who thinks raw and smackdown and ecw should reunite together?

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Dark Match Jobber
who thinks raw smackdown n ecw should unite into joint shows so much more competion there will be 25 main eventers on raw and smackdown each week why is vince wasting peoples time?
HMM I think RAW abd SMACKDOWN should re-unite considering that SMACKDOWN is hopeless. But ECW should still be a show all it's own.
I always hated and still hate Raw and Smackdown being appart so yes I would love for Smackdown and Raw to be together. It would be great and we would have great rivalries, I think this was the biggest mistake the wwe made to seperate the brands.
Ummmm most ******ed idea to date een though that ****** perv vince would say "OOHHH LOOK its a little young boy whos smarter than my ass and wants to give me ideas well ill tell the boy what he can have his idea made if hejoins a certain club...THE VINCE MCMAHON KISS MY A** CLUB!!!!"dude the guy is gay and he keeps doin the same gay routine in every show i just wish \VINCE WOULD FRIGGIN RETIRE GODAMN IT!!!!
if they joinded together would they still be on seperate nights like friday and monday cuzz if they did that would be cool it could help smackdown a lot but not ecw they should stay seperate
I agree with some of the earlier posters in saying that Raw and SD! should be combined and leave ECW as a seperate faction. That would just be another slap in the face to the diehard ECW loyalists (already being slapped by WWE management). But I agree Smackdown! is prolly the most boring thing I've ever seen live and I saw the Miami Hurricanes play Temple in football.
If they Merged Raw and Smackdown together then whats going to happen to the titles and if they do then WCW comes back so I say the brand split stayes
I think they should merge Raw and Smackdown to improve the shows, but also with the separate brands is easier to develop talent on tv, so I say I'm in between.
I think it's a stupid idea, they should just keep the Brands seprate.
I think the brand split was a good idea.In 2003 both brands were going strong and I actully prefered SD at this time. Sadly since then the writing on SD has been appalling. Injuries and people leaving have not helped but the writing is the problem. They have taken it back to 1990 with silly gimmicks(Vito wearing a dress/little bastard). They have a weak champion there biggest star(Undertaker) is only part time and has a stale gimmick.If it doesn't improve they may as well re unitite the brands because at the moment I barely even watch it(going by what I've seen from other posters I'm not the only one).:wwf:
I have an idea, it may not be a great idea but ima shoot for it, I am not for combining shows because I think that a lot of wrestlers would be lost in the mix and the gifted athletes who are in the midcard status now who have potential to grow would be pretty much ignored. How about, if you really want to combine the titles, or the World Title then anybody who is champion can wrestle on both Smackdown and RAW. Everyone else has to stay on their show but if you have a belt than you can compete in both shows. No combining titles or anything like that, just that champions can show up on both shows if they wish. What do you think?
realblackhart said:
I have an idea, it may not be a great idea but ima shoot for it, I am not for combining shows because I think that a lot of wrestlers would be lost in the mix and the gifted athletes who are in the midcard status now who have potential to grow would be pretty much ignored. How about, if you really want to combine the titles, or the World Title then anybody who is champion can wrestle on both Smackdown and RAW. Everyone else has to stay on their show but if you have a belt than you can compete in both shows. No combining titles or anything like that, just that champions can show up on both shows if they wish. What do you think?
They used this in the Early days of the brand split and I really thought it worked well am not sure why it stopped.I can only think it was because to build a PPV fued the champ was only on one show which hurt the other show. However I think this would work now as the WHC is more or less worthless at the mo.:wwf:
Well if they use it, it has to be used the right way. Don't have guys jumping show everyweek, every show does have their share of champions. They combined the IC and US titles, and that didn't help. Let every show keep their title but make good use out of it having anyone with a title go on both shows. RAW and Smackdown can compete over who has the most titles. If they want to pull Smackdown out of the dirt, have them do it 1st to restore credibility to a brand that is sinking and sinking fast.
realblackhart said:
Well if they use it, it has to be used the right way. Don't have guys jumping show everyweek, every show does have their share of champions. They combined the IC and US titles, and that didn't help. Let every show keep their title but make good use out of it having anyone with a title go on both shows. RAW and Smackdown can compete over who has the most titles. If they want to pull Smackdown out of the dirt, have them do it 1st to restore credibility to a brand that is sinking and sinking fast.
I see your point but SD having more titles won't nessecerily make it more credabile. Remember at Mania 22 both mixed brand matches were won by guys on SD and they also won the Raw vs SD match at SS last year. Nethier helped the brand more credabile. The only thing that can do that is better writing.:wwf:
OK, i got you, they definately need better writers. Neither show has good writing though. Smackdown is by far worse than RAW's. Having RAW and Smackdown feud a little bit might get 1 person or 2 extra to wanna watch Smackdown on Friday (lol). Also Frida is a bad day to have wrestling. A lot of people go out Friday nights rather than sit at home and watch wrestlers on the begining of their weekend at least RAW is on a weeknight. Anyway I think this whole thing is probably better than anything else they are doing now. I think chapions competing on both shows can be good. But don't combine the shows.
I would like RAW and SmackDown to reunite in one like the attitude days and ECW can just and crawl into a black hole what is 6 feet under!
yes i agree too, smackdown and raw should be together. but not ecw
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