Todays WWE Releases

DREW MCINTYRE I have never really seen the appeal personally and with there being so many great UK wrestlers currently on the roster, It was only a matter of time before Drew got cut.

JINDER MAHAL While I don't think Jinder would have ever been anything other then a Mid Carder at best. I am surprised that WWE decided to release him instead of The Great Khali, who has little to no tallent to speak off.

AKSANA I have never really been a fan of the Divas Division, So don't really spend much time watching it, But from the little that I have seen, it is easy to tell that Akasna was lacking in in ring abilitie and is no surprise to me that she has been released.

CURT HAWKINS I was always hoping WWE would get there act together and put Hawkins and Ryder back Together, But I'm sad to say it never happen and while It will be Sad to see him go. I'm sure Hawkins will get a Shot with somebody like TNA or ROH where his wrestling Skills will be far better suited.

EVAN BOURNE Bourne is a fantastic in ring tallent and i'm sure we will see him on the indy scene again at some point, But after a couple of failed drugs test he has only himself to blame and if it was not for his car accident, I imagine WWE might have released him quite a while ago.

CAMACHO The second Hunico was given the Sin Cara Gig, Camachos days in WWE really have been numbered and with all the tallent currently coming through, I am in no way surprised to see his name on the list.

TEDDY LONG WWE really have had nothing for the guy to do in quite a while now and with guys like Hayman, Zeb and Booker T all on the roster, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

YOSHI TATSU I quite enjoyed the Character when he first debuted, but his inability to speak English really does hinder the guy when it comes to communicating with the other Wrestlers and limits what you can do with him storyline wise.

BRODUS CLAY For me this is the biggest surprise of the lot. Sure Brodus was never going to be the Grestest wrestler world, but given time Brodus could have improved quite a bit and with Big Show and Mark Henry coming to the end of there careers. I'm shocked WWE choose to let him go and did not at least send the guy back to NXT for repackaging.
Except that they did send Brodus Clay back to NXT to help build him as a ruthless heel, and he was so slow and average that people like you forget his second super-short NXT run ever happened. He even had a title shot.
Bourne is gone?? NO!

Okay, that's done. In retrospect, McIntyre dropped the ball when he was "the Chosen One", especially during his feud with Matt Hardy and then his "love interest" in Kelly Kelly. (flirting in front of the current wife= bad idea)

Drew is an incredible wrestler, but his gimmicking has been going downhill. He hasn't been given the mic often enough to have a rep of decent promos, and he no longer yanks out decent wrestling moves during the matches he gets. Now, I could've understood the WWE taking him out of 3MB and having him go back to NXT or his own storyline, maybe. That however doesn't deter that I am not hugely surprised at his release. WWE has a rep of taking good wrestlers, using them for a bit then making them do something stupid until no one cares. (I. E. Lord Tenzai, Kaval anyone?)

All the same, he was my first heel, and I will miss him. Good luck to Drew in the future, and may the wrestling Gods have mercy on your career.
Many people who only followed him through WWE will say TNA, he's been there and he's noted that he didn't really enjoy it but never say never.
Where he really shined was Japan. Why? He has the style(highflying, striking, technical wrestling). He could put on a great tag team matches, and have dream matches with the likes of Kota Ibushi.
He spent 6 years under contract, June 3rd 2008 was his first match and March 28th 2013 was his last match with WWE, but although only winning the tag team championships these are his accomplishments:
1. was able to wrestle some of his favorite wrestlers-Matt Hardy, Chavo, Nunzio, Rey Mysterio, Jericho
2. was able to tag team with his favorite wrestler/childhood icon Rey Mysterio
3. beat THREE former world champions: Jericho and Jack Swagger and technically Dolph Ziggler( defeated him in a 6 man tag match at Survivor series with his finisher)
4. trained boxer Floyd Maywether for his mania match with big show
5. Got to main event with John Cena and be in the upper midcard with Edge, Sheamus, Jericho and Orton in 2010
6. at OVW he won the world championship there
7. Bret Hart, John Cena and Mick Foley have all spoken positively about him.
8. he's the only one of the 10 people who got released that main evented with the face of WWE( john cena) and worked a program/beat the first undisputed WWE champion
9. he and Kofi Kingston were the ones to start the rebuild of the tag division before Team Hell No
10. he has had a 14 year career, 6 spent in WWE and he's only 30 years old
14 year career and only 30? Now ask yourself how healthy he has been the last couple years. The older he gets I can't see it getting better. I guess those are good personal accomplishments but for most part I would argue his stint in WWE was mediocre apart from his brief tag team run with Kofi Kingston.
Lots of future endeavoring here. Some I'll miss. Some I will not.

Drew McIntyre
This is sad news. With the exception of Sally, I was probably the biggest Drew mark on the forum. I loved his Chosen One angle and he truly had everything it took to make it to the top. He should have held the big gold belt at least once or twice, but things were never the same again after the argument he had with his then-wife, who was a diva at the time. I had hoped he could at least see a little more success with Slater, but it is what it is. I'll miss Drew and wish him the best. Learn from his mistake guys, it's best to not date co-workers. I'm 100% convinced that the incident with his ex-wife is what cost him his push.

Jinder Mahal
He sucked and should never even have been in 3MB. Good riddance.

She sucked and I have no idea how she lasted as long as she did. So long!

Curt Hawkins
I liked him when he was teaming with Ryder as well as the Gatecrashers team he had with Archer. A gimmick change and or a reunion with Ryder would have been good for him. He had potential, too bad he will end up being remembered most for his time as one of Edge's clones.

Evan Bourne
Part of me will miss him, but part of me will not. I loved Air Boom. They could have been the focal point of the tag team division for a long time, but that ship has sailed. As exciting as he was in the ring at times, he had his fair share of bakstage issues. A certain NXT Champion has a more exciting finisher and brings more to the table overall. I hate to say it, but they didn't need Bourne anymore.

He was awful and will not be missed.

Teddy Long
He had a great run as GM but overstayed his welcome a little bit. Stephanie and Trips can make tag team matches on Smackdown easily, there really was no reason to keep him around when he lost his GM position in the first place. He became irrelevant, and even as GM he mostly just booked tag team matches. Liked him, but this release makes some sense.

Yoshi Tatsu
Why would he get released? He could have been a jobber or even an NXT jobber. Oh well.

Brodus Clay
If he was not going to be the Funkasaurus again, then this was for the best. He went from having a cool and funny gimmick to being a boring generic monster. Brodus and Tensai could have won the Tag Team Championship for a fun little run with the belts. The Brodus we saw in NXT challenging for the NXT Championship was HORRIBLE. When I saw that change take place, I had a feeling he was not going to be around long.

So they finally fired him huh? I forgot on countless occassions that he even had a job in WWE anymore.

Marc Harris
Who? A ref apparently. Sucks for him to lose this job, but I really have nothing to say about him. I pay little attention to the refs and know very few of their names thus I have no clue who this is.
This is sad news. With the exception of Sally, I was probably the biggest Drew mark on the forum.

.....and I think I might have gotten more condolence messages than Drew did himself.


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