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The Raw GM

the anonymous GM was supposed to be anonymous out of fear of the Nexus attacking him/her(remember they were being pushed and attacking everyone then). once the Nexus was changed and broken apart, there was no need to keep the GM anonymous - it only made the GM come across as weak since they no longer had anything to fear. Tiffany was the GM of ECW - if she wasn't afraid to deal with the wrestlers, why should the RAW GM? it should have been dropped a long time ago.
OMG! I can't believe a lot of people miss that, it was the most over played, over-rated, most annoying angle ever introduced to wrestling.....it sucks so bad! I' exceptionally happy that it appears to have ended, may it stay that way please!!!!!!!!!!!
To be honest I dont miss it I just wish that they would've resolved who it was unless they havent scrapped the idea yet. My take is that it might've been John Laurinitis or that Jericho will find out who it is when he returns since he really did start the crusade to expose his/her identity.
I suppose it was interesting in the beginning, especially when it was throwing out catch phrases to keep the audience guessing. However, it got to the point where it seemed that not even the WWE knew who it was. If it was actually going to be anybody, they'd have probably revealed who it was by now.

I'm glad it's gone at this point. The Anonymous GM gimmick way out lived its purpose and it was always somewhat embarrassing to have to admit that Raw was basically being run by a computer. They might bring it back to have it cause trouble and then have Trips out who it is and bring him/her/it out for a showdown in person, but I doubt it.

More than likely it'll fade away by just never being mentioned again. Good riddance.
Hell no I will not miss it! Besides, it isn't necessary anymore seeing as HHH is going to be on TV for a LOOONNGGG time and with him making the decisions we don't the anon GM.
I personally liked it at first, but then when the raw GM started to interupt everything I got annoyed. I wouldn't mind if they brought it back as long as it followed a reveal somewhere down the line.
The way I see it, it was only used to draw heat to Cole....a few months ago after Mania it was barely used anyways....I think that was the main intention, plus to see if Cole could handle a weekly managerial type role...he might in the future since JR came back
Here's me predicting what will happen with the Anonymous GM thing cause I don't think it's over. Now obviously. They're trying to get John Laurinaitis over as a heel character. Now I don't think his voice is gonna get him alot of heat(although it's so god awful annoying) let's just say have him be revealed as the man who was behind the Raw GM's laptop. So he was the Raw Anonymous GM. Now that would explain his sudden motivation to appear on TV interrupting Trips to tell him what "Vince would have wanted". I don't think the Anonymous Raw GM should be totally forgotten. A great way to end the angle is to expose John Laurinaitis as the man who was the GM. That would seriously put him over with everybody. So I'm not gonna miss this cause I don't think it's even gone. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
If tonight really marked the end of the anonymous GM, then my feelings aren't hurt about it. The mystery surrounding the GM only held my interest when it was introduced after the Nexus invasion. But once the Nexus storyline began to lose steam and the GM's messages only served to get cheap heat on Cole, the excitement of who was the GM as well as my interest in it just faded away. The anonymous GM angle initially had potential but it just dragged on for way too long (over a year). So long story short, no I won't miss it.
Here's me predicting what will happen with the Anonymous GM thing cause I don't think it's over. Now obviously. They're trying to get John Laurinaitis over as a heel character. Now I don't think his voice is gonna get him alot of heat(although it's so god awful annoying) let's just say have him be revealed as the man who was behind the Raw GM's laptop. So he was the Raw Anonymous GM. Now that would explain his sudden motivation to appear on TV interrupting Trips to tell him what "Vince would have wanted". I don't think the Anonymous Raw GM should be totally forgotten. A great way to end the angle is to expose John Laurinaitis as the man who was the GM. That would seriously put him over with everybody. So I'm not gonna miss this cause I don't think it's even gone. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I believe it's a good idea that John Laurinaitis is revealed as the Raw GM. Not only does it make sense, but it could end the Anonymous GM angle once and for all. When it first came out, it was something innovative and I thought that the GM would be revealed at the end of 2010, but it dragged on for way too long and now I don't really care who is the GM since it's main mouthpiece is Michael Cole.
I did like the idea of secrecy and the fact there was a figure backstage that was pulling the string. But it was so annoying!! with Cole making his obnoxious announcements that just got too repetitive.
I really feel as if they had someone lined up to reveal his or herself as the GM but they didn't do it for some reason, so they jusy carried on with it, I would have preferred it if Michael Cole was GM as his heel pitch was great! It would have been great to see him being bias and giving all the heel's title shots and the face's just swatting them away and finally getting to Cole, kind of like a Paul Heyman type character!
They kept the gimmick going for what? 2 years?

It had the exact same problems as the Nexus, it was under effective and got boring super easy

And the sad thing is, it could have actually worked to the company's advantage
I'm going to assume that the answer to the thread title has been a resounding "no." Don't look to me to play devil's advocate; I'm not going to.

The anonymous GM was, well, an artefact. It was such an artefact that it may well crop up in Indiana Jones & The Fact That We've Got Tons More Money Than You But It Still Isn't Enough, Pay To Watch This Shitty Movie. Remember when those titles were more concise? The GM's an artefact in that it's an example of what WWE booking was this time last year and, for all I know, what WWE booking is this year. It was directionless, week-to-week booking. They never knew how they were going to finish it, and they left the bait dangling so long that people, like us, simply greeted it with apathy every week after a couple of months.
I won't miss it but it seems unlike WWE to discontinue it without a conclusion. Y'know, like reveal who it is, drag the shithead out to the ring and horsewhip him for all the crap he's caused.

But, except for dropping the McIntyre-Kelly program without a word, this company usually doesn't abandon an angle without an explanation.

There's always something cowardly and deceitful about a person who exercises great authority, yet won't show his face or reveal his identity. I say they use one more segment to put an end to the mystery.

After all, Triple H can still deliver a Pedigree, can't he?
HBK/ Nash are signed to Legends' contract and they don't have time to appear on TV on a daily basis so it won't be them.

Hang on a minute. You're saying it wont be Nash because he doesn't "have time to appear on TV on a daily basis"? (Technically, it's a weekly basis, not daily, but i'll let that one slide). So, Kevin Nash, who's working with developmental and throwing the odd pay-per-view party every now and then, hasn't got the time to appear once a week yet Stephanie, a mother of, what, 3 (?) children has the time? Whilst I agree with you that it might well be stephanie (as we all know how vince likes to keep the big storylines within the family) I don't think you can use your logic to discount Nash.
This following comment is simply for my amusement:

- Anyone remember when Chris Jericho was staking out in the ring, waiting to be put back into a title match or be given an opportunity to get back in. Whenever John Morrison beat him and took his spot? Anyone? Lol, well Michael Cole was like "May I have your attention? I have recie-"

Chris Jericho Interrupted him and was like "We know you have an E-mail. JUST SHUT UP AND READ IT." Perhaps he was in such a hurry because he already knew what it was going to say....CAUSE HE IS THE GM....dun dun dun....hahaha. So he wanted to hurry up with that segment to get on with the rest of the show. Could have sent it by phone or something..

Just kidding though. Just a thought, but i don't believe it to be true. An interesting thing indeed. Do you think they will continue around with it much longer though now that Triple H is in Charge of day to day transactions and actions and what not?
If they don't decide to just scrap the RAW GM thing and act like the whole computer GM never happend (like they seem to be doing the last few weeks) I really think Johnny Ace will be announced as the GM.

Although it would be a pretty big upset compared to all of the build into it before for it to be someone that most of the casual fans prob have no idea who he really is.

For people wondering where I came up with this idea or why I think it's him heres my reasoning...

The RAW GM was during Vince's onscreen time as the COO, now since HHH has taken over we haven't seen the GM as HHH has been pretty much filling in that spot on TV. Now all of a sudden Johnny Ace is showing up on camera and confronting HHH over his decisions. Storyline wise since HHH wasn't letting the GM run things from his computer he had to come out of hiding and confront him in person so his words could be heard..

I don't like the idea and hope im totally wrong, but something makes me think this is how it could end up..
i would say either kevin nash or mick fowley especially now they have said that he should be coming back to wwe but who knows lets be honest it could be any former wrestlers that had a big career
You know maybe the GM is HHH. Has anyone thought of that? Has anyone noticed since HH H has been on tv as COO there has been no GM email. Maybe there is something to that. This could be the way to turn HHH heel. Or maybe im reading too much into things.
I think they need to keep Johnny Ace on camera for short bits over the next few weeks and see if he starts to get heat. I think he will. Then, it might be worthwhile to reveal he was the anonymous GM.
If they reveal him now, nobody cares, and the anonymous GM was someone they'd never heard of and people are disappointed. Since Johnny Ace (like many, I'd rather type Ace than try and spell Laurinaitis) has been there all along, and is probably going to be pushed as the type of guy who would make a power play, the whole thing would make sense. But if they don't first get him to the point where the crowd showers him with boos the second he appears on the ramp, then it would all be a waste.
5 weeks ago on Raw, Cena said that he had gone over the anonymous Raw GM's head to contact Vince Mcmahon directly on the CM Punk suspension situation. Since then week after week, (1 week before and 3 weeks after MITB) the anonymous GM has just been forgotten (not that I'm complaining. I thought the whole thing was silly and annoying in the first place.) anyways, now that they have HHH being in-charge of WWE's day to day activities being the COO, will they be keeping the silly laptop just as a prop or do you all see the anonymous GM coming back? your thoughts please....
I hope they just drop it. Honestly I've never understood their need to have an authority figure make matches every night. I think theyd be more effectively used on rare occasions. Instead for years we've had this "lets have the guy in charge come out and make a mixed tag match for the main event" on a near weekly basis. Let the wrestlers carry the show.
A lot of possibilities for the raw GM, a theory I have is that it is Vince McMahon and he comes for revenge on triple H but, I believe it could also be Stephanie and if a cm punk vs triple H match does happen she could have a good role in that story line.
Honestly i would love the Gm to be Mick Foley. The Reason being because everyone loves him and i think he could give us some good matches after all he did give us the TLC match and the six man hell in the cell match so i would love it so hope he is GM for Raw

As for Teddy Long he is old i mean not like stale but he is old and won't be able to keep being General Manager forever so wwe better come up with a plan for it. I think the best Smackdown General Manager was Stephine McMahon but i think the one that should replace him is Edge i have always been a fan of edge and it would add a twist to his relationship with Christian in the storyline so we have to wait and see

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