Wrestlers who should have been world champion.

Yeah Hogan was the man to beat, but Quake never beat him, and never approached beating him. Their big match was at Summerslam 90 in Hogan's return match. Even back then no one thought he had a chance and he didn't.

Sure there's a reason that a big man should work like that: because it's amazing to look at. That man is over four hundred pounds and just did a backflip, and he made it look good. He was a man with the size of a monster but the moves of a man 1/4 of his size. When you have an extra set of attributes like that, why wouldn't you use them? By wrestling a big man style, he's no better than any other big man.

BBB matches. Main event of the first Survivor Series, his match with OMG in the WM 4 Tournament, his feud with the big bossman, finals of the KOTR tournament, his ECW matches with Taz, I could go on if you'd like. Not to mention even though it was awful, he main evented a Wrestlemania. That's an accomplishment for anyone.

The point is, any of those three had far better careers than Tenta ever came close to having.
Why has no one mentioned Mr. Perfect?

He was a great performer, knew how to get heat, and stole the show more often than not. His problem, was that he wrestled in the wrong era. If there wasn't Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart, Ric Flair...He'd be the world champ in the WWF.
Why has no one mentioned Mr. Perfect?

I'm pretty sure that at least half the people who have posted in this thread have mentioned Mr. Perfect.

There are tons of great wrestlers who never held a major world title because of the era that most of them wrestled in. Most of the guys that have been mentioned are guys that were in their prime at the same time Hogan was around. From when he won the title in 1984 until he first left the WWE in 1993 only 8 other guys held the title. Two of those guys, Hart and Yokozuna, didn't win it until Hogan was basically done with the WWE. The other guys were Andre, Savage, Warrior, Slaughter, Taker, and Flair. So there werent many opportunities for guys like Mr Perfect, Ted Dibiase, and Roddy Piper to win the title. If these guys were in their prime in today's WWE then they would all be champions because there's 3 Heavyweight titles and the titles change hands much more frequently then they used to.
I'll go back a few years earlier than the aforementioned stars such as Perfect and Dibiase(I do agree that they would have made fine heel champions), and a man tha comes to mind is Jimmy Snuka. In the late seventies, and into the early eighties, this guy put so many fans in arena seats;and used to generate some of the most outraqgeous pops I've ever heard at house shows. He could sell the shit out of anybody's stuff and was a master at telling a story inside that ring. Even his promos, although nonsensical at times, used to make you think that some serious stuff was gonna happen to his opponent. It's a shame he never got a shot at holding a belt.

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