Christopher Daniels Released

I don't think TNA will be TOO badly affected by Daniels leaving the company. It is a shame that he left though because despite his age (in his late 30's) he has been able to pull off amazing matches with both Main Eventers and the X Division. Had he not left, I think he would've been good talent enhancement and a great asset to the X Division.

What baffles me is that Daniels was a Main Eventer literally just months ago only to get a full release not long afterward. I'm curious what TNA was thinking in giving guys like the Nasty Boys more airtime while leaving Daniels off TV for a long time. The company never even gave any hints of him returning or even so much as a face turn which made his release painfully predictable IMO.

The fact of the matter is that TNA's roster is so bloated that obviously every talent won't be utilized to the fullest extent especially considering the fact that TNA has no secondary shows (besides their Webmatches). If there was a secondary show, perhaps Daniels wouldn't have been released and maybe others wouldn't have to be released as well. But in the long run, this may benefit TNA as they try to cut costs.
when I found out about this, i was completly shocked, Daniels has done so much for the company , and had some really memorable matches with the the likes of Aj Styles and Samoa Joe, and TNA missed a huge opportunity with Daniels vs hardy vs RVD, or even one-on-one with those two, while I may not have liked Daniels all that much, I respected him as a competitor, and he will be missed in TNA:disappointed:
This obviously sucks, Daniels is a great wrestler. In my opinion he's every bit as good as AJ Styles, not quite the high flyer Styles is but he's a better talker. He's the kind of guy TNA needs to hold onto, guys that aren't going to go anywhere in WWE for whatever reason but still have tons of talent and can pretty much do it all. Meanwhile, Shannon Moore is now wrestling for the X-dvision title while Daniels is released. Ugh, politics.
That's a damn shame. Sure he's not a main event personality, but he's a great wrestler, can work with anyone big or small and can be thrown pretty much anywhere on the card and work wonders. He's a solid backbone of the company and there was no reason to let him go.
Yeah, it was disappointing for me too. I really enjoyed watching his matches, like those with AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Elix Skipper, and such. He was such a great athlete and I blame the creators/storyline writers for not using him right. Word has it that the X-Division is for young stars… Shannon Moore ain’t that young! He’s been around hasn’t he? Like say WCW and WWE?

If I was a writer, and there were no plans for Daniels becoming a champion or winning a match, I get him to sell a match with any opponent, and help push them if that’s possible.

There are other people who aren’t doing much, if anything besides drinking coffee, and they’re still on the roster. Shark Boy (just get in a ring, give somebody a chummer, leave, like Stone Cold does nowadays lol), Raven (Must, MUST get him to do something hardcore), Stevie Richards (bWo, anybody? Bring some comedy back), Rhino (Great performer. I wonder if he’s taking time off), etc. Someone please get them to do something.

Hey! TNA should put him in the Suicide suit or bring back Curry Man! *Gets shot* What?

Final thought: TNA firing Daniels, big mistake. He is a brilliant talent and I wish him all the best.

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