The Raw GM

Does there have to be a GM? I mean it looks like HHH is going to be the Raw authority figure for the time being. He'll probably appear on SD periodically too, but they'll keep Teddy for now I think.

The GM's job is to make the matches and keep order on the show. Well with HHH already doing that, then the GM is not needed. There is a possibility that they will eventually do away with the GM concept altogether and just have HHH run both shows. I mean Raw and SD are a Monday and Tuesday job so I think he could handle it.

The point is, instead of speculating about who the GM is or will be, should we maybe ask the question of whether there will even be a GM anymore? With HHH running the show and trying to become established as the C.O.O. the GM is redundant.
even though i think the RAW GM idea has kinda died with triple h on raw every week now...IF they decide to choose someone for it i could see Mick Foley or Kevin Nash being the top choices for it sense there legends in the business and would bring some interest into raw? although as a fan i wanna see HBK become the GM...just because he could make the crowd hate him if he really needed to and he could make the crowd love him anytime he wanted to as well...but i cant see it happening

I know there is a thread about the Anonymous GM, but I wanted to make a new one to debate this own theory. Must of us are tired of the anonymous gm storyline and it seems its leading no where, there have been so many sugestions to it is that nobody really knows who they use to be the GM after it is revealed.

So my point is, why don't they bring back the former Chairman of the Board (kayfabe) Vince McMahon as the Anonymous GM? It would make sense since the beggining, McMahon announce himself that there was a new GM after The Nexus attack on Bret Hart last year, so he didn't want to be attacked again by Nexus as he was weeks before. No more word on the Anonymous GM from Vince McMahon since then.

Now that in storyline Triple H is the C.O.O. what better way to bring back if they want Vince McMahon for a storyline purpose against Triple H in a typical power struggle storyline between both of them? We all know that Triple H would have more power but they could make matches for the control of RAW or WWE at Survivor Series in a way similar to what WCW/ECW Invasion was about around Survivor Series 2001, only one would survive as the "owner" of the company and Monday Night RAW.

What do you think? Is it plausable? Does it make sense?
I seem to remember Vince being in the ring and the Anonymous GM arranged him a guest ref for a Cena/Sheamus match so no. It wouldn't make any sense. I've said this alot but I think John Laurinaitis is gonna be revealed as the man who was behind the RAW GM's laptop. Just think about it. Everytime Lauriniatis appeared on RAW the GM was a no show. Plus this would totally put him over as a major heel character.
I don't think we will see a regular GM anytime soon. Trips as the COO is a fairly new idea and the anonymos GM seems to have been written out. I would rather finally find out who that was than see a new GM take over because they do not need one. I also wanted to see Trips destroy the laptop with his sledgehammer.
For some time I thought it was John Laurinaitis. I think that would be the best bet. But now that they are showing him on air more there isn't much of a point in it being him. At the end of the day I think that would have been good and a lot of fun. With this new direction it would be even better.
personally this has become the most stale storyline going right now its been drug out to the point that i dont really see a reason to care and hearing michal cole saying can i have your attention please is just as annoying as hearing vicky say excuse me 10,000 times personally if they ever do decide to end it there better be some big surprise otherwise to me its going to be a massive let down
I think it will be and should be Mick Foley. He'd be good for the job, but the GM's 'second rated' now due to Hunter being in charge so I wouldn't be surprised if they just dropped the storyline :(
they might as well i cant for the line of me figure out what the point was of dragging it out as long as they have other than to make michal cole even more annoying than he is on commantary (dont get me wrong he plays a great heel charicter but after awhile he comes off as really annoying to me)

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