Who should be Suicide?


Pre-Show Stalwart
After reading on the main page that Kaz will only be wrestling as himself on TV now (which is a pretty good thing, he wasn't the perfect fit for the gimmick in the 1st place) and that TNA will most likely keep the Suicide gimmick and give it someone else it got me thinking who should play the next Suicide?

I know not many people are fans of Suicide which ironically I think is all down to it being attached to a crappy game that was released ages before the wrestler's debut. But anyway back to the point :) Off the top of my head I can't think of a six foot-ish cruiserweight style wrestler on TNA's roster who could fill the shoes well enough and if there is one, he's well established already and the Suicide gimmick would be detrimental to them.

Still though, I think it would be a good gimmick to give a new signing with a lot of skill but little charisma. Any of the faithfull out there got any good ideas of who could pull the gimmick off well? TNA or otherwise.

Thanks for reading :)
I was saying in another thread that Suicide should be used for someone with talent but who isn't doing anything important. Essentially the character should be used as a reboot of sorts, allowing creative to come up with something for the wrestler playing him while giving the guy something to do.

Since Suicide was in the X-Division he should be played by someone from there, Jay Lethal comes to mind, he has a fair bit of talent hasn't done anything noteworthy in ages and his current gimmick is stale.
Jay Lethal is a good one. He is the consumate X division wrestler and he looks to be on the verge of being headed out of TNA. He could ditch the Creed baggage he carries and get the X-Division firing again.

Although it isn't going to happen seeing as he is RoH champion, but Tyler Black would be my choice, quality worker but not so hot on the mic.
I was immediately thinking Kiyoshi when i read this but i think since they aren't doing anything with Daniels except making him lose to everyone. Maybe they could let Daniels be Suicide for awhile until they come up with something for him and then Kiyoshi could pick up where Daniels left of as Suicide.
MCharisma i was actually thinking shannon moore but he isnt really "suicidal" when i think of somoene who could pull it off great if they could stay away from some drugs for awhile Jeff Hardy I mean come on Jeff can do some death defying shit but hes been looking like a washup since he cant stay off drugs this is an oppertunity to cover his ugliness and make something amazing so what he wont be world champ but he can win the xtitle and make the xdivision enjoyable

we all know xdivision will never be like it use to be with Styles Joe Sabin and Lynn
I'm going to have to go with Spanky (Brian Kendrick). He has the energy that is needed for the Suicide character. A very great high flyer. Also i honestly don't see TNA doing anything really special with Kendrick so i think they should fill the role with him.
Report: Update on TNA's Frankie Kazarian & Suicide...Worst title for an article EVER...

Kendrick would be a great Suicide but he's not near as big as Kaz so I'm sure people could easily see it wasn't the same person. I think they should just get rid of Suicide altogether much like they did with Curry Man. There really is no point since he was just a character from a video game that was a complete flop.
Well Shannon Moore is now in TNA. He is not the MOST talented, but lets go through a rundown of what he has done. He started strong by hanging off of Jeff Hardy on the Live show. After that he... Hmm, well, lets just say he has been Shannon Moore. If SHannon Moore is given the character, he better enjoy it, because it is the best thing that the guy could get. Knowing that, I am sure he would appreciate it.
To be quite honest, nobody should be Suicide right now, and there are various reasons for it.
1) It is a ridicolous gimmick to begin with, a character from a video game ? Robocop and Chucky anyone ?
2) In order to portray Suicide a worker has to actually lay down his current gimmick, so they need someone that is not needed at all right now, but who would that be right now ? Shannon Moore could be an option, but he would be better off with his current gimmick.
3) It´s a character from a video game, that is not over. Nobody would care if there was no Suicide.
The reports coming from the Observer right now are that Kiyoshi is set to take over the role of Suicide. Doesn't exactly thrill me as I've seen very little of Kiyoshi's work and really could care less about how he's used. If he's decent in the ring this could be a good move, giving a guy who's good in the ring a character that's already over. But if he's not good in the ring, this is just a waste in my opinion. Suicide should be played only by a great X-Division wrestler, like Kaz and Daniels. Throw in Shannon Moore like someone said earlier, or shit throw in Amazing Red it's not like he's doing anything with his title run anyways right now.
Daniels or Moore,I say Daniels because he aint doing crap right now he is just Jobbing to the Pope and Jordan.Daniels was doing a great job while he was playing as suicide,He actually did a way better job then Kaz.I also say shannon because he just sign with TNA and shannon is not very talented maybe suit him up for a bit until Jeff goes with the company and maybe have a little feud and at last Jeff unmaskeds suicide and Shannon his best friend will be the one under that suit.
In my opinion they should have continued the storyline of Homicide knowing who Suicide was.

Leading it to be revealed as Kaz, and for Kaz to then drop the gimmick forever.

I don't think having someone else in the costume will work as the sudden change could be easily spotted depending on who they choose.
I'd say pulling a swerve on the suicide character to get someone back into TNA and get rid of the character. That person being Petey Williams. While it isn't a great fit for him to be suicide, I'd like to see Petey back. He could "play" Suicide for a few weeks with the standard moves but then all of a sudden pull out a Canadian Destroyer to which the crowd pops huge and knows instantly who it is. He rips off the mask and asks for a mic. He then cuts a promo how he's been wanting to get back into TNA but can't do it this way anymore. He used to hang with Scott Steiner and now all they have for him is to dress up like a stupid clown from a video game. He's tired of it and Little Petey Pump isn't going to put up with it any longer. He's going to run through the X division and nobody will stop him. At this point Eric Bischoff's music hits and he comes out to "explain" to Petey that a few things have changed since he left and Eric is in charge now. Petey will have to prove himself and he can do it tonight against......

Anyway, it does several things. It gets Petey back with a huge pop from the crowd. It has the element of surprise. It gets rid of the stupid gimmick for good. And it instantly puts Petey in the spotlight upon his return.
Since the question was " Who should play the role of Suicide?", rather then "Do you like the character or not?", Ill play along. Although for the record, it's one of the worst gimmicks in TNA history.

I read something in the Observer about Kiyoshi playing the gimmick. To me, he's the wrong choice. To me, the right decision here would be Daniels. The guy already has a history with Suicide, as the Guns and LethalConsequences were convinced he was Suicide, only for he and Suicide to appear together in the same ring, and even square off for the x-division title. He would fly under the radar if more attempts are made to find out who he is, as he would seemingly be beyond suspicion.

Another reason I think he should be Suicide is it would give the man something to do. Since the Hogan/Bischoff era started, he hasn't done anything, other then job to Sean effin Morley, lose to Angle in a minute and a half, and only appear on tv every other week. This is a man, mind you, that main evented the last two friggin PPV's of 2009. And now he's jobbing to has been's, or in a minute and a half? Having him play Suicide could at least give him something of a purpose.

The other reason is it I feel he'ld be a better fit for the suit then Kaz ever was. Reason is? He's smaller. The suit is cumbersome as is. It is even moreso on a guy with a bigger frame like Kaz. Daniels is very slight and could make the suit seem far less restrictive then Kaz ever did. Maybe he could actually salvage the gimmick. Then again, I doubt it.
No one, because the gimmick has no pay-off, therefore it has no long-term springboard value to anyone with the misfortune of actually playing him. He's a directionless cartoonish-like figure who IMO is well out of his element in that the current story line style of TNA simply isn't designed to accommodate a "masked" avenger in the comic book vein. That kind of booking was what was being done in the 90's prior to the WCW uprising.

Yes, using the Suicide character on a guy like insert roster star who's had very little to no TV time in the last three months here would help him get back on TV, but unless a reveal is in the plans, it doesn't do anything for said wrestler.
Well Shannon Moore is now in TNA. He is not the MOST talented, but lets go through a rundown of what he has done. He started strong by hanging off of Jeff Hardy on the Live show. After that he... Hmm, well, lets just say he has been Shannon Moore. If SHannon Moore is given the character, he better enjoy it, because it is the best thing that the guy could get. Knowing that, I am sure he would appreciate it.

Given my point before I could give it myself. Since Shannon has had next to no air time in TNA (most people have forgotten he was even on the January 4 broadcast) he seems like a perfect fit. Sure there are other possibilities but why not give it to Shannon? Otherwise I doubt he would have much at all to do except be an associate of Jeff Hardy or something.
Im just throwin it out there- seeing what sticks. I have two options: Both starting with someone/anyone (I guess Kiyoshi) playing Suicide- for now.

1. If J.Hardy ever becomes 'officially TNA' --I would throw him into the Suicide gimmick. Start the fued with Homicide back up, saying Homicide is finally gonna unmask him. Homicide never gets to do it. but after a 'epic battle' at a PPV- Suicide decides that its time to unmask himself & show everyone who he is. The point would be for Jeff to admit hes been Suicide the whole time, even when he was in WWE. He knew "the place to be" was TNA, but vince wouldnt let him out of contract. So Jeff created Suicide. He would say he knew Dixie Carter would never take him(jeff) out of respect to his WWE contract. so Jeff told no-one that he was Suicide.

Some might say Jeff commited career 'suicide' by turning his back on Vince FOR REAL, by joining TNA on Jan 4th. Whenever Jeff goes up on the ropes before matches to 'pose' for the fans- doesnt he basically look like hes pointing a gun to his head??



even in real life

Now Suicide:
interesting NO?

Hardy proclaims that Suicide was the only way for him to get from WWE to TNA(the best wrestling promotion in the world) without getting sued for doing it. Or something along those lines. Obviously we know that Hardy hasnt really been wrestling in both WWE & TNA this whole time- But why not? Its wrestling- anything can work if you do it right! I dont even like Jeff Hardy- but I love this idea. Of course its all dependent on Hardys legal issues.

2. Id be using Homicide in the same was as my Hardy idea- except this time its Rob Van Dam as Suicide. He could also use the proclimation that hes been Suicide the whole time- even tho we know he hasnt. I obviously would NOT keep RVD as Suicide. So the character of Suicide would be no longer existant(same as the hardy idea). I dont have a back-story for the RVD idea. Im sure something can be made up easily.

When I thought about these 2 guys as ideas for being "Suicide"- at first I liked the idea of RVD better- just cuz I like RVD much more then Jeff. But once I started typing, the idea quickly shifted to Hardy being my number one choice. I think the idea just fits together too perfectly. Obviously RVD & Hardy do not have the same body type, so whoever is going to play the role of Suicide until Hardys legal issues are solved or RVD is signed- THAT persons body needs to resemble the person that would be replacing him, obviously.

DAMN! I typed alot for this one. Sorry its so long guys. I just ran with the Hardy idea & I think its funny, cuz im really not a fan of the guy. But I do respect what hes willing to do to entertain the fans of the business. SO- what do you think gents??
Shark Boy should be doing the job here. Although I find the "stone cold" shark boy HIGHLY entertaining (a lot more so than Lethal's Macho Man), where the hell has he been? ...he hasn't been on TV in a while now. He would do a great job imo, and give the loyal guy a way to get back on TV.
Im just throwin it out there- seeing what sticks. I have two options: Both starting with someone/anyone (I guess Kiyoshi) playing Suicide- for now.

1. If J.Hardy ever becomes 'officially TNA' --I would throw him into the Suicide gimmick. Start the fued with Homicide back up, saying Homicide is finally gonna unmask him. Homicide never gets to do it. but after a 'epic battle' at a PPV- Suicide decides that its time to unmask himself & show everyone who he is. The point would be for Jeff to admit hes been Suicide the whole time, even when he was in WWE. He knew "the place to be" was TNA, but vince wouldnt let him out of contract. So Jeff created Suicide. He would say he knew Dixie Carter would never take him(jeff) out of respect to his WWE contract. so Jeff told no-one that he was Suicide.

Some might say Jeff commited career 'suicide' by turning his back on Vince FOR REAL, by joining TNA on Jan 4th. Whenever Jeff goes up on the ropes before matches to 'pose' for the fans- doesnt he basically look like hes pointing a gun to his head??



even in real life

Now Suicide:
interesting NO?

Hardy proclaims that Suicide was the only way for him to get from WWE to TNA(the best wrestling promotion in the world) without getting sued for doing it. Or something along those lines. Obviously we know that Hardy hasnt really been wrestling in both WWE & TNA this whole time- But why not? Its wrestling- anything can work if you do it right! I dont even like Jeff Hardy- but I love this idea. Of course its all dependent on Hardys legal issues.

2. Id be using Homicide in the same was as my Hardy idea- except this time its Rob Van Dam as Suicide. He could also use the proclimation that hes been Suicide the whole time- even tho we know he hasnt. I obviously would NOT keep RVD as Suicide. So the character of Suicide would be no longer existant(same as the hardy idea). I dont have a back-story for the RVD idea. Im sure something can be made up easily.

When I thought about these 2 guys as ideas for being "Suicide"- at first I liked the idea of RVD better- just cuz I like RVD much more then Jeff. But once I started typing, the idea quickly shifted to Hardy being my number one choice. I think the idea just fits together too perfectly. Obviously RVD & Hardy do not have the same body type, so whoever is going to play the role of Suicide until Hardys legal issues are solved or RVD is signed- THAT persons body needs to resemble the person that would be replacing him, obviously.

DAMN! I typed alot for this one. Sorry its so long guys. I just ran with the Hardy idea & I think its funny, cuz im really not a fan of the guy. But I do respect what hes willing to do to entertain the fans of the business. SO- what do you think gents??

Wow, that was quite a read. However, I think I would agree with Jeff Hardy taking the Suicide character. I'm not entirely sure if TNA has completely dropped the storyline where Homicide was trying to expose Suicide's identity but it would make sense. On Jan 4, we all so what happened between Hardy and Homicide so we know that there's bad blood between these two. Homicide unmasks Hardy which would re-ignite the feud that the seeds were planted for on Jan 4. It would be genius. Homicide gets a rub from feuding with Hardy and is given relevance which I would like to see considering I'm a fan of his.

Of course, TNA could always just give the role to an X Division wrestler who hasn't been seen for some time like Jay Lethal. Posters earlier have also pointed out Kiyoshi getting the role. He hasn't been on TV much lately but from what I've seen from him, I haven't been very impressed but whatever. I think Jay Lethal would fit the role better but that's just me.
I see huge potential with the Suicide character as a heel. Just imagine him enforcing himself to "protect" the fans. A contrast to what CM Punk is doing. Think about it. Suicide vs Jeff Hardy with Suicide forcing on Jeff's drug problems and them being a bad influence.

As for the role of Suicide, I think it should be somebody with good mic skill if its to fit what I mentioned above. Daniels has played the character before and he can really use an overhaul. Giving him the gimmick can easily mask his age.
I am actually a fan of the suicide character just because he is completely covered and it is so ambiguous as it could be anyone in the suit (we all know who it is and has been). The name "suicide" is an unfortunate name and really can't be promoted because of the negative connotations behind it. But as far as a character it is pretty interesting and all the guys who have played him are extremely talented guys.

As far as who should be in the suit....

"News" sites have reported it to be Kyoshi as the front-runner of sorts. He would be fine and would bring a little bit of the "muta" style to the character plus he could execute all the moves suicide does.

Moneymack from above had a great and well thought out idea for Jeff Hardy to be the man in the suit which would work if executed quickly. BTW GREAT JOB ON THAT POST!

Daniels would be the most logical choice as he does not do anything but job anyways and fits in the suit well and would at least get him a pay day and on tv some more.

Above someone said Petey Williams this would be great BUT Petey is not anywhere near tall enough. All the wrestlers who have played the part have been at least 5'10" to 6'0" tall and Petey is a very generous 5'7" at best.

My idea would be to have some sort of completion to fill the suit. TNA could invite independent wrestlers to try out for the "privalidge" to portray "Suicide" on TNA TV and on house shows.

TNA could make up some sort of story where for two or three weeks "suicide" is not seen and every week we see the suit hanging in the back but no one comes back for it. TNA seeing this says that they have invested millions in the character of Suicide says that they are going to have open try outs at the impact zone and invite some indy guys and some former wwe developmental talent to try out to portray "suicide".

This would work two fold as it would help TNA fill the "suicide" position and would give them a chance to up close and personal see some of these guys that could help the company.

It is no where near a perfect plan but that is all my small mind could come up with!
One of the problems with the character is it is very limited in size to be in the suit cause TNA has already shown "suicide" to be right around 6 foot tall and could not have someone play him who is under 5'8" or over 6'2".
I really hate the character.
The costume must be unbearably hot, and hard to breathe inside, but more importantly I do not think it looks mysterious and menacing - more just silly.
The fact that it was devised to be a character out of the video game also takes away any credibility, imho.
I would much rather see Kaz as Kaz and Daniels as Daniels, doing what they do best without being impeded by a ridiculous jumpsuit!
They should have had Suicide being unmasked with Kaz inside, which would both explain his absence, rather than just having him randomly appear back in a 6 man tag match up, and put an end to the gimmick.
I would personally like to see someone from outside of the current roster play Suicide, if TNA does decide to continue the gimmick. The man that comes to mind is Kazarian's former partner Matt Bentley. Both Kaz and Bentley share a similar style in the ring so it would look as if the character hadn't changed performers. Both are about the same size as well, which is very important if they do intend on continuing Suicide. Not to mention I still believe Matt Bentley is a very solid performer.
Considering this is a home grown TNA product character, why not just have a number of people don the mask and costume. Black Scorpian Anyone?

I don't want them to kill off Suicide as he has become somewhat of a TNA maintstay, you just expect him to be there. But I do think they should give him that sorta strong push he had when he started. Not losing often and even another run with the X-Division title.

So in saying that, It should be a rotating thing not just one person playing the character.

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