Who Will Be The Raw Super Show GM?

Rated sj

Dark Match Jobber
Recently Triple H was relieved of his duties of running the day to day operations of WWE RAW Supershow and the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations John Laurinaitus was named the Interim GM. A few days ago wwe.com had a job posting on there website for the position of GM.


It stated “ the requirements are :
-10 years experience in sports-entertainment
-Excellent communication skills fluent in spanish,japanese and leprechaun.
-Comfortable working in a fast paced deadline given environments where sledgehammer attacks are not uncommon.
-Working knowledge of WWE product
-Aptitude for mediating dispute between parties through meetings, disciplinary actions and the occasional I Quit match.
-Ability to tell twins apart.
-Bachelors degree preferably a World Heavyweight Championship reign.”
I think this should be considered as hint as to who the permanent GM will be, so my question is, Who will be the RAW GM and why?
Mick Foley is the only guy I can think of off the top of my head (as well as everyone else) that meets all those requirements.

I won't buy too into it until I see it though, but it's obvious WWE isn't bringing him in to wrestle.
There are actually a few people I could think of right now...Mick Foley (or any one of his personas), Shawn Michaels or the Undertaker. All three of them meet the "requirements," save for speaking leprechaun, Spanish and Japanese.

Another candidate could possibly be J.R., although he doesn't have a world championship.

There are also a number of legends, or hall-of-famers, who could fit the bill. One Kevin Nash comes time mind quickly. Think about it, he was just given a new contract and is in a decent rivalry with HHH. It could work. Another legend could be Booker T.

Really, the floodgates are open on this one.
Personally I would love to see HBK become the full time Raw G.M. And, as well as Teddy Long is doing, I would rather see Edge become the Smack Down G.M. full time. I believe having these two stars there on a weekly basis, even if they are not Wrestling, would bring in great T.V. ratings. IMO. Just hearing what they would have to say when handling situations back stage and in the ring would be awesome. A couple legends in charge of the young bucks just seems like the wise thing to do.
Well aside from the foreign language part of it.... there are plenty of people who come to mind

Mick Foley, Undertaker, Vince McMahon, HBK, Kevin Nash, HHH (again), The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bret Hart (again)....the list could keep going

1. All of the people I listed have had 10+ years in sports entertainment/wwe
2. All of them are comfortable working in fast paced working conditions, and wouldnt be surprised if a sledgehammer showed up.
3. all of them have a very wide knowledge of WWE product
4. every one of tem can set disputes in some way shape or form
5. everyone of them had either a WWE and/or WHC reign.

Honestly I think it's either its one of 4 people. HBK, Vince McMahon, HHH...or the anonymous Raw GM (if you remember correctly, they never killed it, and the comp. is usally still there, so it could be it too.

It could be HHH...because who knows where/how this Laurinitis saga ends... They might finally realize Laurinitis was behind this whole "conspiracy" that got HHH removed as Raw GM...(the facts are there...go back and watch the episodes leading up to it)..plus he's COO, so Laurinitis works for HHH still.

It could be HBK because well he knows the system, knows HHH, Nash and all...so he might run the show.

And It could be Vince....cause well if u look at when HHH got relieved as Raw GM...he wasn't very happy that they named Laurinitis interim GM. Plus he might just get fed up w/ Laurinitis and want control of Raw back.

Plus u got the anonymous Raw GM... which never got revealed...so who knows who it is.
Hopefully Mick Foley I can just imagine it now Foleys name being announced Laurinitis kicking up a fuss and then... Mandible Claw!! you cant fault me for imagining :)
Well once John laurinits steps down then there will be room for a new raw GM. However Johnny Ace isn't going any time soon so it does not seem likely that there will be a new Raw GM for awhile. If it were to happen than here is who I think it would be.

EDGE! Now here me out I in no way at all believe that edge's association with the big E has immolated. Edge loves the business so much that while I seriously doubt he will ever risk his wellness in the ring again, will be apart of WWE's expansion into the future years. I can see him as A face GM that annoys and books the heels in matches they do not desire to be in. Similar to Mick Foley back in the early 2000s (When HE returns I can see him getting involved with HHH/Nash), He can be the a comedic GM as well. With his status among the WWE universe I think he will be the successor to laurinitis when the Conspiracy storyline reaches to a close.
We probably won't get one for awhile considering Johnny Ace is getting so much heat right now. The more they boo the more Vince is loving it. If Michael Cole loses his announcing spot (doubt it), you can bet that GM position is his.
I think JBL would actually do great as the raw GM. Either him or JR (for some weird reason I could actually see this going over), and last but not least Booker T... I really see Booker T actually making a decent Raw GM, he's entertaining, and is great on the mic.
I'm thinking and hoping it'll be Edge, especially considering he had to retire so early into his legendary career. If there's anyone who deserves it more I can't think of them, guys like Foley,Hart,Michaels or whoever else people would say should be GM are all great choices and fantastic entertainers but they've already played out their careers and had their deserved time in the spotlight. Edge was at the peak of his career after defending his World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 27, but had to retire due to the risk of serious injuries if he continued to wrestle. In my opinion since he had his career that he loved taken away he deserves it more than any of the other proposed legends, plus he would be damn good at it. I could see Edge as GM because he's still young and would keep things fresh, his mic work has always been brilliant and as general manager of Raw he could continue to entertain the universe and come back to the lifestyle.plus Edge could still make the WWE money and I think the brass will recognize that. I think that this should happen and I think it will, lord knows he won't stay on those shitty Sci Fi shows after Smackdown! and I'm putting my money on Edge as Raw General Manager.
-Aptitude for mediating dispute between parties through meetings, disciplinary actions and the occasional I Quit match.

I think that it will most likely be Mick Foley. He is one of the few guys to satisfy all the requirements. As for the other suggestions:

Hbk, Undertaker, Edge have never been in I Quit matches.

Rock is too busy with his movie career.

The only other alternative is Stone Cold.
I am pretty sure it will be Mick Foley. He has currently stated he would like to work with The Miz. I can see Laryngitis getting upset that foley is GM and using Truth and Miz to disrupt what Foley does. Perhaps building to WM, Foley can have run in's and taking out Truth. Have The Miz and Foley in a Street Fight/Hardcore match at WM and have Foley put over The Miz at WM. Even have Truth return at WM to help the Miz and have have Foley put them both over.
I think JBL would actually do great as the raw GM. Either him or JR (for some weird reason I could actually see this going over), and last but not least Booker T... I really see Booker T actually making a decent Raw GM, he's entertaining, and is great on the mic.

Not to sure about JBL, as for JR I think it would be great. He could be kept backstage with a segment here and there, and there would be more focus on wrestling.

As for Booker T, now that I think about it, your right he would be extremely entertaining in an authority role. I would love to see the promos between GM Booker and the likes of The Awesome Truth, CM punk, Del Rio, etc.

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