Guys Who Should've Been World Champion

Ok real quick, i was a huge wcw mark before russo came on board, and i think you guys forgot something real important. Scott hall held the wcw world title for around 2 months or so. Then he lost or handed it off to someone. If noone remembers he beat sting for it not long after sting beat hogan, it was probably 1 or 2 ppvs after that starcade.

As for my pick it would have to be piper. Good in the ring, great promos, and to be bluntly honest he had more to do with hogans success then he will ever be given credit!

what are you talking about? Hall never held the WCW world Title...

1. Hulk Hogan 6 1,177
2. Ric Flair 7 506
3. Big Van Vader 3 377
4. Booker T 5 253
5. Sting 6 251
6. Lex Luger 2 235
7. Bill Goldberg 1 174
8. Ron Simmons 1 150
9. Scott Steiner 1 120
10. The Giant 2 118
11. Kevin Nash 5 98
12. The Rock 2 97
13. Sid Vicious 2 77
14. Jeff Jarrett 4 58
15. Bret Hart 2 56
16. Randy Savage 4 53
17. Diamond Dallas Page 3 29
18. Chris Jericho 2 15
19. David Arquette 1 12
20. Vince Russo 1 7
21. Kurt Angle 1 6
22. Chris Benoit 1 1

There is a list of every man to hold the WCW World Heavyweight Championship/World Heavyweight Championship after the immediate transition from WCW being on its own to being purchased by the WWE.

All those reigns together totaled 3,780 days which translates into roughly 10.6 years...The WCW title became recognized as the WCW title on January 11th, 1991..and the FINAL Nitro aired March 26, 2001... If Scott Hall held the WCW World Title for 2 months or so that would put him in at # 14, 15,16, or 17 and he would have held the title longer than DDP. My friend I think you have your stats seriously mixed up...

And as far as who I would select? I agree PIPER. That man could make a crowd go absolutely NUTS with energy. Whether it was heel heat or face pops. Whenever he stepped through the curtain you just knew something amazing was going to happen. The ICON!!!
quite simple its mr. perfect, rick rude, kerry von eric, jake the snake roberts, british bulldog, owen hart, razor ramon, test, rikishi, umaga, and kane. Now i know kane was world champ but for real, that one day thing was just a joke and the should be ashamed of themselves he was a monster and if they would have left him with his mask on he still would be doing damage
quite simple its mr. perfect, rick rude, kerry von eric, jake the snake roberts, british bulldog, owen hart, razor ramon, test, rikishi, umaga, and kane. Now i know kane was world champ but for real, that one day thing was just a joke and the should be ashamed of themselves he was a monster and if they would have left him with his mask on he still would be doing damage

Sorry it isnt quite read my posts above there genuinely good reasons why most of these guys werent champions. I know this is more of an in your own opinion thread but doesnt at some of information in what I posted change your opinion on any of these guys? In Kerry's instance he had a bad cocaine and pills problem you cant put a title on someone who misses shows left and right. It simply isnt a matter of opinion.
What about Paul Orndorff, he cut great Promos, had a devastating pile driver, was over when he was a face and hated as a heal, they should have put the belt on him when he screwed over Hogan, and he would have been a believable heel to take the belt off Hogan, especially since he was in the Heenab stable.
What about Paul Orndorff, he cut great Promos, had a devastating pile driver, was over when he was a face and hated as a heal, they should have put the belt on him when he screwed over Hogan, and he would have been a believable heel to take the belt off Hogan, especially since he was in the Heenab stable.

Good one. The original plan for Wrestlemania 3 was him versus Hulk and then he Paul really hurt his neck to the extent he stopped wrestling for a number of years. He and Hogan did a record 61,470 fans in Toronto.
in wwe

shelton Benjamen because he was great in the ring with nice mic talk just lose the blonde hair

in tna

abyss ( monster ). when abyss didnt talk he was a perfect wrestler great ring work for a big person even if we was champ it was only for a month

and matt horgan. had and still has eveything to be a champ theirs nothing i see that can hold him back he just needs a big push
Basically, everyone in the 1st post except Test, then add to that, Jake Roberts, Rick Rude, Big Boss Man, Bad News Brown & Bam Bam Bigelow. All five were solid workers who for some reason, were constantly over looked in favour of other people. Maybe, unfortunately for them, they were around in a golden age of talent, but to me, these were some of the greatest of all time & did more than enough over the years to justify putting the big one on them.
Muhammad Hassan , he was very hated and I hate that an actual terrorist attack caused him to get fired because he had good mic skills. He had one of the best gimmicks (2nd to Sean O Haire's gimmick) at the beginning of the "E" era. I think one of his best promos was when he interrupted Mick Foley in the heart of Alabama.
first and foremost id have to say the superfly jimmy snuka. vince sr loved him and was grooming him until jr bought out daddy and went with(at the time) the superstar billy grahm ripoff hogan.......and now for what ill surely catch shit for. zeus. yes zeus. if he actually had any real wrestling training, he could have won the title and had a decent monster heel run. i remember seeing on tv little kids crying when he came to the ring cause he was frightening as a monster. give him some squash title defenses against garvin,beefcake,and other midcarders and then have your hogan or john studd or somebody beat him making them the ultimate superhero of wrestling. i do agree with jake roberts also, especially when he was fueding with rick rude over jakes wife. it was already personal then, imagine adding the title to that mix already
Ted Dibiase is one of the first in my minds. Great heel, everyone has a price and he would've been a great world champion. This is a tough one to go with, good topic. Besides Dibiase though, two guys should've been Champion, Umaga (with Armando Alejandro Estrada as a manager of course) and the reason why is because his monster heel gimmick was actually believeable and he played it perfectly, plus his moves looked great and they gave Khali a run with the title, but not Umaga??? bad move there. The 2nd guy is Muhammad Hassan and the reason why is all the heat he got. The man was hated with a capital H, he came out to boos and he should've at least had a U.S. title run, but he didn't because WWE messed up with him. I like the Pope in TNA, BUT in WWE, his Ellijah Burke character didn't catch the audience, WWE should've dealt with him better too, He is going to be a TNA and WWE had him.
I think Test should have been a champion. it's stupid how a dumb ass wrestler like Lashley was Champion. he's not ECW. How many hardcore matches has he ever been in? Like 2-3. while test was a former two-time WWF hardcore Champion. thats more deserving then lashley. Now test is dead, and lashley is in 'MMA". Thats a fucking shame. Lashley is just a pussy. test was and still is, a better man then bobby will EVER be.
Mr. Perfect would have been a WWF Champion had he not had injury issues. His back was a major problem in the 90's and I think that Vince didn't want to put the company on the shoulders of a guy who was a match away from being out for months.

Owen Hart was solid in the ring, and he had a few entertaining promos, but I'm sorry, he wasn't main event calibur, at least not what we saw on television. He put on some great matches don't get me wrong, but that doesn't mean he deserved to be WWF Champion. A fued with Bret for the title? Absolutely. A fued with HBK after Wrestlemania XII would have been good too, to have Owen try to do what his brother Bret couldn't, but in the end fail. Would have been great matches, but Owen wasn't a draw. We look at him now and see a wrestler who's career and life was taken from him much too early, but unfortunately, at the time and what he had done prior just didn't warrant a WWF Title run.

Rick Rude just kind of was around at the wrong time. Other wrestlers got over much bigger than he did, and he didn't draw like the other heels at the time.

Andre The Giant should have had an official reign. Probably a long reign at that to make him a dominant champion.

The only guy who really really comes to mind for me as definately deserving a WWF Title run is Ted DiBiase. Probably the best heel at the time and he didn't have one reign as champion. I think they should have stuck with him as WWF Champion when Andre won it for him. It would have made for an excellent title reign, fueding with Savage and Hogan. Unfortunately they dropped the ball and had the decision nullified and the title declared vacant. That could have been an interesting storyline had they played it out the way it had started.

As for guys like Umaga, Test, Lashley, etc, NONE of them deserved a WWF/E title run. Lashley was athletic, but was terrible on the mic. Test was just awful in the ring. Umaga served a great purpose as a monster heel to get faces over, but wasn't someone to have a face chasing for the title.
Crush? Rikishi? Test?

Let's just thank God that some of the people here aren't on WWE creative (not that they're much better). These guys were absolutely horrible. Nothing about them said world champ. Can you imagine if if there was a RAW vs. NITRO and your RAW champs were these guys? I'm sorry I just can't buy any of these guys and can't imagine how others could.

As for Owne Hart, he was a great great wrestler, but I just don't think he was championship material. He was just always lacking something

Now Piper, Mr. Perfect and Ted DiBiase? I agree 100% that they all could have and should have been world champion at some point.

Not everyone has what it takes to be a champion.
Technically Rude was a "world champion" over in WCW with the International title they used when Flair took the big gold belt over to vince but thats another thread lol.

Yeah, I never understood why DiBiase didnt get a WWF title run he was money in the bank back in the late 80's.

Owen wouldve been a solid transitional champion. From what I've read though apparently Owen didn't "love" the business he just kinda treated it as a job.

I agree that Perfect wouldve been a wonderful champion if he wasnt injured. What an excellent wrestler with amazing charisma and the ability to make you love him or hate him.

I think British Bulldog had a few shining time periods in his career where he wouldve made an excellent champion. His feuds with Bret and HBK in 92, 95 and 96 were entertaining and I always thought that Davey would eventually capture the gold. It's unfortunate that drug use got in the way of what was a very promising career.

I always thought that Scott Hall/Razor wouldve made a great champion in the new Generation-Attitude Era/Monday night wars. Again drug use got in the way. I wouldnt want my world champion to be a guy that let the personel demons control him to that extent. The same could be said for HBK, but at least he took care of business.

TL Hopper. Nuff Said.
OK, let's take a look at some of these suggestions...

First off, Test was NOT ECW champion. I wouldn't have included him on my list if he was. Since Bobby Lashley did hold the ECW title while WWE had it, he doesn't qualify for this thread. If you want to argue if he should've held the WWE title though, then I'd have to say no. Sure, he was good in the ring, but his promos were god-awful.

Kane and Andre would not qualify as they both held the WWE title for very short periods of time. WWE counted them as official reigns, so they wouldn't fall into this category.

Also, I wouldn't count Kennedy or Burke, simply because there's a small possibility they could return to WWE someday. I do agree that they should've held a world title while they were working for WWE, though.

Abyss and Morgan can't qualify. This is about WWE title reigns, not TNA. I said as much in my original post. Neither does Christian or Benjamin, because as I said, we're not talking about the current roster.

Now, onto the rest:

Piper: Excellent choice, definitely one who should've held it during Hogan's time. Can't believe I missed this one.

Earthquake: He proved to be a good foil to Hogan, so having him beat Hogan for the title would've made sense.

Umaga: He was very good in the ring, and was Cena's version of Earthquake in his prime. Giving him the title at least once would've made a great feud.

Davey Boy Smith: I'm saying no here. He was good in the ring, no doubt, but his promos were mediocre at best. He actually seemed kinda dull to me.

Vader: He didn't hold a title in WWE, so he does qualify. He was one of the best big men of his time, and could cut a menacing promo when he wanted to. Would've made for a good feud with HBK if he won.

Jake Roberts: Another one I can't believe I missed. Some of the best promos of any age and not too shabby in the ring either. Not only am I surprised he didn't win the title, especially when Savage was champ, but that he never had a feud with Hogan. The promos alone would've been great.

Rick Rude: Abso-freaking-lutely. He played to his gimmick perfectly, and was easily one of the best in-ring performers of the 80's. If anyone should've won the title from Warrior, it should've been him. After all, he's the one who beat Warrior for the Intercontinental Title way back when. They could've built a solid feud off of just that.

Crush: I'm kinda iffy on this one. Sure, he was good in the ring, particularly for a big guy, but his promos were mostly just OK. Let's file this under a "maybe".

Jim Duggan: Hell-to-the-no. His gimmick was very basic and one just about anyone could pull off. He was terrible in the ring, even by 80's standards. Definitely not.

Rick Martel: If he started the Model gimmick when Bret Hart was champion, I'd say yes. Under those circumstances, him being champion would've been believable, and he and Bret could've had some great matches, as Martel was very skilled in the ring. Since the Model was around in the late 80's-early 90's, when guys like Savage and Warrior were still competing over the belt, then I'd have to say no.

Zeus: Definitely not. The guy was an actor, not a wrestler. And he wasn't that good in either category. Him holding the world title could've easily created a David Arquette situation over 10 years before it actually happened.

Rikishi: Under his initial push, as the guy who run over Austin, maybe. If did get him some heat, considering how over Austin was. And he was pretty good in the ring for his size. His promos were only OK though. Again, maybe.

Ricky Steamboat: Holy shit, how did I miss this one? Steamboat is without a doubt one of the best in-ring performers ever. He could easily get the crowd on his side in any of his feuds, and as such, was majorly over. Shame the WWE didn't put more faith into him.

Arn Anderson: Another one I'm surprised I missed, especially since I'm an Anderson mark. The problem with this is that he was always with Tully Blanchard in the Brain Busters when he was in WWE, so I don't see where he'd be able to feud for the world title. Maybe if he stuck around long enough he would've had a chance.

Bam Bam Bigelow: Yes, definitely. Especially in his early run with WWE, when he almost beat Andre at the inaugural Survivor Series. That should've propelled him to the top easily. One of the most agile big men in history, he could've held a world title no problem back in the 80's.

Tazz: Since he held the ECW title when it was its own title, he would qualify for this. When he first came into WWE, him feuding with then champion Triple H only made sense. The former champion of another company feuding with the current champ of the WWE? It would've been a dream match, no doubt. Sadly, they threw it away on an episode of Smackdown and had Tazz lose to Triple H in their first match, killing any momentum he had. A real shame.

Paul Orndorff: Oh yeah, definitely. Considering his feud with Hogan back in the 80's was considered one of the best of the era, giving the title to him only seemed natural. It would've easily added more fuel to the fire.

I'd just like to add a couple more.

Terry Funk: He first showed up in WWE back in the 80's by himself, and proved to be an excellent heel. He even got a world title shot against Hogan a couple of times. Why not give him the title? He was good in the ring, and his promos gave people the idea that he was out of his mind and seriously wanted to hurt people. He would've been an excellent heel champion and could've sold out arenas everywhere against Hogan.

Harley Race: One of the best wrestlers of all time and an inspiration for many of today's wrestlers, most notably Triple H. An excellent in-ring performer, and was perfect as the tough-guy badass heel. And like Funk, he got a title shot against Hogan at least once. It would've been another great feud if he'd won the title.
I just give up at this stage most of the wrestlers nominated I addressed already simple reason that they did get the title was that there was at least one good reason why they didnt. But seem to want to avoid those reasons.

Harley Race was too old to hold the title in the 80s and made it clear on his entry into the WWF that it was his final run. Anyway Hogan was doing gangbusters at the time.

Terry Funk was deemed to comical to be a legitimate champion by most due to the style he worked.
I just give up at this stage most of the wrestlers nominated I addressed already simple reason that they did get the title was that there was at least one good reason why they didnt. But seem to want to avoid those reasons.

Harley Race was too old to hold the title in the 80s and made it clear on his entry into the WWF that it was his final run. Anyway Hogan was doing gangbusters at the time.

Terry Funk was deemed to comical to be a legitimate champion by most due to the style he worked.

My God, just relax. It's an opinion poll. I guess when I come on here to talk wrestling, my main goal isn't to try and change peoples minds. Anyway...

Scott Hall: In WCW , he was a big deal. Was he as big as Hogan? No. But he was still a main event calibur guy. Also, he could flat out get it done in the ring. He was big, smooth, and aggresive. He could utilize his size to execute power moves, and was a hell of a brawler. On the mic, he was great. He was able to get all kinds of heat from the crowd early in the nWo days, and eventually the fans loved him (he was just too cool to hate). I don't know about him being ready to be WWF champion over in WWF, but it would have worked in WCW.

Rick Rude: Great in ring worker, great heel on the mic, great manager (Heenan). He had it all, and during his feud with The Ultimate Warrior, he looked like a main event heel. I believe if he would have stuck around, he would have feuded with Hogan for the belt (at least I hope so). Might not have won it (like Hennig), but he might have had some kind of feud with Hogan over it after Mania 6.

Ted DiBiase: No one is going to convince me that this guy wouldn't have worked as World Champion during the Hogan era (until he lost it Andre). It seems like there was never time for him to win the belt. Savage took it at Mania 4, setting up the destruction of the Mega Powers at Mania 5. Hogan/Warrior needed to happen at Mania 6, for drawing purposes (and the hope that Warrior could take Hogans place). I have always wished the main event at Mania 7 would have been Hogan vs. DiBiase, but I understand why the whole USA vs. Iraq thing was much, much bigger.
My God, just relax. It's an opinion poll. I guess when I come on here to talk wrestling, my main goal isn't to try and change peoples minds. Anyway...

First off it isnt an opinion poll per se. Im not here to change people's minds just posting reasons by wrestlers didnt win the title few were just plain unlucky or had bad timing but again the rest didnt win it for one or more good reasons. Not acknowledging those reasons even though they have been stated in the thread already it pretty annoying and hardly makes for good discussion. For example Ive previously explained Rude didnt draw was a headliner on house shows yet you say Rude had it all.
In no particular order, I would say the following: Ricky Steamboat (the NWA/pre-Hogan WCW title he held doesn't count as a world title in my opinion); Curt Henning (like with Steamboat, Henning's AWA World Title doesn't count); Roddy Piper, Ted Dibiase, and Jake Roberts. Steamboat was arguably the greatest babyface of his era, and the other four are all in the argument for greatest heels of their era (and Piper really should be considered the 2nd most important wrestler in history, after Hogan).
Owen Hart should have been World Champion. There's no doubt he would have been if given more time. He will always be an inspiration to us all and he will live forever in the history of wrestling. Thanks for the entertainment that we'll never forget. Godspeed...

The title says it all, really. Who do you think are the wrestlers who should've been world champion at least once?

Before we start, a couple of ground rules:

1.) Only List WWE Wrestlers In Here. I realize that this is the WWE section, but I feel I should clarify just to be safe. The reasoning behind is simply because WWE has the most well-known history among fans. There's not much point in talking about people who should've been TNA champion because a) they haven't been around that long, so there could be some surprise world champions, and b) their history isn't as well-known.

2.) Only List Wrestlers Who Are No Longer With WWE. The reason for this is because there's not a lot of point in discussing the current roster, mainly because some of them could still become world champion someday. So, keep it to guys who have either been gone from WWE for a long time, or are dead.

3.) Only List Wrestlers Who Have NEVER Been World Champion. This thread is for the ones who should've been world champion, but weren't and now can't. Not about guys who were world champion, but their title reign sucked because of storyline, or it only lasted a few days or so, or whatever. The fact that they even held the title is impressive enough, and there's a reason some of them didn't hold it for very long.

Now, onto my list.

"Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. Please note, I do not count when he was given the world title by Andre The Giant, simply because WWE didn't count it. Although, they probably should have. DiBiase was the ultimate heel back in the late 80's. He was the stereotypical greedy businessman we all pictured in our minds when we were kids. He played this role incredibly well, especially with that laugh. My God, I still get chills when I hear that. Plus, he was very good in the ring. He could've been the ultimate foil for Hogan, simply because he was technically better than he was. I wish they had let DiBiase hold the title at least once. I'm sure Wrestlemania IV would've done a lot better if they had Hogan VS DiBiase as the main event.

Mr. Perfect. I'll admit, I'm a bit of a mark for this guy, but can you blame me? This guy was, back in his time....well, perfect. His persona was that he was better than everyone at everything. Simple, yet extremely effective. He was the ultimate arrogant heel. And what added to that was that he could back it up, especially in the ring. He's considered one of the best wrestlers of his time period, if not of any time period, and his record of excellent matches backs this up. Which only made people hate him even more when they realized he was right, that he really was better than everyone else. So why not give him the world title? He could've been an excellent enemy for any world title challengers if he held it. Particularly during Bret Hart's time. We already know these guys could put on an instant classic. Their feud over the Intercontinental Title proved that. It just seems like a huge missed opportunity.

Razor Ramon. Please note I said Razor Ramon. Not Scott Hall. That means Hall under the persona that got him over with the fans, and before he started getting crazy with the drinking and drugs and such. So, why Razor? Well, first off, like I said, he was over with the crowd. His character "oozed machismo" almost every night, and the fans just ate it up. Or maybe they realized he was an homage to Scarface and went along with it. Either way, the fans loved it. Plus, Razor was good in the ring back in the early 90's. He was a nice combination of size, power, and technical ability. And it's not like he didn't get world title shots. He did have a title match during the '93 Royal Rumble when Bret Hart was in his first title reign. Again, I don't know why WWE didn't just pull the trigger with Razor, and it seems like another big missed opportunity.

Owen Hart. I seriously doubt anyone would disagree with me here. Owen was easily one of the best wrestlers in history. That might come off as an exaggeration, but think about it. In his prime, he was an excellent whiny heel. The fact that he was bitching and moaning about almost everything just added more and more heat with the crowd. In the ring, he was easily one of the top three of his time period. His style was a perfect mix of high-flying and technical wrestling, and he could outperform just about anyone he faced. Not to mention he got a pinfall over his brother Bret, who had already been world champion. At Wrestlemania, no less. And, if you were to ask anyone who had worked with him at the time, they'd tell you he was the nicest guy you could know. So why not give him the title? I'm sure someone will say that it was because of the Clique running crazy during Owen's prime, but even so, you'd think he'd earned it.

Test. Now, I know this sounds crazy, but hear me out. Andrew Martin was 6'6" and 280 pounds in his prime, and looked to be in excellent physical condition. Add in the facts that Test was pretty good in the ring, and Vince's seeming weakness for big, well-built guys, and you'd think they would've given him a world title at least once. Hell, giving him the ECW Title when he was on the brand seemed to be a no-brainer, at least as a monster heel run. Sure, his name was ridiculous, but he didn't seem to have a problem drawing heat from a crowd.

Your turn.
Mr. Perfect was on the top of my list personally. The man could talk on the mic and he could back it up in the ring. And he was so entertaining.
I also agree about Scott Hall a.k.a. Razor Ramon. What a shame. He was so charismatic and people loved him to death. He could've drew a lot of money.
Owen Hart. A great technician, and great on the mic. He could go with anyone in the WWE.
But my other picks would be.............
Ravishing Rick Rude. Man, could this guy draw heat. He was ripped and entertaining. Him and Hogan could've had a great feud back in the day.
Jake Roberts. Crazy heel Jake. He could've messed with Hogan bad.
Ken Shamrock. During his time, he WAS legit. He could work great matches. He had great matches with Bret Hart, HBK, and Stone Cold. He needed to sharpen his mic skills, but he could go.
Christian. Talk about making a dollar outta fifteen cents. He can talk and he can work. The crowd LOVES him. He is due.
British Bulldog. Man was he athletic. He could wrestle a GREAT technical match. His match with Owen Hart for the inaugural European Title is a CLASSIC. Youtube that thing.
Bam Bam Bigelow. Agile, mean, and looked like a legimate bad A$$. Had they pushed him heel and blow through the WWE like in ECW, he could've been amazing. But he would've needed a manager to really pull it off.
Hey Yo!
Now me being a major Scott Hall mark/fan whatever the hell you wanna call it i think this guy deserved a muthafunkin world title, i honestly think he has one of the most underrrated mic work in the history of the biz this guy is never given credit for how entertaining he is with the stick in his hands.
People will argue he could never commit to a company was a drunk blah blah but everybody at one point was hooked on this guy that just oozed cool and was a treat to watch in his NWO days and Razor days.
So yeah this guy for me is the most deserving of a world title run which he hasnt had yet of anybody because he is too SWEEEEEEEEEET!
.Tha Wolfpac.
Some of you need to read the rules before posting. Seen like 2-3 that clearly make no sense due to the 3 rules posted.

Ted Dibiase is going to be the first or second one that comes to mind to everyone. He had the look, the talent, and the ability to make fans absolutely hate him. His feud with the mega powers was brilliant and I'm really surprised they didn't put the strap on him for atleast a short time period so one of the mega powers could have a "mega" "million dollar" rematch that Vince Wallets drools about.
you guys, you guys, you guys, you forgot what that era was all about. the IC belt was for guys who deserved a push, but not THE PUSH. back then it was about one thing, the butts in the seats and the viewers viewing in. HOGAN BROUGHT THAT, there is no doubt he brought that. remember, THE MAIN EVENT brought in 33 million viewers, HOGAN vs ANDRE broguht 33 million viewers, on a FRIDAY. Rick rude couldn't do that, but they couldn't deny that he was good, so they gave him the ic belt, that was the point of it, saying your good, we like you, but be honest, people aren't paying to see you. Judging by merchandize sales, the ultimate warrior was bringing people to their show, so they thought, so they made him champ. and for other "ROH"ISH views, you have to look at the whole picture, the whole hisotircle picture to see why "the best workers" didn't get the title. it wasn't about htat. it was the 80's. it was regan, the fall of communism,the rise of the hero, and not just a hero, a white bread with the crusts cut off hero, an american hero that people were getting behind, that is why hogan worked so well, that and he knew how to sell it!!! Ric Flair was boasting a different type of 80's icon. the mega haves. the 80's brought three things: patriotism,family values, and excess. Ric Flair exemplified excess, and sold it, that's why it worked. Hogan brought about patriotism, heroism, sold it, it worked. Steamboat tried bringing on family values? WRONG AUDIENCE, didn't work that's why no title.


You know what putts buts in seats as well? When the baby face gets a re-match for the title against the heel's we've mentioned.

You're trying to tell me that If Ted Dibiase won at Mania IV and almost had Atlantic City rioting that a future re-match with Savage or even Elevate your beloved Hulk Hogan to bring the strap back to the fans wouldn't sell? I get what you're trying to say, but at the same time the heel elevates the angles and many of the guys listed on here are heels of that era.

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