Time for a New TNA Champ? If So, Who?

Who Should Be The New Champ?

  • Angle

  • Cage

  • Booker

  • Sting

  • Styles

  • Storm

  • Roode

  • Rhino

  • Other/Keep Joe

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luck there are alot of elements of wrestling. you are write, about holding the young talent down but a stiener hall or nash could make joe look better than the younger talent could plus alot of the young high up [mid card guys] are too slow and boring aka storm and roode and if joe fueds with aj that leave angle,sting and booker nothing to do right now i wodd love a joe morgan jerrat and kaz [faces] vs booker team 3d and the gagstas [heels] gang war type fued but tna will stick to there stupid 8-11 gimmick based storylines
main point. not just typical done over and over again wrestling storlines and stupid gimmicks work try something realistic tna pleaseeeeeeee
luck there are alot of elements of wrestling. you are write, about holding the young talent down but a stiener hall or nash could make joe look better than the younger talent could plus alot of the young high up [mid card guys] are too slow and boring aka storm and roode and if joe fueds with aj that leave angle,sting and booker nothing to do right now
I believe I said that
The only purpose the older generation have is to build up the new, not to hog the spotlight and keep them back. Because when they go, they have no-one waiting if they don't
Thats why they're building towards a Joe/Nash feud. I've no problem with him putting over talent, its Nash as a main eventer for a long time i'd have issues with, simply because he's no longer good enough to hold down that role.

As for Roode and Storm - give them a chance. Both are reasonably young guys and are being built towards main event slowly. I'd rather that than forced into a programme they are not ready to work effectively. That's why Booker and Sting are working with them. I actually like the way Sting/Storm, Steiner/Williams and Booker/Roode put the guys they want to work with some of the best from the past.

main point. not just typical done over and over again wrestling storlines and stupid gimmicks work try something realistic tna pleaseeeeeeee
This point I agree with. The real gimmicks do work at least in my eyes. Ok, some comedy will always be needed to keep casual fans amused, but within reason. I think that's slowly being resolved though
who do you think should be fired hired from tna [to challange joe or the other champs]
the gagstas could have a great fued with the lax in a latino vs west coast fued
black reign and rellik and last and least curry man
get in the gangstas we want youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Booker T?! haha seriously are you kidding me?

Booker T is absoloutely awful at getting a reaction of any sort from fans, and his matches are never more than ok, never. He would almost certainly be a copy of Joe (aka boring) I love the people who rave on about his wcw stuff that quite frankly wasn't even that good, and only looked semi good because of all the other crap going on at the time. TNA did the right thing making him heel and team 3d are pretty much the number 1 heels in the company other than angle based on fan reaction. But TNA title contention?! how would he be any better than Joe? Joe is terribly overated but at least he has a gimmick of sorts and usually manages to have entertaining matches. Booker T on the other hand is dull and boring to anyone who is forced to watch him, and based on his past title reigns in boh wcw and wwe where he has been a huge flop as champion (even the mid-card belts) TNA would be taking a needlessly stupid risk with him.

Aj Styles is the obvious choice but he needs to be brought into contention slowly, and needs someone good to feud with. Add that to the fact that Joe/Styles was pretty much done to death a couple of years ago then it rules styles out at this time, though from your list I would make him my number 2 choice. When Styles gets the belt again it needs to have a good build up, storyline, and good timing behind it the opposite of what Joe's was. Which is why he isnt my first choice for the title.

Roode would be a good choice too he is far more over than Booker T as a heel, and in my opinion a better overall wrestler. He is unproven in the main event and could be a flop champion, but then again isnt that what Joe is?

The others, the others are either not over enough, not feasible, or in angles case just had the title, so I can't seriously consider any of the others as contenders at this moment in time.

Finally my pick which most people will see as fairly obvious comming from me, but it should be Christian Cage. The guy is the complete package- wrestling, mic, spots, feuds. Ask him to do something and he will deliever, he seems to be working a lighter schdule as of late and didnt appear on impact for like a month, but even when he returned he got a bigger pop than the champion. And if you think about it, he and sting are the most over faces in the company even though Cage is a better heel. TNA really need to build some faces up for down the line because when the Joe title reign comes to the crashing ratings halt that has already begun then they will need someone to pick up the bat and with angle with injuries/just having had the belt for so long, its going to be cage who has to steady the ship (yet again).
I think you guys are too quick to judge. Who says Joe is bringing down the product/ratings? Right now Joe needs to wrestle more. When Angle was champ he was on nearly every segment of the show and half the time in the main event. We need Joe to wrestle more and be on TV more. Get him out there in tag matches or backstage brawling. We need the "badass" Joe back. Plus did you notice that right before his title match he lost 80% of his matches? How can you support him after that then?!

My Suggestion: To put Fire back in Joe have Team 3d and Booker attack/destroy Nash like they did to AJ last week. This will give Joe a good redemption storyline and Booker wants the title. Have a good fued going with that. Along with him wanting to destroy 3d. Instead of Joe just wanting to face the best.

Plus this can be used in an Ex-WWE v. TNA (with Christian and Rhino on TNA talking about how TNA treated them better etc)
I've waited for this day since, well, since I started the thread.

Be careful what you wish for. I'm not the stereo-typical T.N.A. n00b. :p

That's where I feel you're wrong. If you're talking about when AJ was NWA Champion, I think he was pretty much on par with Joe in terms of characterlessness. I just made up a word!

During A.J. Styles original run as a World Heavyweight Champion, he was horrible. He had no true character and I believe that run sucked. Vince Russo was the only person who made that run worth anything, as he was the character that played off Styles abilities. Much like Heyman to Lesnar in the beginning.

Sadly, yes. TNA could surprise us with... Oh, who am I kidding? I don't think TNA will ever be surprising.

I think you aren't giving them the credit they deserve. Kurt Angle showing up in T.N.A., that was downright shocking and surprising. Raven, Scott Steiner, and even Randy Savage were all big shocking surprises in T.N.A.

They can pull off "shocking" and "surprising" when they want to, they just try not to go that route because they'd rather their current talent drive people to enjoy what they give them.

Which is why I believe they'd want to shove Samoa Joe down our throats, because everyone "loved" him when he was chasing the Championship.. so they feel people will come to re-love him as their Champion. Of course in my opinion, I never liked Joe before and having him in the top spot isn't going to make me do anything other than dispise him more.

He doesn't have the undefeated gimmick any more, but yes, it is the perfect oppurtunity for him to drop it without him looking weak. It also means he can carry on in the main event as the chaser, something I feel he is far better as.

Samoa Joe is their version of Goldberg. Just because he doesn't have that stupid streak and undefeated achivement doesn't mean they wouldn't want to continue pushing that the only way he'd be defeated by the likes or a Robert Roode, James Storm, or even Booker T., would be if they cheated him out of the match. (ala King of the Mountain)

Neither can I. I've never been sure with Roode. One week I think he's the dog's bollocks, the next I think he's just kind of boring. This particular week, I think he wouldn't be too bad as champion. TNA seem to be finding it hard to bring anyone other than Abyss up from the midcard in the last, um, two years? They could finally start doing it.

You see James Storm as Edge, whereas I see Robert Roode as Edge. The fact is, neither are "Edge." (duh) But Robert Roode's best moment came on him drilling Booker T's Wife in the face. Thats not exactly the best thing to push yourself to a Main Event level off of.

However, Roode from that moment gained an outrageous amount of heel heat, similar to what Adam Copeland gained from the real-life ordeal with Amy Dumas. I think Roode can use that heat, and become a very solid Main Event wrestler if he can just tunnel it into promos. His in-ring work is solid, but nothing great, especially when you have so many spot workers in T.N.A.

TNA doesn't have many options now. As it is, Booker is the guy to most recently hold a top tier belt in a rival company. He's also actually pretty interesting after his heel turn - he seems to be doing a better, less boring job of it in a smaller company.

Booker T. as their next Heavyweight Champion is still where I feel they should go with it. He can feud with any number of people, including A.J. Styles, Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Christian Cage, Abyss, Rhino and others. Booker T. is the best option available right now, short of going back to Angle.

You also said it best when you said hes interesting with his recent heel push. Thats because Booker T. is the type of person who is better to watch when hes an asshole. I don't see Booker being a "good guy" hes a comedy act, with that spinaroonie and playing to the fans as a good guy.. but as a dick, hes the guy that'll do what he has to to win, and he does it very well.

True. True. However, Tomko is ever so slightly underrated - he's more than just a strong man and a lackey. Not a great deal more, but more nonetheless. I agree though, not champ material.

Tomko isn't your stereo-typical "big man" wrestler, but just because hes a cut above the rest, doesnt' mean he isn't still 5 notches below all the other talent. Tomko works best in a Tag Team setting, and I don't feel he has a full-on character to be a single's wrestler.

Him and A.J. worked well together. Tomko, when joining forces with Team 3-D, and Booker T, or Kurt Angle will continue to be a great team player. He might even pop out a few great feuds in single's matches with Christian and A.J. Styles, but it'll be them carrying him, not the other way around.

And when I think of who to put the Heavyweight Championship onto, I think "Who can carry their opponent?" Tomko needs carried, he doesn't do the carrying.

Similar to what would happen if Angle got it right now, I feel. However, that's not to say they don't ever deserve it back. Give it a few months, hopefully some new names will establish themselves in the main event scene.

I definately feel Christian Cage deserves yet another Heavyweight Championship run. He is the man in T.N.A., hes earned his spot as a Main Eventer for that company and carried it well. But right now isn't the best time to give it back to him, because it wasn't THAT long ago that he had one.

Before Angle, and not counting Sting, Christian Cage was the last meaningful Heavyweight Champion. To give it back to Christian is one step below just handing it back to Angle. So while both deserve it again, this is the best opportunity to give it to someone new, to make or break their career.

Why not? I have a feeling I'm going to look down and find an explanation. Wait here.

I'm waiting....

1) Storm is a heel, Bradshaw was never a heel in his APA days. Not to mention that I just don't see the similarity anyway. I'd continue, but I'm afraid I'd just talk about how the two are supposedly racial stereotypes or something and, just because they drink beer and have a similar accent (maybe?) their gimmicks aren't the same by any means.

Bradshaw & Faarooq in the A.P.A. were always more of solid tweeners. They helped whoever paid them money. They did a lot of work against faces, but they typically were seen as good tweeners, because they didn't take shit.

However, during the initial beginning, the A.P.A. were indeed heel. Thereby, meaning James Storm and J.B.L. are one in the same. With the exception that J.B.L. went on to become something big, and Storm's biggest accomplishment right now is either a Beer Drinking Championship, multiple Tag Team reigns, or never-ending feuds with Rhino & Eric Young.

2) Racist.

Am not. I dispise everyone equally.

3) He likes beer, so is pretty much Steve Austin? Uh-huh.

Not hardly. Steve Austin got over with his beer drinking ability. James Storm is a wannabe. Storm's beer gimmick is half way unique because he isn't playing off Steve Austin with it.. however what exactly is he doing with it? Showing the world that a drunk means something?

4) He's a very robust performer, with a gimmick that's actually not bad, and a great character underneath it if you look hard enough. He's a level above Roode if anything. I've said it before, he's pretty much TNA's Edge. KOTM could be his MITB.

Explain this character you see to me. Show me what I'm missing. Because I see a guy with great charisma, average ring skills, and on par average mic talent.. but nothing Heavyweight Championship material.

Edge was very well developed when he won MITB, and keep in mind when Edge won that, it wasn't him winning the Heavyweight Championship, it was him winning a chance to become a Heavyweight Champion. Storm needs to begin doing something more than feuding with Rhino & Eric Young before he can lay claim to deserving a Championship run of this caliber.

What happened to his feud with Sting? That would've given him something to add to a impressive list of accomplishments, but apparently its no more??

Could you explain more? I'd love to carry on this argument. Your entire basis of him not being champion material seems to be that that his gimmick is similar to that of either Steve Austin or APA Bradshaw, which it simply isn't.

No, my entire feeling for him not being deserving of a World Heavyweight Championship run, is because he isn't developed yet. He broke out of the Tag Team ranks a year ago. Since then, hes had two LONG feuds, that were utterly meaningly. One involved a fake Championship, that made him look like a joke.

James Storm has more talent than Chris Harris, I agree. His character is "bright" in the understanding that he plays it well. But the character itself isn't Heavyweight Championship material, not yet anyway. He needs a solid, Main Event level feud with someone like Christian, or Sting, to elevate him.. and I'm not refering to that match he had with Rhino.. (in which he lost)
I'm waiting....

Yeah, you wait. Indisputable evidence that you're my bitch.

Bradshaw & Faarooq in the A.P.A. were always more of solid tweeners. They helped whoever paid them money. They did a lot of work against faces, but they typically were seen as good tweeners, because they didn't take shit.

Outside of brief stints in AMW, Storm has always been a solid heel. There was one, like, fortnight though, when he was having all the drinking contests with EY. Before the betrayal, he was getting pretty over making the transition to tweener - it was a much gentler, more sensible transition than most in wrestling. TNA undid all that hard work by having Storm turn on EY before anything had really been built underneath them. I always thought that was a great shame.

The point I was trying to make before I started rambling on, the way you describe APA is not the way I think you could describe James Storm by any means. He's not some mercanary out for hire, he's a bona fide heel. Even as a tweener, there was little comparison.

However, during the initial beginning, the A.P.A. were indeed heel.

I seem to remember the APA being a way to turn them face after they'd been Undertaker's Acolytes? No? I swear that's what happened.

Thereby, meaning James Storm and J.B.L. are one in the same. With the exception that J.B.L. went on to become something big, and Storm's biggest accomplishment right now is either a Beer Drinking Championship, multiple Tag Team reigns, or never-ending feuds with Rhino & Eric Young.

His feud with Rhino went away and came back again, but it was hardly never-ending, same with EY. Joe/Angle, there's a never ending feud. And I still don't see how JBL and Storm are one and the same, firstly there's the fact that JBL went under a complete personality transplant before he could become world heavyweight champion. Storm never underwent said transplant and is still the rough around the edges, beer-swillin', cheatin' cowboy he was in AMW - and it works beautifully in singles competition. Watch his match at Lockdown 2007, if that doesn't convince you that... wait, a second. Watch Sacrifice '07 instead.

Am not. I dispise everyone equally.


Not hardly. Steve Austin got over with his beer drinking ability.

That "beer drinking ability" was merely part of a well-crafted persona, one that can be generally and neatly summed up as "the rebel."

James Storm is a wannabe. Storm's beer gimmick is half way unique because he isn't playing off Steve Austin with it.. however what exactly is he doing with it? Showing the world that a drunk means something?

As before, the beer is just part of a persona. It's not even the most prominent part. It's just way to show that the guy is far from being professional, as part of his heel gimmick. He could get over as a tweener with it in tact, but obviously not in the same way Steve Austin did.

Explain this character you see to me. Show me what I'm missing. Because I see a guy with great charisma, average ring skills, and on par average mic talent.. but nothing Heavyweight Championship material.

You just described someone better than Samoa Joe. Nah, enough Joe bashing. For now. I see a guy with great charisma, decent ring skills (definitely above average, Christian level if nothing else) and good mic talent - he's fluid and natural, something which many wrestlers fail to accomplish. Even the mighty Christian Cage makes his promos seemed forced. He's like Edge almost. When I first saw NYR I was completely fucking shocked they'd put the belt on Edge, even though I'd always liked the guy, but he grew on me. He grew on everyone. By that kick start he showed us all what he was capable of, and how underrated he'd been. That's all Storm needs, a kick start. In a smaller company, it may even work better.

Edge was very well developed when he won MITB, and keep in mind when Edge won that, it wasn't him winning the Heavyweight Championship, it was him winning a chance to become a Heavyweight Champion. Storm needs to begin doing something more than feuding with Rhino & Eric Young before he can lay claim to deserving a Championship run of this caliber.

Eh, I don't think people were very big on Edge when he won MITB though, at least when he had the IC title and his feud for Flair. However, he pulled a Triple H and picked up the belt from nowhere. Edge's cashing in of the briefcase is Storm's (or Roode's) win in the KOTM - shocking, unexpected and something that boosts already great wrestlers, albeit ones people are unsure about, to no limit.

What happened to his feud with Sting? That would've given him something to add to a impressive list of accomplishments, but apparently its no more??

Blame TNA and their inconsistent pushing. I don't know actually, what happened on iMPACT!. I'll check the spoilers. Probability is he lost his qualifying match and is continuing his feud with Sting. I'll edit what happened in.

No, my entire feeling for him not being deserving of a World Heavyweight Championship run, is because he isn't developed yet. He broke out of the Tag Team ranks a year ago. Since then, hes had two LONG feuds, that were utterly meaningly. One involved a fake Championship, that made him look like a joke.

It's TNA Will, everyone's made to look like a joke. That feud was about Storm being a malicious, jealous bastard and how he didn't give a crap about beating the shit out of poor, innocent Eric Young. Are you telling me that's worse than AJ throwing a temper tantrum in a turkey outfit, or Joe forcefully stripping Angle. Seriously, what the fuck was that last one about? If that's not attempted rape, I don't know what is.

James Storm has more talent than Chris Harris, I agree. His character is "bright" in the understanding that he plays it well. But the character itself isn't Heavyweight Championship material, not yet anyway. He needs a solid, Main Event level feud with someone like Christian, or Sting, to elevate him.. and I'm not refering to that match he had with Rhino.. (in which he lost)

The Elevation X? Oh, Rhino's going to win that fucking thing every year. I agree that that he needs some, er, elevation (X!). However, I think a shock title win would bridge that gap just as well as a great fued.

Storm lost. C'mooon Sting fued!
I knew about the spoiler a while back. I just don't like playing on those things in the forum. I love giving everyone an equal amount of credit if they deserve it, and you're right.. James Storm does deserve his equal share of credit.

To be honest, I got so caught up in your debate with me, that I forgot he did lose his match. But thats what will make it perfect, because if they go with the Sting feud.. and he comes out with the victory, YOU KNOW hes headed for World Heavyweight gold.. and a victory over Sting means you're definately talented and ready enough to get a shot.

I still don't feel without that Sting feud (win or lose) that hes ready though. Hes missing that one big feud, that will shove him into Main Event standing.
i think that joe's inability to draw is not due to his face turn, his lack of charisma, his relationship with kevin nash (not that there's anything wrong with that), or anything i've heard or read. it seems simple to me. he's being booked in lame angles to sabotage his title run. it's part of some sick "see? we give the fans what they've been screaming for, but it turns out that they don't like it. just trust us. we know better than you what you want" mentality that ruined wwe a long time ago, and is now doing a number on tna. joe is electric. he could do it, if they would let him.

that being said, i spent many years hating on christian, but i'm finally coming around. for the last year, i see in his interviews and matches something i wasn't seeing before. christian has come into his own. remember last year, when they turned him face from a heel stance? it was working. christian is the closest thing to a burgeoning ric flair i've seen in, well, ever since it was flair himself. if jpoe had to go, i'd want a christian run soon after. perhaps having storm or roode take the title in a screwjob first, as i agree that a christian/joe title match is not what i want to sit through.

or even joe drops it to booker, with interference from 3d, leading to a ppv tag match between 3d and either joe and a partner, on the same ppv as christian vs booker for the first of two or three ppvs featuring the match, until christian finally takes the title.
In my own personal opinion I think the title should be put on A.J. Styles right now.That would be a great choice as Styles is an amazing athlete with tons of charisma.He could have matches with Joe,Booker,Kurt or all three for the title.You could even throw him in there with Rhino or Cage and they could have a good match.And you could keep the title on him for a while because he can have great matches for months for the title.But eventually I think a good choice would be the Tennesee Cowboy James Storm.But thats at least a year away maybe even two.He is not ready for the title yet.So I say give it to A.J. first because he is a perfect fit for the title right now.
ill probalby get some heat for this but i would like to see rhino as the champion again.

not for a long time but definatley longer then his last run. I think rhino can draw enough to have a little reign as champion....
his matches are always solid and his mike skills are ok so i think about a month of a reign for rhino would work
Styles or Cage deserve more than anyone at this point. Styles is one of the greatest wrestlers in TNA history and hasnt had a singles title reign 4eva. Cage works better as a champion instead of a challenger, like Edge, and is a great wrestler with amazing mic skills. Either one of them could set up great rivalries for the title.
Ok, personally i like Joe. As champion he's floundered a little bit though. When he came in only die-hard fans knew who he was now he's starting to become a household name. We couldn't wait for Joe one day to be tna champ. Now that he is we all want him to lose it. It's not all his fault though tna has no idea how to package people or programs. But if we must have a new champ theres Three possible choices 1)booker t
3)Robert Rhode.

Booker T: the only reason i suggest him is because he has his wwe fame. He seems to be reverting back to the king booker character(not a good idea) he does work good as a heel and fans would pay to seem him get beat once he has the belt but theres only certain people he work against. But i wouldnt mind booker as champ its just not my personal fav. choice.

Christian: I like christian he's one of my fav. people in the business he could be a champ that tna fans get behind or one they could hate if he were heel. He works better as a heel but he could be either one. Even though he's had the belt his reigns were short lived. Time to give him a nice tenure.He's number one choice.

Rode: my oddball choice. But still very deserving he has amazing charisma and a decent wrestler. He could be a champ that creates a lot of heat. He could only be champ as heel. He couldnt work as a face. But i do believe somewhere down the line he will be CHAMP.
Aj styles no question because right now he is the most over face in tna plus this guy is amazing in the ring and can have the best match with anyone. Joe is great but not as a face champion if tha insist on joe being champ make him heel.
I know there will be no one who agrees with this but I really wish that the boss, Jeff Jarrett, would come back and win the title. However, due to the several things goin on in his personal life and him doing more booking in the back that is very unlikely to happen. So, Im gonna go out on a limb here and say that Id like to see one of four people win the title.
Kaz: Lets face it. The guy has developed into a phenomenal superstar lately. I think he has paid his dues in TNA maybe more than most that are being considered for title contention. SO GIVE THE MAN A SHOT.

AJ Styles: Speakin of phenomenal. AJ Styles is the first one and two time triple crown champion in TNA. Yet for the past two years all he can be considered as is a frickin lackey for two former WWE "bigshots", dont get me wrong I like both Angle and Christian, but AJ Styles deserves much more than to just be a glorified towel boy. Now that he's out on his on its about time to make things right.

Sting: One of the best and most popular superstars in TNA. And no one knows more about payin his dues than Sting. Also Sting would add some real class to the TNA World Title, something that is seriously lacking during the Samoa Joke reign.

Kevin Nash: So Big Daddy Cool goes from being a multitime champion to being a push around by a "bigshot" who thinks he owes nothing to guys like Nash who paved the way for his cocky no talent self to even get a chance to hold the title. Sorry but I disagree.

I know there will be no one who agrees with this but I really wish that the boss, Jeff Jarrett, would come back and win the title. However, due to the several things goin on in his personal life and him doing more booking in the back that is very unlikely to happen.

I'd like Jarrett to come back for a little while too. Just when the new blood - Roode/Storm, I mean - starts coming up. He'd give them some decent title feuds IMO, and would really give them the seal of approval by doing so. Then all anybody would want to see is Jarrett/Angle and he'd be on his way again.

Kaz: Lets face it. The guy has developed into a phenomenal superstar lately. I think he has paid his dues in TNA maybe more than most that are being considered for title contention. SO GIVE THE MAN A SHOT.

Give the man a shot? Are you serious? He's had two against Angle and one against Joe. That's more than Christian Cage has been having for Christ's sake. And "he's paid his dues?" Well, he's as dull as dishwater which has been artificially manipulated to look really, really, dull. Like, the dullest dishwater in the world. So dull it's published in a scientific journal as an experiment to recreate the dullness of a black hole on Earth. That's how dull Kaz is. But yeah, he's a dull, generic cruiserweight who one week is losing an X Division title match and the next getting a world heavyweight title shot, making Joe look weak in the processs. He's an awful, awful choice for a title contender - he's dull, he's been inconsistently pushed from lower card to upper card to all over the card from week to week, he has no charisma (so yeah, he's dull), he knows one unique move and has no unique attriubutes. He's just terrible. End rant.

AJ Styles: Speakin of phenomenal. AJ Styles is the first one and two time triple crown champion in TNA. Yet for the past two years all he can be considered as is a frickin lackey for two former WWE "bigshots", dont get me wrong I like both Angle and Christian, but AJ Styles deserves much more than to just be a glorified towel boy. Now that he's out on his on its about time to make things right.

I'm amazed so many people have voted for Styles. I'm not sure if people mistook the question for "Who's the most popular?" As a title contender, AJ wouldn't be too bad, but the interesting attributes of his comedy character seem to have pretty much gone with his turn to face. Could just be the fact that every time he grabs a microphone he gets beat down by Kurt Angle. I hope it's that, at least, otherwise the last year or so have just been pointless in developing his character. He shows he's got his character still, he's worthy of the belt.

Sting: One of the best and most popular superstars in TNA. And no one knows more about payin his dues than Sting. Also Sting would add some real class to the TNA World Title, something that is seriously lacking during the Samoa Joke reign.

Of course he's one of the most popular. He's completely and absolutely past it though. And Joe might not be classy, but neither was Stone Cold. At least Joe can be exciting to watch. Sting isn't. And "paying his dues"? Again? Seriously? Y'know who paid his dues? The Brooklyn Brawler. Let's bring him in instead. He's earned it.

Kevin Nash: So Big Daddy Cool goes from being a multitime champion to being a push around by a "bigshot" who thinks he owes nothing to guys like Nash who paved the way for his cocky no talent self to even get a chance to hold the title. Sorry but I disagree.

Oh Jesus. Let's go back to considering Kaz. Nash went and damn near ruined Angle's title reign with all his "Remember WCW? It was when Hulk Hogan made me look good!" bullshit. God knows he ruined the Bound For Glory main event. They couldn't just have Sting beating Angle cleanly, they had to have Nash interfere constantly for the second half of the match, doing so clumsily. In the end, Sting won anyway, making Angle look like an absolute bitch. Y'know what saved Angle's title reign? Giving Nash the finger.

As for Joe, Nash is the reason I've hated his title reign so far. Joe beats the living shit out of everyone in TNA, has classic matches but then runs to (big) Daddy (cool) because he doesn't know how to get a title shot. Interest is lost. TNA's most dangerous talent suddenly looks ridiculous for needing an over-the-hill ex-WCWer telling how to get to the title. Finally, it looks like Joe is getting rid of Nash, and his title reign will be all the better for it.

Then there's the fact that the champion needs to be able to actually wrestle. Nash can make people look like a joke by beating them down with his pathetic looking offense, but he can't actually have any move done on him. He can't even botch a powerbomb properly, as evidenced by when we were told Nash hadn't properly hit AJ with it despite seeing an OK-looking powerbomb. He botched a botch. Now that is terrible. In short, he's an old man who can't wrestle for shit, never really could, whose claim to fame is being associated to other top names as their whipping boy and who sucks interest from everyone else's title reigns. Oh man, let's give him the strap. And did you call Kurt Angle a no talent? Or was it Joe? Because both have more talent in their eyelash than Nash has has in his entire body, his wardrobe, his mansion, his sports cars and his massive video library entitled "Cumulative Footage of Kevin Nash's Talent."
ill probalby get some heat for this but i would like to see rhino as the champion again.

not for a long time but definatley longer then his last run. I think rhino can draw enough to have a little reign as champion....
his matches are always solid and his mike skills are ok so i think about a month of a reign for rhino would work

I agree 110%... I have been saying for YEARS that Rhino needs a good title run for a few months!

They have SO much potential w/ him, its crazy,
all they should do is keep building him up, and give him an undefeated streak for maybe 2-3 months and put him in world title picture.
Well it seems to me that with the way things have been progressing recently on iMPACT, that it is only a matter of time before Nash turns on Joe, now considering also the fact that Nash cost Booker the title at Slammiversary and the Joe vs Booker match coming up at Victory Road...I'd say that a swerve in likely to be coming, with Nash turning on Joe to screw him out of the title, after the inevitable ref bump/Joe has the match won/Jacknife 1-2-3 spot. Then from there the Nash vs Joe fued can begin, possibly after a Joe vs Booker re-match, then i imagine TNA will match Booker vs Sting at Bound For Glory, then put The Stinger over like they have done these last few years, before eventually putting the belt back onto Angle or a returning babyface Jeff Jarrett. But that is just my view of the way things are heading, not what i think is best, although i do agree with most of it...IMO
Wow. you must be an idiot. Samoa Joe was put with Kevin Nash to hep put him over dumbshit !!!! Ya know why ??? Because he is still a fan favorite even from the old WCW days. Him and Hall made Hogan look good not the other way around, it was Hogan running with them that gave his carrer another boost so forget all that trash your talking. Kevin Nash is one of the biggest names in Wrestling history little boy. He made it big by being a great wrestler, performer, and talent all around. He can make anyone look good, which is why he held the WWF World Heavyweight Title for over a year, and he can pound the shit out of people. Ask Undertaker, Bret Hart, Scott Hall, Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, need I say more. You obviously know nothing about wrestling and are nothing but a stupid fucking mark. He is oneo f the top money makers in the businesses history, proven fact. And knows how to do everything in and out of the ring. He is a total package and if He wanted could easily take that title from Samoa Joe any day of the week. 1 powerbomb is all it takes and that asshole is done, along with the rest of the locker room.

As for Samoa Joe he's the biggest pile of shit in wrestling, just like the rest of the fat samoans. I'd still love to see Umaga eat Joe for breakfast though. Atleast then we'd be rid of Joe and Umaga could job to everyone still. The only reason Joe was worth anything in the X-Division was because he was a big man in a little mans world. So, a fat samoan guy beats up a bunch of guys smaller and more athletic than him. big deal. Suddenly that makes him top tier material? Bullshit. He needed Kevin Nash, not the other way around.

As for Nash, ya know what. Strap him up. This guy can still wrestle great matches, and is still the biggest guy they've got. Put him up against Matt Morgan, let them two go at it a while, and maybe at the end of it have Morgan go over, Boom, you've got him established, then have one of the guys you people love so much like the stunt doubles from the X division or Rhino( ooooowww Big Deal, fuckin Rhino !!! ) go over and strap up.

The truth is, without the WWE guys that company is crap, even now with them it's not much better. If you think otherwise your obviously stupid. If I am wrong than why the hell did they call all of them up anyways? Because, they needed real talent, established guys, to put their shitty wretlers over, and make them credible. TNA sucks, just like it's champion. The best thing that ever happened to them was WWE talent going there. The best thing to ever happen to one of their titles was Kurt Angle, and if they were smart they would give the title to a guy who can carry a strap like Booker T.

Are you kidding me with some of these guys, Kaz, the Antonio Bandera look alike, Robert Roode, a guy who couldn't sell out a shoe box, James Storm, a guy who couldn't carry his own weight let alone the company and has a horrible gimmick. Sting, who is too out of shape to do this anymore, and I like Sting, but he is too out of shape. It's not believable anymore. Any of the TNA guys ??? They Suck. A.J. Styles is the only one who is worth a shit, give him the X-division Title and keep him where he belongs, with the little guys. The Heavyweight Title is not for Cruiserweights.

Kurt Angle is as little a Heavyweight as you can get and is only lucky his wrestling talent is good enough to make him credible. By the way, just for those of you stuck on Samoa Joes cock, Kurt Angle in real life is better than him and anyone else in the locker room there or at WWE, in real life though not the Kayfabe image of them. The Olympic Gold is the Proof and the Pudding. There is nothing, and I mean nothing about samoa Joe that substantiates his title run. What has he seriously done other than disrespect anyone and everyone around him, he's a punk who needs to be put in check, and I think Kevin Nash is the person to do it. To hell with Samoa Joe.
Wow. you must be an idiot. Samoa Joe was put with Kevin Nash to hep put him over dumbshit !!!!

You talking to me? I'm the only one bashing Nash here. Warning for flaming. Don't call a mod a dumbshit. By your logic, pouring gasoline on someone on fire puts out the fire if the person pouring the gasoline is trying to help.

Ya know why ???

Enlighten me.

Because he is still a fan favorite even from the old WCW days.

He gets a respectable reaction at best. Joe is much more popular than him. If they wanted to get Nash over, then put him with Joe. Joe was already over until Nash started riding him.

Him and Hall made Hogan look good not the other way around, it was Hogan running with them that gave his carrer another boost so forget all that trash your talking.

Bullshit. Hogan was the big star there, and the man that made the NWO. At least Hall could go in the ring. Nash has never been anything other than semi-entertaining.

Kevin Nash is one of the biggest names in Wrestling history little boy.

One time, perhaps. Not any more though, big man.

He made it big by being a great wrestler, performer, and talent all around.


He can make anyone look good,


Ask Undertaker, Bret Hart, Scott Hall, Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan,

I will. I'll get back to you.

need I say more.

Yes, as long as you don't flame me.

You obviously know nothing about wrestling and are nothing but a stupid fucking mark.

What did I just say?

He is oneo f the top money makers in the businesses history, proven fact.

Arguable. Even if he was at one point, doesn't change the fact that he's worse than useless now.

And knows how to do everything in and out of the ring. He is a total package and if He wanted could easily take that title from Samoa Joe any day of the week. 1 powerbomb is all it takes and that asshole is done, along with the rest of the locker room.

I hate to be the guy to do this but - you do know wrestling is fake, right? Even if it wasn't, Nash would be Joe's bitch.

As for Samoa Joe he's the biggest pile of shit in wrestling, just like the rest of the fat samoans.

Never got why The Rock wasn't on Atkins either.

I'd still love to see Umaga eat Joe for breakfast though. Atleast then we'd be rid of Joe and Umaga could job to everyone still. The only reason Joe was worth anything in the X-Division was because he was a big man in a little mans world.

Nash is quite big, let's see him run with the likes of AJ Styles. No, Joe was popular because of his brutal attitude and face-paced, MMA style.

So, a fat samoan guy beats up a bunch of guys smaller and more athletic than him. big deal. Suddenly that makes him top tier material? Bullshit. He needed Kevin Nash, not the other way around.

I never said Nash needed Joe. Well, I did, but that was in a hypothetical situation. He's top tier material because of his entertaining matches. Nash's most famous matches in history are two of the shortest matches in history. Not to mention that Joe, dull as he can be, can display malice, something gigantic Kevin Nash never could do.

As for Nash, ya know what. Strap him up. This guy can still wrestle great matches, and is still the biggest guy they've got.

If by great matches you mean multi man bloodfests where he does between one and two moves then yes, he's incredible. If you mean he's actually good then no, you're wrong.

Put him up against Matt Morgan, let them two go at it a while, and maybe at the end of it have Morgan go over, Boom, you've got him established, then have one of the guys you people love so much like the stunt doubles from the X division or Rhino( ooooowww Big Deal, fuckin Rhino !!! ) go over and strap up.

Rhino's as past it as Nash. And I'm guessing by stunt doubles you mean people who still have their original knees.

The truth is, without the WWE guys that company is crap, even now with them it's not much better.

Not true, in the least.

If you think otherwise your obviously stupid.

I can spell "you're" so probably not.

If I am wrong than why the hell did they call all of them up anyways? Because, they needed real talent, established guys, to put their shitty wretlers over, and make them credible.

Almost said something correct there. They needed established wrestlers to put talented guys over. TNA may have needed Nash in 2005 but now he's completely surplus to requirements. The "stunt doubles" get bigger reactions and sell more merch than him. Enough said.

TNA sucks, just like it's champion. The best thing that ever happened to them was WWE talent going there. The best thing to ever happen to one of their titles was Kurt Angle, and if they were smart they would give the title to a guy who can carry a strap like Booker T.

Well, yeah, that's kind of obvious. While I usually wouldn't defend Joe, sans Nash he's a pretty good champion. That means without Nash, by the way.

Are you kidding me with some of these guys, Kaz, the Antonio Bandera look alike,

I don't like him either, but that's a ridiculous reason to not like him.

Robert Roode, a guy who couldn't sell out a shoe box,

I guarantee you that he could outdo Nash.

James Storm, a guy who couldn't carry his own weight let alone the company and has a horrible gimmick.

Horrible... how?

Sting, who is too out of shape to do this anymore, and I like Sting, but he is too out of shape.

Coming from someone who likes Kevin Nash. Unbelievable. Tell me you're a troll. Wes, that you? I bet it is.

It's not believable anymore. Any of the TNA guys ??? They Suck. A.J. Styles is the only one who is worth a shit, give him the X-division Title and keep him where he belongs, with the little guys.

You're an idiot.

The Heavyweight Title is not for Cruiserweights.

Six words: Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho.

Kurt Angle is as little a Heavyweight as you can get and is only lucky his wrestling talent is good enough to make him credible.

He's no Kevin Nash though...

By the way, just for those of you stuck on Samoa Joes cock,

Inventive and an idiot? Nice combo.

Kurt Angle in real life is better than him and anyone else in the locker room there or at WWE, in real life though not the Kayfabe image of them.

You must think we're as deluded as, well, you.

The Olympic Gold is the Proof and the Pudding.

Who the fuck even mentioned this? No one. No one would ever question that Angle could beat Joe in a shoot fight. You gave your only correct answer to a question no one asked!

There is nothing, and I mean nothing about samoa Joe that substantiates his title run.

You used a long word. Impressive.

What has he seriously done other than disrespect anyone and everyone around him, he's a punk who needs to be put in check, and I think Kevin Nash is the person to do it. To hell with Samoa Joe.

You'd be the world's worst booker. "A punk who needs to be put in check." Why? Because he's arrogant enough to be over and popular enough and can put on a good enough match to hold the belt while Kevin Nash does his best not to snap his legs from walking a few meters?

Multiple infractions for you, mister. Maybe prison. Naughty boy.
"He gets a respectable reaction at best. Joe is much more popular than him. If they wanted to get Nash over, then put him with Joe. Joe was already over until Nash started riding him"

Please, everyone likes Kevin Nash, and he is way way past where Joe is in popularity. Everyone knows who Kevin Nash is, not Samoa Joe. Hence my stating that he was paired up with Nash to help him get over bigger with the fans. The logic is that if a big time established guy like Nash is putting this guy on his back and trying to help him out than he can't be all bad and must be good. Unfortunately he's a big asshole and has to be one to Nash for trying to help him out when he needed it. Joe is just too big headed to be ok with it, he thinks he is the end all be all of wrestlers and he needs no help, the truth is he's not even close to where Nash has been and probably never will be because he isn't marketable enough and that's the truth from a business standpoint alone.

"Bullshit. Hogan was the big star there, and the man that made the NWO. At least Hall could go in the ring. Nash has never been anything other than semi-entertaining."

Wrong!!!! Hall and Nash did what they did, and did it the best. They went in and kicked ass, and Nash was very very good offensively. You think a guy his size is supposed to do what the X-division guys do or something? No, he's a big powerhouse who goes in and wipes the floor with people, it is simple but entertaining to see. Nothing is better than watching a big bad ass like him rip someone apart. However on another note, Hogan I will say helped make the NWO it was Hall and Nash that launched the whole idea, and Hogan needed that to keep going because his same old gimmick wasn't going over anymore and got lame, his heel turn is one of the biggest moments in wrestling history and it was Hall and Nash who got him to do it in real life. Hogan knew his Hulkster thing was past it's run and he needed to do something else to make his legecy go on. Hogan had always been against being a heel and putting other guys over, Hall and Nash convinced him otherwise, and this is all from the lips of both Hall and Nash. Hogan needed to reassociate himself with guys that were huge in the business at the time and got with them plain and simple, did he benefit from it more than anyone? Yes. But he wasn't the backbone and heart and soul of it, that was Hall and Nash. And by the way, who else in history had powerbombed The Giant/Big Show ??? No one.

"One time, perhaps. Not any more though, big man."

As stated earlier, everyone knows who Kevin Nash is, he is still a huge star and so is Hall, everyone knows who they are, and everyone likes them both for the most part.

He also did get to the top by being a great wrestler and all around performer and that is not arguable, it's true.

He is a great performer and knows how to put people over, hence make them look good. Undertaker has said that one of his favorite matches ever was with Kevin Nash as Diesel. Bret Hart had a great match with him for the title, and he put bret over well, Shawn and him had great matches all the time, Hogan, and Hall, and on and on and on. You can't take away his credibility and credentials. He has a resume most guys don't have, including Samoa Joe. Nash is the bigger star even still today and that is why Samoa Joe is with him, he was breeding Joe for to be a champion as he is a former champion himself, multi times in fact.

"Arguable. Even if he was at one point, doesn't change the fact that he's worse than useless now."

Just the fact that he is being used and has been his entire time in TNA proves you wrong. He still does matches, they've got him with Samoa Joe, and in the past he has helped the company immensely. He is still a high stock option whether you like that fact or not.

"I hate to be the guy to do this but - you do know wrestling is fake, right? Even if it wasn't, Nash would be Joe's bitch."

NO shit!!! Of course I know that. The point was that he is the more dominant wrestler period. Samoa Joe would get Jackknifed and that would be it. Joe wouldn't stand a chance.

The Rock obviously doesn't count. He was supposed to be black anyways remember? NOD, they were a bunch of black militants. He is only part samoan, and was never fat so bringing him up was stupid and pointless on your behalf.

Nash is quite big, let's see him run with the likes of AJ Styles. No, Joe was popular because of his brutal attitude and face-paced, MMA style. I never said Nash needed Joe. Well, I did, but that was in a hypothetical situation. He's top tier material because of his entertaining matches. Nash's most famous matches in history are two of the shortest matches in history. Not to mention that Joe, dull as he can be, can display malice, something gigantic Kevin Nash never could do.

As far as Nash against A.J. Styles, who cares. And if you recall he was doing a thing where he beat up all the X-Division guys stating "Size Matters" and it does. he's already proved that to be a squash match. As for joes style it is a puke pile with shit on top. He does the worst Enziguri ever, and is not convincing with his delivery of anything. His big move is a rear naked choke, big deal. Oh yeah and that other one, what's it called ??? oh yeah no once cares cause he sucks. His matches are not even close to entertaining you know why? because they have hyped him so big you always know who is going to win, him. No matter what, even against a guy who is way better like Kurt Angle, everyone knew he would win because he is the company guy. As for the display of malice, what the hell do you think him and Nash did? play hop scotch with everyone? No, they beat the shit out of people because they could, and did it for fun. They were the definition of malice so I don't know what you'd smokin..........To Be Continued.
Haha Overkill Inc. Rage, u got owned! ur saying some of the most out there comments ive ever herd of and uncle sam just shoved it right back in ur face!!! U obvilously know nothing about wrestling if u think a little man cant beat a big man or shuldnt. and u think that nash is still a contender?! or better yet, better the samoa joe?!?!?! how? please explain how nash, who has bad knees, is more in shape than sting and therefore qualifies him to b in line for the title! Now im not tryin to bash nash or undermine his past achievements but he aint what he used to b and the role they have him playing now is as good as itl get for him in TNA or anywhere.
I'm going to enjoy this. And please, learn to use the quote function. Let's see if you flame me again.

Please, everyone likes Kevin Nash, and he is way way past where Joe is in popularity.

Well, if you're by telling lies you tell the truth, you're telling the truth. If you subscribe to normal logic, which you apparently do not, then you're wrong

Everyone knows who Kevin Nash is, not Samoa Joe.

Kevin Nash has been around for much longer than Joe. Name recognition and popularity are two different things. Joe is much more popular.

Hence my stating that he was paired up with Nash to help him get over bigger with the fans.

Hence you being dead wrong then.

The logic is that if a big time established guy like Nash is putting this guy on his back and trying to help him out than he can't be all bad and must be good.

Great theory. Problem was, this badass looked like he needed a piggy back ride from someone as useless as Nash, and hemiraged credibility in the process.

Unfortunately he's a big asshole and has to be one to Nash for trying to help him out when he needed it.

There's a word you need to learn - kayfabe. And turning on Nash is restoring Joe's credibility bit by bit just as it did Ange.

Joe is just too big headed to be ok with it, he thinks he is the end all be all of wrestlers and he needs no help, the truth is he's not even close to where Nash has been and probably never will be because he isn't marketable enough and that's the truth from a business standpoint alone.

Nobody in TNA is marketable enough to take TNA to WCW's level. And yes, Nash used to be bigger than Joe. I admitted that. But Nash was never, ever the true number one in his company and he never truly carried a company. Guys like Hogan made him.


Alright, Lex Luther. Hope you get the reference.

Hall and Nash did what they did, and did it the best. They went in and kicked ass, and Nash was very very good offensively.

No he wasn't. He had a few power moves that every big wrestler can easily do. Not unique in the least. The only reason he was interesting was because him and Hall had just come from the WWF. The interest would have soon fizzled out if it weren't for the Hulkster.

You think a guy his size is supposed to do what the X-division guys do or something? No, he's a big powerhouse who goes in and wipes the floor with people, it is simple but entertaining to see.

No it's not. As a guy with Nash's build, it's incredible how he's always been leaning to the Khali side of things rather than the Bigelow side. He had some quite good times, but he was never anything special in the ring.

Nothing is better than watching a big bad ass like him rip someone apart.

You must live a dull life.

However on another note, Hogan I will say helped make the NWO it was Hall and Nash that launched the whole idea, and Hogan needed that to keep going because his same old gimmick wasn't going over anymore and got lame, his heel turn is one of the biggest moments in wrestling history and it was Hall and Nash who got him to do it in real life.

Hogan needed the NWO? No, Hogan needed a heel turn, nothing else. The NWO needed Hogan.

Hogan knew his Hulkster thing was past it's run and he needed to do something else to make his legecy go on. Hogan had always been against being a heel and putting other guys over, Hall and Nash convinced him otherwise, and this is all from the lips of both Hall and Nash. Hogan needed to reassociate himself with guys that were huge in the business at the time and got with them plain and simple, did he benefit from it more than anyone? Yes. But he wasn't the backbone and heart and soul of it, that was Hall and Nash. And by the way, who else in history had powerbombed The Giant/Big Show ??? No one.

Who else has slammed the Awesome Kong other than Super Eric? Some indie people actually. That statement meant as much as that entire paragraph. I've already addressed those points anyway, despite their irrelevance to this thread.

As stated earlier, everyone knows who Kevin Nash is, he is still a huge star and so is Hall, everyone knows who they are, and everyone likes them both for the most part.

Name recognition is also different to star power. Most people remember serial killers and rapists, doesn't mean their popular. Nash and Hall back together would maybe get some interest for the first couple weeks, then it'd fizzle out quickly. Joe may not cause ratings to peak, but he's keeping interest consistent - there's no peak and then a sudden lull. Well, not any more at least.

He also did get to the top by being a great wrestler and all around performer and that is not arguable, it's true.

He got to the top by being a decent performer, getting good opponents and politics. He had more memorable shit matches than he did memorable good matches.

He is a great performer and knows how to put people over, hence make them look good. Undertaker has said that one of his favorite matches ever was with Kevin Nash as Diesel. Bret Hart had a great match with him for the title, and he put bret over well, Shawn and him had great matches all the time, Hogan, and Hall, and on and on and on. You can't take away his credibility and credentials. He has a resume most guys don't have, including Samoa Joe. Nash is the bigger star even still today and that is why Samoa Joe is with him, he was breeding Joe for to be a champion as he is a former champion himself, multi times in fact.

Joe doesn't have Nash's resume? I'm not surprised, he hasn't been wrestling for WWE and WCW since decades ago.

Just the fact that he is being used and has been his entire time in TNA proves you wrong. He still does matches, they've got him with Samoa Joe, and in the past he has helped the company immensely. He is still a high stock option whether you like that fact or not.

TNA uses a lot of shit. His matches are all terrible beyond belief, unless there's multiple other guys in there to actually wrestle while he sits out. His worth is less than a huge amount of the roster, whether you like it or not.

NO shit!!! Of course I know that. The point was that he is the more dominant wrestler period. Samoa Joe would get Jackknifed and that would be it. Joe wouldn't stand a chance.

Erm, you accept my point, then ignore it in your logic.

The Rock obviously doesn't count. He was supposed to be black anyways remember? NOD, they were a bunch of black militants. He is only part samoan, and was never fat so bringing him up was stupid and pointless on your behalf.

Not really, stereotyping Joe because of his race was stupid and pointless. I was merely showing that your logic was flawed.

As far as Nash against A.J. Styles, who cares. And if you recall he was doing a thing where he beat up all the X-Division guys stating "Size Matters" and it does.

No he wasn't. This was very recent actually - this year.

he's already proved that to be a squash match.

Most entertaining match I've seen with Nash in TNA.

As for joes style it is a puke pile with shit on top.

While I appreciate you have a right to your opinion, that doesn't make any sense. Kevin Nash is a big pile of doodoo with urates buried within. See?

He does the worst Enziguri ever, and is not convincing with his delivery of anything.

From someone defending Kevin Nash, that is heavily hypocritical.

His big move is a rear naked choke, big deal.

It goes with his style, which is semi-realistic and submission based, much better than Nash's generic style.

Oh yeah and that other one, what's it called ??? oh yeah no once cares cause he sucks.

Telling outright lies and assuming baseless things, like you continue to do, is getting you nowhere.

His matches are not even close to entertaining you know why? because they have hyped him so big you always know who is going to win, him.

That's TNA's problem not Joe's. It's also not really true. Of course he's going to win for the first few months of his reign but he's lost in lots of big time matches. Fans won't feel as cheated as when watching Kevin Nash he hits one move to win a championship, or he lays down after being poked.

No matter what, even against a guy who is way better like Kurt Angle,

I'm sorry, I actually just pissed myself. Now I need to mop my carpet up. Thanks a bunch.

everyone knew he would win because he is the company guy.

Well, he's lost often enough to make that a lie.

As for the display of malice, what the hell do you think him and Nash did?

Who and Nash? Joe and Nash?

play hop scotch with everyone? No, they beat the shit out of people because they could, and did it for fun. They were the definition of malice so I don't know what you'd smokin..........To Be Continued.

Despite my crack addiction, I'll have you know that despite attacking people for a living, Nash has never been able to display malice, menace or any other natural emotion while doing it.
Samoa Joe is an ok in-ring competitor but has nothing to draw him to the fans. He's one of my least favorite wrestlers in TNA. And that's saying something since a lot of their roster is based on no-names and gimmick junk. He's not good enough in the ring to support his lack of talents in other areas. I'm sorry but he has no appeal whatsoever as a wrestler much less a World Champion as far as I'm concerned.
While I do like Nash (sheerly based on my like of him as a child), and I'm not Joe's biggest fan, OverkillInc_Rage is going completely over the top. Reminds me of the angry German kid in the Unreal Tournament viral! If you feel so adamantly about something, I would advice getting your facts straight before presenting your argument. And if it's going to be controversial, you sure as hell should ensure that your grammar and syntax is correct so those mistakes can't be thrown in the many in your argument.

By the by, Uncle Sam's posts are possible two of the greatest examples of pwnage I have seen on any forum. OI_R just raise your little white flag and scuttle off with your tail between your legs.
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