Who will be the bigger star Skip Sheffield or Mason Ryan?


Pre-Show Stalwart
We all know Vince loves his big men and from reports Ive seen on here he is really high on both these guys. Both men have the potential to be the next 2nd big babyface in the company, so lets break it down.

Skip Sheffield has a similar look to goldberg , he is a powerhouse and he was the heavy in Nexus just like Mason Ryan is now, he is reasonable on the mic but i think he will need to change his name because Skip Sheffield doesnt sound that good next to names like John Cena, Randy Orton and Edge,

Mason Ryan more or less looks like Batista and at the moment WWE Creative are booking him like Batista when he was in Evolution just a pure monster. His movesets are pretty cool for a big man but I havent really heard him on the mic so i cant judge.

so for me Id have to say Mason Ryan because i think he is going to rise to the top with a year and he will be main eventing PPV's by Summerslam next year I just hope the fans dont rip on him for being Welsh lol so what do you guys think?
I think it's too early to say. Mason Ryan has acknowledged many times over that he has a long ways to go in the ring and otherwise, and Skip Sheffield hasn't been around long enough or done enough to give a clearer indication of what might lay ahead for him.

Going off of what we have seen thus far I'd have to say that Mason Ryan will probably get by on looking kind of like Batista before Skip Sheffield gets by on anything. I just don't see what either guy really has to offer. The WWE doesn't need 2 Rob Terry's.
Let me see the report that you read that said Vince is big in Skip Sheffield. I have NEVER heard that.

I know he's big on Mason Ryan, and I think they're slowing down his push a little bit or at least pacing it so he can settle in better.

But Skip Sheffield? I mean, come on. He looks like a mix between Kurt Angle and Hornswoggle, and maybe a little bit of Val Venis. Skip seems like the most naturally inclined on the mic out of anyone on the original Nexus, but we didn't see enough cuz he broke his leg. Skip isn't big enough. Thick? Yes. Height? No.

Mason Ryan will end up being a bigger star (once he tunes up his accent) than Skip Sheffield. Lil Skip will end up being the enforcer... for the midcard.
^^ It was posted on Wrestlezone a couple weeks ago. It reported that Vince was high on Skip, never heard he was hiigh on Ryan, but that should be obvious enough. It's the reason why he's in Nexus.

Also, I say Skip will be the bigger star. Ryan has a better look, but his in ring ability and lack of mic skills make him utterly pointless at times. Skip isn't that bad in the ring, and he works with any gimmick given to him (even the lamest ones). Skip always stood out to me in the original Nexus, while Ryan just doesn't have the same effect on me Skip had.
I say Skip Shefield, he's more than just muscles. He's got the charisma and is very entertaining on the mic. We haven't seen much out of Mason Ryan yet, to me he's just a big clutz like most big guys but we'll see if he can be impressive in the future.
Mason Ryan easily. Why? Because his name is easier to remember and i know who he is. Hes the batista look alike.

Skip sheffield? Who the fuck is that? Im being 100% honest. I dont know who that is and i watch RAW every week. And i followed the nexus storyline. I know who wade barret, justin g, otunga, husky harris, mcgillicutty and the wendys guy heath ledger. Then there was the no name tarver with that stupid facemask? But for the life of me cannot remember this skip sheffield loser.

I agree with the other person, he has the dumbest name i have ever heard. I cannot imagine a guy named skip sheffield as a world champion. LOL. I assume hes not on TV right now? If he is, then...LOL. Thats extra sad for him.

Mason Ryan easily wins. For skip to succeed, i say leave him off TV for a long time and have him come back under a new good name. Actually to be honest, if he came out on TV next week under a new name i wouldnt even be the wiser as would many of fans. Who is this loser?
Who can say that either one of them will be stars at this point? Mason Ryan is still extraordinarily green and Sheffield has been out injurred for the past 6 or 7 months.

Just making a guess, however, I'd go with Sheffield. Based on what I've seen, Sheffield is pretty much the superior of Mason Ryan in just about every way. Sheffield is much stronger inside the ring, has shown some compotent mic abilities, has just as intimidating a physical presence & look, has great facial expressions & body language etc. Sheffield was entirely believable in his role as the original muscle of Nexus and showed legitimate promise in my view. The few times he was given the mic, he seemed solid and he just seemed more intimidating than Ryan.
If we remember all the way back to NXT season 1 Sheffield did used to get a fairly decent pop when he was playing the babyface under the heel pro, Regal. His 'Yup Yup Yup' catchphrase went down quite well, and with his early exit from nexus he has the platform to return as a strong babyface superstar with instant fan reaction with the heat that nexus pull.

I would say that because of the circumstances, and maybe the fact that he's from the US (coming from a country that most Americans don't even know exists can't be helpful) I would say Sheffield will be the bigger star, maybe even by a country mile.
I don't understand this question. Don't get me wrong, I know what you are asking, but it doesn't really make sense to ask this question right now. First, as someone else posted, Ryan is incredibly green and sheffield has been out for months. Second, and related to the first, neither one has really been able to show a solid singles match on TV yet, so how can we determine right now who is better in the ring? Third, both have been delegated to mindless drone duty as part of a group, and no one really ever gets a chance to shine in that role. So basically, we have very little, if any information, by which to judge either of them so I don't see how anyone can determine right now which will be a bigger star: could be one or the other, both, or neither. I think we need to see them more on the mic and in the ring before determining that and it doesn't really make sense to ask this question now.
I say skip Sheffield! This guy just to me looks like someone who will go far. Unless he somehow messes it up. I actually think that Sheffield and Ryan will end up in a Cena/Batista type deal where one is on Smackdown and the other on Raw and they will dominate their respective brands. Oh and Mason Ryan seems huge and great but his voice seriously bugs me. just saying
i see skip being a solid mid card guy wiinning ic or us championships mason ryan in the long run will be winning wwe world heavy wieght champs but i still think skip will be around longer kinda like a chris jericho long runs as mid card champ then a break threw...

my vote will end up being skip in the over all long run
We all know Vince loves his big men and from reports Ive seen on here he is really high on both these guys. Both men have the potential to be the next 2nd big babyface in the company, so lets break it down.

Skip Sheffield has a similar look to goldberg , he is a powerhouse and he was the heavy in Nexus just like Mason Ryan is now, he is reasonable on the mic but i think he will need to change his name because Skip Sheffield doesnt sound that good next to names like John Cena, Randy Orton and Edge,

Mason Ryan more or less looks like Batista and at the moment WWE Creative are booking him like Batista when he was in Evolution just a pure monster. His movesets are pretty cool for a big man but I havent really heard him on the mic so i cant judge.

so for me Id have to say Mason Ryan because i think he is going to rise to the top with a year and he will be main eventing PPV's by Summerslam next year I just hope the fans dont rip on him for being Welsh lol so what do you guys think?

Both men are huge freaks of nature, so they got that going for them. In my opinion Skip Sheffield will be the bigger star. In my opinion there's just more there for them to work with. Mason Ryan is green and can learn, but at this point he looks awkward in the ring. The last I remember Sheffield looks pretty impressive in the ring and is way ahead of Ryan, not to mention he has a bad ass finisher. Also their looks, Mason Ryan is Batista's doppelganger, with an accent. Sheffield has an intense and psychotic look at times, which I think you can do more with.

You said you expect Mason Ryan to be main eventing PPVs next year, I think that's a huge stretch. He has a long way to go, and a lot to prove before I would believe that.
i would like it to be Skip Sheffield but Mason will prob go higher than Skip first but both will be used well im sure. Skip has somewhat better experiece on mic from being in NXT and you can at least understand him a little better then Mason, as far as in-ring they both still need work a little.
Mason Ryan for sure. I mean think, when i think of "Skip Sheffield" first i think "what kind of ring name is that.."

Skip Sheffield doesn't sound very threatening whatsoever. Mason Ryan will end up being the name the color commentators are AFRAID to say. I think eventually, Ryan will be the giant powerhouse that absolutely nobody can stop. Like Khali in 2007, Kozlov in 2008, Umaga in 2006, or even Batista at some point where he was truely "The Animal".

I think Skip will have SOME future, but it won't be as great as Ryans. Mason Ryan i think is a future World Champion. Look to see his real career take off when the whole Nexus faction is done.
Who can say that either one of them will be stars at this point? Mason Ryan is still extraordinarily green and Sheffield has been out injurred for the past 6 or 7 months.

Just making a guess, however, I'd go with Sheffield. Based on what I've seen, Sheffield is pretty much the superior of Mason Ryan in just about every way. Sheffield is much stronger inside the ring, has shown some compotent mic abilities, has just as intimidating a physical presence & look, has great facial expressions & body language etc. Sheffield was entirely believable in his role as the original muscle of Nexus and showed legitimate promise in my view. The few times he was given the mic, he seemed solid and he just seemed more intimidating than Ryan.

I agree, however, I will make sure to point out that, while I think Skip will be bigger, there is no doubt in my mind that Mason Ryan will hold the World Title once or twice, and make it work, but then ultimately end up as a high mid card - occasional Main Eventer for the length of his career. Sort of where Morrison is now. In the mid-card, but can easily be put in a Main Event one random show or two.

Skip, on the other hand, I think will be Main Event for the later chunk of his career, BUT, he will take a while to be credible and get there. He will spend a year, 2, or even 3 in the mid card around the US/IC title. Then he'd probably feud with a main event star, to be put over, and become credible. In none of this will he be involved WITH the World Title. I think he will be built great, and could possibly be a monster-looking face(?). Although, because of his build, he wouldn't make a bad monster heel, since he can talk quite well, and is at least par in the ring. The only think I've seen him botch personally was whatever he did (I can't remember anymore) to break his ankle. And he definately has the look of a professional wrestler.

But in the long haul, Sheffield will be bigger than Ryan.
Whereas both of these guys have potential to make something of themselves, as really anybody does given the dedication and right angle, it's way to early to early to talk about either of their futures. Shef has hardly made a blip on the radar, and though Ryan is a monsterous physical presence, he is still mostly lost when in the ring. At this point, Ryan is benefitting from his size and look, along with having a Nexus T-shirt. It's reasonable to think these guys could carve out a future, but at this point, their WWE futures look to be as strong as Matt Morgan's was. Morgan went on to obviously find success in TNA after a hardly noted run in E, but also had far more talent then these guys at that point in his career. To talk about dominance in their futures is premature... maybe with LOTS of time. And the Batista comparisons end with the look... Even rookie Deacon Batista was more of a presence at that time. It's just too early.
i agree with dark horse mostly i dont think either fo them have much to offer skip looks like kurt angle/ goblin his face n head shape just remind me of a goblin hahaha n mason ryan needs a lot of work idk why everyone is so bug on him just cuz he looks like batista doesnt mean he is...anyway if i had to choose ill take skip just cuz he was there first n he was injured n i love comeback stories
I see Mason Ryan going a bit farther than Sheff, Ryan has the name, look and I believe the mic will come if they keep him with CM Punk for a year or two. I also like Sheff a lot he has the monster look and mic but he needs to drop the cowboy name like he did with the act. I think both have a better upside than Batista and Goldberg.

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