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Who Would Benefit More From A HEEL Turn? Triple H, John Cena or Batista?

Barbedwire Ropes

Just like my other thread about who would be better off by turning face (the topic mentioned Orton, Jericho & Edge) this is asking, who would be better off by making a heel turn? TRIPLE H, JOHN CENA or BATISTA?

Lets face it, Raw is in dire need of another top level heel. Sure, Orton is the number one guy and should remain there for now BUT, what about after the whole Legacy thing comes to an end? Are we still expected to want to pay and see the same Orton vs Batista/Cena/HHH matches over and over again?

HHH, Cena and Batista are all insanely over with the fans, so who would be the best choice to make a heel turn and give Raw a fresh new feel?
I say John Cena, because it would be something new for a change. Batista and HHH have been heels before. So, it would be way more entertaining for a Cena heel turn, and the fans would never see it coming.
I say John Cena, because it would be something new for a change. Batista and HHH have been heels before. So, it would be way more entertaining for a Cena heel turn, and the fans would never see it coming.

Cena was also a heel before.

Despite this, give Cena a heel turn just at the moment when he's over with the crowds. It would give something for the IWC to look forward to as well as drive never-before seen story lines.

The fact of the matter is, it's beneficial ONLY for Cena, it's detrimental for the business.
Sooner or later I think one of those three guys will turn heel, I think the best one to do so is cena , just because it will . I can see him getting the same reaction when Hogan turned heel or Austin formed an alliance with Vince.

But in reality i see batista turning heel just because of him screwing over hhh for the title and all the shit him and shane have done latley.
I would say Cena would be the best choice for a heel turn and I'll cite a lil history to back it up, remember when rocky made his heel turn based on fan reaction? Though this kind of program would be later in Cena's career I think it would still help him get a potential face turn in a year or so.
John Cena would be cool.... accually great! But that doesn't mean its the best thing for him.... Would Jeff Hardy do well as a heel? The tweeners have to be face cause little kids always cheer for the good guys!
Cena makes too much money to be a heel!

Triple H being heel would benefit raw alot... Not really for him though... Triple H has been face and heel through out his career. most of the time being unstoppable. I frankly wish he would step down and stop chasing the title!
Triple H turning Heel would be too predictable!

Batista turning heel again would be the best choice! He has a fan base... He broke cena's neck.... :) :) :D.....
So in my opinion.... Batista turning heel would make me pay attention to him!
As it stands right now I'm really not a fan of any of them!

But if it mattered.... I think CM Punk could become top heel... probably by-passing Edge...
I'd say Batista. He's still very over with the fans, but not getting the same level of pop since his matches with Undertaker.

John Cena and Triple H are both more over as faces and to some smarks they may be getting stale, but why turn those when they sell fucktons of merch? Batista could be a monster heel (replacing the void of Kane and Knox) like the Big Show, since Show squashing everyone is getting pretty tiresome.

Plus it'd help set up a proper feud with Cena for the title at 'Mania :D
Batista would, but id like to see John Cena as a heel because I seen on youtube a while ago, a titantron video for John Cena as a heel using one of his songs off of his album he made a while back. It fit the titantron so well and would be the perfect heel theme for him. So thats why I want to see John Cena as a heel lol, also he would benefit from people hating him for once. Because some places you guy he is hated ayways. here check it out, its perfect

Would Cena turning heel rank up there with Austin and Hogan turning heel? I'm not sure they would even have to work an angle for him with someone else. He gets booed everywhere he goes and he reacts to it most of the time. Just have him come out and tell the audience he will give them a good reason to boo him and have him tell them to go "f" themselves. HHH as a heel has been so overplayed, even if he does make a good one.
The problem is Cena brings in WAY too much money in merchandise sales, especially in the under 18 demographic. No way the WWE allows him to turn heel. As for HHH, he has gone from heel to face so many times, noone would really care.

I could see Batista as a heel. Not like he gets a ton of cheers as a face anyways.
I just honestly think it won't work with Triple H anymore.
We will boo Batista. We do it anyways. We will boo Cena. Hell, he gets booed out of the arena some nights when there aren't 6 year olds around. But Triple H is one of the few things old fans have to hang onto and the crazier his dominance gets as a heel the more we like him. Remember when he beat the shit out of William Regal and Eugene? Triple H is the cool heel and unless he's able to change that image, he might as well stay face cause we're gonna cheer him either way. Kinda like Ric Flair. No matter what Ric did after a while, we still cheered him and wooed. Sure, we will boo every now and then but it's not the same. Thats why they turned face in the first place.

Plus, who is left for Triple H to be "allies" with on the Raw heel side? I will scoff at the idea of Triple H turning heel and teaming up with Orton again all of a sudden after all of this. It works for some people, but not always.
I don't think Cena should just turn outright heel, however I feel he should go back to his rapping gimmick that made him so successful on Smackdown and not be so cheesy.

The 2 biggest faces of all time (Stone Cold and The Rock) were not clean cut babyfaces and if John Cena is being pushed as the next big mega face, then he should revert back to his 'Smackdown Gimmick' (the pops he got were quite good on Samckdown).

Then I would love a Cena/Orton feud.
Don't take this the wrong way but this is a silly question. It wouldn't benefit any of those guys in way in my opinion. Here is why:

Cena - John Cena is the main guy in WWE. Make no mistake, WWE are going to market the hell out of John Cena because he is the guy that all the kids cheer for. I personally, if I had to choose between the 3 would choose Cena because he is young enough that he can still add aspects to his character. We all know that he is the top babyface in the WWE. However, if he was take a heel turn it might be fun to watch for a while but in all honesty I really don't see it happening. If it ain't broke, don't fix it and in my opinion, the character of John Cena is not broken. He is doing exactly what WWE want him to do, with the exception of selling movie. Bottom line on Cena is that a heel turn just doesn't make sense right now.

Triple H - Let's not forget that the Game may be out for a little while after that punt to the head. It is safe to assume that when he returns he will be after retribution. That retribution will be against Randy Orton, the biggest heel in the WWE. It wouldn't make sense for him to turn heel any time in the future. No one likes to see a heel vs heel match. After that feus why would it make sense for him to be a heel. I would like to see him start a feud with Micheals but if this was to happen, I wcan only see Micheals being the heel in the angle. Triple H is too old to have another heel turn, it wouldn't make any sense at all.

Batista - Batista is not a good heel. He is a good face. People like to cheer for Batista because he does his talking in the ring. Of the 3, I think Batista is the one who is most likely going to take a heel turn but this does not necessarily mean that it is going to happen, or that I want it to. Again, it comes back to the age thing. Batista is getting on a bit now and many can see him retiring in the next few years. If this is the case why would it make sense to take a heel turn. What good feuds can come of it?

Just my thoughts on the matter.
Id like to Cena to be abit edgier, he needs to be more Austin like and not give a fuck who he beats the shit out of

HHH is dull whatever he does now, he was the top guy for so long we've seen it all. Hopefully having Batista turn heel will make things more interesting
I say Batista it'll be a surprise, it won't effct the ratings because he's not the major facec of his brand like Cena or HHH plus i twould make Batista more entertaining to watch cause he might not need mic skills and heels tend to have a limited moveset so it would great for Batista and WWE for him to go heel.
it is rumoured that trips will be out longer than expected...i have a funny feeling that he could returned a face. Then in a tag match with batista turn heel because he will blame batista for distracting him during the 6 man tag match at backlash, letting orton rko then punt him in the head to win the wwe title. plus as a face trips is going majorly stale! by a heel also,not putting him in matches for the title. just making him a bad ass heel,they could him fued with batista & just always 1 up him. so people would cheer more for batista because they would want to see hhh get beat up so bad. thus getting batista more over as a face...! kind of what he was like during his fueds with austin & hbk.
cena would suck just as badly as he does a face because the guy is of limited ability,especially in the ring. so why would he make a good heel? arent heels meant to carry faces in matches?? batista mite have a little bit of better chance tho,if he turned heel. he is a bit more entertaining,plus he does have a little bit better wrestling skills than cena. not much better tho!
batista does have good mic skills tho,which cena doesnt have...plus like everyone has pointed out cena makes the wwe a shed load of cash. so it there aint no chance of a cena heel turn.
i would say both batista and trips but more batista coz after wha happened last week on raw, i doubt he'll still be face by the end of this year but for trips, he's also considered the face of the company and the cerebral assasin is also the "kids friends" so i guess they won't turn him heel however they might make him a tweener(you know, an in-between guy)
I would John Cena. That would cause such a stir in the WWE and possibly help create a new superstar. With Cena being the biggest star in the WWE right now, a heel turn would be reminiscent to the Hogan turn at BATB 96 in WCW. Someone would have to step up to him and this person would become the new face of the wwe and have the fans behind him. Just a thought. But hey I wouldn't mind if it was HHH.
Cena doesn't need a heel turn. He can still be everyone's precious Doctor of Thuganomics without turning heel. Diss the heels instead of the faces, dress in gangster regalia and attack heels, not faces. Preach about how Thuganomics tells him how to act in life, and that's to be true to your friends on the streets. I don't know. I'm not a follower of Thuganomics. Anyway, Cena doesn't even need a old fashioned, I'll cheat anyway I can heel turn. He just needs some new matches with some new people. Which can be opened up by other means, not just a heel turn.

Triple H? Isn't he already basically a heel? He already does whatever he wants, only it's against the big bad heels. He's basically Ric Flair, except for with more of a tan, not as old, and longer hair. And he's so caught up in his Legacy storyline, if he turned heel, he'd have to be aligned with Legacy. With that comes the "I turned on my family that i just got done defending for 3 months" confusion. Just wouldn't work.

Batista, however, could pull it off. He can pull it off after his title program with Orton is finished. Hell, he could do it tonight. Attack Flair on Raw, and bam. He's got it. Or he can drag it out longer, with Flair being around even more than he already should be. He's retired after all. And besides, I'd much rather see Cena/Batista again than Cena/Triple H. Don't know why, but I just would. Cena/Batista were actually pretty good the last couple times they've been out. I mean, Batista as heel means they might not try Batista/Show. Hur-fucking-ray.

It's easy to do, Batista can break away from the title scene and put over some mid-card faces, and Batista could benefit from the new matches more than Cena would fighting Kofi/MVP for the US title. It just wouldn't seem legit if Cena suddenly wanted the US title.
I think John Cena needs a heel turn again. He's been face for quite a long time and it's time for a change. I think he's boring to watch most of the time. He's doing the same old thing over and over. He's fighting the same people over and over. Maybe if he turns heel, he can get some new competition. By any means, don't put him in matches with face jobbers. Give him some good faces to compete with. When he was heel before, he was really good at it. Especially when he came out to the ring doing his little raps mocking and making fun of his opponents. That's the Cena I liked. Ratings may even go up a little more too.
The only way Cena will ever turn heel is if TNA moves to Monday Nights and starts pulling in 3.0 ratings. Vince is that stubborn and only wants to market to kids. Vince personally hated the Attitude Era. He gets off on guys saying their prayers and eating their vitamins. Man you would think Vince would realize how successful the Attitude Era was and make the product edgy again. Kids love edgy shit. Plus I guarantee you that every kid that's a Cena fan probably gets bullied at school for being a douche. I know for a fact that Stone Cold fans didn't get bullied.
I'm gonna start this by saying that the chances of any of these guys turning any time soon is slim to none. Cena isn't going to turn heel. End of story. The only way possible he can turn is if everyone on this and every other wrestling forum who wants him to become heel pools their money and repays Vince for all of the merch money he will lose.

Hunter isn't going to switch for a long time either. He is out of action right now due to an intensely personal feud. When he returns, he is going to want revenge on Orton, preventing any heel turn. I do believe that he should turn if/when the situation with Orton is resolved, however. I just don't find him believable as a face. The only reason this last feud worked is because the intensity allowed both of them to use heelish attacks on each other, such as the home invasion.

This leaves me with Batista. I am not impressed with any aspect of Batista. I feel that his ring work is boring, his mic work is terrible, and he has no character at all. He is the big strong guy who beats up the bad guys and is friends with Ric Flair. I really think a heel turn would help him out, but I don't know if he can pull it up. On one hand, it would give his character some much needed depth, but on the other, it is extremely hard to gain heat without at least decent mic skills. But once again, I can't see this happening anytime soon.
HHH once said the more heel he acts, the more the fans dig into his character. But I think that was more attitude eraish. Uh, basically I'm going to have to say HHH. For the simple face we know he can allready play the role to a tee.

Its too soon for John Cena, I mean hes over, but when he makes a heel turn, it should be bigger than Hogans heel turn. As well as, ratings have proven without John, RAW fails. Him being a heel, would work for maybe a month. He looks like a babyface. Hogan made a credible heel, because he did heel things sometimes. I can't really recall the last time Cena did a heel thing. And when he was heel before, it wasn't that good. At all.

Batista falls flat on his face as a face, throw him at a heel character, where it actually takes talent to get over as a credible heel, he'll be a midcard jobber. No doupt. Don't get me wrong, I marked out when Batista had his unexpected return. But, in the end hes boring, and just too old to pull of the style of Batista we know.

So that all falls down to HHH, the guys proven he can do his job as a heel. Hes a Mcmahon now, so he can take on a power figure dynamic character, kinda like Vince did with Austin. Hes got his allmighty Sledgehammer to put him over huge as a heel as well. So not only would HHH benifit more as a heel character, but as would the company.
Since when does WWE rename wrestling moves because the name might offend kids. That's so stupid. They renamed Cena's moves without any on air explanation. Plus you wouldn't have to worry about merchandise sales with Cena if the fans had a mind of their own. Plus, it doesn't matter if Cena turns heel, he's booed anyway. You can't hear a single adult male fan cheering for Cena. It's always a female oriented "Let's go Cena" chant. You know you're a douche when that happens.
I will say neither three will benefit from a heel turn. John Cena and Batista are megafaces as it is so I don't see them turning anytime soon. HHH says he wants to turn heel and I like him better as a heel than a face so I think out of the three, he will be most likely to turn.

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