Lockdown: Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe

That actually is a genious idea, the tag match. See if that was WWE they probaly would have carried it out mainly because they have the money but TNA should started dipping into the money from Panda Energy more. That definatly has money written over it! Both my idea and yours! I mean Kurt is such a MMA fighter as well as pro wrestler, and the mix the two together and the good relationship between UFC and TNA could seriously give TNA some new fans. But yeah at Lockdown the Special Ref should be a MMA fighter that Kurt can have a feud with. Take a page from the Big Show Mayweather book!
I'm interested in seeing how much time TNA gives these two, the LL match will most likely go 25 min, and with other 7-8 matches on the card I'm afraid that these two won't have enough time to put on the great show they can. It's clear that Joe will win this one, and with the way they're building it I hope they go 20 min with a clean finish, so we can all see the great match we should have last year.
Personally I'm looking forward to this match. I don't care how long a feud goes on as long as both guys deliver each time, and quite frankly, these two guys deliver each and every time they are in the ring with each other.

I think they are getting better as they wrestle each other, and with Angles added statement of trying to outdo any match on Wrestlemania, and working an MMA style match with Samoa Joe who is already stiff, I think this match could be very interesting.

People are complaining about the stipulation, why? Like you didn't know Ric Flair was going to get beat by HBK at Mania, yet people are already parading around and saying that was match of the year (wasn't even the best match of the night). Man the bitching people do it a little ridiculous. Let them wrestle, then determine.
It's kind of weird that so many people have written off this match idea without actually knowing what exactly the match is.

Kind of jumping the gun, I think.

It's still going to be a worked match. However, the critics have already bashed a match that has yet to happen for making "wrestling look faker".
I am looking forward to this match as i think that it has the potential to be very good, all of their matches previous matches have been solid and they are both excellent wrestlers.

However personally i am not interested in seeing a MMA style match, if i want to watch MMA ill watch MMA and i don't think a worked match could ever compare to the real thing. i don't mind them trying to make the match more stiff and incorporating some amateur wrestling but if they go over the top with the MMA style it could ruin it.

The match will probably deliver though, and it would be good to finally see the belt on joe
I'm almost convinced Samoa Joe WON'T win the World Heavyweight Championship at Lockdown. The reason why is because of all the build they're giving to Joe.

Everyone in the company is claiming Samoa Joe WILL win because its his time, and because his wrestling career is on the line. They're saying hes never been more focused, and because hes never been more ready. Well, I say its a false build-up leading to everyone being "shocked" when Joe suddenly loses, and then looks as if his wrestling career is suddenly over because.. it will be.

But this is where the swerve comes into play. I don't know if anyone else has been watching lately, but Joe's been training with M.M.A. fighters. And T.N.A. is going into business with bringing in M.M.A. guys. So while Joe's "wrestling" career might come to an end, his career in T.N.A. will be securely safe and sound, when he shocks Kurt Angle by headlining the on-slaught of M.M.A. guys breaking into T.N.A. to start a warped version of the n.W.o. v. W.C.W.

To be honest, I think its stupid. Furthermore, I've never and will never like Samoa Joe because hes boring. Yeah, hes a technically sound athlete but his gimmick is crap. And the most pathetic thing is, when I get more entertained by seeing a guy dress up in a black and silver version of Goldust more so than watching Samoa Joe talk, cut a promo, or wrestle in general.. its pretty sad.

I know Joe has fans. I know Joe is a great athlete. But what Joe isn't, is entertaining. (neither is Black Reign for those thinking I may of thought he was) And if you want what to know what I think, the easiest thing to do would be just give Joe the f*cking title and be done with it.

I just don't think it'll be that simple. I think it'll involve Joe losing, only to not quit T.N.A. but instead enter into a new deal as an M.M.A. fighter taking on T.N.A. in a "fed war." (so to speak)
Will, that is too complicated for TNA to do. They'll never go for it. Samoa Joe is going to win the title. They are going to have Joe win with the Muscle Buster. They are building up Joe for a reason. I think Kurt Angle is a good opponent for Joe, as he can put over a lot of people, very well at that. Joe will go on to face Steiner at Sacrifice, as for Kurt, he may just wrestle with his goons, AJ and Tomko.
I think they are getting better as they wrestle each other, and with Angles added statement of trying to outdo any match on Wrestlemania, and working an MMA style match with Samoa Joe who is already stiff, I think this match could be very interesting.

The matches are getting better. But they've wrestled that many times over the past 18 months. That it'll be years before I'll fully be able to appreciate how good the matches are. You can have too much of a good thing.

The sad thing is that it's going to just continue until one leaves the company. Or Angle dies. Because TNA really doesn't have any other ideas.

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