think they were that good. And also, you can't remember any more because there isn't anything else to remember..
wow u cant remember that smackdown match he had last year. man i loved it. when ever i watch the hardys dvd i watch that match

Well I said hes good on the mic. 3 world title reigns in 2 years? Yeah right. He'll be lucky if he gets a mid card title. Whenever he's about to catch a break, he gets injured or suspended. He's not the future anymore.

mm the only reason he isn't getting main event shots now is because he is getting injured. once he rests for awhile show's his talent again and shines he will defently become a world champ
mm the only reason he isn't getting main event shots now is because he is getting injured. once he rests for awhile show's his talent again and shines he will defently become a world champ
Kennedy's been given his chance already. One time he got injured, it wasn't his fault. The other time he fucked up with drugs, let somebody else go. They've already got a lot of future potential anyway.

I say that the future will be Ted Dibiase. He has the look, he's not bad on the mic, he can work the crowd to an extent, he's a good wrestler, he's got his history on his side and he's getting pushed and doing a good job with it. Give him a couple of years and he'll be world champion, he has it in him.

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