Dream GM for Raw


arrogant bastard
So raw needs a great GM i think it had one with eric bischoff and Heyman made a great GM when he was on smackdown. Why WWE didn't make a better effort to keep either is beyond me, maybe there are issues that i don't knw about but they made for great GMs in my opinion. Regal wasn't awful either. My idea for the next great GM though i highly highly doubt it'd ever happen, but it would Jake the Snake Roberts. He may not have it in him to wrestle anymore, but he can still work the mic and a crowd like no other. I think he would make an incredible GM. While Jake would be my first choice, i just think a darker character could make for a great GM, so someone like Jake or Raven for instance would both make great GMs....what do you think?
Well, as a dream GM, I would have to say Eric Bischoff. He played the heel role so well and was just awesome on the mic. I really enjoyed all of his work as GM and wish he would come back.

But as a reasonable choice, I would say Abraham Washington. I saw him debut on ECW tonight and enjoyed the talk show host thing somewhat, but I hear he was a GM in FCW and he worked pretty well down there. Plus, even though some may think it's to early to tell, I think this guy is very good on the mic and has plenty of charisma. Plus I noticed that he could probably work as a face or a heel, and has some pop culture references, kind of like what The Miz does, and I really enjoyed thos, especially his comment on 12 Rounds. I think he might need some more time to get over, but I think he would make a great GM for RAW and that may even be where WWE is headed.
Bring back Adamle!!! LMAO...Jokes boys jokes! I'd love to see someone like Bret Hart, or Randy Savage come back...The only downside there is that eventually people would want to see them wrestle...Bret physically can't anymore, and I'm sure Savage's best matches are waaaaaay behind him. I like William Regal as GM and Commisioner in the past...he usually leaned heel, but would throw in the odd face motion.

He was always entertaining and did some great segments with Jericho back in the day. AND...Unlike Hart and Savage, he can still go! I do think, as far fetched as it sounds, but HULK HOGAN could make for a pretty interesting GM...think about it, he's one of the BIGGEST stars this industry has ever seen...put him in control and I think it could get pretty interesting!
I'd most like to see the million dollar man take the spot but only in his old character. They would have so many story options... everybody has a price and Ted sr is the man for the job
lol, I thought you were going to suggest that the American Dream Dusty Rhodes be the GM of RAW, that or Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer would be terrible and Dusty would get old.

Too be honest, I am happy with Vince in control of RAW, I just hope he fades to the back and is used more sparingly than at the moment. This guest GM thing is cool for now, just hope it doesn't last too long.

My dream GM is Eric Bichoff, he was just a smarmy prick and he was good at it.
I have to agree with eric bischoff. IMO by far the best gm ever, because attracted genuine heat, and played the heel role very well. However id also like to see ric flair. Due to memories of when he was a 'co-owner' of wwe in 2002. I loved that angle. Hes good on the mic and of course the best wrestler ever.
There's a lot of great people that would make for a great dream GM. Before I do that though, I'd just like to add that Mike Adamle was not a horrible GM at all. His work behind the desk made my ears bleed, but his work as GM wasn't bad. He was un-biased, and his concept of matches being "Adamle Originals" wasn't all that bad either. I don't think anyone should be trashing Adamle for his work. You should be trashing Vince for hiring someone with a total lack of knowledge of the WWE product and superstars.

With that said... my dream GM would have to be Austin. I mean c'mon, that guy's presence in an arena is worth the price of admission by itself. Plus, he was one of the best on the stick in history. He was a face GM... but in a sense still didn't care about anything because he was Austin. Austin didn't care if you were Rey Rey, JBL, Orton, or John Cena... he'd stun your ass in a heartbeat if you pissed him off. So essentially, he'd be a pretty non-biased GM... but with an attitude. So honestly who wouldn't want to see Austin as a GM? He'd get to work the stick, stun somebody every now and again, and not risk his body to more injuries while still making a huge impact on Raw. Sure we'd want to all see Austin in the ring again... but as GM, we'd still get to see him stun Cena's ass at least once.
I agree with stone cold, everytime i used to watch raw (post attitude era) was because of him, i loved his promos with guys like La Resistance and Eric when they were co GM

I would also like HBK, when he comes back but i dont think that would happen.
Lets face it, Heyman and Eric were removed frm their posts because they were ECW and WCW. I believe if neither of those had worked in WCW/ECW and had been in WWE all the time then they would still be there as on air talents.

Raven will never be back in the WWE. I dont know if its true but all the wrestling websites around 2002/2003 reported that Stephanie HATED Raven and the fact he had ideas better than hers. So he was removed from the business.
I think the WWE should implement a secret GM, someone who never appears and nobody knows who it is. The GM should just be a shadowy figure (kind of like the banker on Deal or No Deal) that does not show favoritism to faces or heels. They could run this storyline for a while, but not to long. The GM should only revealed when their tenure is done and it should be a well known person (not an Adamle). Or it could be an interesting way to push a new superstar, like Abraham Washington. Someone tired of sitting behind the desk and wanting to fight.
There have been some good and some bad G.M.'S But here are a few I wouldnt mind seeing at least for a little while.
1. JBL come on this man can turn a crowd like its nobody's bussiness, he could do it as A.P.A. or even as J.B.L.
2. I like the post saying Jake the snake Roberts, but agree that eventually people are gonna want to see him get involved. So why not bring him in as the "Mentor" to legacy and play the J.J. Dillon role as the brains for a while, then have him take over the G.M. as the heel that everyone hates.
And finally
Why not bring some tradition to the WWE with this one
Kevin Von Erich, ok here is the best way to do this, Lacey Von Erich is in training at FCW and Kevin could be the one to bring here up and give her a shot at raw, however, She is joining legacy and he is their new manager.

Just my thoughts
I'll be frank.

I think the public has a craving for something new. Something they haven't seen before. And I think this person is best suited to be a non-wrestler. I'm looking for a unique, interesting personality that can create some good television segments to help get talent over. But again, I need to emphasize that this position is best suited for a non-wrestler and someone who has never been seen before who will give the fans something different.

As has been toyed around in other threads, I would even support the idea of a WWE President who would oversee all the shows. However, if we are going to make the person this powerful, it would have to be a McMahon. And Shane McMahon would be my pick for that particular position. Someone who can be fair, but tough at the same time, and can pull of a Tweener character much better than Stephanie.
As far as my dream gm cause it wouldn't actually happen I would love to see raw ran by RVD. His laid back pothead demeanor would play off everyone in a new and fresh way. Sort of like how adamle had no agenda or heel/face bias you could do the same with RVD. As a former champ/wrestler he could get up in people's faces if necessary but just keep him mello and let that infuriate the heels and confuse the faces. Also how crazy would it be to see him in a suit.
Ok since this is "Dream GM" im gonna throw a crazy one out there. ok so we have a 3 hr raw. and at the end of the night right after a great main event... vince comes out and says he is going to name the new raw GM. we have 10 seconds of silence before "IF YOU SMELL?!" come on how great would that be?! the rock as GM! the ratings would be out of this world! but once again, this is only a dream

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