Who should enter the Hall of Fame??


Dark Match Winner
Now before people start about how theres countless threads on this subject, im hoping that this one is slightly different. Who do you think should be in the Hall of Fame, that so far isn't? And I don't mean the usual Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage etc. I mean the people that don't automatically come to mind, but probably do deserve it.

My choice is none other than Jiggly Boobs Layfield, JBL. Now I know that he wasn't the best in the ring, not everyone liked his character, and by all accounts was a complete dick backstage, however his accomplishments within WWE speak for themselves. He was the longest reigning WWE champion in Smackdown history. In total, he won 24 titls in his time in WWE. He was the 10th grand slam champion in WWE history.

Also, i've never spotted this mentioned on here, but TNA have taken aspects of his 2 biggest gimmicks, and joined them together to make the best tag team in the world today, Beer Money. Cowboy James Storm is very similar to APA era Bradshaw, while Robert Roode has aspects of JBL to his character. Now im not suggesting that TNA have directly copied these gimmicks, or even that JBL can take full credit for them himself, but there is clearly a slight influence at least.

So back to my original question: who do you think will end up in the Hall of Fame, that doesn't automatically spring to mind?
John "Bradshaw" Layfield: While many feel that JBL wasn't the best in the ring, he's a former Grand Slam Champion, as well as the longest reigning World Champion in SmackDown history. He may have been a complete douche backstage, but there's no doubt that he had an impact on professional wrestling. Like chenandlerbong said, his two most popular gimmicks have re-surfaced in TNA, in the form of Beer Money, Incorporated. Additionally, I see Alberto Del Rio being used the same way JBL was used in WWE. I see him as a combination of JBL and Eddie Guerrero.

Joanie "Chyna" Laurer: While this may NEVER happen, due to the real-life animosity between Chyna and Stephanie McMahon-Levesque, I truly feel she deserves it. Chyna was the first woman to be in the King of the Ring tournament. She was the first woman to enter the Royal Rumble and the first woman to become the #1 Contender for the WWE Championship. She spent most of her career wrestling against MEN, even winning the Intercontinental Championship three times. Not to mention, she was also an Undefeated WWE Women's Champion.

Amy "Lita" Dumas: Lita really raised the bar for athletic competition within the Women's Division. She brought a new style to women's wrestling, and as a four-time Women's Champion, I think she should be regarded as one of the BEST women's wrestlers in history.

Trish Stratus: Trish is the classic tale of a model become wrestler. Unlike now, however, Trish had a true passion for wrestling and wasn't there just for looks. She worked hard inside and outside of the ring to hone her craft, and it paid off for her. She won the Women's Championship more than anyone else in history, as recognized by WWE.

Solofa "Rikishi" Fatu: Say what you want about him, but he was entertaining and put over a lot of guys on the WWE roster. Not to mention that the fans loved him. He, in my opinion, will always be regarded as one of the most entertaining performers in the WWE.
Vince Mcmahon: 100% responsible for getting the company where it is today and i also feel that he is one of the most fantastic entertainers ever. and a perfect heel.

Chris Benoit: So what if he took too many chair shots and lost sight in the end? He was a hard working, persistent wrestler who could really work with other wrestlers, making for great matches.

Just a couple that come to mind at the moment, might post more later if i think of some.

Good Thread ;)
Simply, jef is one of the most decorated superstars of all time. Should WWE keep him out for going to TNA?

Jeff Hardy is a two time world heavyweight champion, a one time wwe champion, one time wcw tag team champion, 6 time wwe tag team champion, 1 time european champion, 4 time IC champion, 3 time hardcore champion, and a one time light heavyweight champion. thats 19 titles in the WWE. not to mention he is the ninth grandslam champion, and the eighteenth triple crown champion.

On top of his championships, he has two slammies for most extreme moment of the year, has two consecutive match of the year and wrestler of the year from PWI, he was ranked 13 on the PWI wreslters in 2009, and he won PWI comeback of the year and tag of the year.

Now the question is, can the WWE just make all these accomplishments moot and not induct him into the hall of fame, just for going to TNA? Should they induct him?

Questions, Comments, Concerns? BTW, Feel free to tear this apart if you feel the need, i can take it.
Seeing that it is rumored that it may a WCW themed Hall of Fame I can see a few people to enter the Hall of Fame

Arn Anderson: The Enforcer....A Member of the Horsemen...Enough said

Goldberg: His amazing undefeated streak in WCW...and its in his Hometown of the ATL

Kevin Nash: Seeing that he is done with the industry...why not

Sting: would be amazing
Im going to limit my list to just three.

The Hardy's: Vince has mended fences with past talent before, hasn't he? Truth be told, no matter how big of douschebags both may be, their impact on tag team wrestling is undeniable. Along with E&C and Team 3D, they were the innovators of the TLC match. They won tag team gold 7 times together, which is second in WWE history to only Edge and Christian. It might not be for another 15 years, but these two will be inducted as a tag team.

Kane: Whether he's inducted as Kane or Glenn Jacobs, he's a surefire HOF. WWE never tapped into the full potential of his monster character, as evidenced by him only having 2 World Title Reigns. But this past year may have been the best of his career, including him cutting the best promos of his life. While his 5 month reign as champion may be a mixed bag, it cemented his one way ticket into the HOF.

Christian: Alongside Edge, hes a 9 time World/WWE tag team champion. As a team, noone has ever produced more. He's a 3 time IC champion, and a 2 time ECW champion. The man has literally shown time and time again that he can have a good match with just about anyone. What really puts Christian over the top and earns him the nod is his time as champion in the last days of ECW. He carried the brand on its back during its dying days and was a dominant champion by holding the title from May 2009-February 2010 and really helping to get some of the younger stars on the map. Because of his work during that time in getting younger talent over and his utter unselfishness during that time, he belongs in the HOF as well.
JBL: I have thought he shoulde b in the hall of fame for the longest. JBL waz a role model so many have been compared to his greatness when it comes to think like mic skills, or when somebody does a certain action you would say something like that's something JBL would. For eample Wade Barret taking control of John Cena is much like JBL taking control of Shawn Michaels. He was very successful in the APA. He is a Grandslam. He was a commentator. He had the longest reign as WWE champion in Smackdown history. He has had great fueds with John Cena, Chris Jericho, Eddie guerrero. He had a stable called The Cabinet. He is a self made millionaire. He is a self proclaimed wrestling god. JBL is a success story. The Hall of Fame would make his story just a whole lot more better.

RikishiI'm going to have to agree with this a little I dont think it's gonna happen but it's good to mention. Rikishi was just too cool. He had the most electrifyinf move in the buisness the stink face he was apart of too cool. He has won 3 tag team championship and a ic championshup. Not the best stats but Koko B ware got in.......Nuff said

Mick Foley: This guy needs to get in. He is a hardcore legend he has made alot of history in and outside of wwe. He had 4 characters Mankind, Dude Love, and Cactus Jack eachof them successful in different ways. Then you have regular Mick who's just Mick. Oh my gosh the list goes on and on with this guy and I dont even wanna say anything about what he has done because I'm afraid I might leave something out. But he is a 3 time wwe champion. The first hardcore champion and an 8 time tag team champion in the WWE.

Kane I almost forgot to type him up. Kane should be in the hall of fame but I dont really know if he's gonna get in. He's had an amazing career with amazing moments. But will the WWE let him in?
Demolition: 3X tag team champions, also hold the record for single longest tag title reign and the most combined days as reigning champions. Best tag team of late 80s/early 90s. I would have put the Road Warriors in this spot, but I think they're on the list of no-brainers.

Ron Simmons: 1st African American WCW world champion. 3X WWE tag team champion, 1X WCW tag champion. He has also stayed a part of the company, so you'd think Vince will reward him at some point. Would be a good possibility for a WCW-themed ceremony.

Rick Rude: 1X Intercontinental champion, 1X US champion, 3X WCW international champion, founding member of DX & a member of the NWO, also part of one of the classic moments of the Attitude Era, when he appeared on Nitro & RAW on the same night. May be some bad blood here, but it should have gone away since Rude has been dead for a while. One of the best heels of the late 80s/90s, really good worker, carried Ultimate Warrior thru a feud that helped get warrior over.

Vader: 3X WCW champion, US champion, 3X IWGP champion. Really unique talent, had a decent feud with HBK, good heel. Very underrated wrestler in my opinion.

Davey Boy Smith: 2X European champion, 2X Hardcore Champion, 1X Intercontinental champion, 2X Tag Team champion. Really good midcard worker, had a classic match with Bret Hart @ SummerSlam. If Koko B Ware can be in the HOF, why not the British Bulldog?

Eric Bischoff: This will likely never happen, but the guy came as close to putting Vince McMahon out of business as anyone in history. Major part of one of the most successful periods in the history of the business, helped create the NWO, helped make a lot of stars. He's contributed a hell of a lot to the business, & though it will likely never happen, definitely deserves consideration.
I'll continue with the WCW theme:

Lex Luger - maybe not the greatest wrestler but heel (preferred) or face I always found him entertaining.

Big Van Vader - arguably the greatest big man ever.

Barry Windham - lone wolf or horseman, a very talented in ring performer.

The Steiner Brothers - greatest ever tag team IMO, and quite good singles careers to.

The Fabulous Freebirds - you could not wipe the smile of my face when these guys wrestled.

The Rock N Roll Express - without these guys NO Rockers, NO Hardy Brothers, NO Gen Me etcetra.

The Midnight Express - the ying to RnR's yang.

'Flyin' Brian Pillman - widely regarded as the first real American high flyer superstar.

I realise that most of these guys also appeared in the WWF but they'll always be associated with WCW first and foremost. Finally two more left field choices...

The Great Muta & Jushin Liger - not mainstays but the two japanese wrestlers adored by WCW fans.

Oops, almost forgot one...

Fit Finlay - as with WWe, career long mid carder who always makes his opponent look a million bucks.
jeff hardy- i used to be a huge fan of his. still a big fan but i just cant respect anyone who does drug im sorry. now jeff is one the those most accomplished stars in wwe history. having won as many titles as he did and also raising the bar for tag teams in the late 90's and 2000's/ not to mention his amazing matches in tlc.

sting- hes an icon and a legend. he will go down as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.

the rock- now im shocked no one has said his name. questionably the best mic worker in wrestling and also had one of the stongest fan connections i have ever seen. he was amazing in the ring and on the mic.

owen hart- he was one of the best pure atheletes i ever saw in the wwe. he had the heart and the determination to be one of the best wrestlers wwe could of ever had. in my opinion he is one of the best i have seen.

chris jericho- im not sure if hes done with the buisness just yet but he is in my personal opinion the greatest wrestler of all time. he is without a doubt one of the best mic workers in wrestling and his in ring ability is among the best in the world. he is a god as a face and one of the best heels in wwe. he is the best in the world at what he does.

chyna- one of the best female wrestlers wwe has ever had. she evolved as a star and became one of the most accomplished divas in history. the only female to hold the intercontinental championship and the first woman to enter the royal rumble.

dean malenko- one of the best technical wrestlers i have ever seen, he is a great mat wrestler and was one of the best wrestlers wcw had. he continues to help the industry
by working with the wwe behind the scenes.

lita- one of the best feamle wrestlers of all time and my personal favorite. when she arrived to the wwe she raised the bar for the woman and became a multiple time womans champion.
I'd like to add one more: Booker T. He was a 4X US champion, 6X WCW TV champion, 5X WCW world heavyweight champion, 10X WCW Tag Team champion, 3X WWE Tag Team champion, 1X Intercontinental champion, 2X Hardcore champion, King of the Ring, triple crown & grand slam champion. One of the few guys to have success in both WCW & WWE, and maybe the only one to have any success after WCW was bought out by WWE. His accomplishments are very impressive, & he seems to be on good terms with WWE. Would be a good option for next year, considering the success he had in WCW.
1. Owen Hart - The man was without a doubt one of the best to step foot into a WWE ring, and he was never given the full credit for how good he truly was.

2. Chris Benoit - While Chris Benoit THE MAN may not deserve the recognition, Chris Benoit THE WRESTLER certainly does. Did he take too many shots to the head? Yes. Did it affect him? Duh. My point is this...while Chris Benoit did to terrible thing, should those few terrible acts overshadow ALL of his accomplishments? I don't think so.

3. Gory Guerrero - The patriarch of the legendary Guerrero family. Need I say more?

4. Ted Turner - While some may not think Turner would be a good choice, no one can argue his contributions to the industry. He took WCW and turned it into an overnight success. WCW helped create stars such as Goldberg, Sting, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerero, Rey Mysterio, Ultimo Dragon, Psicosis, and many others.

5. Kid Rock - This one is obviously a suggestion for the "Celebrity Wing" (I still don't understand how they can have a "Celebrity Wing", seeing as their is no actual building). Kid Rock has provided the WWE with MANY themes, from entrance music to PPV themes. For example, The Undertaker's use of American Badass as his entrance, All Summer Long used at Summerslam in '08, and most recently, Born Free, which was used for Tribute To The Troops. Not to mention his set at WrestleMania 25 which helped set the mood for the divas match.

I'm sure I'll come up with many more and I'll post them as soon as they pop into my head.
Okay, this has been done to death, but I have a list for you.

Bob Backlund: 5 years as champion, undefeated until he dropped the belt to the Iron Sheik (in which he never did get a rematch). The man represented the WWF through quite a few turbulent years and was treated like crap at the end of his reign.
Bruno Sammartino: At this point in his life, the bitterness should be subsided a bit with Bruno and Vince. 7 years as champion, the man has earned it.
Bruiser Brody: Next to Andre the Giant, Bruiser was THE top attraction in wrestling in the 70's. No other man was wanted in every territory and has paid his dues.
Both Trish Stratus and Lita: These 2 put women's wrestling on the map again. They matched right up with stories along the guys and the fans were behind them.
...and finally, L.O.D/The Legion of Doom/The Road Warriors: There has never been such a dominating tag-team in wrestling such as the Warriors. They were the first to hold all 3 major Tag titles in the day; NWA, AWA, and WWE. These guys drew money, put butts in the seats, and had the fans where they wanted them.
Trish Stratus: She was really the beginning of the Woman Wrestlers being mega hot, but she actually could wrestle and is along with Lita the best womans wrestler of all time.

Lita: she could high fly like no woman before or since

Owen Hart: Awesome wrestler and promoter. Died for this company, the fact he hasnt been inducted already is disgraceful.

Rick Rude: A classic. Most hated character, amazing wrestler and should also be inducted into the handlebar moustache HOF.

Demolition: by far the most powerful tag team back in the day. They were so dominant you couldnt help but love them.

I have a few disagreements though, whilst Chyna was a phenonuim she could really have beaten up guys, and her moves werent anything special. her character was great but not HOF material.

goldberg: didnt really follow him in WCW but once he was in WWe he wasnt awesome, his feud with the GAME was cool, but that may have had more to do with HHH.

Jeff Hardy: Really? He is far to young to even consider. yeah he is a great wrestler and hard out over with the fans, but his mic work is terrible and while I can overl look the fact he is pinger he has no respect for the industry.
A couple guys I haven't are The Ultimate Warrior and The Macho Man Randy Savage. Both guys paved the way for the younger guys we see today.

The Ultimate Warrior:Had one of the greatest matches is WM history at WM6 with Hogan. He was the first guy to defeat Hulk Hogan clean and during the height of Hulkamania. He was extremely over and quite argubably as over if not more over than Hogan at the time of WM 6.

Macho Man Randy Savage: His career speaks for itself. He had a really great World Title Reign which lead to a classic match at WM 4 or 5 with Hogan.

Others include:

Goldberg: One of the greatest undefeated streaks in the business ever. Great fueds with the likes of Hogan, Rock, and Triple H.

Brock Lesnar: Short career but great career. Accomplished a lot in those two years and defeated some of the biggest names in the business in classic matches such as Hogan, Angle, Rock, Show, and Taker.

JBL:His 10 month title reign helps him. He did his part in the WWE and became a big name and star.

Chris Jericho:Constantly having 5 star matches. Great fueds. First undisputed champion.

The Rock:Classic fueds. One of the greatest.

Shawn Michaels: DX. enough said.
Arn Anderson: If he isn't introduced in next years HOF in Atlanta, it will be very disappointing.

Dean Malenko: Great cruiserweight and submission wrestler.
chris benoit he is an amazing wrestler with an amazing career. he put over a lot of guys like randy orton, edge. and if u think kurt angle is the best wrestler than u would love chris benoit. its just too bad the '' incident'' took place. I really want wwe to show him to the fans more, because his history is going to be lost if they dont show him on wwe.com and stuff. they even took away the 2003 royal rumble history thing bcuz he won it.
[/B]Booker T[/B] first i wnna say i cant say all hist tittle reigns because it would go on forever. he had every thing a superstar needed.

Rob Van Dam There is super no doubt he will be a wwe hall of famer. he was a very good part of of wwe from 2001-2007, and was very good ecw original and had amazing classic hardcore matches. he held the ecw tv champion ship for 2 years and lost it by injury. and he is one of the like 5 ppl that was from hardecore ecw and could acctually wrestle. and his moves id say were the best. better than john morrison today.
and justin gabreil has done tones of moves of van dams. and rvd still helps wwe with the video games.
Jake "The Snake" Roberts - He's had series of great feuds and matches against some of the best of his era. He was popular, and had both the character and psychology.

Bam Bam Bigelow - In my honest mind, he is one of the best big men to ever step foot in the WWE ring. He performed amazingly well against wrestlers his size and below. Even his action figure stood out.

Honky Tonk Man - Longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion and a heel everyone loved to hate. He was entertaining and had a popular gimmick. Who doesn't know the Honky Tonk Man?

Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake - Classic wrestler 'cause of what he did after he won matches. Plus, I remember always copying his Flair-like strut when I was a kid. He's also a former Tag Team Champion with Hall of Famer Greg Valentine. That alone should remind people of who he was and he was pretty popular.
I think we still need to look 15-20 years back at least, though I could be wrong. It seems only the Top 10 of all-time get into the WWE HOF only a few years out of wrestling. Atlanta should be a WCW themed HOF though several guys have been instrumental in both WCW and WWE. Here is my list...

1. Goldberg - only the best of the best get inducted this young out of wrestling. Stone Cold should induct him.
2. Arn Anderson - he was WCW and hopefully Tully inducts him in.
3. Lex Luger - would be a nice gesture considering time in both promotions and his health. Maybe Barry Windham inducts him?
4. The Freebirds - obvious choice being in Atlanta (Bad Street). Kevin Von Erich inducting them would be cool.
5. Sting - I don't think he's done w TNA, but if he's staying away to get inducted then this would be pretty cool. Jim Ross inducts him, w their Mid South & WCW connection.
6. Jake the Snake - another obvious choice being from Stone Mountain Georgia. The Undertaker inducting him would be awesome. Randy Orton maybe, Viper & Snake, plus Jake jobbed to Orton a few yrs back.
7. Bruiser Brody - he was the best big man in wrestling in the 80's not in the WWE. IMO one of the best ever, RIP! Sgt Slaughter should induct him w both being AWA guys.
8. Abdullah the Butcher - the inventor of hardcore basically. Abby is due. Having Primo induct him would be sweet being from Puerto Rico.
Well, if this is a serious list of who might get in next year, then you can forget Chris Benoit. WWE has all but erased him from their history, and he will NEVER be part of the HOF. Not saying he doesnt deserve to be in, but realistically, folks. Never gonna happen.

Also, anyone currently on TNA's payroll....c'mon men. Aint gonna happen. Jeff Hardy and RVD? Not only are they part of TNA, but they're still ACTIVE!

Foley. Will probably eventually go back to the WWE and will get in when he cuts ties with TNA.

Brutus Beefcake? Probably still attached to Hogan's ass.

Owen Hart- definately deserved, but would Martha Hart ever agree to it?

Vader/Warrior/ Savage all have bad history with the McMahons--wont happen

So, realistically, will probably be....

HBK- Shoo-in
Arn Anderson
Rick Rude
Mick Foley: An amazing wrestler and great on the mic. Have you ever seen some of the stuff this guy did for the company? Watch his HIAC match against Taker. For that match alone he could still be HOF worthy.

The Rock: Duh! Hes amazing! He's one off the best to ever step foot in the ring. He had enough charisma for the entire roster.

Lita: DEFINATELY. She is quite possible the best women's wrestler to ever fight in the WWE. She took all the risks, pulled out all the stops, and helped build the womens division. Her and Trish had possibly the best womens fued of all time. Lita is my personal favorite and should be put in the HOF before the majority of women competitors.

Honorable Mentions- Jeff Hardy and Chyna
Who should be in?

Trish - set the bar so high that everyone else looks like crap these days.
Lita - see above
JBL - with the company a decade or more..had great runs as a tag team and a single wrestler and i always enjoyed his commentary, he did it all and deserves to be in the hall.
Big Bossman- big part in attitude era and the cartoon era, was seen in te main event spotlight alot without holding the title.

On a side note..
Jeff Hardy should NEVER be allowed in the hall of fame, he is the most overrated piece of garbage sport entertainer( I cant even bring myself to call him a wrestler) Be so doped up that you can jump off things that are really high isnt something you have as a requirement to be in the hall of fame. The man has no mic skills, he's getting treated way too lightly in the court system as his offenses under normal circumstances would warrant immediate jail time. The man should never be allowed back in WWE, TNA can have him they're gonna fold eventually anyways. Putting Jeff Hardy in would be worse than putting in Koko. The man gives wrestling a bad name and makes people or a ladder carry him through a match.
Chris Benoit the Wrestler deserves it without a doubt. If Eddie could get in Chris deserves to be there too. Their CAREERS made them both HoF worthy and had Eddie not passed away he wouldn't even be in there yet. Benoit has more than enough credentials to be a HoF member. Yes his murder/suicide was a very tragic day, HOWEVER that shouldn't negate all of the contributions that he made as the wrestler. While i don't respect him anymore as a man, I respect what he did inside the ring. As I'm sure many people did/do.

Trish/Lita for obvious reasons.

I'd like to see Dennis Rodman be inducted in the celebrity wing. While in WCW he helped with the media. Especially during his incidents with Karl Malone and himself during the NBA finals. Really helped put Bash at the Beach over the top IMO. I remember wanting to watch it just to see the 2 of them go at it in the ring.

Sting for sure! The man is an Icon and a living legend. Those chants of "You Still Got It!" don't lie. The man can still go.

What about Ron Simmons? Ron Simmons was the first recognized African-American singles World Champion. He is an incredible athlete. And to be honest I wish I was around to see him in his WCW days because the praise he gets for his work in those times makes me wonder why this man hasn't already made it in the WWE Hall of Fame. Could be the perfect time since they are going to WCW's home grounds.

Another thought, yet this is probably way too early in his life..

Paul Heyman. The man deserves his just dues. He is a creative genius, yes he had troubles running ECW but the man help shape what the pro wrestling/sports entertainment world is today. Without Paul Heyman and ECW there wouldn't be some of the superstars we have today.
Wow, talk about wishful thinking. There's as much chance of some these guys getting in as Santa being found to be real (or any religious figure you care to think of).

I'll divide this list in three. First: Guys who should get in, but due to current affiliations or past issues have no chance in the forceable future if ever. Second: Realistic prospects (retired). Third: Realistic prospects (still working)

Part one:
Christ Benoit - One of the great technical wrestlers, but also a double murderer.
Mick Foley - hardcore legend, but currently part of TNA
RVD - Inovator, World champion and Hardcore Icon, but currently a TNA pot head.
Sting - IF there was WCW hall of fame he's lock, currently with TNA though.
Kurt Angle - First olympian, multi-time world champ, but likewise with TNA.
Owen Hart - Last of the true Hart family legends not inducted, but his wife HATES VKM.

Part two:
Rick Rude - legendary Heel in both WWE and WCW
Jake 'The Snake' Roberts - Another legendary heel (but has some demons and heat)
Arn Anderson - Unsung hero in singles and tag-team, plus is a good backstage guy.
Steiner Brothers - One of the most decorated teams and Scott is now free of TNA.
Macho Man Randy Savage - One of the most recognisable 80/90's entertainers.
The Rock - Leader of the attitude era (but might not want the association)
Midnight Express - As Mr Fuji is in, this would complete the set.

Undertaker - Looking like he'll go whatever and 0 at WM, say no more.
Chris Jericho - Undisputed champion, grandslam winner and a good stick worker.
Kane - Painfully underused, but has lasted over a decade and also puts over guys well.
Vince K McMahon - With his ego, how could he not end up in the Hall of Fame?
Triple H - Like Vince, ego maniac, but will probably retire as the most decorated WHC.
Edge - Great Tag-team and singles champion. Will be a lock.

Honorable mentions: Christian - has been underappreciated his entire WWE career, I don't see that changing. William Regal - Dedicated and underused mid carder through his career, still a technical genius. JBL - On merit he should get it in, but might have been too much of dick even for vince. Shane McMahon - Might get in if Vince can persuade him to appear, responsible for many 'holy ****' moments.

As ever, remember any nominations are partly merit, partly politics and mostly ass kissing. PV
Chyna really? I don't think anyone actually watched her matches if your saying she should be in the HOF. She was in the right place at the right time, they wanted a strong female to look good and hang with the boys.
Seriously watch some of her matches, everytime she wrestles the other wrestler carries her the entire match and she is absolute shit in the ring. She isnt in the same league wrestling wise of Trish Stratus or Victoria. Even Sable in my opinion was a better in ring wrestler than Chyna, go watch her matches and see how much of shit Chyna really was.

My pick is Jake the Snake the guy was great in the ring and the mic. His promo before his match with Million Dollar Man before Wrestlemania might be one the the best promos ever.

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