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Time for a New TNA Champ? If So, Who?

Who Should Be The New Champ?

  • Angle

  • Cage

  • Booker

  • Sting

  • Styles

  • Storm

  • Roode

  • Rhino

  • Other/Keep Joe

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Joe's the weak point of the show. His current character, well, he hasn't even got a character. It's just fucking confusing. And God help us if they actually go through with this Nash/Joe feud they've been teasing.

Completely untrue based solely on ratings breakdown. If you don't like Samoa Joe, fine.. if you want to blame him and his title reign as something negative, fine, there's truth in that.. but saying he's the weak point of the show is an exaggerated statement. Just this week the Eric/Search for Elvis crap did the lowest rating for the entire year. I wonder whose been writing those segments?
i think the one and only phenominal aj styles should they have been under using him since he joined the angle alliance and now that he is a face and quit the alliance he should get a good push and on this one dvd he said im going for not only the x division title the tag title and the tna world title well he already accomplished the tag titles next is the world title and the x division title
Personally, i actually like Joe as champion right now, the problem is that most people are not sure what to make of Joe as champion for the simple fact that TNA didn't use Joe properly. But give him a chance to settle in to the new role before given the belt to another ex-wwe wrestler that doesn't need the belt and quite frankly don't deserve the belt. Personally i don'T see anybody else that could carry the belt beside Joe simply because even if the IWF don't like Joe has champion, TNA fans actually like him and he'S doing a really good job with the belt so i say leave the belt on him until Bound For glory and then give it to somebody else maybe Robert Roode Or James Storm.

perfectly said psyko...it's funny how everybody wanted to see Joe as Champion and when they finally do, you wanna take the belt away after 1 defense...Champions aren't born over night...granted i think if Joe had've won the belt against some one else besides Angle the hype would've have been greater, also why build up the hype as is Joe was gonna leave TNA if he lost...that basically was giving away the match result 3 weeks ahead of time...and also Angle vs Joe 4 was just uneccesary leaves no hope or interest in an Angle vs Joe match up ANY time soon...but Joe is still fit for champion and wait untill we get to see Joe vs Nash...just the hints at this feud have me interested
Joe has indeed been pretty tame as a champion. Right now, he's all talk and not much else. I've never been big on wrestlers who cry their eyes out after winning the belt although sometimes incredible circumstances make it acceptable. It is also plausible with some wrestlers more than with others. Joe the "take no names, kick your ass, choke you out" badass is not one I like to see bawling like a fat Samoan baby. He wrestles soft, he talks soft, he acts soft. Unless I'm mistaken, Carebear Joe is not the one everybody was raving about not long ago, impressing with his attitude and his work.
TNA needs, as a champion, somebody different and that somebody could still be Joe if and only if the old Joe replaces that fan kissing joke toting the belt right now.

Now! If the old Joe is not coming back anytime soon, the actual Joe needs to lose that belt fast. AJ is presently out of the question. Even for Slammiversary, AJ vs Kurt should not even be mentioned. He was just the victim of one of the nastiest beatdowns in TNA in the last year, so in my opinion he has a lot of work to do before he even gets to Kurt and Tomko should be at the top of that list. That is the most important score to settle right now. Give AJ at least 3 months before thinking about the belt. Booker indeed is the most logical choice right now, leading up to a feud with Christian for the belt pretty soon. I would looooove to see Roode or even Storm come up with that belt. Booker could still clash with Christian, with Rhino and 3D not far behind and I believe that could be the thing Joe needs to get back on track. Have him feud with Roode/Storm for a few months with the heel constantly coming up on top with a few questionable victories which wouldn't discredit Joe and instead help him recover that momentum he lost lately. Plus, that would be a great opportunity for Roode/Storm to solidify his place as a solid heel, earning his spot in the main event. As for Kurt... I mean, come on! He's so broken down, it's scary. Let him go easy for a little while and when he's good and ready, have him take on AJ. As for Nash/Joe, I think it's like prison rape, you can hope and pray all you want you never have to live through it but you know it's inevitable.

Heck, let's not forget about Abyss coming back soon. I presume he'll be thrown very near the main event early so I guess Abyss/Joe is a remote possiblity. Maybe not now but maybe 6 months from now once Joe is back on track. Lashley? Hm, that's a story for another day, I guess. Let's wait and see for that one...
It's the way he's being booked, unfortunately it doesn't look like they're going to change that anytime soon so I guess I could see a reason for Joe to lose the belt. Personally I think Joe has the talent to be champ and deserves the belt but it's the way he's being booked that I think is the problem for most people. I'm not going to blame Joe since I blame his current character (or lack thereof) and lack of apparent focus to the writing and booking but well I'm probably wrong as a slew of people are probably going to point out.
Personally I think TNA waited too long to put the world title on Samoa Joe but now he's got the strap they should give him 2 or 3 months to see how he is with it and whether he raises his game on the mic and in the ring.

Eventually I would like to see Booker T win the title because his heel turn was badly needed plus he can easily rival Angle for lead villain in the company.
Completely untrue based solely on ratings breakdown. If you don't like Samoa Joe, fine.. if you want to blame him and his title reign as something negative, fine, there's truth in that.. but saying he's the weak point of the show is an exaggerated statement. Just this week the Eric/Search for Elvis crap did the lowest rating for the entire year. I wonder whose been writing those segments?

I was actually basing it on this week and sheer entertainment value. Let's see we had 3D and Booker, Styles/Angle/Karen, a lot of other stuff. I missed the first five minutes so for all I know there was an X Division filler match. In terms of entertainment value, I found Joe and Nash's little exchange pointless. It seems to only serve to tease a feud I would hate to see, although a betrayal would float my boat. Maybe Joe could grow some balls back after that.

TNA's been having a weird thing of not having the champion at the end of the show. This week, it was fine by me, although it's beyond me why they're starting to promote Angle heavily after he's lost the belt.

Wow, Kurt Angle has only acquired one vote? Is he really that unpopular with the IWC? I mean, even Rhino is beating him. However, I don't really think the poll results actually reflect who would be the best champion. I suppose they roughly do, but points aren't allocated to who you think would be the second best choice, or who could surprise people by how good they are.
I think whoever mentioned Abyss, that's a great shout, he's gonna come back like an actual monster, not a guy who just bleeds every PPV and loses to Black Reign and others, i want to see Abyss in the monster heel role he had against Christian Cage, he and Joe could tear it up.

As for the Nash feud, i get that you have little faith in it because Nash is very very old and can't go anymore, but i think Nash is owed this and owed our respect. The guy is entertaining as hell and while he may not be able to back it up in the ring, he can sell an angle better than almost anyone, as long as this was a one-and-done feud with no rematches i think it could work. Nash accusing Joe of not having the fire it takes to be champion, Joe going easy on Nash, refusing to take opportunities to inflict big damage, say he goes for the facewash but just stops and laughs or something. Nash keeps pushing him, berating him, it breaks down to a brawl, eventually, Joe snaps, goes psycho on him and chokes him the fuck out, doesnt let go of the hold after the bell has gone, referees have to pull him off, he destroys the refs, PPV closes with Joe with an insane look in his eyes and Nash's blood on his hands.
Who I'd like to be champion and who would be the most logical choice looking at things as they stand at the minute in TNA. I think the way things are shaping up, AJ Styles won't be champion for a while yet. By the end of the year maybe, but he has unfinished business with Angle.

Christian Cage and Rhino won't be because they seem to be doing a lot of matches together so I don't see the two of them managing to be main eventing anytime soon.
Sting is an easy choice to take it, but I think he's lost momentum since his time off so I don't see him getting a belt anytime soon.

Too me, Booker T is the logical choice, a recent heel turn, face champion and then it's likely that he can get a shot at it. He's most likely to get it done when he's there as well. Add to that, he can be a good participant in a feud with joe and make him look good.

Out of the minor league choices, I don't think any will be next champion. The thing i'm thinking is that Matt Morgan is being pushed big time...I think he could at least be a contender because he's a big guy and could make joe look legitimately tough.
Other option - Nash. they're teasing a programme with him, again I think to build Joe up as a champion. I don't think Nash can pull off a reign at this point in his career, but at least it would be a good buildup for a champion
Wow, Kurt Angle has only acquired one vote? Is he really that unpopular with the IWC? I mean, even Rhino is beating him.

That's because Angle was JUST champion and he's been in the championship scene for how long now? People want to see something different for a while, not another Jeff Jarrett.
That's almost spam, but I'll let it go. Anyway, yes, Angle has been champion for a long time recently, yes. I believe around nine months. That being said, he still deserves a larger chunk of votes than what he's currently getting - he's TNA's biggest name by a country mile, and under him ratings were pretty consistently in the 1.0-1.2 zone.
That's almost spam, but I'll let it go. Anyway, yes, Angle has been champion for a long time recently, yes. I believe around nine months. That being said, he still deserves a larger chunk of votes than what he's currently getting - he's TNA's biggest name by a country mile, and under him ratings were pretty consistently in the 1.0-1.2 zone.

Obviously you don't know what spam is. And who are you to say whether Angle deserves a larger chunk of the vote or not? People voted for who they believe is deserving and who they want in that role, are you telling them they're wrong to have that view? It's their vote. Did you vote for Angle?
Obviously you don't know what spam is.

I know WrestleZone's definition. Yours was borderline. However, it carried on the discussion so I let it go. It's really quite irrelevant.

And who are you to say whether Angle deserves a larger chunk of the vote or not?

The mayor of wrestling. Seriously. I didn't expect Angle to get a massive portion of the vote. He has just been champion after all. But losing to Rhino? It's a bit skewed.

People voted for who they believe is deserving and who they want in that role, are you telling them they're wrong to have that view?

That's generally what debate is, yeah.

It's their vote. Did you vote for Angle?

Nope. I voted for Booker. Go democracy!
Personally I voted for Christian Cage. I did this not because it is the best option for the company, but because it would be the best descision for me. I think a lot of the guy, I would go as far as to say that he is my favorite wrestler. I also think that he is one of the best in the buisness today. He is so good in the ring and is even better on the mike. He plays a good face and a brilliant heel. I don't see what more someone could want in a champ. He is also almost the only wrestler that I mark for these days.
Cage would be a good addition as a champion. My only thought behind not voting for him was the whole Cage/Rhino thing that seems to be going on. I think that may get in the way of it.

There's one thing amuses me though. People who want Joe as champion are now looking rid of him as champion after a short time (not you Sam). It seems there's no pleasing fans
I think a lot of people, myself included, expected something better of Joe as champion. We expected that Joe would go up a notch when he got the belt, not down a notch. Don't get me wrong, I still think Joe's great, I still think he has the potential to be a fairly decent champion - like I said when I first defended the decision to give him the strap - but he's not the best man for the job at this moment in time.

I've still got my fingers crossed for an Edge-like, opportunistic display from Storm in King of the Mountain. If he gets in, that is. TNA needs a big jolt.

I think Angle/Styles is going to be a classic match though, possibly Angle's best in TNA. Maybe it'll even top the Unbreakable three way. Or, more likely, I'll just be filled with crippling disappointment.
The thing is, you never know until you try. With Joe, everyone wanted to see if he could carry it. Ok, he's a little raw at being the champion, but i think TNA have been recognising it and that's why they've stuck with him and Nash has been involved with him. It shows that while he may not be what they wanted to be as champion, they're not throwing him out and returning him to the mid-cards just yet.

I respect them for trying to work with him and build him up.
Honestly, Samoa Joe is a horrible Champion because hes just too plain. Hes too "average" and he isn't exciting without a character/charisma behind him, like A.J. Styles had.

However, T.N.A. likely isn't going to give up so quickly on Joe, just like the W.W.E. isn't going to just go drop the Brand Extention. Both were their respective company's "babies." And neither company wants to own up to thinking it was a failure in any way. Therefore, I see Joe remaining Champion for (sadly) a while longer, until possibly Bound For Glory.

If they wanted to get the Championship off him, they have the perfect opportunity to do it with the King of the Mountain match. Thats the one match Joe doesn't have to lose, to lose the Championship. And furthermore, 90% of Joe's title losses have come in multi-man matches, where he wasn't the guy beaten. So this could be what they're doing. So you have to ask yourself, who would be the logical guy to drop the Championship to?

Well, out of the K.O.T.M. options/challengers:

Robert Roode: I think Robert Roode would make a perfect heel Heavyweight Champion, but he isn't the biggest heel in the company right now, and he doubtfully ever will be over the likes of Kurt Angle, or even Booker T. So with that said, Robert Roode is hitting that ever so well talked about "glass roof."

I still believe strongly that Robert Roode has everything it takes to become the Champion, I just can not see it happening at Slammiversary.

Booker T: More or less, hes my pick to win it. Booker T. is a proven World Heavyweight Champion. Hes a former multi-time W.C.W. Heavyweight Champion, and hes great as the Main guy in the heel role. I think Booker T. carrying that Championship would be a good move on T.N.A.'s part, especially with Team 3-D backing him up.

The downside to Booker T. is once again, you'd be dropping the main Heavyweight Championship on yet another guy that came from the rival company, who for most of his life was a solid mid-carder, but nothing too absolutely great at the Main Event level.

Now, for the unknowns...

Tomko: Seriously, if Tomko even makes it to the match, its stupid and pointless. He'd be there to help Booker T. if anything, but overall it'd be horrible to see him get into this.

Christian Cage: Hes the second best and most logical choice outside of Booker T. Christian is a former multi-time T.N.A. Heavyweight Champion, and he can carry the load one more time.

The only problem with Christian is, hes been their Heavyweight workhorse too much, and doesn't have any new faces (outside of Booker) to truly feud with. So Christian getting the Championship would result in the company going backwards.

James Storm: Sam has a great deal of trust and respect for Storm, that I just don't have or see in the guy. He was definately the better member of America's Most Wanted, but to me he just isn't Heavyweight Championship material.

The basis of the guy's entire gimmick is a laid back version of Bradshaw from the A.P.A., or at best a mild version of Steve Austin regarding beer. If Robert Roode isn't ready, then Storm is two levels below him.

Rhino: I still say it was a miracle he was even given the Championship when he was, and I believe it was a last minute decision. Rhino was a good Champion, but not the best option in today's company.

Rhino's best days as a World Heavyweight Champion are behind him, from E.C.W. and even then, he won the Heavyweight Championship as the company folded. I like and even love Rhino, but it just won't happen again.

Overall Choice: While I haven't mentioned names like Kevin Nash, Sting, or even Kurt Angle and A.J. Styles.. I think the logical choice right now would be Booker T. -- They've really taken this into full swing with him being the heel thats directly under Kurt Angle, and since Angle has carried this Championship, I think Booker would be the best logical choice to be next.
Kurt Angle being champion again within 6 months will be so unpopular of a decision i think people would riot. I don't deny he is their best wrestler and most important champion and marketing tool, but he lost the belt to Sting for about 2 weeks before winning it back, take that out and he was champion for damn near a year, i am very much against reigns lasting longer than 6 months i think it gets stale. Also i honestly think Angle is done, he is SO banged up it isn't funny anymore, it will be bad for TNA if he does retire but, i think he needs to face facts and just have a few more feuds, try and make some mid-carders and then leave. He has a chance to put AJ back on the map, he could make Kaz, hell if it was booked right he could make Storm and Roode.

Kurt has been a little burnt as of late. With all of the top guys in the main companies, you have Triple H and Cena that have very similar like feuds with their opponents and their outcomes are too repetitive. As you can see that Cena is not holding a title for many reasons including that one. Apparently, Undertaker doesn't draw as well being a champion and having heel opponents chasing the title. Batista = garbage, nuff said. Edge is a great heel, i can't see him as a long title reign champion, but it does draw to have him take on face opponents.

Kurt's first TNA title reign was only 4 months Within the first 4 months, the transition of face to heel came. His last title reign, 6 months which he was all heel from there. Within the 2 days span of losing to Sting, Kurt had the TNA title on lock for 10 months. Kurt is a great heel, i personally like him as a heel better in WWE when he wasn't all "GQ"ed out with his high priced suits and whatnot like he is in TNA. When he turns face, its like we turn to a superhero and that superhero is Kurt. Kurt in the WWE never had a long title reign. the max he had was about for 4-5 months during his rivalry with Brock Lesnar and with Big Show. Kurt probably wanted to show how much of a factor he is when he jumped ship, i didn't think it helped the company a whole lot, since their ratings have staggered to give him those long title reigns, but it helped Kurts character to be identified more as a household name.

The only time Kurt holding the TNA title would work is if he turned face, but i would give it a year and a half if Kurt is able to hold out for that long, but if he did get a title reign as a face, i would have him have it for about 3 months tops.

Samoa Joe's reign is not looking great, he was LONG OVERDUE. and now since he has the title, there's no excitement with it. A new heel should take the title and by that I mean give Booker T a shot. Then most likely have him feud with A.J. and then he takes the title as a face since he's being built back up as a good face character again. Maybe after A.J. get either, Tomko, Roode or Storm to surprisingly beat A.J. for the title, (TOMKO best choice) and then send Kurt back in as a face to be the hero.
I've waited for this day since, well, since I started the thread.

Honestly, Samoa Joe is a horrible Champion because hes just too plain. Hes too "average" and he isn't exciting without a character/charisma behind him, like A.J. Styles had.

That's where I feel you're wrong. If you're talking about when AJ was NWA Champion, I think he was pretty much on par with Joe in terms of characterlessness. I just made up a word!

However, T.N.A. likely isn't going to give up so quickly on Joe, just like the W.W.E. isn't going to just go drop the Brand Extention. Both were their respective company's "babies." And neither company wants to own up to thinking it was a failure in any way. Therefore, I see Joe remaining Champion for (sadly) a while longer, until possibly Bound For Glory.

Sadly, yes. TNA could surprise us with... Oh, who am I kidding? I don't think TNA will ever be surprising.

If they wanted to get the Championship off him, they have the perfect opportunity to do it with the King of the Mountain match. Thats the one match Joe doesn't have to lose, to lose the Championship. And furthermore, 90% of Joe's title losses have come in multi-man matches, where he wasn't the guy beaten.

He doesn't have the undefeated gimmick any more, but yes, it is the perfect oppurtunity for him to drop it without him looking weak. It also means he can carry on in the main event as the chaser, something I feel he is far better as.

So this could be what they're doing. So you have to ask yourself, who would be the logical guy to drop the Championship to?

Booker T. Oh sorry, was that rhetorical? My bad.

Robert Roode: I think Robert Roode would make a perfect heel Heavyweight Champion, but he isn't the biggest heel in the company right now, and he doubtfully ever will be over the likes of Kurt Angle, or even Booker T. So with that said, Robert Roode is hitting that ever so well talked about "glass roof."

I still believe strongly that Robert Roode has everything it takes to become the Champion, I just can not see it happening at Slammiversary.

Neither can I. I've never been sure with Roode. One week I think he's the dog's bollocks, the next I think he's just kind of boring. This particular week, I think he wouldn't be too bad as champion. TNA seem to be finding it hard to bring anyone other than Abyss up from the midcard in the last, um, two years? They could finally start doing it.

Booker T: More or less, hes my pick to win it. Booker T. is a proven World Heavyweight Champion. Hes a former multi-time W.C.W. Heavyweight Champion, and hes great as the Main guy in the heel role. I think Booker T. carrying that Championship would be a good move on T.N.A.'s part, especially with Team 3-D backing him up.

The downside to Booker T. is once again, you'd be dropping the main Heavyweight Championship on yet another guy that came from the rival company, who for most of his life was a solid mid-carder, but nothing too absolutely great at the Main Event level.

TNA doesn't have many options now. As it is, Booker is the guy to most recently hold a top tier belt in a rival company. He's also actually pretty interesting after his heel turn - he seems to be doing a better, less boring job of it in a smaller company.

Tomko: Seriously, if Tomko even makes it to the match, its stupid and pointless. He'd be there to help Booker T. if anything, but overall it'd be horrible to see him get into this.

True. True. However, Tomko is ever so slightly underrated - he's more than just a strong man and a lackey. Not a great deal more, but more nonetheless. I agree though, not champ material.

Christian Cage: Hes the second best and most logical choice outside of Booker T. Christian is a former multi-time T.N.A. Heavyweight Champion, and he can carry the load one more time.

Why do I keep quoting all of these? Short and simple: I agree.

The only problem with Christian is, hes been their Heavyweight workhorse too much, and doesn't have any new faces (outside of Booker) to truly feud with. So Christian getting the Championship would result in the company going backwards.

Similar to what would happen if Angle got it right now, I feel. However, that's not to say they don't ever deserve it back. Give it a few months, hopefully some new names will establish themselves in the main event scene.

James Storm: Sam has a great deal of trust and respect for Storm, that I just don't have or see in the guy. He was definately the better member of America's Most Wanted, but to me he just isn't Heavyweight Championship material.

Why not? I have a feeling I'm going to look down and find an explanation. Wait here.

The basis of the guy's entire gimmick is a laid back version of Bradshaw from the A.P.A., or at best a mild version of Steve Austin regarding beer. If Robert Roode isn't ready, then Storm is two levels below him.

1) Storm is a heel, Bradshaw was never a heel in his APA days. Not to mention that I just don't see the similarity anyway. I'd continue, but I'm afraid I'd just talk about how the two are supposedly racial stereotypes or something and, just because they drink beer and have a similar accent (maybe?) their gimmicks aren't the same by any means.
2) Racist.
3) He likes beer, so is pretty much Steve Austin? Uh-huh.
4) He's a very robust performer, with a gimmick that's actually not bad, and a great character underneath it if you look hard enough. He's a level above Roode if anything. I've said it before, he's pretty much TNA's Edge. KOTM could be his MITB.

Could you explain more? I'd love to carry on this argument. Your entire basis of him not being champion material seems to be that that his gimmick is similar to that of either Steve Austin or APA Bradshaw, which it simply isn't.
raven should of fueded as a face with angle using mind power over angle to get fans behind him but no tna fires him. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
tna has no star atractions anymore in 2004-early 05 they had jeff hardy,ddp,monty brown,hall and nash and savage all tna has now is angle and sting id like to say rhinos still great but hes not.soooooooo
stiener for champ all the way and give him a bigger stable
I asked pwinsider about this, and Scherer said that it is too early to see whether Joe's reign is successful or not. He has only had the TNA World Heavyweight Title for around two months. He has not even had any long feuds/programs with anyone yet. It is simply too early to get a new champion. Joe has been pushed so inconsistently before his Title reign that he needs to be built up again as champion. That would take at least six months to do so that he gains credibility with the fans again. Also, the way he is booked is also going to affect the way his reign goes.
raven should of fueded as a face with angle using mind power over angle to get fans behind him but no tna fires him. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
tna has no star atractions anymore in 2004-early 05 they had jeff hardy,ddp,monty brown,hall and nash and savage all tna has now is angle and sting id like to say rhinos still great but hes not.soooooooo
stiener for champ all the way and give him a bigger stable

Which is maybe why they want to build up from within. The likes of DDP, hall, Nash and Savage, yeah they're great at bringing in the old fans who actually remember who they were, but do you really think a 10 year old kid is going to go 'wow, that's Randy Savage, he wrestled Ricky Steamboat in one of the most famous WM matches ever'??? No, they won't know who Nash really was. The fact is, they need to make people that fans will know and relate to as TNA and a legitimate contender for titles. If not, they'd look at Nash and go 'Why is an old man with white hair wrestling? Can this company not get anyone else?'

As for Steiner, he has all the personality of Joe, only older and more steroids. Build from within and not look to the past for ratings is the way to go. WCW tried the latter and died as a result
your basicaly saying tna is directing there product twords the 10-11 demograph
maybe thats why they have a 1.2 rating max
trust me any real fan would rather see hall and nash than the rock and rave infection and by the way kids love hardy and brown was the most over face of 04
I'm not saying the don't like hardy or brown. the fact is, neither are there now so what are they meant to do? Nash is long past his best. Want proof? Try his last WWE run where he was awful. So what, they're legends. That doesn't mean they're still good in the ring.

The fact is, TNA needs younger fans to support them. Younger fans are more likely to buy the merchandise and if they target the younger audience, they have fans that they can build upon.
I would rather watch lots of things than rock n rave, the thing is though, I'd sooner watch the likes of MCMG and LAX than watch the Outsiders prove just how over the hill they are. Really, they have the names to attract the older viewers (TNA's main demo is middle-age men), but when they retire what have they. The only purpose the older generation have is to build up the new, not to hog the spotlight and keep them back. Because when they go, they have no-one waiting if they don't
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