Sure I do. I know EXACTLY what technical wrestling is. What YOU don't understand is that technical wrestling has NOTHING to do with GOOD wrestling. Technical wrestling is just a style, much like lucha libre, brawling, hardcore, etc. And since the thread didn't ask for the best technical wrestler, then limiting choices to "technical" wrestlers is beyond idiotic.Slyfox you really don't seem to have a grasp on what technical wrestling is.
At what, putting people to sleep? Making people not care?Dean Malenko was a far greater wrestler than Macho.
Because he was a far better worker.Having said that, Macho was way more over than Dean ever was.
Once again, working a technical style has NOTHING to do with being a good wrestler. Using your logic, Charlie Haas is a better worker than Rey Mysterio, because Haas is a technical worker, whereas Rey is a high flyer.Can he touch Malenko as far as technical wrestling? Absolutely not. Its okay though.
It's ridiculous to claim such a thing. Why don't you take Wrestling 101, and then get back to me about who doesn't understand what.