Christopher Daniels Returning to TNA (as Suicide)

And when is his ROH contract gonna expire ?

I think Daniels should immediatly be put in this TNA vs Hogan & Bischoff storyline, cause he got fired because of them and he had to job to Val Venis, just 3 weeks before Venis was released!

Now bring back Sonjay Dutt (guru heel gimmick), Johnny Devine (as Bully Ray accompagnion, you know, that little guy that every bully has with him and approves everything he does), Petey Williams (canadian Destroyer), Low Ki (Triple X), Homicide (LA fucking X).

Sonjay is overrated, his gimmick was lackluster. He could come back but I personally wouldn't. Johnny retired from wrestling to go back to school.

Petey Williams deserves to return without a doubt. He had a great look and wrestling ability that could have turned him into a star.

Low Ki aka Kaval will probably re-sign before July. Homicide is just overrated. He is not gonna get anywhere, I think Hernandez just needs a new partner.

TJ Perkins is probably going to get signed.
Suicide is ambiguity for ambiguity's sake and not an ounce of anything more. He's "dark" because someone felt like making him dark, he's called Suicide because someone felt like calling him Suicide, he wears a mask because someone felt like having him wear a mask, he comes out to smoke because someone felt he should come out to smoke, etc. etc. There isn't a combination of two aspects of his existence that make sense together, let alone all of them.

Uhm, you just described most "Gimmick" wrestlers. Kane, Mankind, Doink The Clown, Axe and Smash, The Brooklyn Brawler, Hulk Hogan, Abyss, Hillbilly Jim, The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, IRS, Papa Shango, Hell, even The almighty Undertaker is the same thing other than that they were based off of a video game. They are what they are because someone in creative Control made them that way, so Suicide sucks on the front that he's just like every other Character Wrestler? The magic is when said character transcends said original plans and honestly, the Suicide character never really had a chance for that due to the ties to the game. Undertaker is a great example of growing into the character and making it better than originally intended and going beyond the idea. Not saying that it will happen with Suicide, and surely not on the same level as Undertaker, but give it time. Perhaps TNA can repackage the character a bit and make him more interesting. If they allow Daniels to do something with the character like he was able to do with Curry Man, it might work out as Daniels is that talented ofg a performer. If it doesn't work out, to add depth, when his Ring of Honor contract is up they can finally unmask Suicide and reveal he is The Fallen Angel. It's a win/win here folks.
Uhm, you just described most "Gimmick" wrestlers. Kane, Mankind, Doink The Clown, Axe and Smash, The Brooklyn Brawler, Hulk Hogan, Abyss, Hillbilly Jim, The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, IRS, Papa Shango, Hell, even The almighty Undertaker is the same thing other than that they were based off of a video game. They are what they are because someone in creative Control made them that way, so Suicide sucks on the front that he's just like every other Character Wrestler? The magic is when said character transcends said original plans and honestly, the Suicide character never really had a chance for that due to the ties to the game. Undertaker is a great example of growing into the character and making it better than originally intended and going beyond the idea. Not saying that it will happen with Suicide, and surely not on the same level as Undertaker, but give it time. Perhaps TNA can repackage the character a bit and make him more interesting. If they allow Daniels to do something with the character like he was able to do with Curry Man, it might work out as Daniels is that talented ofg a performer. If it doesn't work out, to add depth, when his Ring of Honor contract is up they can finally unmask Suicide and reveal he is The Fallen Angel. It's a win/win here folks.

No, Suicide never worked because his name is fuckin' Suicide. The act of taking one's own life. What does that have anything to do with being a "dark savior"?

Undertaker was an undertaker. Kane was based entirely around "fire and brimstone". Papa Shango was a witch doctor. Million Dollar Man was a million dollar man. Doink was a clown. The Brooklyn Brawler was a brawler from Brooklyn, etc. etc. Hell, even Curry man was a man with a plate of curry on his head. It made sense, albeit still being ******ed.

See the difference?

If the "front" of a character sucks, the character sucks. You have to believe what you see, or at least be capable of suspending your disbelief to accept what they're portraying. I see nothing of value in a character named after the act of taking one's own life who enters the ring out of smoke, wears a Spider-man outfit and parades as as "dark savior" who never actually saves anyone. Can you explain that one to me, because for the life of me I can't grasp the logic here...

Suicide is and was a failure; an epic failure, in fact, and that's before I even incorporate the fact that he was based off a terrible failure of a video game.

Oh, and revealing Suicide as Daniels is equally as ******ed seeing as they did an entire angle based on this where "Suicide" came to help Daniels in the same ring, thus "proving" he wasn't in fact Daniels.

Care to try again here, son?

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