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Who REALLY Should Have Been The 1st Ever TNA Champion?

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AJ Styles definetly should have been the guy in this role. He left WWE to be here, he's one the most genuine guys in the business, that's who it should have been. Period. (Monty Brown should go back to TNA now.)
i like angle but there pushin the wwe guys to much.the first tna champ should have been either samoa joe,aj styles or abyss or maybe rhino but hes a mid carder.kurts not like he use to be like in 2003 and 2004 so hes like sting give him the title once and thats it not every title
i like angle but there pushin the wwe guys to much.

he is not just a wwe guy, he is a great wrestler & arguably the greastest wrestler of all time.

now i do agree that certain wwe guys have getting pushed too much, christian is a great wrestler, but i would take aj styles or christophor danials over him any day of the week. tyson tomko shouldn't even be in the damn company. & i can't stand that some NFL reject is taking time away from good legitimate wrestling talent.
I think Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, Tomko, AJ Styles, Brother Devon, Rhino, Raven, or even Abyss could've held the title, but angle is a pretty good TNA Star, but I wish someone else could've been champ. Also I wanted AJ Styles to win it because then he'd be one tag team championship away (which he won at Bound For Glory) from being a 4 time triple crown champion.
I think in the big picture grand scheme, if TNA is! going to be a successful company and flourish for decades ala WWF/E then it really isn't going to hurt that their first ever official champion was Kurt Angle, who, like one previously stated in this thread is arguably the best wrestler of all time.
I hate that Kurt Angle got it.
I hate Kurt Angle though, a man who hated pro wrestling came in and became one of the biggest names today.

I would like to have seen Christian with it. He was a good champ when it was the NWA title and I think he would have been fine as the TNA champ.

The only reason Kurt was the first I think was becasue TNA and the NWA parted ways. It was a timing thing. Kurt was there at the right time.

Obviously AJ would have been a great pick but since Angle and Christian and Sting have come into TNA Styles has been dumbed down and made to loool like he isn't World title material.
Wow in this thread everyone says the same thing... AJ Styles because he is a TNA guy. Some say Angle is a TNA guy others say he is a TNA Reject... Now if I was to pick a champion I would say


Why not? He is over, has great skill and is a TNA original. Plus he can wrestle hardcore or in a normal match
I would have had Shark Boy! I love his gimmick but he willl not get near any title in the future :(

But if I had to pick one of the legit contenders, I would have had Joe. He gave him ring of honor just to be misused by TNA(sucks tremendously I know)
I would pick Samoa Joe. I don't really care for the guy, but at the time he could've been a legit champion. As much as I'm loving the Sting/Angle feud I would've rather seen Joe get what he deserves and that's the TNA world champion.
As far as I'm concerned, AJ Styles is Mr.TNA, and for that reason alone he should have been the first TNA Champion. I'd still take Joe or Abyss or someone over Angle anyday though.
ROBERT ROODE HANDS DOWN. Besides Angle, Roode is the very example of a PURE wrestler. Angle is not an Ex-WWE guy to me. He is the future of TNA for bringing in the big name talent from the indies and possibly from the WWE (and I am NOT talking about Junior Fatu, etc....). If they see that bigger named superstar will come to TNA, That maybe TNA is the place to make it.

I do agree that Angle being the first ever TNA champ was wrong, but he would have been near the top of choices for me.
People everyone know "The Instant Classic" Christain Cage should have been the first TNA World heavyweight Champion. Gosh people pick up with the problem LOL!
The belt should have went to a TNA Original
My top 3:
1.AJ (he is TNA and always will be)
2. Joe (decent in ring skills and good mic skills proven TNA star)
3. Tie Abyss/Daniels (either one would be good, but abyss would need james mitchell to talk for him)

I know all you guys hate angle, but I think he's done a good job filling the roll. Karen has been pretty good too, but shes getting a little old now. They should really award all TNA originals more then the WWE rejects. AJ should get way more time then he gets. Get him outta the tag team role and back into singles
I would have to go with cage or aj. No doubt aj is Mr.Tna but ever since Cage came into tna hes risen to a new level he never would have gotten with wwe.
I also enjoyed his title reigns on tna.
I would've chosen A.J. However at the time (and still at present) he's buried neck-deep in a project that is searching for his "character." Which, in my opinion, is the dumbest thing they could've done to a guy who never needed a gimmick, but was just over on talent and being himself. I kind of enjoyed Styles' heel turn for about 10 minutes, but then it ran out of gas as they booked themselves into a corner with it, and now he's been deduced from a posterboy of the company and consummate Mr. TNA to a midcard curtain jerker covering up the deficiencies in his partner's wrestling ability. STYLES should've been the first ever "TNA" champion. Definitely not Angle. Or Cage. Or anyone else. Wish in one hand...
I would have liked to have seen Rhino as the first TNA Champion. He's a "WWE Reject".. But he's also a hard worker, who works hard wherever he goes. WWE didn't 'make him'. He was an ECW Champion before this, and he's wrestled all over the country.

Or if not Rhino... Drum roll please.. CHRIS HARRIS! I love Chris Harris. He's a good wrestler. He's got a look to him. Chris freaking Harris. YEAH! And James Storm has been entertaining me lately as well. He's showing that he's not so unworthy of the push he's recieved as well. But I'm one of those Kurt Angle 'nay-sayers'. He's been talking about UFC lately anyways. He's obviously not that dedicated to TNA. Although.. He is one of the better in the industries past. So if you're gonna' get a WWE Reject.. It might as well be Angle right?

Anyway.. I love TNA. I hope they continue on the path they're travelling for the time being. And let's see some Outsiders matches!!!
i gotta say joe or aj. these two are the best wrestlers in the world today in my opinion aj and all the high flying crazy stuf with underrated strength and samoa joe unbelievably talented for such a big guy but like someone already said when jo gets it it will be very emotionally invested and a great day in wrestling period
I hate to go with the crowd but AJ Styles is the obvious choice. I agree Chris Harris is good and I agree no one would buy it. As far as Rhino, IMO he's mid -card for life.
defentily aj styles. AS every one has said he has been the TNA person. if i didn't choose himm i would say sting or abyss or maybe even christain cage. sting because he just deserves every title now, abyss because he has been in tna a long time and hasn't and shit all titles. and cage because he is just a great wrestler
AJ Styles or Samoa Joe. I don't have a major problem with Angle being the first TNA champ but it would've been great if AJ could've been elevated to that position. He's been with the company since the beginning and has, IMHO, proven himself to be their franchise player. He should be in the main event picture with Angle and Joe. Those three should be the cornerstones of the company,
i think that the first tna champ should have been a star that has been there from the start such as AJ styles. kurt angle is a hell of a wrestler but came from wwe and i think if tna wanted to be a different wrestling business it wouldn't have gone for a former wwe star. So in my opinion AJ should have been the first champ.
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