Who is your Unified Champ?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So last night at Elimination Chamber we saw Batista win the WWE championship in a surprise twist.

So what I was thinking about the entire time last night during the Smackdown chamber was that Batista was also going to win the WORLD title. How this would work is because since Batista helped Vince, he would give him both titles. It would be a great storyline. I think it would work, to be honest. I liked the idea of just one champion for both brands because, to be honest, I think it makes WWE have to work harder to have a good PPV instead of just putting a title on the line in the match and saying these two big name guys are in it and its great. NO. Titles dont make a match. Feuds do, storylines do. That is why one title would work.

So my question to you is, IF WWE did do one title who would you give it to and why??? I dont want to hear anyone say this wont happen blah blah blah. I just want to be creative here so what are your ideas?
lets see right now there are only a handful who deserve an undisputed title....HHH, Cena, Randy, Undertaker, HBK, Jericho, Batista and maybe one or two others...... they all deserve the title, have paid their dues to the business and would handle a title like that.... as you can see in my username i would naturally pick HHH because to me he s the best right now and i want him to have another reign.... but realistically they could do what they did last time.... give it to someone who is extrmely over but hasnt won the big one yet.... so i would pick christian....
Established Maint Eventer = HHH
New Up and Comer = Christian
Give Jericho the Unified Title. He's been mentioning how he was the first Unified Champ for a while and it would be poetic to make him the 1st Unified Champ, part deux.

I would love a unified champion because that would mean the end of the brand split.
I'd give it to someone like The Miz. Remember, when Jericho became Undisputed Champion, those were his FIRST World titles, and really gave him that final shove into the main event picture. I believe that someone who has never been World champ before should get both World titles if they were to ever do such a thing.
If Vince Unifieds the Heavyweight title and gives it to Batista.I think it might be a good idea.And it will make the Vince VS Bret hart storyline kind if intersting.And the E might have a way bigger Wrestlemania PPV event.

I will also like for the E to unified the heavywieght titles.Like you have said it will be way harder to get a title shot,And we will see alot of good contenders from both shows RAW and SmackDown.And by Unifing the titles we could have more midcard matches in any PPV that the WWE has.
Remember, when Jericho became Undisputed Champion, those were his FIRST World titles

No it wasn't, Jericho had helt the WCW title (WWE version) some time before he unified the titles, matter fact he won it at No Mercy 2001. (google FTW)

But Personally, I'd probably give it to CM Punk, not because I'd prefer to have him hold it, not because he's my favourite to hold it, and not because he deserves to hold it the most, but simply because to me it makes sooo much sense.

Because, after Jericho, I think CM Punk is the closest we get to someone able to really.. and I mean really.. rant about being Unified/Undisputed world champion, and I personally think it would make some absolutely AMAZING promo's from Punks side, now I didn't exactly watch wrestling around 2001/2002 when Jericho held the undisputed title, but I googled some of his promo's and such, and I absolutely loved the promo he cut with The Rock where he completely blows up screaming and yelling "I am not a joke!...." quite honestly perhaps the one promo that has send the most shivers up and down my back.

But if we're talking most deserving, I'd still like to see the Undisputed title around Jericho's waist one more time, because I find him heavily underrated world title wise.
check it out,
the RAW brand is the NFC
making John Cena the Saints
(i'd really say someone like Swagger is like the saints but i digress)

that would make the SMACKDOWN brand the AFC
making Batista the Colts

RAW has a Champion
Smackdown has a Champion too

i would keep it the way it is mostly, but
once a year, say Bragging Rights have the Champions face each other
the winner gets a new belt, the champion of champions belt.
the following year if the other brand gets the belt then they will bring back there old belt and start calling it the WWE title or World Heavyweight respectively.

the ONE and ONLY
if their was only 1 belt i would give it too christian. the man deserves. he can carry wwe for the next few years. he can sell tons of merchandise and is the best wrestler in the company and has awesome promos and is way over with the crowd.
Like ferbian I would give it to CM Punk because he has definetly deserved it he has become a wonder on the mic and since he turned heel this could give him a reason to tell people why he is better than them.
I think if WWE were to unify the titles, they could go two ways. Firstly, earn some cash by putting that title on John Cena's shoulder. I wouldn't personally like to see that, but kids would go crazy buying spinning unified title belts.

Secondly, and this is what I would like to see, is that they give that title to a heel. A heel who's sufficiently hated by the crowds already so that winning the unified title would make them boo him out of the arena. That person would be CM Punk. He should hang on to it for a while too. He can continually brag for months about how he is the only straight-edge unified world champion in history. The SES should also help him retain the title on a few occasions. Then eventually someone comes along and beats him for the title, preferably a first time champion like John Morrison or Christian.

Not only would Punk's work be golden during this time, but it would be a great way for an upcoming face to win their first world title. This is similar to JBL's reign in 2004/5, when he set up his cabinet, constantly cheated, called himself a wrestling God and lost the title ten months later to first time champion, John Cena. The difference is that this could be even better because Punk could put on better quality matches and it would be over the company's only world title.
I'm going to come out of left field with my pick, but just like Jericho wasn't expected to be the first Undisputed World Champion, I think Matt Hardy would make a good Unified World Champion.

Now, before I get bashed, hear me out.

Matt Hardy has been just below the Main Event picture ever since he came back to WWE. He's had a few flirtations with the Main Event, but nothing considered serious. Like I said earlier, his having a reign would be completely unexpected. After all, he's paid his dues, been around for years, and unlike the other three members of the E&C/Hardy Boyz Rivalry, is the only one that hasn't won "The Big One" (Remember, Christian was a multi-time NWA World Champion when he was in TNA).

He's also a good worker, over with the fans, respected by the IWC, respected by the WWE Universe, and would change the makeup of the Main Event picture as much as CM Punk did when he won his first World Championship.

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