Who Will The WWE "Future Endeavor" Next?

Jimmy King

Future Moderater
While watching Raw, I noticed that a Yoshi Tatsu executed a move that could be critical to his career. Yoshi used the "knife edge chop," made famous by "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Apparently, WWE banned the use of this move not too long ago as it always results in the crowd unanimously cheering "WOO!" And if you don't wrestle for WWE, then apparently you never existed. (Even HBK.)

I think, obviously, Tatsu's days are numbered with the company. Not just as punishment for ignoring the alleged ban, but by creative also not having anything for him.

So, basically, who do you think will be fired next and for what reason? (Try and be a little bit more creative than "creative not having anything for them.)
My list
Smackdown Its Tyler Reks as he is so forgetablle I cant even recall when he last wrestled
Otherwise its Shad or JTG they are just another example of 2 guys who worked as a tag team, WWe splits them and now they have NOTHING as they were one trick ponies

Raw its Primo or Tarver

Tarver only has a job as long as Nexus is united and then he is the first one (barring something stupid) out

Primo is now jobber to the jobbers. His only job seemed to be to try and push Carlito and it didnt happen

WWE has cut a lot of the dead weight otherwise its probaly a Diva (how has Alcia Fox or Jillian still have a job I dont know)
No they aren't going to get rid of Yoshi for using the flair chop. If they haven't done it yet they're not going to do it now for THAT reason. Right now, Yoshi has the potential to step up and take that hole left by the Miz WHEN Miz goes into the main event scene. Plus Yoshi wrestles the Japanese strong style and chops are very much a part of it. Go look up Kenta Kobashi vs Mitsuharu Misawa on Youtube or Dailymotion. Their matches were some of the stiffest I had seen since Vader/Stan Hansen in the early 1990s.

But the ones that I see getting released soon:
Tyler Reks: Is he even on the SD! roster anymore?
Shad/Ezekiel Jackson: One or both of them need to go. Zeke's never going to be the same after that quad injury and Shad has nothing for him plus I'm not convinced on that heel turn.
Mercury/Luke Gallows: With the SES crumbling at CM Punk's feet, if the faction comes to an end I don't see these two guys lasting long unless management gets high on them and fast.
Primo/Zack Ryder: I like these two guys but I think there's only room for one. Probably Primo getting released due to Carlito's sins.
Finlay: Well...not released, but I see him becoming a full-time backstage guy.
Chavo: Not likely to happen but that would be a mercy release for him.
Next to go?

Smackdown -

Finlay - The guy is in his 50's and can barely wrestle anymore. Has no role in WWE.

Raw -

Primo - Past his prime. Never even see him on Raw anymore. All he does is work low midcard matches on Superstars

RAW - Primo & Assorted Nexus Guys

As it was said earlier, Primo is becoming the jobber of jobbers. He rarely seems to show up on Raw at all and typically gets squashed when he does. The fans don't care about him enough to bother keeping him around.

I think once the Nexus angle runs its course that there will be a couple of Nexus guys seeing pink slips. Outside of Wade Barrett, I don't know if any of them have major job security. I think cases could be made for each one why they ought to be future endeavored.

Smackdown - Tyler Reks, Chris Masters & Chavo

Tyler Reks has been off Smackdown for so long that he's being seen on milk cartons next to Mae Young and Mark Henry's hand. I don't see them trying to totally repackage him.

Chris Masters is another guy that rarely does much and nobody is really missing him when he's not around.

Chavo has gone from being a former tag champ with his uncle and being a solid champion on ECW to being the guy that feuded with guest hosts and put on goofy skits with Hornswoggle. Sure, Chavo could be pushed and get back the momentum he had a couple years ago. But the key point is "a couple years ago." If his last name wasn't Guerrero there wouldn't even be a debate.
Actually Finlay is a talent scout isn't he? Primo will likely be let go ssince all he had was Carlito as a brother and that was it, also on the list:

Edge-Whilst he will likely "retire" he could possibly jump ship to TNA

Matt Hardy- Just has been in Midcard hell since going to Smackdown, to Raw "breaking his arm" going back to smackdown and being "injured" by Drew and recently becoming relevant again with Christian.
Next to go? Smackdown -Finlay - The guy is in his 50's and can barely wrestle anymore. Has no role in WWE.
Finlay does have a role backstage he trains people and does other stuff.I definetly see Primo getting released next. I don't even think the wwe could repackage him at all.
Edge-Whilst he will likely "retire" he could possibly jump ship to TNA

Matt Hardy- Just has been in Midcard hell since going to Smackdown, to Raw "breaking his arm" going back to smackdown and being "injured" by Drew and recently becoming relevant again with Christian.

I don't mean to be harsh or anything, but I completly disagree with you.

First of all, Edge is probably going to retire in about 2 years. He will definetly not jump ship to TNA ever. He's so successful in WWE that it would be the stupidest thing any person with a brain could do. I'm telling you, he will not be released, he will continue going until he retires.

Second, I think Matt Hardy is doing fine. He's perfect mid card talent and he is in the likea of either a feud or a tag team with Christian. (Preferably feud.)
I can see on Raw they "future endeavor" Primo and the majority of the Nexus crew. Seriously Primo has gotten to the point where he is a joke. To "job" to the jobbers is usually a sign that your days are numbered. Wade Barrett is really the only one in Nexus that should be there. Anyone remember the Spirit Squad? Finally...Jillian and the Bella Twins need to go. Jillian only comes out now to irritate the crowd and the Bella Twins are just eye candy and really have no business being in the women's division.

On Smackdown...I hate to say it but Finlay won't be "future endeavored" but will quietly go back to being a road agent. I like Finlay. He is a tough SOB...I mean how many other 50 year old men can still go out there and "hang" with the younger superstars? Plus they all respect him.

I can see Chavo, Shad, and JTG getting the boot. Seriously none of the 3 have had a serious storyline in FOREVER!!! They break up Shad and JTG for what? They haven't done anything with them. Lack of storyline is another clue that your days are almost over.
RAW- Yoshi Tatsu- What in the blue fuck has he done since ECW was scrapped.
William Regal- has he done anything in like 2 years? Beside from feuding with Christian over the ECW title, he's done nothing on RAW. And plus, he's 42 years old. Maybe time for him to hang it up?
Primo- Come on, what the hell happened to him. I haven't seen him on RAW in months.

SD!-Chris Masters. Where has he been in the last 6 months. oh yeah, playing with his man-tits. Hell if I could get paid for playing with my man-tits on National TV, I would take it
Finlay- he's still on the SD! roster, but wiki states he retired. Backstage work will probably be in his future
Cryme Tyme- Ever since they broke up, they both did nothing. Plus, they were thugs. Thugs really don't fit in the PG rating. Just sayin'
Tyler Reks- Who the fuck are you?:lmao: Oh yeah, I saw him before an ECW taping(dark match). No one knew who he was. Crowd was dead silent.:shit:
Well, the next Future endeavored will most likely be Chris Masters. He had a huge push in 2005, then he hasn't done anything since.

Primo, who has good talent, can't really use that talent, so I see him going.

Nexus won't be touched for a long time. It's the big story line, so no one in Nexus is going.

Goldust?!?!?! Why is he still there. He hasn't had a promo in months, and just is getting too old.

Finlay just needs to retire. He has done a lot for the business.

Chryme Time is still around... What the hell?
I don't have the energy to split them up in terms of brands, but here are mine:

- Matt Hardy - destined to move to TNA and reunite with Jeff (going nowhere in WWE)
- Chris Masters - this guy just needs to f**k off, sorry
- Zack Ryder - painfully average, might to better in TNA
- Luke Gallows - once SES is done with, I don't see a bright future for this guy
- Khali - would probably benefit from jumping ship to TNA
- Primo - with Carlito gone, doesn't stand much of a chance
- Shad - hopeless as a singles competitor
Primo- Talented...but never used anymore except for WWE Superstars. He is being punished for Carlito.
MVP- Has done nothing to much since he was moved to SD. Without a heel turn, this guy is in danger.
Hornswoggle- We can all hope...right? No, but I haven't even really seen him that much...just at house shows.
Tyler Reks- Duh.
Here are mine:
Goldust-It is painful for me to put goldust in this list but it has to be what has he done since being on raw?

Chris Masters-He is going no-where he had a push in 05 and thats about it he needs out

Finlay-Finlay is still a very respected superstar but he is 52 and semi retired Ithink he should just leave the ring and work baackstage

Chris Jericho-I belive that Chris jericho's days are numberd with all the backstage heat he has gotten I see him leaveing the company in the not to distant future

Zack Ryder- Sorry ryder but you havn't done anything since being a edgehead they only thing you have done latley is cut that fucking leg off your trunks

Primo-He has only done one thing in the WWE and that is being the first unifed tag champs since then what without carlito your nothing really

Luke gallows and serena- When the straight edge society crumbles (very soon i suspect) what will they do with luke and serena repack luke gallows as festus again?? serena whould go back to fcw and never really return to the main roster.

Tyler Reks-No need for explanation

The bellas-With the guest host gimmick all but gone what else do they have I see them going very soon

The great khali-This is sad because the great khali is a world champion and he wasn't that bad but now look at him he is only now just getting pushed but I think it is too little to late for him
As far as those who are probably on their way out of WWE, I agree with a lot of the picks people have made so far:

1) Ezekiel Jackson (probably be stuck doing nothing when he returns)
2) Rosa Mendes (Kelly Kelly is a better wrestler than her)
3) Tyler Reks (If he was to pop up on television right away, no one would remember him from his time in ECW)
4) Shad (Never should've broken him apart from JTG)
5) JTG (Same as Shad)
6) Primo (What a joke he's become since Carlito got axed)
7) Zack Ryder (Decent ring worker, but don't see much for him)
8) Curt Hawkins (Aside from another tag team, there's nothing special there)
9) Vance Archer (Seeing him now, you wouldn't have thought he'd have gotten over in TNA)

As for Chavo Guerrero, William Regal, Goldust and Finlay; I see them becoming agents and trainers instead of getting released.
Primo seems to be completly useless. Yea, he's still with the company to be a jobber, and a regular on Superstars but we have Yoshi Tatsui, Zach Rider, Santino and Kozlov as it is. Primo is the only one of those five to be completely unable to get any sort of reaction.

On the Smackdown side of things, I can't see JTG staying much longer. He's rarely used and although he really isn't terrible, he just isn't needed. He has a hard time getting a reaction and most of his matches are just flat out boring. I have a feeling he'll be gone before the end of the year.
My number one pick would be Primo. His character is not unique at all and he's barely ever seen on Raw. It's just a matter of time. I haven't even realized it but where has Hornswoggle been. Without the guest hosts there's no point of him. On Smackdown I see JTG and Shad being let go. WWE should have never separated them, they were released once as a team and now that they are not even a team anymore there's no point keeping them around.
I'm surprised that Shad and JTG still have jobs. They are even more horrible as singles star then as a tag team. I doubt we will see Croft and Baretta that much longer considering most of us don't know who the hell they are. Tiffany is useless as a diva so there is no reason to keep her. Masters can only go so far with his pecs, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him gone.

Most of the unused jobber talent on Smackdown and WWE superstars will probably be cut once the NXT season 2 rookies come into play. Finaly is more of a road agent then a wrestler so I don't seem him going anywhere. I don't see a real future with Yoshi Tatsu. He is gifted but he will wind up being another Funaki. Koslov should of been let go years ago.

Primo is pretty much useless since Carlito left. I wouldn't even be surprised if WWE ends up cutting Mark Henry and Goldust. Henry has more of a role then Goldust, but his role has been fading fast. With more NXT rookies coming in, I don't think there will be room for unused talent on the roster.
Just for a couple that I haven't seen mentioned a dozen times already...

From Raw-
I could do without Mark Henry. I see him and Kali in the same boat. He is billed as this huge scary guy, yet he comes across as clumsy and boring.
Vladimir Koslov had his time. He got a huge push and did nothing with it. Its time to give up on him.

From SD-
SD has less fat to cut, so I'm just gonna say Christian. He came back to WWE in a huge fanfare and then just kinda stalled. He should go back to TNA.

And as a general thought, they need to cut the woman's division. Keep a few around as valets and call it good. The few women who can actually wrestle get injured by the majority who can't, so there really isn't a point in keeping them around.
I think once this Nexus angle starts to die down some of the weaker Nexus guys like Heath Slater, Darren Young and possibly David Otunga will be gone since there is nothing spectacular or special about them.

Like everyone else pretty much said Tyler Reks should be cut immediately. He appearently freaked out on an airplane, but he doesn't get cut but Lance Cade, who had talent IMO, has a seizure on a plane and gets cut...total garbage.

Yoshi Tatsu- He seems to have a few nice moves, but won't go far because of one reason: He speaks hardly any English. A manager would nice, possibly a man everyone relates him to: Funaki.

The Bellas will probably be wrong since they hardly wrestle and only do the switch move and serve hardly any purpose.

Gail Kim could be gone she has done hardly anything since her return, but her job could be salvaged because of a depleted divas roster.

Chris Masters seems to be lost and WWE will probably be cut.

The Dudebusters don't really do much and noone would notice they would be gone.
There is no way Christian is fired... he is involved in the storylines and is too good to fire. He already went to TNA and realized how bad that sucked and hightailed in back to WWE.
Yeah, I know. I took the thread to be who should they get rid of and not who they will get rid of. I'm just not a can of Christian. I think he is bland. So call it wishful thinking.
Once the Nexus angle is over with, I see Young, Sheffield, Otunga and that ginger getting axed. They're all dead weight.

As far as the rest go, I see Tatsu getting the pink slip. Let's face it, what can they do with him? If they had a Jap stable with a manager like Sonny Ono, maybe he'd have something. But they don't.

To the guy who thinks people who job to jobbers get fired shortly after, what about Steve Lombardi? Or Barry Horriblewitz, Iron Mike Sharpe, Jim Powers, etc etc. They made careers out of losing. And really the WWE needs jobbers to build the guys they want to job to others. So with that, I see a purpose for Primo, but most likely, he'll be jobbing to some up and comer in the indy's shortly.

As for the Bellas, come on, those girls are so hot, they can't be let go. Women's wrestling is a joke in the WWE anyways, might as well keep eye-candy.

I see steve regal getting axed soon. I mean he's jobbing on superstars now.

Finlay wont be released, just a fulltime backstage guy so it will be either

Chavo: Probably not but his last name is the only thing keeping him there
Chris Masters: Probably, he has hardly been on TV and he is not that good in the ring either
JTG: Not likely he is pretty over
Shad: The WWE seemed to have big plans for him, I doubt they will release him

So it will probably be Chris Masters


Primo: Very likely, has recently become a jobber to the jobbers
NXT guys: They wont be the next to be released as the question asks the WWE will give them all a go as singles guys after the Nexus break up
Yoshi: Doubt it, he is pretty over capable of having good matches his match w/ Y2J from superstars was very good

So Primo will probably be next from Raw
I see Tatsu or JTG being next. There are no plans for them creatively and they haven't done anything special in the time they were given to compete on tv. The crowd doesn't care too much and that's almost a death nail when that happens.

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