Jeff Hardy - Drama Queen

I think we are missing something here.
he tried to get on the plane with Matt Hardy And Greg Helms. Maybe they just had a few drinks before hand,maybe Jeff wanted to get drunk, have you not gone out and thought to yourself i'm gonna get well wrecked tonight. You can't blame the guy for wanting to let off some steam, ok maybe an airport isn't the best place to do it but if you need to get your flight what can you do. Theres countless other reasons to why he could have been that intoxicated maybe he hadnt eaten at all and had a drink..... it happens
HEre my take on Jeff HArdy and the whole incident. From a personal stand point i think that Jeff is a talented guy and sure he's got demons and sometime like what happens last week it might come back to haunt him and it'S o.k because nobody got hurt and JEff was able to go back home after. But from a buisness stand point, Jeff HArdy is a liability, sure he'S popular and makes a lot of money for the company but at the same time he'S one of those guys that can bring bad publicity to the WWE at anytime.

So the question is, if you're Vince mcmahon, do you trust Jeff Hardy and give him the WWE title hoping that he doesn'T screw up or do you wait and see if Jeff can stay out of trouble for at less a year before trusting him with the WWE Title?

If i was Vince, i would probably use the wait and see approach with Jeff, let him show me that he is capable of stay out of trouble for at less a year and then maybe i would consider given a run with the WWE Title, but that just my opinion. So if you're interested try answering that question and you'll probably understand what am saying.

I'm as big of a fan of Jeff Hardy as anybody on this board but right now, i wouldn't trust him to carry to ball and represent the WWE as the champion if i was Vince Mcmahon.
Jeff Hardy deserves to be in the main event. He deserves to win the world title at least once. He wanted to wrestle since he was a kid! He started wrestling before he was 18. He has jumped of 20 foot ladders to excite us. So now he has a drink and he's hated. What the hell is wrong with you people? Who cares how he dresses? People love him. His merchandise flies off the shelves. He may not be the most technical wrestler of all times, but he has improves a lot over the past 2 years.

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