Dennis Rodman should be a guest host of RAW!


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now I don't know why the WWE still has the celeb. guest host thing going on if now Bret Hart is the GM of RAW, I really don't know! So that defeats the purpose of the guest hosting stint for celebs and wrestling legends (Dibiase, Piper, Rhodes). So I thought after watching RAW on monday with the segment with Rampage Jackson aka B.A. Baracus aka Mr. T. I think if WWE has a celeb. as a guest host, he or she has to do or know some wrestling. Which brings me to...Dennis Rodman!

"The Worm" Dennis Rodman is indeed a trained wretler going back to WCW in the late '90's while they were in the companys prime. Rodman is of course a former NWO member, wrestled on WCW PPV's, and displayed veteran skills in Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff's project CCW. Now what if the WWE could capalize on that?

From that era in WCW, I'd rather have the worm then Jay Leno or David Arquette anywhere near the WWE! We could see Rodman get in a one nighter fued with an Sheamus or Edge, or even Zach Ryder for comedy relief. But all in all I think that Dennis Rodman would make a great RAW host!...The Worm or Charles Barkley atlease?
Rodman as guest host on RAW will be an epic fail. Rodman was in his heyday when he was with the Bulls so I can see him being on WCW. Honestly, the WWE can come up with 10000 ideas for guest hosts before they ever get to Rodman in 2010. WWE would rather get somebody current instead of The Worm.
As a closet watcher of Celebrity Rehab (which featured Dennis Rodman), I can't stress how poor of a decision this would be. I know that reality TV isn't always super reliable, but it's evident that Rodman is an alcoholic to a dangerous degree. With any kind of addiction, a person becomes less reliable, and there's little time for leniency in a live show such as Raw. If he were to show up at all, there's a chance of him being late, or showing up drunk.

Just going by how out of touch with the times Vince or creative or whoever seems to be (Cheech and Chong?), I could see it happening, though.
Dennis Rodman is a "trained wrestler"? That's news to me. Would you consider Jay Leno and David Arquette trained wrestlers as well?
This is pretty much a very bad idea. The fans would not enjoy it, I would not enjoy it, WWE would not enjoy it, considering the ratings would be pretty low. I'd rather see Rico and Scotty 2 Hotty guest host before him.
Dennis Rodman's skills are ZERO!!!!!!
He won CCW (which btw is even faker than wrestling lol) cause he's Hogan's buddy, pure and simple. ever since they did the angle on WCW where he was teamed with Hogan for 2 PPV's.

Pay-Per-View/Show Summary: (1 - 2, 1 DDQ)
- WCW Bash At The Beach '97 = Rodman and Hollywood Hogan lost to Lex Luger and the Giant.
- WCW Bash At The Beach '98 = Rodman and Hollywood Hogan defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Karl Malone.
- WCW Road Wild '99 = Rodman lost to "Macho Man" Randy Savage, partially due to Gorgeous George's interference.
- i-Generation Superstars of Wrestling (July '00) = Rodman and the i-Generation Champion, Curt Hennig, fought to a DDQ.

and had little to no matches inbetween those.

Damn, Willis and Screech had more talent than that oversized hack. He spent more time adjusting his head sock than doing anything entertaining.

Anyway being Hogan's buddy would be a big zero for Vince wanting to use him

He should be a cohost of RuPaul's Next American Supermodel ripoff for drag-queens :)
the closest Rodzilla should get to WWE programming is if someone chooses to use him as an advert for birth control. I'd much rather have Carl Malone in there, at least he made the effort for his money
While I like the idea of Rodzilla coming back I don't see it happening. First off Dennis is tight with Hogan. If Hogan caught wind of Rodman considering going to WWE for an appearance I know he'd talk him out of it and try to sign him into a small deal with TNA. Secondly, with all the WWE wellness policies I can't see any reason that WWE would bring him in. Hell if they brought him in they'd basically have to pass around the bong backstage!
Third, I don't think Vince is a big fan of anyone that knows Hogan after Hogan decided to go to TNA pretty much anyone that's labeled as a "Hogan buddy" gets bounced faster than an ECW paycheck!

Let's put it like this.. Paul Heyman has a better chance of becoming a majority stockholder in the WWE than Rodzilla has of ever setting foot into a WWE ring. Although they did bring in Shaq..Makes you wonder what they are thinking haha..
Does he have anything to plug? If not, then the WWE won't have him. The celebs hosts are nothing more than an extra advertisement slot (unless the WWE havent found anyone and stick in an old wrestler).

As for Rodman personally, how does the old McMahon saying goes....
'No Chance in Hell'

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