Who will win The Divas' Title now that Melina is injured?

No doubt about it, it has to be Maryse. She's the dominant diva in the WWE today, with or without Melina.

You're right with the rest of your post but I disagree with you on this point. Perhaps Maryse is the dominant Diva on Raw but not in the entire WWE ;) Don't get me wrong, I like her and she's one of my faves but Divas like Beth or Katie have a lot more experience in the ring,
You're right with the rest of your post but I disagree with you on this point. Perhaps Maryse is the dominant Diva on Raw but not in the entire WWE ;) Don't get me wrong, I like her and she's one of my faves but Divas like Beth or Katie have a lot more experience in the ring,

I'm not suggesting she's necessarily the best in the ring, although I do think she's good and has improved dramatically since her debut. The way she pins her opponents makes me wish I was in the ring with her myself.

She may not be as good in the ring as Beth or Katie, but her total package makes her more dominant. Katie has been around for a while and has gone nowhere. She may be good in the ring, and I think she's pretty sexy herself, but I've seen nothing from her to have her rival Maryse.

And while Beth is physically dominant and under-rated in the looks department in my opinion, she still does not possess the charisma, the sex appeal, the arrogance (which must be there if you're a heel) that Maryse does. Beth should be WWE Women's Champion, while Maryse should be Divas champion.
If a Bret Hart/Vince McMahon feud will actually happen, there's a great possibility that the Hart Dynasty will come over to Raw to back up Uncle Bret. I would love for Natalya to enter the tournament and win the title. She's got great in-ring prowess and she can actually talk. But this would happen if WWE gave a shit about the Diva's gaudy butterfly title.

What will happen is that Maryse will pick up the title, continue her reign as sexiest of the sexy, and stumble both in ring and with the English language week in and week out.
If a Bret Hart/Vince McMahon feud will actually happen, there's a great possibility that the Hart Dynasty will come over to Raw to back up Uncle Bret. I would love for Natalya to enter the tournament and win the title. She's got great in-ring prowess and she can actually talk. But this would happen if WWE gave a shit about the Diva's gaudy butterfly title.

What will happen is that Maryse will pick up the title, continue her reign as sexiest of the sexy, and stumble both in ring and with the English language week in and week out.

I had the same idea but if the WWE wanted Natalya as Divas champion (it will happen) they would have had another one of those divas trades that they had a few months ago on RAW and have Natalya come over . But even if the Hart Dynasty came onto Raw they would still be part of the Smackdown! brand which would mean Natalya can only Win the womens championship.
Out of the women who are left I would love to see Gail Kim win. I know this probably won't happen but when you look at some of the matches she had in TNA she is the most impressive wrestler. Incredibly innovative and can face off against just about anyone and have a great match.
honestly maryse is so boring to watch wrestle i really hope she does not win the title. gail kim is the only obvious candidate right now to win the vacated title. her 1st round match with jillian was amazing i love watching her work

i can see it being gail and maryse for the final round for the title with gail winning and her continuing the feud with maryse until that feud dies down then i would like to see katie lea step up and challenge for it
Here is an updated bracket:

Alicia vs. Gail
Maryse vs. Eve

How do you guys see this going down?

My two cents (so I don't get slammed for spamming) is that Gail will beat Alicia and Maryse will beat Eve. You know, the WWE doesn't want an all face or an all heel finals. I'm surprised they're letting Orton and Sheamus face off for the WWE Title since they're both heel.
yes i do agree that it will be gail and maryse in the finals and i think and i hope that gail wins it.. she really deserves her spotlight as the top face on raw now that melina is gone.
Here is an updated bracket:

Alicia vs. Gail
Maryse vs. Eve

How do you guys see this going down?

Well, now that we are down to these four.... Here is my prediction for the remainder of this tournament. Gail Kim will defeat Alicia. Maryse will defeat Eve, and then defeat Gail Kim in the final round.

What happens next depends on who defeats who though. If Alicia manages to defeat Gail Kim, then it's a pretty safe bet that either Maryse or Eve would defeat her in the final round because she has already had her shot. If Gail Kim defeats Alicia, then Maryse would likely defeat her but Eve might not. Eve beating Maryse is not likely, because Maryse is my pick to win this whole thing. However if Eve does make it to the final, then I think she would have a chance at defeating Alicia but probably not with Gail Kim.

I could be analyzing this just a little too much. For now I'll just keep the same prediction I had from the beginning, that Maryse will win because she was a great Divas Champion before and would do a good job with another title reign. Maryse is the best pick for the top diva on Raw now that most of the girls who are great in the ring are on Smackdown.
Without a shadow of doubt MARYSE! There isn't a better diva on Raw and she was slated to feud with Melina. With Melina sidelined, the feud to do would be Maryse versus Gail Kim. Gail Kim chasing Maryse for the belt should be the main feud until Melina comes back.
I still think Maryse is going to win the Divas title in the end of this whole tournament, because I have come to realize, for the most part, how the WWE writers are going to do it. I would absolutely love to see Gail Kim win it first and foremost though! She is a very talented Diva and has been pushed to the sidelines ever since her return from TNA....hmmmmm. I think if given the title it would gain some more fan respect/attention for her, and she could have a good feud with Maryse, Jillian, and Alicia. IF she dont get it, Eve also really deserves it. She has improved immensly in the ring, and has shown she can throw down lol. I think Alicia has got her fair shot more than a few times now, and Maryse has already held it, and for a LONNNNNNNNNNG time. Lets give another TALENTED diva the Diva's title, and run with it for while.
My gut says they're probably going to give the belt to Maryse.

What I HOPE they do is they let Gail win the tournament and become the champ. Let her have a few defenses and look good; then she probably eventually gets screwed over by Maryse who gains heat from ripping off Gail. Then Melina comes back and we have a fun feud once Gail and Maryse are done with their bit (while Melina is healing).

I think that would make sense; even if Melina is ready to come back. They should work into it.

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