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Time for a New TNA Champ? If So, Who?

Who Should Be The New Champ?

  • Angle

  • Cage

  • Booker

  • Sting

  • Styles

  • Storm

  • Roode

  • Rhino

  • Other/Keep Joe

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No no no, it's not that easy. You twist my words well and present them in a way that makes me look ridiculous but I am smarter than that, fortunately for you most of these others are not.

I know kayfabe, I know storyline, and how a match unfolds as the wrestlers tell the story, I know more than you probably do about the business and its history. You are a smart mark at best and simply an internet know it all that really knows very little. So you take my words, manipulate them, and think you have owned me??? That is hardly the case.

Samoa Joe sucks plain and simple and my point the whole time has been that Kevin Nash in his prime and even now at his worst is still better. I gave you the point that he can't do what a lot of guys can do in the ring, but he is a good enough performer that he can still make guys look good either way, you fail to see and realize that is a possibility, probably because your a fanboy, nothing more.

Your die hard defense of Samoa Joe is a prime example, any real wrestler, or anyone who watches wrestling as a wrestler can see he sucks. He doesn't sell well, he seems totally fake when on the mic, comes off as an asshole on the mic which I tried saying a few times already but you act like I am thinking it's real or something, no I've been saying the whole time he has shitty mic skills, and is unbelievable at best.

He does botchy moves which I've now had to say a million times because you are too thick to pick up what I'm putting down.

I tried to point out Kevin Nash's physical ability you refute that, I try to point out that despite all the crap you say about him, he has wrestled with all the best (which isn't by coincidence, meaning he must be as good as them at least, too thick for that I guess too.) you say that has no credit to him which is the furthest from the truth, you say he sucks so bad but I bet he wrestles better than you do from your computer chair acting like you know something, criticizing one of the greatest like you've accomplished something greater.

I pointed out that Samoa Joes matches are not entertaining at all because you always know he's going to win and you agree but I am still the dumb ass somehow??? That's rich!!!! You agree with one of my main points and just try to act like that isn't valid??? Yeah right, I call you on it. I point out his shitty Enzuigiri which a guy his size shouldn't be attempting and you just refer back to Kevin Nash with no defense??? Who’s the real bitch here??? Obviously you. I actually respond and give answers you just twist words and try to put on a comedy routine for the rest of the marks.

You tried to say I lie about things but I have told no lies. I spoke about Samoa Joe always winning against better talent and used Kurt Angle as an example. Kurt Angle beat him once yes in their first meeting, but they made it a screw job win which might as well not be a win at all and only made Angle, the obviously better guy, look like a bitch.

That's what I am talking about when I am talking about Joe going over even to better guys. They make him look indestructible, like he's such a bad ass that everyone has to just cheat to beat him, or when he lost the X-division title because he couldn't climb the ropes over the ring, they made it like he was better than everyone else but he just got cheated because he was too much man to climb those ropes. Yeah right.

You agree with ever thing that proves everything I said right and not radical or out there at all. But, when you were either misinterpreting what I said, or just being a douche bag all you had to rebuttal with was smart ass remarks, nothing valid at all. So how has Uncle Sam owned anybody but himself by contradicting everything he has said. You try to give an inch and take a mile.

You admitted Nash was good in the ring, just as I said he was especially for his size, never anything special true, but was good none the less, point proven.

I said Nash is obviously a bigger superstar and you agree, but try to downplay that by saying that has nothing to do with star power??? How is that??? Because you make a radical example with rapists and serial killers??? Ok. That's ******ed.

If people hear that Kevin Nash is going to be at a show they are going to buy a ticket just from hearing his name, try that with Samoa Joe, he isn't close to that yet. That's truth, not made up. And like you said Nash has been around a lot longer, so of course, Joe couldn't be close which validates everything I have been saying, and that you have been admitting for me.

You even admit that Joe doesn't get ratings, which is true then make excuses for it somehow??? Yet I am wrong and off base??? How the shit does that work??? And who’s really the out of whack one here??? I have stated all legit provable and solid stuff. All you have done is make smart ass comments that make fun of me or what I have said, nothing solid at all. So who's really talking shit and talking truth?? Obviously you are the bullshit artist and I'll give you that, you are slick, and used my words against me well, but you left yourself waaay too open, and made too many mistakes in your own words to have really dealt me up at all. Now I will continue exposing you.

So after admitting all the vital points that I made to be true which already means you were wrong and full of shit you thought that I was finished??? No not by a long shot.

Look even at the beginning of your post, you agree that Nash is a bigger name, and that by common sense means more popular, yet you go on to say that a guy who is still up and coming, not been around a fraction of the time, and doesn't even have that big a fan base is more popular??? Who is twisting their facts here??? Even common sense is a problem for you it appears, but again, I am the one who has it all confused apparently. He might in your mind or with your small group of marks and know it all fans be more popular but where it counts he's a flop.

You said in black and white “Problem was, this badass looked like he needed a piggy back ride from someone as useless as Nash, and hemiraged(Hemorrhaged is the correct spelling by the way since you felt the need to correct any of my little misspelling since your so smart, you didn’t even use it right in the sentence for what you were trying to say, fuck you suck man, try phonics next time or something.) Credibility in the process.

Let's break that down shall we class.

"Problem was," meaning he had a problem

"This bad ass looked like he needed a piggy back ride" Needed someone to help put him over, ok I got it. So far I am correct.

"From someone as useless as Nash, and hemiraged(there’s that shotty spelling again) credibility in the process." Ok, needed help from Nash and still couldn't look credible because he never was to begin with, ok. Got it. Looks like you argued well enough for me. Thanks for proving me right the whole time.

I see that you piss yourself too, how cute. You know there are meds for that. Oh yeah and for your crack addiction too. Just thought I'd help.

Well here we go again, let's see what else you said to make yourself look like an idiot.

"Nobody in TNA is marketable enough to take TNA to WCW's level. And yes, Nash used to be bigger than Joe. I admitted that. But Nash was never, ever the true number one in his company and he never truly carried a company. Guys like Hogan made him."

So here you agree with what I have been saying all along, that TNA has a shitty roster to begin with, and no star power which includes Samoa Joe. So you just proved yourself wrong right there, how again was I so off base??? OH yeah I was right, that's it, my mistake.

You even agree that Nash was bigger than Joe; you just forgot 3 words "and still is". And somehow by your book being the champion in the #1 company in the world for over a year doesn't make you the company guy and has no role in carrying the company, how lovely. I think you are the one who needs to ya know, zip back into reality.

And for the record it wasn't Hogan who made him, he was made before he got with Hogan, which was my whole point about the nWo slapnuts. Nash and Hall were already established, made, whatever you want to say, and Hogan needed to align himself with those guys which meant turning heel, I already said that but apparently you missed that point and reiterated it for me so thanks for proving me right on that one too.

It was a two way street. They both needed one for the other. Hall and Nash needed a guy as big or bigger to make it all legit, and Hogan needed a new opportunity to go over and that opportunity was the nWo with the outsiders. I think we basically have the same understanding of this but explain it differently that's all. I think we can agree that they needed each other and leave that at that.

So let's look more at your weak response. You said that Joes RNC(rear naked choke) is more convincing than a jackknife??? Ok. I thought a guy 7 ft tall picking you up over his head and slamming you like a rag doll might lay you out worse but apparently I was wrong. Yeah, there is nothing devastating about that is there, I guess it is more spectacular to see some fat tub wrap himself around another guy like he's dry humping him and act like he's choking him, as opposed to a move that looks like it really would paralyze you. I know he has another move that is supposed to be a big finish too but I have rarely seen him do it, but have never been impressed with it so don't bother trying to put it over as some big deal either, you've been shut down enough as is so far.

"He got to the top by being a decent performer, getting good opponents and politics. He had more memorable shit matches than he did memorable good matches."

Here is another instance where you shot yourself in the foot. You agree once again with me by admitting weakly that he was a good wrestler and that's how he got to the top, and I will even be nice and add that you are right about the fact that being apart of "The Click" had it's perks i.e. politics. Then you go on to say he had more shit matches than good ones which is completely improvable, least of all by you. Have you seen all his matches??? did you go to every house show? and watch every ppv? did you follow his career like a stalker to grade every match you could as crap because he was more than you ever have been, will be or, were??? You can call him a has been all you want, your never was with no credentials so why should anyone believe anything you have said. I at least know the game, how to wrestle, and the history of the business, you???

I suppose now you're going to make up a bunch of shit, and talk a bunch of shit about you did this that and the other thing, but everyone should know, it is a lie. Of course once someone calls you on it, your going to say a bunch of stuff out of spite whether it's true or not. The point is that I do know what I am talking about and you have a very weak argument and clouded perception.

HMMM what other atrocities have come out your mouth let's see.... Oh yeah you tried to say that Nash has never been able to display emotion or malice or anything like that. I think anyone who has ever watched him in WCW knows that Uncle Sam’s statement is a complete lie. Just to help you out here is a definition of Malice

Malice - desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness, evil intent on the part of a person who commits a wrongful act injurious to others, A desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite.

I guess everything with the NWO, Wolfpack, all of that doesn't count to Uncle Sam does it. After all, it's not like Hall and Nash were there to(in storyline) take over the WCW and do all of it out of pure evil, meanness and spite because they felt just could, wow I'm glad I wasn't mistaken Sam. Thanks for setting me straight. What a reject. How did you get this job anyways??? What a joke. You completely ignored an entire era of wrestling. You're starting to look less and less credible by the second, quick, go to damage control, hurry, get a fire extinguisher before you burn completely up and there is nothing left, salvage what you can, you just got smoked!!!
Scott Steiner could carry the title for at least a year and get built up as a complete powerhouse, he can do great promos and definetly has the right look. While that goes on the next champ could actually hone his skills so he wouldn't e a super anti climax like Fat Sloppy Joe was.

Next champ after Steiner has to be prepared, be able to cut killer promos and look good. Matt Morgan is a very nice pick
Steiner with a major title...how fun. I'm sure those four month he held gold when WCW was about to fold qualify him to hold a title for a year, 7 years after his last title. Hell WCW didn't even want to have him retain the title at their last show. Seriously, if people bitched about Kurt Angle having the title for too long, do you seriously think they'll give Scott Steiner a year long reign. Nash is more likely to come into gold at present than that happening, as is Booker T until they put the title on some younger guys.

Steiner is in TNA to build up their guys, pure and simple. Why else would he be given Petey Williams to mentor. Same with Nash and Joe, to bring out the best in them
Steiner was the top guy in WCW for more than a year and he was awesome in the role, he is a veteran and he could still carry a company way way better than probably anyone else in TNA except for Booker T and Kurt Angle. Nash is too old, at least he acts too old, but Steiner is still super over with real fans.

I think it's just a matter of time before Steiner gets the title to be honest because they're building him up slowly, and also Vince Russo is hot for Steiner since he kinda built him
if you read heyman hustle article he evan says who picked joe to represent todays lifestyle and what people wamt.
joe is being pushed down are throat booker t,sting,robert rood are entertaining.
steve austin,the rock and the sandman and t.dreamer revolutionized what we wanted back in the 1999s.
two beer drinking people out to have a good time,a comidean,and someone who fought the odds.
joe has no personality bes serious and talks down to hall and nash he is a fat pig.
the 2000s was revolutionized by brock lesner and evolution.
a powerful animal and a load of rich and talented ppl you want to be.
put the strap on booker or aj styles please
Yes jjis I know that TNA needs new stars but it won't just happen you know, you can't just give the belt to a fat idiot who can't do promos and say "alright Joe you're our star" the guy has to be READY!!! for it and today exactly NOBODY in TNA is ready to carry the company among the younger stars except for MAYBE Robert Roode.

And yes I know there's not a lot of years between Nash and Steiner but Nash acts super old and doesn't even color his hair, Steiner is still Big Bad Boty Daddy from 7 years ago.

God I'm so tired of smarks who thinks that all you have to do to make a new star is to give Joe Schmoe the belt, it DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!!! You have to HAVE a star to MAKE a star, and Steiner is that star who could make a star.

Face it Sloppy Joe is a big failure because he wasn't ready for it
How is Joe a failure? Joe isn't the one doing the booking. He can only work with the material he is given. He should have been given the belt last year, when he was hot coming off the series of matches with Angle. They didn't and booked him horribly after that.
Joe is a failure because he's not the LEAST bit interesting to watch, he can't do a promo to freaking save his life. Not to mention that he simply looks unhealthy, you would think that if you would become the champ of the 2nd biggest wrestling fed in America you could work out a little.

Yeah Joe has to work with what he gets but it's HIS job to at least try and make it work and he simply doesn't, God his lack of charisma makes me change the channel when he's on, Joe was simply not ready for the belt and I hope for his sake he loses it soon
Dusty Rhodes had quite a nice career looking worse than Joe does. Maybe Steiner can give Joe some of his special "vitamins".
Dusty Rhodes had great charisma and can do great promos, and it looks like Samoa Joe eat too much vitamins already because if you use anabolic steroids and don't work out you only gain fat... So hmmmmm?

It would seriously be best for Joe to just drop the title, work some more and really practice practice practice on charisma and promos because if he get to keep the title more while nobody cares, he might get a big brand on him saying "NEVER PUT THE BELT ON THIS GUY AGAIN" And I'm sure neither Fat Sloppy Joe or his fans would like that.
Seriosly people need to get over how Joe looks as it clearly doesnt hinder him when it comes to in ring performance, unlike some other stars, im afraid to say like Steiner. Dont get me wrong i like him but he does blow up after a couple of minutes sometimes where as Joe has gone upto an hour in previos occasions. Also i never understand why people have a problem with his promo work as for me its very good, he is confident, gets his points across clearly and has a determination that is believable, what more can you ask for.

Im fine with how Joes reign is, yes he did lose momentum but for me he is giving people what they claimed they wanted, a champ who wants to just get to the matches and not have to worry about giving promos left right and centre.

I know that the word going round was to have Joe vs Sting at BFG which it still coulod be but from the way things are going i wouldnt be suprised if after his feud with Angle, AJ goes on to face Joe for the title which im sure is what LOTS of people would want to see, TNA's 2 biggest original stars going at it for the main title in the biggest show of the year.
Wow, nice to see people who aren't just trying to completely degrade me. Nice conversation going on. You all raise some interesting thoughts. Steiner would be a good launch pad for someone else. You give him the belt for a month or two and get a younger guy to put over him, that's how you make credible champions, you put them over credible people. I think the deal with Joe is that he doesn't seem like a wrestler. Sure he goes out there and does wrestle but he still doesn't seem like a wrestler. He doesn't have the look plain and simple and to answer Dirtyshubb that is why everyone is hung up on that I think, is because we are all used to wrestlers being more like Scott Steiner, or Kevin Nash or Booker T. Big, ripped, and believable. Joe just looks like some guy who got off a couch and said "I can do that" and was lucky enough to actually be able to do it. I know this guys background and that's part of the only reason I speak so loudly against him. #1 he was a decent shoot wrestler in his ROH days, and was pretty good at that, it was all pure wrestling, he has pedigree and has trained with top notch guys, it's not like he did just get off the couch. But, what has been going on in TNA has been horrible. They make this guy like he's the best thing is the world and indestructible, undefeatable, unstoppable, and uncontrolable. Like he's every wrestler you ever heard of rolled into one and you've got Samoa Joe, it's too over the top. He needs to lose more, and get put in his place, people need to see him humanized, rather than acting like an out of control fat guy. I think it's his on screen attitude that really pushes me away, I just don't like the arrogance, and he's supposed to be a face. I expect to hear a lot of big talk from heels, that's what they do, talk smack. But this guy shouldn't be out there talking up how good he is he should be proving it, and not in some stunt match. In real deal matches. I know he had his series with Kurt Angle and that was good but he still cam out looking like an asshole. I want to see this guy put up or shut up.
Wow, nice to see people who aren't just trying to completely degrade me.

You degraded yourself when you claimed that Nash was halfway decent. I just drew attention to existing degradation. Can't believe the person who flamed me thinks he has the moral high ground.

Nice conversation going on. You all raise some interesting thoughts. Steiner would be a good launch pad for someone else. You give him the belt for a month or two and get a younger guy to put over him, that's how you make credible champions, you put them over credible people.

Yes, you do put them over credible people. People like Angle, Styles, Joe, Cage, even Booker T. The likes of Steiner and Nash, however, haven't been anywhere near credible for a while.

I think the deal with Joe is that he doesn't seem like a wrestler. Sure he goes out there and does wrestle but he still doesn't seem like a wrestler. He doesn't have the look plain and simple and to answer Dirtyshubb that is why everyone is hung up on that I think, is because we are all used to wrestlers being more like Scott Steiner, or Kevin Nash or Booker T. Big, ripped, and believable.

Joe's really one of a kind. He hasn't got the image, but that doesn't matter as he has the skills. Steiner can barely move and looks downright ridiculous, Nash is an old man who can't even manage to botch moves when he means to and Booker T has lost his way, but is at least functional.

Joe just looks like some guy who got off a couch and said "I can do that" and was lucky enough to actually be able to do it. I know this guys background and that's part of the only reason I speak so loudly against him. #1 he was a decent shoot wrestler in his ROH days, and was pretty good at that, it was all pure wrestling, he has pedigree and has trained with top notch guys, it's not like he did just get off the couch. But, what has been going on in TNA has been horrible. They make this guy like he's the best thing is the world and indestructible, undefeatable, unstoppable, and uncontrolable.

Well... until Uncle Kev came in the picture.

Like he's every wrestler you ever heard of rolled into one and you've got Samoa Joe, it's too over the top.

Not really, because when he was sold as all those things (pre-Nash era), he was credible as them, and he was having good and great matches consistently. Nash made those characteristics look ridiculous.

He needs to lose more, and get put in his place, people need to see him humanized, rather than acting like an out of control fat guy. I think it's his on screen attitude that really pushes me away, I just don't like the arrogance, and he's supposed to be a face. I expect to hear a lot of big talk from heels, that's what they do, talk smack. But this guy shouldn't be out there talking up how good he is he should be proving it, and not in some stunt match. In real deal matches. I know he had his series with Kurt Angle and that was good but he still cam out looking like an asshole. I want to see this guy put up or shut up.

He's lost plenty, you're just thinking too much of his unbeaten streak. Not to mention he's the champion. Angle looked ridiculous when Tomko absolutely made him his bitch, pinning him with a slow, slow count after dominating him. A champion needs credibility. The champion is meant to be the best. The best doesn't lose. And not stunt matches? You mean Nash matches, where the most complex move is a club across the back? Joe doesn't even work an aerial style - his style is one of the most entertaining in wrestling and not utilizing that would be ******ed. And I would have thought being the first champ to win the KOTM would be putting up enough, but his program with Booker will also lend him more credibility.
I actually think Joe as champion is pretty cool. A major champion that doesn't have the typical champion physique or style. He could use some help with the promos though. If I was to choose another champion it's a toss-up between either Christian or AJ Styles. There was a time when AJ was THE man, before the Prince of Phenomenal nonsense, before he was just Tomko's tag partner he was THE man. TNA looks like they're pushing him to the forefront again and that's a refreshing thought. The same could be said for Cage, before Booker, Sting, and others arrived Christian was the big arrival. He cut his promos and worked his matches and everyone got behind him and he won the NWA Title fairly quickly. He made it work the first time, I'm sure with the right opponent he could make it work again. Maybe this time as a heel.
Redone but not reduced. No poll this time. Bitches.

Samoa Joe is of course an option. You may dismiss this as a Joe hate thread. It's really not. As a matter of fact, I'd day I'm probably one of the most active Joe defenders on the internet. As you may well be aware. However, although I like Joe I don't think he is as qualified as some others to be world heavyweight champion. He's done being babysitted by Nash and he might, just might be fed a very nutritious meal in the form of Sting at Bound For Glory. It's a start. Still, no harm assessing the alternatives, is there?

Here are my choice picks:

Kurt Angle:
I am a complete Anglehead. That's not really why Kurt is here though. And no, he's not top. These choices are in no particular order. Angle is without a doubt the biggest name TNA has. Bigger than Styles, bigger than Jarrett, bigger than Cage, bigger than Joe. Bigger even than Sting or Foley. It's just common sense that your biggest draw should hold your biggest prize, whatever you think personally.

Jeff Jarrett:
Ooh, controversial. A good choice, I think. Jarrett's shown he's capable of carrying the company on his shoulders; just like Kurt did after him as a matter of fact. He's also been away for a while, so his reign would be at least a little more popular than his last one. That said, I don't think he's that great of an option, just very feasible. I think Jarrett's days of dominating TNA are over. I think he'll let Angle pin him at BFG and spend the rest of his days helping put younger talent over, just like he did with Roode. Shame about Beer Money.

Robert Roode:
While we're on the topic of Robert Roode and Beer Money, we might as well talk about Robert Roode of Beer Money. I think he'd make a fine world champion. Fine as in "mighty fine", not "fine, I guess". Despite what some will say, his gimmick is not overpowering and he plays his character really well. He's got a strong style that just doesn't get exhibited enough and I think that would really help him prosper in the top tier. I know, he's got little name value. Neither does Joe though, and I honestly think Roode would do a better job building himself up.

James Storm:
Written off as Stone Cold Lite because he drinks beer. Called a Bradshaw rip off... because he drinks beer. Called a Shark Boy copycat... because he drinks beer. Named as yet another Homer Simpson... because he drinks beer. I can keep going. Anyway, Storm gets an unnecessarily hard time because of his gimmick - someone who drinks beer. Of course, this means he's just like wrestler A and character X, right? Bollocks. He's TNA's Edge. A funny and opportunistic heel. A man who's realised much of his potential but still has more to realise. If only he were trusted, and allowed to not get tied up in the tag divison yet again.

No, I'm not shitting you. You might say Hernandez has no mic skills... as far as we know. Well, Joe certainly isn't anything exceptional on the stick. Joe's appeal is also that he's an agile big man. Well, Hernandez is the agile big man in wrestling today, capable of both a big powerbomb and leaping over the top rope and landing on his feet. He reeks of the intimidation and toughness necessary to make a great champion. He lets his moves define his character, rather than the other way around and it still works. Fuck it, you could just stick him with a mouth piece (not Hector) and I think you've got a real option.

AJ Styles:
Always a very popular choice. The most popular "homegrown" talent and an internet darling with all sorts of fans; yes, the internet is home to many diverse viewpoints despite what some would have you believe. A favourite with me even. AJ's someone everyone can be passionate about and happy with. Still, he'd be better as a short term champion in my honest opinion. A better chaser than a holder. But still, he's a real option to be TNA's next champion.

Whenever that may be.
Well I imagine it'll be Sting, at least until the iMPACT after Bound For Glory. But neither him nor Joe are worthy of the title. I guess I'm probably one of the only people on the boards who still likes Joe, but I do agree that he shouldn't be a world champion. It just hasn't worked out, a noble failure.

I also don't see what putting the title on Sting, Angle or Jarrett could achieve. All seem like pointless option. I couldn't say who they should put the title on. But I don't think they have anything to lose by putting it on somebody totally random like Storm or Roode.

The safest option is probably Styles.
I believe that the next TNA World Champion will be Sting, who will defeat Somoa Joe for the title at Bound For Glory. However Sting may end up falling victim to the famous Bound For Glory curse, in which the newly crowned champion usually loses the title fairly quickly, usually in their first defence, in which if this does occur again I believe Somoa Joe will win it back in the rematch.
I would however prefer the next TNA Champion to be Kurt Angle, as I find TNA alot more interesting when Angle is champion. This due to reasons such as Kurt being the best wrestler in the business, he always has great matches, the storylines he is involved in rarely dissapoint, and of course I am a big Angle fan.
Styles for some reason seems like a good choice.After so much bad months of crap filled with god-awful storylines AJ really deserves a run with the belt.Joe lost his spark months ago when he left the X-Divison.AJ however is MEGA-OVER.This guy gets the fans going and they love him.So basically AJ is awesome and everyone loves him.Perfect choice.

Angle dosn't need the belt and Sting......dosn't really need the belt.Why the hell is Sting getting a shot anyway?
I think that they are currently setting up for a Christian Cage heel turn and title run. Lately they've been making Christian a tweener and i think his match at bound for glory is a #1 contenders match. If so , Christian will turn heel in the match and screw AJ outta the win. At the next ppv Cage will screw Joe outta the World title. That way Joe can contiue the New guys vs Old guys storyline , And Christian can take the world title and have a seprate story line and feud to help keep impact interesting.
well to start off, for short term
i would like to see the title dropped to AJ, just because im a huge aj mark..he can hold it till they make joe a monster heel and dominate the entire TNA locker (read below for further explination hahaha)

what i would like to see in maybe a year or so....
like honestly...baby face joe = kill me now for the viewers, joe, is meant to be a heel......unfortanatly for heels, they dont get the big titles as much anymore..i remember when funk (not terry but his brother) held the title for 4 whole years as a heel.....if they wanted to do that angle, make joe an uber heel, dominate the entire tna lockerroom for a long time...(this would lose ratings short term prolly..to keep it interesting they could do like a home-town hero type thing i guess, i dont know......im not a bookie, and i dont try to be, im just stating what i would think would work) and then send someone theyve got like hernandez to go in and pull a nice win, relieving us all, and then making him a power house face.....=\
Well I think the time has come for Joe to loose the belt, he has done nothing. I dont mind Joe and I thought putting the belt on him would be a great move but to be honest hes bored me more than Angle. Ok its his first major title win and he has to carry the company more than he ever has but to me TNA has just lamed it. They could have had his faced plastered on everything, being the top babyface in TNA but thewy havent, instead they have made him half heel half face but not in a good way they have had him babysat by Nash and loose by DQ when the match has already finished. They should either turn Joe into a monster heel capable of destropying eveything like people want to see or take the belt off him. The next champ you ask? AJ Styles that man is a pure babyface and could really carry TNA as he has in the past.
I Don't what care anyone else says Daivari he could be the first man in TNA history to hold both the X-Division and Whc and the same time that would be my first choice he has an awesome gimmick which i love.
His gimmick proves racism is alive in TNA he gets the most heat right now for his whole I'm more American than you thing.
I Don't what care anyone else says Daivari he could be the first man in TNA history to hold both the X-Division and Whc and the same time that would be my first choice he has an awesome gimmick which i love.
His gimmick proves racism is alive in TNA he gets the most heat right now for his whole I'm more American than you thing.

Kurt Angle already did the whole X-Division and WHC at the same time thing. He also held the tag team titles at the time. By himself. Anyway, Daivari as world champ? Nowhere near close enough. He's a good midcarder, but stack him up against Christian, Jarrett, Styles, Joe, and Angle? Nowhere near good enough.


I full expect Sting to win at Bound for Glory. It seems like the Millionaire's Club vs New Blood is going to swing into full motion here, and the legend taking the young man's title and then subsequently gloating about it seems like the perfect way to kick it off. Sting is getting up there, and I don't think it's a bad thing for him to win the title and have a 2 or 3 month run one last time before becoming more of a manager type. Might as well get it out of him while you can. After Sting it could go back to Styles or Cage, but I wouldn't anticipate Joe grabbing it immediately.

Alternatively, Jarrett vs Sting would make a great match. Jarrett's a pretty good guy to take the title from Sting, methinks.
Yeah Joe has lost his mojo because the Three Stooges have no idea how to properly book him.

Who should Joe drop it to though? Christian Cage. If Cage plays neutral in this horrid feud, you're better off having a champion who isn't taking sides.
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