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Who would make for a good Raw Social Media Ambassador?

CM Steel

A REAL American
For awhile now in the WWE on RAW the E has a celeb for a Raw Social Media Ambassador. And there were good review's about Charlie Sheen being a Raw Social Media Ambassador during the 1,000 episode of RAW. But the review's about Khloe Kardashian being the Raw Social Media Ambassador were not so good.

So after a few short years ago with the celeb "guest host" on almost a weekly basis. Who would make for a good Raw Social Media Ambassador for the WWE?
This might sound kind of crazy and i highly doubt the WWE would go for it considering his past and the controversy it could create but i think Chris Brown would be a smart choice. Let me explain, Chris Brown is a very successful artist. He has a large fan/follower base on Twitter. That is the simple way of looking at it. But they could also capitalize on the confrontation between Chris Brown and CM Punk. They could have Chris Brown bad mouth Punk all night leading to Punk cutting a promo on Chris Brown demanding respect and inviting him to have a match. If they wanted to take it to the next level maybe have Chris Brown cost Punk a match. I doubt they would allow him to actually make an appearance but he could show up on the Titantron and distract Punk or something. Allow Punk and Brown to continue their feud on Twitter and get people talking and tweeting again.
Or we could NOT use Chris Brown because he's a piece of shit and shouldn't be getting anymore publicity.

Now back to the topic. As much as I don't like Ryan Seacrest, he's untouchable when it comes to social media popularity. If the WWE were smart, they'd reach out to him.
Anyone who is in the public eye would be good. Face facts, the social media stuff isn't to enhance the experience of the die-hards, it is there to get the word out to the casuals. They see a celebrity tweet something like, "Daniel Bryan needs anger management and a razor #WWE" they will be intrigued by it and want to see what they are talking about. Its just another form of advertising
For the "die hard" fans Iron Sheik would be awesome. I would love to see Michael Cole's face when he had to read the "Tweets". Now on a business standpoint, WWE has a lot of good people to reach out to.

Chael Sonnen would be an awesome add for instance, he is into pro-wrestling and he is good friends with CM Punk, and also people who watch MMA and follow him could very well tune into Raw. Other guy that I thought was Shane McMahon, but aside from wrestling he isn't very well known. Justin Bieber would never accept it I believe even he knows he would be boo'ed out of the building just by a simple tweet.

Bring Hugh Jackman again he is awesome.
Or we could NOT use Chris Brown because he's a piece of shit and shouldn't be getting anymore publicity.

Now back to the topic. As much as I don't like Ryan Seacrest, he's untouchable when it comes to social media popularity. If the WWE were smart, they'd reach out to him.

Says the guy with the Roethlisberger avatar.

I do agree on Seacrest though. He has a huge following. Pro athletes would be a good source. like Shaq or some NFL players. Some former wrestlers would be good too. Guys like Austin, Edge, Trish Stratus, and Batista. Batista actually has a big movie coming out, "The Man With The Iron Fists," and that could be a good way to work in an appearance on Raw. Have some heel take offense to some stuff that he tweets and then Dave shows up the next week for a Batista Bomb and plug for the movie.
Honestly I don't know the current situation or relationship between the wwe and this person but I'd choose Jim Ross. He knoww the WWE veey well, he'll speak his mind, and he's very active on twitter.

Just my 2 cents
I have to agree with Yaz. Anyone who receives mainstream attention is great for Social Media Ambassador. It could be anyone from Conan O'Brien to Megan Fox. Just anyone who could draw a few extra viewers to Raw. Fans of these people are going to want to know what the hype is about, and if they are actually entertained they may stay around.
I personally don't like this social media ambassador idea, as I find it be a spoof on the guest host concept. However, I would like WWE to try something crazy and innovative with this social media ambassador idea. I say every week they draw a random fans name and that fan gets to be the ambassador for the evening. Hey, it would make them look extremely fanfriendly and could get some interesting fans out there
How about somebody who is both a celebrity & a wrestler, somebody who will bring in both the die hards & the casuals, The Rock. He'll not only be there to promote the show but he'll also be there to build up his future matches while not actually being there. You can have Cena or Punk, whoever the WWE decide to have him face at Royal Rumble, talk trash about The Rock in promos, backstage interviews, and segments, with Rock responding back on Twitter every time, and Cole reading out his responses. Would be great.
For me i would want an ambassodor who actually likes wrestling. Not just someone who is popular at the moment because used toilet paper would know more about wrestling than Khloe Kardashian.

I would like Stone cold as the ambassodor. But if they had to go with someone popular I would go with Kate beckinsale.
With the upcoming Presidential election, you'd think Obama or Romney would use this as a cheap campaign tool. However I imagine, an association with WWE would be deemed as reckless to their campaign.
First I want to say I am not a fan of the social media ambassador idea. But I will answer the question anyway. I would like them to bring back former raw guest host and 2 time 2 time super bowl champion Ben Roethlisberger. And before you say how bad of a guy he is let me remind you he was NEVER GUILTY OF ANYTHING.

Here is who should not be brought in: anybody named Kardashian (or their PR team that was actually tweeting) and nobody for the jersey "how the f*** does anybody watch this?" shore.
Someone not riddled in controversy. This isn't the Attitude Era, Charlie Sheen, while I'm a fan of his, should not have been used at all. The times have changed and it's the days where appealing with a more family friendly persona is a must. Chris Brown is probably one of the worst names to be thrown up. I mean, who in their right mind would think that a female abusing singer would be able to fit in this criteria.

I also believe it should be someone who doesn't come across like they are phoning it in. An actual Professional Wrestling fan perhaps.
I dont really care. I honestly do not follow wrestling on twitter or faceback that much. It's all PR anyway. But if you were to choose at least get someone that actually follows and enjoys wrestling. Why not use someone like the Rock and Austin. The Rock had alot of followers I guess.
Can we say none of the above? I honestly find the whole Social Media Ambassador thing to be incredibly stupid. It's nothing but a sequel to the awful guest host angle. If I had to pick someone then it would be someone like James Durbin who is a legit WWE fan. He's appeared at WWE events before and they made it known during his American Idol run that he's been a fan for a long time. They even did a WWE-type segment on Idol where Hulk Hogan showed up and attacked Ryan Seacrest, which was rather funny, and a video package where James talked about his fandom. He's performed shows while wearing WWE merchandise. That's a true fan. Looking back at the guest hosts, you could tell who was a fan and who had absolutely no idea what they were doing.

Shaq immediately comes to mind as one of the great ones. A legit fan. Then you had the long list of people who you could tell were not true fans and were in it for other reasons. I see nearly every Social Media Ambassador coming off the same as the guest hosts that were only there to promote themselves. Sheen's act looked so fake and you could tell he was just dropping names in an attempt to make it look like he was actually watching the show while he shared his "thoughts" on it. If they go with people who actually care about the product, great. If not, I hope it gets done away with like the guest host concept before it. That was more trouble than it was worth and I think Social Media Ambassadors for the most part will end up being more of the same.
Jon Stewart would be perfect and funny as hell. He has a huge following especially with the college kids and could attract a whole new audience - the pot heads 8)

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