Who will win The Divas' Title now that Melina is injured?

According to PWInsider.com, the early belief is that WWE Diva Melina suffered a torn ACL during her injury incident at the special Tuesday WWE RAW house show last night. Melina is currently undergoing an examination to diagnose the extent of her injuries.

As an update on the Melina injury situation from the WWE house show in Manchester, New Hampshire this past Tuesday night, the WWE Diva did in fact suffer a torn ACL.

Melina was in Syracuse the following night on crutches backstage at the show. According to F4WOnline.com, Melina may need surgery to repair the ACL, although that is not a guarantee.

Okay so now that Melina's torn ACL has been confirmed Who do you think will win the divas tittle? How do you think the winner will be crowned?

I personally think there will be a divas battle royal to crown a new winner. There are three people I would like to see win this tittle.

Kelly Kelly, Shes been performing well for the past few weeks, she has the look and she has the ability and she has great potential.

Maryse, Yes I know shes already won it. But before Melina was injured there was a feud building up on raw. Maryse is the top heel diva on raw and two faces winning it in a row just doesn't seem right so there is a good chance she will win

Eve, She is trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and holds a blue belt. Eve has great potential Like Kelly Kelly she has the look and she has the ability. While on Smackdown she was given a slight push. Since then she has been traded to Raw and has been thrown into a relationship with Chris Masters which I think is absolutely stupid. All shes does is sit ringside and look excited when he locks the master lock in or when his Tits dance. She has so much potential but she isn't being pushed.

If anyone should have it, it should be Maryse. She has looked pretty good since she came back from her injury, and it only makes sense that Melina puts Maryse over as they have been feuding. Maryse as champion leaves her the ability to feud with Kelly Kelly, and I think that would be important for Kelly Kelly.
I for one would love it to be gail kim, shes a great wrestler but has been so mishandled by the wwe it just boggles the mind ,but yea thats just very wishful thinking on my part :shrug: but yea i agree with the poster above me it most likely will be maryse. Shes been looking pretty good lately and they were getting the feud ready with melina anyway so they could write in the injury into an angle if they wanted to, get maryse more heat and gain more sympathy for melina and setup a feud down the line. But then again that would give all the singles titles on raw to heels hmm... i guess we will see.
Maryse will almost definitly win it now, but I honestly believe they will move Micky back to raw, im a micky fan and think she should be the head diva, but one or some of higher ups dont like her, but they definitly view her as their fall back diva. So expect Micky James to be the head diva on raw untill Melina come back or kelly kelly or another diva "wwe pretty" steps up.
With Melina out I would love to see a tournament for the title. It would make it more interesting than just a one night Battle Royal and would be able to garner more interest in the women's title. Could have it go for about 3 weeks with 8 females battling each week. Imagine:

Week 1:
Alicia Fox vs Gail Kim
Eve vs Jillian
Kelly Kelly vs Brie Bella
Maryse vs Nikki Bella

Week 2:

Gail Kim vs Eve
Kelly Kelly vs Maryse

Week 3
Eve vs Maryse

Three weeks of intrigue and rivalries can truly be developed. It would be able to create a great story and couldn't hurt to have more focus on the women for once. It would be a great change to the show to mix things up. Besides, more divas on the tv!:lol:
It will be Maryse. It would be nice to see her and Gail Kim have a feud. Gail beat her before she was drafted to Raw and since he moved from TNA, she hasn't been able to show what she's all about. If they let her show all of her athleticism, I think the crowd will back her.
With Melina out I would love to see a tournament for the title. It would make it more interesting than just a one night Battle Royal and would be able to garner more interest in the women's title. Could have it go for about 3 weeks with 8 females battling each week. Imagine:

Week 1:
Alicia Fox vs Gail Kim
Eve vs Jillian
Kelly Kelly vs Brie Bella
Maryse vs Nikki Bella

Week 2:

Gail Kim vs Eve
Kelly Kelly vs Maryse

Week 3
Eve vs Maryse

Three weeks of intrigue and rivalries can truly be developed. It would be able to create a great story and couldn't hurt to have more focus on the women for once. It would be a great change to the show to mix things up. Besides, more divas on the tv!:lol:
Please no. One Divas match is bad enough, but 4 in one night? Horrendous.

Does it really matter who the champion is? I only found out Melina was the champion after reading this thread, that's how much I care about the Divas. Totally useless, get rid. Now.

Although, for the purposes of this thread I'd say Kelly Kelly, just cos she's a babe. Either that or the burd that hangs about with Masters these days. I find the Divas much more interesting when the male wrestlers are involved. With her champion they could align Carlito with some other Diva to add to the rivalry.
Maybe Melina will keep the title like Trish did in 05 when she got squashed by Viscera and dis-apeared for 5 months before coming back to help Ashley against Vince's devils! In the mean time have a tournament like above but only 1 tournament match every week so it may drag out but will also allow time for the tournament to progress and allow Melina healing time!
After looking at the Divas roster I would say it comes down to Gail Kim, Maryse and Eve. Breaking it down a bit more in terms of skill alone Gail Kim should be taking the title. However, given the way shes been treated I know she will not win a title anytime soon.

Eve, COULD in theory be the next Divas champ with a little work. I believe if they allowed her to show off her BJJ and kickboxing background during her matches she could really hold the ENTIRE Divas division down for awhile.

Maryse... shes the top heel in the division. Im pretty sure she brings in a few viewers and the audience mostly wont take a mass piss break if she comes out. Its a LOCK shes going to get the title.

I would like to see Eve and Chris Masters become a little more of a power couple in terms of titles. I mean, Im going with Maryse as the next champ but then again if Sheamus could win the title then someone like Alicia Fox could win the Divas title as well.
I think they should have maryse attack melina and cause her to vacate her title do to injury. Then have whoever the host wil be anounce that ther wil b a battle royal 4 the title w/ gail winning. starting a feud between gail and maryse 4 the title. I like this because it keeps maryse in the title picture and it allows gail to finally get her chance to shine.
I think Maryse will get it back, she's about the best canidate to hold the title IMO. So I think she'll get it and likely she will feud with Gail Kim for a while, before eventually dropping to Gail. Maryse is solid though all around, so I'm sure they'll want the strap on her ASAP.
This is quite the right time for a certain someone to finally capture the gold, but I won't say as it is technically a spoiler (though it has been noted on various sites). If it is not this individual to take the title due to experience, then I say its either Gail Kim or Maryse. Kim held the title in TNA for quite a bit and put on some good matches, sometimes being the highlight of the night (and in ratings). If the WWE allow Kim to expand like Christian has, I could see a turn around for her and possibly the division.

But the most logical choice is Maryse. She got injured whilst she held the title and only lost it because she needed surgery. In one person's perspective, she never really lost her title. Why not give it back to her? There would not be much harm considering the best competition on the brand are faces and she has a great character that plays in the ring, drawing some attention from the fans to watch.
Firstly, I will try not to look too much into this. That being because I've seen several reports on past champions getting injured and they keep their titles. Assuming this isn't as serious as it looks, that will likely be what WWE will do with Melina.

If that is not the case, WWE might either have an impromptu Diva's Title match on Raw this week, they will strip Melina of the title, or they will go the route of having someone (preferably Maryse) attack her and steal her title, a la Batista/Randy Orton.

Anyway, Maryse would be the only logical choice to be the next Divas Champion. She is the only person who has shown a kind of hatred for Melina, it's being advertised that since losing the title Maryse went to a "nervous breakdown", and they still have a score to settle. WWE really hasn't given us nearly as much interaction between Melina and Maryse, so it should continue. If Maryse does win the title, Melina can have her surgery, and then she can return and pick up where she left off.
Okay so now that Melina's torn ACL has been confirmed Who do you think will win the divas tittle? How do you think the winner will be crowned?

At the risk of sounding a little mean.... I was glad to see this.

It's bad for Melina of course, hope she gets better soon.... but for the rest of the division it's great news because someone else can step up.

I personally think that Maryse will get the title back. Her last reign was good and if she has another one she can feud with Kelly and Eve. Both of which are feuds I have been hoping for. Kelly could possibly win too and get her first championship! That would be awesome. :)

I think that Melina will either lose the title in an upcoming match, or get stripped of the title due to her injury. If the latter happens then they will probably do a battle royal to determine the new champion, that Maryse would likely win. She then goes on to feud (hopefully!) with Kelly.
Maryse will definitely get the title. She is hands down the most charismatic in the women's division, and she understands her character's heel persona very, very well. She's not the most athletic or the best wrestler, but she's a good wrestler nonetheless. And the way she pins her opponents...need I even explain that?
I think Maryse winning the title is the right thing to do but too obvious. On Raw they should have a battle royal with all of the 8 divas on Raw. Bret Hart can say there is a new diva as she was the hottest woman as a free agent. This leads to Katie Lea Burchill coming out and eventually eliminating Maryse to win and turn face.

This can lead to the United States Champion The Miz rekindling his relationship with Maryse, as hinted on Raw, and facing Paul Burchill and the Divas Champion Katie Lea. Even though Paul definitely won't win a championship, although he definitely has the skills to, Katie Lea is a great wrestler who has been incredibly underused.

When both The Miz and Katie Lea retain there titles against Paul and Maryse, they can form an alliance saying if you can't beat them, join them turning the Burchill's heel again. This could lead the alliance to face Eve and Chris Masters as Eve is definitely an upcoming contender for Divas chmapionship as well as fueding with other superstars such as Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Kelly Kelly and Gail Kim.
It would make sense to put over one of the face divas right now as a transitional champion.

That way, after the face wins it, it sets up a temporary feud between her and Maryse. In the cumulation of the fued, Maryse walks away with the title, and starts up another fued against any one of the other faces. Rinse, repeat.

Setting it up this way would at least buy like 6 months worth of Raw programming.
I think the real question is: who gives a crap who wins the Divas title?
Divas matches are bad enough already, WWE only has 2 women who actually have talent (Nattie Neidhart and Gail Kim, and neither of them are getting a deserved push).

Raw will likely hold a battle royal, to be enjoyed only by horny teenagers. But, if I have to I'll predict Gail Kim or Maryse to win the terrible-looking belt.
considering they never put the strap on the best womens wrestler, yeah it's probably going to go back to Maryse. That's who they have been pushing anyways, Even though it should be Gail "career suicide" Kim.
Maryse should get the strap and have all the babyfaces come after her. I would maybe book Maryse vs. Kelly Kelly at Wrestlemania and have Kelly finally win the strap in Phoenix, cause she seems to be over....but she's only over because she's hot and Jerry Lawler wants her to sit on his face. Can Kelly Kelly actually cut a promo?

Maryse and Michelle McCool should be the champions until one of the faces (other than Mickie James, who seems to be very busy in 2010) can say something or do something to capture the audience's imagination.
I would like to see Eve win the belt based on potential (and she is hot). However you have to remember with the exception of Gail Kim and maybe Maryse, none of the divas are very accomplished wrestlers. If you let Eve work stiff a Jui-Jitsu/Kickboxing style, you are asking for another one of these chicks to get hurt. WWE will not do that. I think Maryse wins the belt and sets up for Kelly-Kelly to challenge her as she has been getting a lot of ring time lately.
I'm hoping that Gail Kim will be the next champion, and here's how it will play out. The Diva's title will be done as a battle royal this Monday. The last 3 will be Gail Kim, Maryse, and Kelly Kelly. Maryse eliminates Kelly, and starts her hair flip thing, and giving the bad mouth to her. Kelly jumps on the apron, and gets in her face. Gail comes up behind Maryse and throws her out. This will cause Maryse to really flip out, and we got another match for the Royal Rumble; Gail Kim vs Maryse (which would make Bret Hart happy; 2 Canadian women fighting for the title)
Truthfully I think someone who none of you have said should win the title (again).. Jillian Hall is the only one on the whole diva roster with a real known character.. Change her theme song to something alittle catchy.. But yeah back on topic...
Jillian hall would be a great suprise champ and would be a great way to bring back notice back to the womens division.. She can wrestle and she's the only one that imo is great on the mic.. She can be a heel/face character at the same time.. She could win the title and then have maryse come out and bash her on the mic in english or french and hall could just make jokes towards her or even sing lol... She can also turn around at the same time and be nasty to the face girls like kim and kelly becaus she is the champion and they aren't.. I think Hall as the champ would put some kind of spark in the division and really hope is happens... She's the 2nd most underrated diva after kim... Just my opinion obviously
Anyone else find it ironically hilarious that the woman bret claimed to be the greatest female wrestler alive, Melina, likely won't be there when he guest hosts? I guess any plans he had to "party" with her afterwards are scrapped.

As for the Diva's title. I'm actually going to say the next Diva's champion will be Natayla. Now I know what you're already thinkin. "But E-man, Natayla is on Smackdown. The Diva's title is on Raw. Well I'm under the assumption that either wrestlemania will be DX vs Hart Dynasty or they may push that to Royal Rumble. Regardless I fully expect to see Hart Dynasty on Raw this monday night. That also brings Natayla to Raw. I'll go with a Battle Royal to determine the winner and even pick Kelly Kelly as the winner. Bret comes out and announces there is one more participant, Natayla sneaks in, tosses Kelly Kelly out and she's the new champ. This could also lead to maybe a DX/Kelly vs Hart Dynasty 3 way on raw leading up to royal rumble with the rematch happening at rumble.
Can Kelly Kelly actually cut a promo?

Remember when she was speaking with Randy in the Kane-Kelly Angle.

There was like ZERO-charisma or emotion when she talked with Orton....in the context that Orton slept with her, and dumped her. Would that really generate no emotion??? C'mon!

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